65 resultados para injury outcome


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Nisäkkäillä keskushermoston uudistuminen on rajallista. Keskushermostovamman jälkeen aktivoituu monien paranemista edistävien tekijöiden lisäksi myös estäviä tekijöitä. Monella molekyylillä, kuten laminiinilla, on keskushermoston paranemista tehostava vaikutus. Laminiinit ovat myös kehon tyvikalvojen oleellisia rakennuskomponentteja. Keskushermoston laminiinit ovat tärkeitä sikiökehityksen aikana, esimerkiksi hermosäikeiden ohjauksessa. Myöhemmin ne osallistuvat veriaivoesteen ylläpitoon sekä vammojen jälkeiseen kudosreaktioon. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessani olen selvittänyt lamiiniinien, erityisesti γ1 laminiinin ja sen KDI peptidin, ekspressiota keskushermoston vammatilanteissa. Kokeellisessa soluviljelmäasetelmassa, joka simuloi vammautunutta keskushermostoympäristöä, osoitimme että KDI peptidi voimistaa sekä hermosolujen selviytymistä että hermosäikeiden kasvua. Kainihappo on glutamaattianalogi, ja glutamaattitoksisuudella uskotaan olevan tärkeä merkitys keskushermoston eri vamma- ja sairaustilanteissa tapahtuvassa hermosolukuolemassa. Toisessa väitöskirjani osatyössä osoitimme eläinmallissa KDI peptidin suojaavan rotan aivojen hippokampuksen hermosoluja kainihapon aiheuttamalta solutuholta. Elektrofysiologisilla mittauksilla osoitimme kolmannessa osatyössäni, että KDI peptidi estää glutamaattireseptorivirtoja ja suojaa siten glutamaattitoksisuudelta. Aivoveritulpan aiheuttama aivovaurio on yleinen syy aivohalvaukseen. Viimeisessä osatyössäni tutkimme eläinmallissa laminiinien ekspressiota iskemian vaurioittamassa aivokudoksessa. Laminiiniekspression todettiin voimistuvan vaurion jälkeen sekä tyvikalvo- että soluväliainerakenteissa. Vaurion ympärillä havaittiin astrosyyttejä, jotka jo melko aikaisessa vaiheessa vamman jälkeen ekspressoivat γ1 laminiinia ja KDI peptidiä. Tästä voidaan päätellä laminiinien osallistuvan aivoiskeemisen vaurion patofysiologiaan. Yleisesti väitöskirjatyöni kartoitti laminiinien ekspressiota sekä terveessä että vammautuneessa keskushermostossa. Väitöskirjatyöni tukee hypoteesia, jonka mukaan KDI peptidi suojaa keskushermostoa vaurioilta.


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The aim of the studies was to improve the diagnostic capability of electrocardiography (ECG) in detecting myocardial ischemic injury with a future goal of an automatic screening and monitoring method for ischemic heart disease. The method of choice was body surface potential mapping (BSPM), containing numerous leads, with intention to find the optimal recording sites and optimal ECG variables for ischemia and myocardial infarction (MI) diagnostics. The studies included 144 patients with prior MI, 79 patients with evolving ischemia, 42 patients with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), and 84 healthy controls. Study I examined the depolarization wave in prior MI with respect to MI location. Studies II-V examined the depolarization and repolarization waves in prior MI detection with respect to the Minnesota code, Q-wave status, and study V also with respect to MI location. In study VI the depolarization and repolarization variables were examined in 79 patients in the face of evolving myocardial ischemia and ischemic injury. When analyzed from a single lead at any recording site the results revealed superiority of the repolarization variables over the depolarization variables and over the conventional 12-lead ECG methods, both in the detection of prior MI and evolving ischemic injury. The QT integral, covering both depolarization and repolarization, appeared indifferent to the Q-wave status, the time elapsed from MI, or the MI or ischemia location. In the face of evolving ischemic injury the performance of the QT integral was not hampered even by underlying LVH. The examined depolarization and repolarization variables were effective when recorded in a single site, in contrast to the conventional 12-lead ECG criteria. The inverse spatial correlation of the depolarization and depolarization waves in myocardial ischemia and injury could be reduced into the QT integral variable recorded in a single site on the left flank. In conclusion, the QT integral variable, detectable in a single lead, with optimal recording site on the left flank, was able to detect prior MI and evolving ischemic injury more effectively than the conventional ECG markers. The QT integral, in a single-lead or a small number of leads, offers potential for automated screening of ischemic heart disease, acute ischemia monitoring and therapeutic decision-guiding as well as risk stratification.


