89 resultados para Orthogonal Activation Functions


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Wound healing is a complex process that requires an interplay between several cell types. Classically, fibroblasts have been viewed as producers of extracellular matrix, but more recently they have been recognized as orchestrators of the healing response, promoting and directing, inflammation and neovascularization processes. Compared to those from healthy tissue, inflammation-associated fibroblasts display a dramatically altered phenotype and have been described as sentinel cells, able to switch to an immunoregulatory profile on cue. However, the activation mechanism still remains largely uncharacterized. Nemosis is a model for stromal fibroblast activation. When normal human primary fibroblasts are deprived of growth support they cluster, forming multicellular spheroids. Clustering results in upregulation of proinflammatory markers such as cyclooxygenase-2 and secretion of prostaglandins, proteinases, cytokines, and growth factors. Fibroblasts in nemosis induce wound healing and tumorigenic responses in many cell types found in inflammatory and tumor microenvironments. This study investigated the effect of nemotic fibroblasts on two components of the vascular system, leukocytes and endothelium, and characterized the inflammation-promoting responses that arose in these cell types. Fibroblasts in nemosis were found to secrete an array of chemotactic cytokines and attract leukocytes, as well as promote their adhesion to the endothelium. Nuclear factor-kB, the master regulator of many inflammatory responses, is activated in nemotic fibroblasts. Nemotic fibroblasts are known to produce large amounts of hepatocyte growth factor, a motogenic and angiogenic factor. Also, as shown in this study, they produce vascular endothelial growth factor. These two factors induced migratory and sprouting responses in endothelial cells, both required for neovascularization. Nemotic fibroblasts also caused a decrease in the expression of adherens and tight junction components on the surface of endothelial cells. The results allow the conclusion that fibroblasts in nemosis share many similarities with inflammation-associated fibroblasts. Both inflammation and stromal fibroblasts are known to be involved in tumorigenesis and tumor progression. Nemosis may be viewed as a model for stromal fibroblast activation, or it may correlate with cell-cell interactions between adjacent fibroblasts in vivo. Nevertheless, due to nemosis-derived production of proinflammatory cytokines and growth factors, fibroblast nemosis may have therapeutic potential as an inducer of controlled tissue repair. Knowledge of stromal fibroblast activation gained through studies of nemosis, could provide new strategies to control unwanted inflammation and tumor progression.


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Proteolysis is important in bacterial pathogenesis and colonization of animal and plant hosts. In this work I have investigated the functions of the bacterial outer membrane proteases, omptins, of Yersinia pestis and Salmonella enterica. Y. pestis is a zoonotic pathogen that causes plague and has evolved from gastroenteritis-causing Yersinia pseudotuberculosis about 13 000 years ago. S. enterica causes gastroenteritis and typhoid fever in humans. Omptins are transmembrane β-barrels with ten antiparallel β-strands and five surface-exposed loops. The loops are important in substrate recognition, and variation in the loop sequences leads to different substrate selectivities between omptins, which makes omptins an ideal platform to investigate functional adaptation and to alter their polypeptide substrate preferences. The omptins Pla of Y. pestis and PgtE of S. enterica are 75% identical in their amino acid sequences. Pla is a multifunctional protein with proteolytic and non-proteolytic functions, and it increases bacterial penetration and proliferation in the host. Functions of PgtE increase migration of S. enterica in vivo and bacterial survival in mouse macrophages, thus enhancing bacterial spread within the host. Mammalian plasminogen/fibrinolytic system maintains the balance between coagulation and fibrinolysis and participates in several cellular processes, e.g., cell migration and degradation of extracellular matrix proteins. This system consists of activation cascades, which are strictly controlled by several regulators, such as plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1), α2-antiplasmin (α2AP), and thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI). This work reveals novel interactions of the omptins of Y. pestis and S. enterica with the regulators of the plasminogen/fibrinolytic system: Pla and PgtE inactivate PAI-1 by cleavage at the reactive site peptide bond, and degrade TAFI, preventing its activation to TAFIa. Structure-function relationship studies with Pla showed that threonine 259 of Pla is crucial in plasminogen activation, as it prevents degradation of the plasmin catalytic domain by the omptin and thus maintains plasmin stability. In this work I constructed chimeric proteins between Pla and Epo of Erwinia pyrifoliae that share 78% sequence identity to find out which amino acids and regions in Pla are important for its functions. Epo is neither a plasminogen activator nor an invasin, but it degrades α2AP and PAI-1. Cumulative substitutions towards Pla sequence turned Epo into a Pla-like protein. In addition to threonine 259, loops 3 and 5 are critical in plasminogen activation by Pla. Turning Epo into an invasin required substitution of 31 residues located at the extracellular side of the Epo protein above the lipid bilayer, and also of the β1-strand in the N-terminal transmembrane region of the protein. These studies give an example of how omptins adapt to novel functions that advantage their host bacteria in different ecological niches.