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IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common primary glomerulonephritis. In one third of the patients the disease progresses, and they eventually need renal replacement therapy. IgAN is in most cases a slowly progressing disease, and the prediction of progression has been difficult, and the results of studies have been conflicting. Henoch-Schönlein nephritis (HSN) is rare in adults, and prediction of the outcome is even more difficult than in IgAN. This study was conducted to evaluate the clinical and histopathological features and predictors of the outcome of IgAN and HSN diagnosed in one centre (313 IgAN patients and 38 HSN patients), and especially in patients with normal renal function at the time of renal biopsy. The study also aimed to evaluate whether there is a difference in the progression rates in four countries (259 patients from Finland, 112 from UK, 121 from Australia and 274 from Canada), and if so, can this be explained by differences in renal biopsy policy. The third aim was to measure urinary excretions of cytokines interleukin 1ß (IL-1ß) and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) in patients with IgAN and HSN and the correlations of excretion of these substances with histopathological damage and clinical factors. A large proportion of the patients diagnosed in Helsinki as having IgAN had normal renal function (161/313 patients). Four factors, (hypertension, higher amounts of urinary erythrocytes, severe arteriolosclerosis and a higher glomerular score) which independently predicted progression (logistic regression analysis), were identified in mild disease. There was geographic variability in renal survival in patients with IgAN. When age, levels of renal function, proteinuria and blood pressure were taken into account, it showed that the variability related mostly to lead-time bias and renal biopsy indications. Amount of proteinuria more than 0.4g/24h was the only factor that was significantly related to the progression of HSN. the Hypertension and the level of renal function were found to be factors predicting outcome in patients with normal renal function at the time of diagnosis. In IgAN patients, IL-1ra excretion into urine was found to be decreased as compared with HSN patients and healthy controls. Patients with a high IL-1ra/IL-1ß ratio had milder histopathological changes in renal biopsy than patients with a low/normal IL-1ra/IL-1ß ratio. It was also found that the excretion of IL-1ß and especially IL-1ra were significantly higher in women. In conclusion, it was shown that factors associated with outcome can reliably be identified even in mild cases of IgAN. Predicting outcome in adult HSN, however, remains difficult.


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Staphylococcus aureus is the second most common bloodstream isolate both in community- and hospital-acquired bacteremias. The clinical course of S. aureus bacteremia (SAB) is determined by its complications, particularly by the development of deep infections and thromboembolic events. Despite the progress of antimicrobial therapy, SAB is still associated with high mortality. However, injection drug users (IDUs) tend to have fewer complications and better prognosis than nonaddicts, especially in endocarditis. The present study was undertaken to investigate epidemiology, treatment and outcome of S. aureus bacteremia and endocarditis in Finland. In particular, differences in bacterial strains and their virulence factors, and host immune responses were compared between IDUs and nonaddicts. In Finland, 5045 SAB cases during 1995-2001 were included using the National Infectious Disease Register maintained by National Public Health Institute. The annual incidence of SAB increased, especially in elderly. While the increase in incidence may partly be explained by better reporting, it most likely reflects a growing population at risk, affected by such factors as age and/or severe comorbidity. Nosocomial infections accounted for 51% of cases, with no change in their proportion during the study period. The 28-day mortality was 17% and remained unchanged over time. A total of 381 patients with SAB were randomized to receive either standard antibiotic treatment or levofloxacin added to standard treatment. Levofloxacin combination therapy did not decrease the mortality, lower the incidence of deep infections, nor did it speed up the recovery during 3 months follow-up. However, patients with a deep infection appeared to benefit from combination therapy with rifampicin, as suggested also by experimental data. Deep infections were found in 84% of SAB patients within one week after randomization, and they appeared to be more common than previously reported. Endocarditis was observed in 74 of 430 patients (17%) with SAB, of whom 20 were IDUs and 54 nonaddicts. Right-sided involvement was diagnosed in 60% of addicts whereas 93% of nonaddicts had left-sided endocarditis. Unexpectedly, IDUs showed extracardiac deep infections, thromboembolic events and severe sepsis with the same frequency as nonaddicts. The prognosis of endocarditis was better among addicts due to their younger age and lack of underlying diseases in agreement with earlier reports. In total, all 44 IDUs with SAB were included and 20 of them had endocarditis. An equal number of nonaddicts with SAB were chosen as group matched controls. Serological tests were not helpful in identifying patients with a deep infection. No individual S. aureus strain dominated in endocarditis among addicts. Characterization of the virulence factors of bacterial strains did not reveal any significant differences in IDUs and nonaddicts.


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A total of 177 patients with primary dislocation of the patella (PDP) were admitted to two trauma centers in Helsinki, Finland during 1991 to 1992. The inclusion criteria were: 1. Acute (≤14 days old) first-time lateral dislocation of the patella. 2. No previous knee operations or major knee injuries. 3. No ligament injuries to be repaired. 4. No osteochondral fractures requiring fixation. 50 patients were excluded. 30 of these excluded patients would have met the inclusion criteria, 19 patients received treatment by consultants not involved in the study, 7 refused to participate and 4 had an erroneous randomization. 127 patients including, 82 females, were then randomized to have either tailor-made operative procedure (group O) or conservative treatment (group C). The aftercare was similar for both groups. The mean age of the patients was 20 (9-47) years. All patients were subjected to analysis of trauma history (starting position and knee movement during the dislocation), examination under anesthesia (EUA) and arthroscopy. 70 patients (52 females) were randomized by their odd year of birth to operative group O and 57 patients (30 females) by their even year of birth to conservative group C. The diagnosis of PDP was based on locked dislocation in 68 patients, on dislocatability in EUA in 47 patients, and on subluxation in EUA combined with typical intra-articular lesions in 12 patients. In group O, 63 patients had exploration of the injuries on the medial side of the knee and tailor made reconstruction added with lateral release in 54 cases. The medial injury was operated by suturing in 39 patients, by duplication in 18 patients and by additional augmentation of the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) with adductor magnus tenodesis in 6 patients. 7 patients, without locking in trauma history and only subluxation in EUA had only lateral release for realignment. In adductor magnus tenodesis the proximal end of the distal tendinous part was rerouted to the upper medial border of the patella. In the conservative group C, the treatment was adjusted to the extent of patellar displacement in EUA. Patients with dislocation in EUA had 3 weeks’ immobilization with the knee in slight flexion. Mobilization was started with a soft patellar stabilizing orthosis (PSO) used for additional three weeks. The patients with subluxation in EUA wore an orthosis for six weeks. The aftercare was similar in group O. The outcome was similar in both groups. After an average of 25 (20-45) months´ follow-up, the subjective result was better in group C in respect of the mean Hughston VAS knee score (87 for group O and 90 for group C, p=0.04, visual analog scale), but similar in terms of the patient’s own overall opinion and the mean Lysholm II knee score. Recurrent instability episodes occurred in 18 patients in group O and in 20 patients in group C. After an average of 7 (6-9) years´ follow-up, the groups did not show statistical difference either in respect of the patient’s own overall opinion, or the mean Hughston VAS and Kujala knee scores. The proportions of stable patellae was 25/70 (36%) in group O and 17/57 (30%) in group O (p=0.5). In a multivariate risk analysis, there was a correlation between low Kujala score (<90) as dependent parameter and female gender (OR: 3.5; 95% CI: 1.4-9.0), and loose body on primary radiographs (OR: 4.1; 95% CI: 1.2-15). Recurrent instability correlated with young age at the time of PDP (OR: 0.9; 95% CI: 0.8-1.0/year). Girls with open tibial apophysis had the worst prognosis for instability (88%; 95% CI: 77-98). The most common mechanisms in trauma history of the patients were movement to flexion from a straight start (78%) and movement to extension from a well-bent start (8%). Spontaneous relocation of the patella had taken place in 13/39 of girls, in 11/21 of boys, in 26/42 of women and in 17/24 of men with skeletal maturity of the tibia. The dislocation in EUA was non-rotating in 96/126 patients followed by outward rotating dislocation in 14/126 patients. Operative treatment policy in PDP is not recommended. Locking tendency of the patella in PDP depended on the skeletal maturation. Recurrence rate after PDP was higher than expected.