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Bacterial surface-associated proteins are important in communication with the environment and bacteria-host interactions. In this thesis work, surface molecules of Lactobacillus crispatus important in host interaction were studied. The L. crispatus strains of the study were known from previous studies to be efficient in adhesion to intestinal tract and ECM. L. crispatus JCM 5810 possess an adhesive surface layer (S-layer) protein, whose functions and domain structure was characterized. We cloned two S-layer protein genes (cbsA; collagen-binding S-layer protein A and silent cbsB) and identified the protein region in CbsA important for adhesion to host tissues, for polymerization into a periodic layer as well as for attachment to the bacterial cell surface. The analysis was done by extensive mutation analysis and by testing His6-tagged fusion proteins from recombinant Escherichia coli as well as by expressing truncated CbsA peptides on the surface of Lactobacillus casei. The N-terminal region (31-274) of CbsA showed efficient and specific binding to collagens, laminin and extracellular matrix on tissue sections of chicken intestine. The N-terminal region also contained the information for formation of periodic S-layer polymer. This region is bordered at both ends by a conserved short region rich in valines, whose substitution to leucines drastically affected the periodic polymer structure. The mutated CbsA proteins that failed to form a periodic polymer, did not bind collagens, which indicates that the polymerized structure of CbsA is needed for collagen-binding ability. The C-terminal region, which is highly identical in S-layer proteins of L. crispatus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus helveticus, was shown to anchor the protein to the bacterial cell wall. The C-terminal CbsA peptide specifically bound to bacterial teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acids. In conclusion, the N-terminal domain of the S-layer protein of L. crispatus is important for polymerization and adhesion to host tissues, whereas the C-terminal domain anchors the protein to bacterial cell-wall teichoic acids. Lactobacilli are fermentative organisms that effectively lower the surrounding pH. While this study was in progress, plasminogen-binding proteins enolase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) were identified in the extracellular proteome of L. crispatus ST1. In this work, the cell-wall association of enolase and GAPDH were shown to rely on pH-reversible binding to the cell-wall lipoteichoic acids. Enolase from L. crispatus was functionally compared with enolase from L. johnsonii as well as from pathogenic streptococci (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes) and Staphylococcus aureus. His6-enolases from commensal lactobacilli bound human plasminogen and enhanced its activation by human plasminogen activators similarly to, or even better than, the enolases from pathogens. Similarly, the His6-enolases from lactobacilli exhibited adhesive characteristics previously assigned to pathogens. The results call for more detailed analyses of the role of the host plasminogen system in bacterial pathogenesis and commensalism as well of the biological role and potential health risk of the extracellular proteome in lactobacilli.