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During inflammation, excess production and release of matrix proteinases, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and serine proteinases, may result in dysregulated extracellular proteolysis leading to development of tissue damage. Pulmonary inflammation may play an important role in the pathogenesis of lung injury in the preterm infant. The aims of this study were to evaluate involvement of MMPs and serine proteinase trypsin in acute and chronic lung injury in preterm infants and to study the role of these enzymes in acute lung injury by means of an animal model of hyperoxic lung injury. Molecular forms and levels of MMP-2, -8, and -9, and their specific inhibitor, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP)-2, as well as trypsin were studied in tracheal aspirate fluid (TAF) samples collected from preterm infants with respiratory distress. Expression and distribution of trypsin-2 and proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) was examined in autopsy lung specimens from fetuses, from preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) or bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and from newborn infants without lung injury. We detected higher MMP-8 and trypsin-2 and lower TIMP-2 in TAF from preterm infants with more severe acute respiratory distress. Infants subsequently developing BPD had higher levels of MMP-8 and trypsin-2 early postnatally than did those who survived without this chronic lung injury. Immunohistochemically, trypsin-2 was mainly detectable in bronchial epithelium, but also in alveolar epithelium, and its expression was strongest in prolonged RDS. Since trypsin-2 is potent activator of PAR2, a G-protein coupled receptor involved in inflammation, we studied PAR2 expression in the lung. PAR2 co-localized with trypsin-2 in bronchoalveolar epithelium and its expression was significantly higher in bronchoalveolar epithelium in preterm infants with prolonged RDS than in newborn controls. In the experimental study, rats were exposed to >95% oxygen for 24, 48, and 60 hours, or room air. At 48 hours of hyperoxia, MMP-8 and trypsin levels sharply increased in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and expression of trypsin appeared in alveolar epithelium, and MMP-8 predominantly in macrophages. In conclusion, high pulmonary MMP-8 and trypsin-2 early postnatally are associated with severity of acute lung injury and subsequent development of BPD in preterm infants. In the injured preterm lung, trypsin-2 co-localizes with PAR2 in bronchoalveolar epithelium, suggesting that PAR2 activated by high levels of trypsin-2 is involved in lung inflammation associated with development of BPD. Marked increase in MMP-8 and trypsin early in the course of experimental hyperoxic lung injury suggests that these enzymes play a role in the pathogenesis of acute lung injury. Further exploration of the roles of trypsin and MMP-8 in lung injury may offer new targets for therapeutic intervention.


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Background: Brachial plexus birth palsy (BPBP) most often occurs as a result of foetal-maternal disproportion. The C5 and C6 nerve roots of the brachial plexus are most frequently affected. In contrast, roots from the C7 to Th1 that result in total injury together with C5 and C6 injury, are affected in fewer than half of the patients. BPBP was first described by Smellie in 1764. Erb published his classical description of the injury in 1874 and his name became linked with the paralysis that is associated with upper root injury. Since then, early results of brachial plexus surgery have been reasonably well documented. However, from a clinical point of view not all primary results are maintained and there is also a need for later follow-up results. In addition most of the studies that are published emanate from highly specialized clinics and no nation wide epidemiological reports are available. One of the plexus injuries is the avulsion type, in which the nerve root or roots are ruptured at the neural cord. It has been speculated whether this might cause injury to the whole neural system or whether shoulder asymmetry and upper limb inequality results in postural deformities of the spine. Alternatively, avulsion could manifest as other signs and symptoms of the whole musculoskeletal system. In addition, there is no available information covering activities of daily living after obstetric brachial plexus surgery. Patients and methods: This was a population-based cross-sectional study on all patients who had undergone brachial plexus surgery with at least 5 years of follow-up. An incidence of 3.05/1000 for BPBP was obtained from the registers for this study period. A total of 1706 BPBP patients needing hospital treatment out of 1 717 057 newborns were registered in Finland between 1971 and 1997 inclusive. Of these BPBP patients, 124 (7.3%) underwent brachial plexus surgery at a mean age of 2.8 months (range: 0.4―13.2 months). Surgery was most often performed by direct neuroraphy after neuroma resection (53%). Depending on the phase of the study, 105 to 112 patients (85-90%) participated in a clinical and radiological follow-up assessment. The mean follow up time exceeded 13 years (range: 5.0―31.5 years). Functional status of the upper extremity was evaluated using Mallet, Gilbert and Raimondi scales. Isometric strength of the upper limb, sensation of the hand and stereognosis were evaluated for both the affected and unaffected sides then the differences and their ratios were calculated and recorded. In addition to the upper extremity, assessment of the spine and lower extremities were performed. Activities of daily living (ADL), participation in normal physical activities, and the use of physiotherapy and occupational therapy were recorded in a questionnaire. Results: The unaffected limb functioned as the dominant hand in all, except four patients. The mean length of the affected upper limb was 6 cm (range: 1-13.5 cm) shorter in 106 (95%) patients. Shoulder function was recorded as a mean Mallet score of 3 (range: 2―4) which was moderate. Both elbow function and hand function were good. The mean Gilbert elbow scale value was 3 (range: -1―5) and the mean Raimondi hand scale was 4 (range:1―5). One-third of the patients experienced pain in the affected limb including all those patients (n=9) who had clavicular non-union resulting from surgery. A total of 61 patients (57%) had an active shoulder external rotation of less than 0° and an active elbow extension deficiency was noted in 82 patients (77%) giving a mean of 26° (range: 5°―80°). In all, expect two patients, shoulder external rotation strength at a mean ratio 35% (range: 0―83%) and in all patients elbow flexion strength at a mean ratio of 41% (range: 0―79%) were impaired compared to the unaffected side. According to radiographs, incongruence of the glenohumeral joint was noted in 15 (16%) patients, whereas incongruence of the radiohumeral joint was found in 20 (21%) patients. Fine sensation was normal for 34/49 (69%) patients with C5-6 injury, for 15/31 (48%) with C5-7 and for only 8/25 (32%) of patients with total injury. Loss of protective sensation or absent sensation was noted in some palmar areas of the hand for 12/105 patients (11%). Normal stereognosis was recorded for 88/105 patients (84%). No significant inequalities in leg length were found and the incidence of structural scoliosis (1.7%) did not differ from that of the reference population. Nearly half of the patients (43%) had asynchronous motion of the upper limbs during gait, which was associated with impaired upper limb function. Data obtained from the completed questionnaires indicated that two thirds (63%) of the patients were satisfied with the functional outcome of the affected hand although one third of all patients needed help with ADL. Only a few patients were unable to participate in physical activities such as: bicycling, cross-country skiing or swimming. However, 71% of the patients reported problems related to the affected upper limb, such as muscle weakness and/or joint stiffness during the aforementioned activities. Incongruity of the radiohumeral joints, extent of the injury, avulsion type injury, age less than three months of age at the time of plexus surgery and inexperience of the surgeon was related to poor results as determined by multivariate analyses. Conclusions: Most of the patients had persistent sequelae, especially of shoulder function. Almost all measurements for the total injury group were poorer compared with those of the C5-6 type injury group. Most of the patients had asymmetry of the shoulder region and a shorter affected upper limb, which is a probable reason for having an abnormal gait. However, BPBP did not have an effect on normal growth of the lower extremities or the spine. Although, participation in physical activities was similar to that of the normal population, two-thirds of the patients reported problems. One-third of the patients needed help with ADL. During the period covered by this study, 7.3% BPBP of patients that needed hospital treatment had a brachial plexus operation, which amounts to fewer than 10 operations per year in Finland. It seems that better results of obstetric plexus surgery and more careful follow-up including opportunities for late reconstructive procedures will be expected, if the treatment is solely concentrated on by a few specialised teams.