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Neurotrophic factors (NTFs) and the extracellular matrix (ECM) are important regulators of axonal growth and neuronal survival in mammalian nervous system. Understanding of the mechanisms of this regulation is crucial for the development of posttraumatic therapies and drug intervention in the injured nervous system. NTFs act as soluble, target-derived extracellular regulatory molecules for a wide range of physiological functions including axonal guidance and the regulation of programmed cell death in the nervous system. The ECM determines cell adhesion and regulates multiple physiological functions via short range cell-matrix interactions. The present work focuses on the mechanisms of the action of NTFs and the ECM on axonal growth and survival of cultured sensory neurons from dorsal root ganglia (DRG). We first examined signaling mechanisms of the action of the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family ligands (GFLs) on axonal growth. GDNF, neurturin (NRTN) and artemin (ART) but not persephin (PSPN) promoted axonal initiation in cultured DRG neurons from young adult mice. This effect required Src family kinase (SFK) activity. In neurons from GFRalpha2-deficient mice, NRTN did not significantly promote axonal initiation. GDNF and NRTN induced extensive lamellipodia formation on neuronal somata and growth cones. This study suggested that GDNF, NRTN and ARTN may serve as stimulators of nerve regeneration under posttraumatic conditions. Consequently we studied the convergence of signaling pathways induced by NTFs and the ECM molecule laminin in the intracellular signaling network that regulates axonal growth. We demonstrated that co-stimulation of DRG neurons with NTFs (GDNF, NRTN or nerve growth factor (NGF)) and laminin leads to axonal growth that requires activation of SFKs. A different, SFK-independent signaling pathway evoked axonal growth on laminin in the absence of the NTFs. In contrast, axonal branching was regulated by SFKs both in the presence and in the absence of NGF. We proposed and experimentally verified a Boolean model of the signaling network triggered by NTFs and laminin. Our results put forward an approach for predictable, Boolean logics-driven pharmacological manipulation of a complex signaling network. Finally we found that N-syndecan, the receptor for the ECM component HB-GAM was required for the survival of neonatal sensory neurons in vitro. We demonstrated massive cell death of cultured DRG neurons from mice deficient in the N-syndecan gene as compared to wild type controls. Importantly, this cell death could not be prevented by NGF the neurotrophin which activates multiple anti-apoptotic cascades in DRG neurons. The survival deficit was observed during first postnatal week. By contrast, DRG neurons from young adult N-syndecan knock-out mice exhibited normal survival. This study identifies a completely new syndecan-dependent type of signaling that regulates cell death in neurons.


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The growth factors of the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family consisting of GDNF, neurturin (NRTN), artemin (ARTN) and persephin (PSPN), are involved in the development, differentiation and maintenance of many types of neurons. They also have important functions outside the nervous system in the development of kidney, testis and thyroid gland. Each of these GFLs preferentially binds to one of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored GDNF family receptors α (GFRα). GDNF binds to GFRα1, NRTN to GFRα2, ARTN to GFRα3 and PSPN to GFRα4. The GFLs in the complex with their cognate GFRα receptors all bind to and signal through the receptor tyrosine kinase RET. Alternative splicing of the mouse GFRα4 gene yields three splice isoforms. These had been described as putative GPI-anchored, transmembrane and soluble forms. My goal was to characterise the function of the different forms of mouse GFRα4. I firstly found that the putative GPI-anchored GFRα4 (GFRα4-GPI) is glycosylated, membrane-bound, GPI-anchored and interacts with PSPN and RET. We also showed that mouse GFRα4-GPI mediates PSPN-induced phosphorylation of RET, promotes PSPN-dependent neuronal differentiation of the rat pheochromocytoma cell line PC6-3 and PSPN-dependent survival of cerebellar granule neurons (CGN). However, although this receptor can mediate PSPN-signalling and activate RET, GFRα4-GPI does not recruit RET into lipid rafts. The recruitment of RET into lipid rafts has previously been thought to be a crucial event for GDNF- and GFL-mediated signalling via RET. I secondly demonstrated that the putative transmembrane GFRα4 (GFRα4-TM) is indeed a real transmembrane GFRα4 protein. Although it has a weak binding capacity for PSPN, it can not mediate PSPN-dependent phosphorylation of RET, neuronal differentiation or survival. These data show that GFRα4-TM is inactive as a receptor for PSPN. Surprisingly, GFRα4-TM can negatively regulate PSPN-mediated signalling via GFRα4-GPI. GFRα4-TM interacts with GFRα4-GPI and blocks PSPN-induced phosphorylation of RET, neuronal differentiation as well as survival. Taken together, our data show that GFRα4-TM may act as a dominant negative inhibitor of PSPN-mediated signaling. The most exciting part of my work was the finding that the putative soluble GFRα4 (GFRα4-sol) can form homodimers and function as an agonist of the RET receptor. In the absence of PSPN, GFRα4-sol can promote the phosphorylation of RET, trigger the activation of the PI-3K/AKT pathway, induce neuronal differentiation and support the survival of CGN. Our findings are in line with a recent publication showing the GFRα4-sol might contribute to the inherited cancer syndrome multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2. Our data provide an explanation to how GFRα4-sol may cause or modify the disease. Mammalian GFRα4 receptors all lack the first Cys-rich domain which is present in other GFRα receptors. In the final part of my work I have studied the function of this particular domain. I created a truncated GFRα1 construct lacking the first Cys-rich domain. Using binding assays in both cellular and cell-free systems, phosphorylation assays with RET, as well as neurite outgrowth assays, we found that the first Cys-rich domain contributes to an optimal function of GFRα1, by stabilizing the interaction between GDNF and GFRα1.