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Acute knee injury is a common event throughout life, and it is usually the result of a traffic accident, simple fall, or twisting injury. Over 90% of patients with acute knee injury undergo radiography. An overlooked fracture or delayed diagnosis can lead to poor patient outcome. The major aim of this thesis was retrospectively to study imaging of knee injury with a special focus on tibial plateau fractures in patients referred to a level-one trauma center. Multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) findings of acute knee trauma were studied and compared to radiography, as well as whether non-contrast MDCT can detect cruciate ligaments with reasonable accuracy. The prevalence, type, and location of meniscal injuries in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were evaluated, particularly in order to assess the prevalence of unstable meniscal tears in acute knee trauma with tibial plateau fractures. The possibility to analyze with conventional MRI the signal appearance of menisci repaired with bioabsorbable arrows was also studied. The postoperative use of MDCT was studied in surgically treated tibial plateau fractures: to establish the frequency and indications of MDCT and to assess the common findings and their clinical impact in a level-one trauma hospital. This thesis focused on MDCT and MRI of knee injuries, and radiographs were analyzed when applica-ble. Radiography constitutes the basis for imaging acute knee injury, but MDCT can yield information beyond the capabilities of radiography. Especially in severely injured patients , sufficient radiographs are often difficult to obtain, and in those patients, radiography is unreliable to rule out fractures. MDCT detected intact cruciate ligaments with good specificity, accuracy, and negative predictive value, but the assessment of torn ligaments was unreliable. A total of 36% (14/39) patients with tibial plateau fracture had an unstable meniscal tear in MRI. When a meniscal tear is properly detected preoperatively, treatment can be combined with primary fracture fixation, thus avoiding another operation. The number of meniscal contusions was high. Awareness of the imaging features of this meniscal abnormality can help radiologists increase specificity by avoiding false-positive findings in meniscal tears. Postoperative menisci treated with bioabsorbable arrows showed no difference, among different signal intensities in MRI, among menisci between patients with operated or intact ACL. The highest incidence of menisci with an increased signal intensity extending to the meniscal surface was in patients whose surgery was within the previous 18 months. The results may indicate that a rather long time is necessary for menisci to heal completely after arrow repair. Whether the menisci with an increased signal intensity extending to the meniscal surface represent improper healing or re-tear, or whether this is just the earlier healing feature in the natural process remains unclear, and further prospective studies are needed to clarify this. Postoperative use of MDCT in tibial plateau fractures was rather infrequent even in this large trauma center, but when performed, it revealed clinically significant information, thus benefitting patients in regard to treatment.


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Serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vitamin D are the major regulators of extracellular calcium homeostasis. The inverse association between PTH and vitamin D and the common age-related elevation of the PTH concentration are well known phenomena. However, the confounding or modifying factors of this relationship and their impact on the response of PTH levels to vitamin D supplementation need further investigation. Clinical conditions such as primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT), renal failure and vitamin D deficiency, characterized by an elevation of the PTH concentration, have been associated with impaired long-term health outcomes. Curative treatments for these conditions have also been shown to decreases PTH concentration and attenuate some of the adverse health effects. In PHPT it has also been commonly held that hypercalcaemia, the other hallmark of the disease, is the key mediator of the adverse health outcomes. In chronic kidney disease the systemic vascular disease has been proposed to have the most important impact on general health. Some evidence also indicates that vitamin D may have significant extraskeletal actions. However, the frank elevation of PTH concentration seen in advanced PHPT and in end-stage renal failure have also been suggested to be at least partly causally related to an increased risk of death as well as cognitive dysfunction. However, the exact mechanisms have remained unclear. Furthermore, the predictive value of elevated PTH in unselected older populations has been less well studied. The studies presented in this thesis investigated the impact of age and mobility on the responses of PTH levels to vitamin D deficiency and supplementation. Furthermore, the predictive value of PTH for long-term survival and cognitive decline was addressed in an unselected population of older people. The hypothesis was that age and chronic immobility are related to a persistently blunted elevation of PTH concentration, even in the presence of chronic vitamin D deficiency, and to attenuated responses of PTH to vitamin D supplementation. It was also further hypothesized that a slightly elevated or even high-normal PTH concentration is an independent indicator of an increased risk of death and cognitive decline in the general aged population. The data of this thesis are based on three samples: a meta-analysis of published vitamin D supplementation trials, a randomized placebo controlled six-month vitamin D supplementation trial, and a longitudinal prospective cohort study on a general aged population. Based on a PubMed search, a meta-analysis of 52 clinical trials with 6 290 adult participants was performed to evaluate the impact of age and immobility on the responses of PTH to 25-OHD levels and vitamin D supplementation. A total of 218 chronically immobile, very old inpatients were also enrolled into a vitamin D supplementation trial. Mortality data for these patients was also collected after a two-year follow-up. Finally, data from the Helsinki Aging Study, which followed three random age cohorts (75, 80 and 85 years) until death in almost all subjects, was used to evaluate the predictive value of PTH for long-term survival and cognitive decline. This series of studies demonstrated that in older people without overt renal failure or severe hypercalcaemia, serum 25-OHD and PTH were closely associated, but this relationship was also affected by age and immobility. Furthermore, a substantial proportion of old chronically bedridden patients did not respond to vitamin D deficiency by elevating PTH, and the effect of a high-dose (1200 IU/d) six-month cholecalciferol supplementation on the PTH concentration was minor. This study demonstrated longitudinally for the first time that the blunted PTH also persisted over time. Even a subtle elevation of PTH to high-normal levels predicted impaired long-term health outcomes. Slightly elevated PTH concentrations indicated an increased risk of clinically significant cognitive decline and death during the last years of life in a general aged population. This association was also independent of serum ionized calcium (Ca2+) and the estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR). A slightly elevated PTH also indicated impaired two-year survival during the terminal years of frail elderly subjects independently of Ca2+, GFR, and of 25-OHD levels. The interplay between PTH and vitamin D in the regulation of calcium homeostasis is more complex than has been generally considered. In addition to muskuloskeletal health parathyroid hormone is also related to the maintenance of other important domains of health in old age. Higher PTH concentrations, even within conventional laboratory reference ranges, seem to be an independent indicator of an increased risk of all-cause and of cardiovascular mortality, independently of established cardiovascular risk factors, disturbances in mineral metabolism, and renal failure. Limited and inconsistent evidence supports the role of vitamin D deficiency-related lack of neuroprotective effects over the causal association between PTH and impaired cognitive functions. However, the causality of these associations remains unclear. The clinical implications of the observed relationships remain to be elucidated by future studies interfering with PTH concentrations, especially by long-term interventions to reduce PTH.


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Myocardial infarction (MI) and heart failure are major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Treatment of MI involves early restoration of blood flow to limit infarct size and preserve cardiac function. MI leads to left ventricular remodeling, which may eventually progress to heart failure, despite the established pharmacological treatment of the disease. To improve outcome of MI, new strategies for protecting the myocardium against ischemic injury and enhancing the recovery and repair of the infarcted heart are needed. Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is a stress-responsive and cytoprotective enzyme catalyzing the degradation of heme into the biologically active reaction products biliverdin/bilirubin, carbon monoxide (CO) and free iron. HO-1 plays a key role in maintaining cellular homeostasis by its antiapoptotic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative and proangiogenic properties. The present study aimed, first, at evaluating the role of HO-1 as a cardioprotective and prohealing enzyme in experimental rat models and at investigating the potential mechanisms mediating the beneficial effects of HO-1 in the heart. The second aim was to evaluate the role of HO-1 in 231 critically ill intensive care unit (ICU) patients by investigating the association of HO-1 polymorphisms and HO-1 plasma concentrations with illness severity, organ dysfunction and mortality throughout the study population and in the subgroup of cardiac patients. We observed in an experimental rat MI model, that HO-1 expression was induced in the infarcted rat hearts, especially in the infarct and infarct border areas. In addition, pre-emptive HO-1 induction and CO donor pretreatment promoted recovery and repair of the infarcted hearts by differential mechanisms. CO promoted vasculogenesis and formation of new cardiomyocytes by activating c-kit+ stem/progenitor cells via hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha, stromal cell-derived factor 1 alpha (SDF-1a) and vascular endothelial growth factor B, whereas HO-1 promoted angiogenesis possibly via SDF-1a. Furthermore, HO-1 protected the heart in the early phase of infarct healing by increasing survival and proliferation of cardiomyocytes. The antiapoptotic effect of HO-1 persisted in the late phases of infarct healing. HO-1 also modulated the production of extracellular matrix components and reduced perivascular fibrosis. Some of these beneficial effects of HO-1 were mediated by CO, e.g. the antiapoptotic effect. However, CO may also have adverse effects on the heart, since it increased the expression of extracellular matrix components. In isolated perfused rat hearts, HO-1 induction improved the recovery of postischemic cardiac function and abrogated reperfusion-induced ventricular fibrillation, possibly in part via connexin 43. We found that HO-1 plasma levels were increased in all critically ill patients, including cardiac patients, and were associated with the degree of organ dysfunction and disease severity. HO-1 plasma concentrations were also higher in ICU and hospital nonsurvivors than in survivors, and the maximum HO-1 concentration was an independent predictor of hospital mortality. Patients with the HO-1 -413T/GT(L)/+99C haplotype had lower HO-1 plasma concentrations and lower incidence of multiple organ dysfunction. However, HO-1 polymorphisms were not associated with ICU or hospital mortality. The present study shows that HO-1 is induced in response to stress in both experimental animal models and severely ill patients. HO-1 played an important role in the recovery and repair of infarcted rat hearts. HO-1 induction and CO donor pretreatment enhanced cardiac regeneration after MI, and HO-1 may protect against pathological left ventricular remodeling. Furthermore, HO-1 induction potentially may protect against I/R injury and cardiac dysfunction in isolated rat hearts. In critically ill ICU patients, HO-1 plasma levels correlate with the degree of organ dysfunction, disease severity, and mortality, suggesting that HO-1 may be useful as a marker of disease severity and in the assessment of outcome of critically ill patients.


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Acute heart failure (AHF) is a complex syndrome associated with exceptionally high mortality. Still, characteristics and prognostic factors of contemporary AHF patients have been inadequately studied. Kidney function has emerged as a very powerful prognostic risk factor in cardiovascular disease. This is believed to be the consequence of an interaction between the heart and kidneys, also termed the cardiorenal syndrome, the mechanisms of which are not fully understood. Renal insufficiency is common in heart failure and of particular interest for predicting outcome in AHF. Cystatin C (CysC) is a marker of glomerular filtration rate with properties making it a prospective alternative to the currently used measure creatinine for assessment of renal function. The aim of this thesis is to characterize a representative cohort of patients hospitalized for AHF and to identify risk factors for poor outcome in AHF. In particular, the role of CysC as a marker of renal function is evaluated, including examination of the value of CysC as a predictor of mortality in AHF. The FINN-AKVA (Finnish Acute Heart Failure) study is a national prospective multicenter study conducted to investigate the clinical presentation, aetiology and treatment of, as well as concomitant diseases and outcome in, AHF. Patients hospitalized for AHF were enrolled in the FINN-AKVA study, and mortality was followed for 12 months. The mean age of patients with AHF is 75 years and they frequently have both cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular co-morbidities. The mortality after hospitalization for AHF is high, rising to 27% by 12 months. The present study shows that renal dysfunction is very common in AHF. CysC detects impaired renal function in forty percent of patients. Renal function, measured by CysC, is one of the strongest predictors of mortality independently of other prognostic risk markers, such as age, gender, co-morbidities and systolic blood pressure on admission. Moreover, in patients with normal creatinine values, elevated CysC is associated with a marked increase in mortality. Acute kidney injury, defined as an increase in CysC within 48 hours of hospital admission, occurs in a significant proportion of patients and is associated with increased short- and mid-term mortality. The results suggest that CysC can be used for risk stratification in AHF. Markers of inflammation are elevated both in heart failure and in chronic kidney disease, and inflammation is one of the mechanisms thought to mediate heart-kidney interactions in the cardiorenal syndrome. Inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) correlate very differently to markers of cardiac stress and renal function. In particular, TNF-α showed a robust correlation to CysC, but was not associated with levels of NT-proBNP, a marker of hemodynamic cardiac stress. Compared to CysC, the inflammatory markers were not strongly related to mortality in AHF. In conclusion, patients with AHF are elderly with multiple co-morbidities, and renal dysfunction is very common. CysC demonstrates good diagnostic properties both in identifying impaired renal function and acute kidney injury in patients with AHF. CysC, as a measure of renal function, is also a powerful prognostic marker in AHF. CysC shows promise as a marker for assessment of kidney function and risk stratification in patients hospitalized for AHF.