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Bone is a mineralized tissue that enables multiple mechanical and metabolic functions to be carried out in the skeleton. Bone contains distinct cell types: osteoblasts (bone-forming cells), osteocytes (mature osteoblast that embedded in mineralized bone matrix) and the osteoclasts (bone-resorbing cells). Remodelling of bone begins early in foetal life, and once the skeleton is fully formed in young adults, almost all of the metabolic activity is in this form. Bone is constantly destroyed or resorbed by osteoclasts and then replaced by osteoblasts. Many bone diseases, i.e. osteoporosis, also known as bone loss, typically reflect an imbalance in skeletal turnover. The cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and the cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) are second messengers involved in a variety of cellular responses to such extracellular agents as hormones and neurotransmitters. In the hormonal regulation of bone metabolism, i.e. via parathyroid hormone (PTH), parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrp) and prostaglandin E2 signal via cAMP. cAMP and cGMP are formed by adenylate and guanylate cyclases and are degraded by phosphodiesterases (PDEs). PDEs determine the amplitudes of cyclic nucleotide-mediated hormonal responses and modulate the duration of the signal. The activities of the PDEs are regulated by multiple inputs from other signalling systems and are crucial points of cross-talk between the pathways. Food-derived bioactive peptides are reported to express a variety of functions in vivo. The angiotensin-converting enzymes (ACEs) are involved in the regulation of the specific maturation or degradation of a number of mammalian bioactive peptides. The bioactive peptides offer also a nutriceutical and a nutrigenomic aspect to bone cell biology. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of PDEs and bioactive peptides on the activation and the differentiation of human osteoblast cells. The profile of PDEs in human osteoblast-like cells and the effect of glucocorticoids on the function of cAMP PDEs, were investigated at the mRNA and enzyme levels. The effects of PDEs on bone formation and osteoblast gene expression were determined with chemical inhibitors and siRNAs (short interfering RNAs). The influence of bioactive peptides on osteoblast gene expression and proliferation was studied at the mRNA and cellular levels. This work provides information on how PDEs are involved in the function and the differentiation of osteoblasts. The findings illustrate that gene-specific silencing with an RNA interference (RNAi) method is useful in inhibiting, the gene expression of specific PDEs and further, PDE7 inhibition upregulates several osteogenic genes and increases bALP activity and mineralization in human mesenchymal stem cells-derived osteoblasts. PDEs appear to be involved in a mechanism by which glucocorticoids affect cAMP signaling. This may provide a potential route in the formation of glucocorticoid-induced bone loss, involving the down-regulation of cAMP-PDE. PDEs may play an important role in the regulation of osteoblastic differentiation. Isoleucine-proline-proline (IPP), a bioactive peptide, possesses the potential to increase osteoblast proliferation, differentiation and signalling.


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Refractive errors, especially myopia, seem to increase worldwide. Concurrently, the number of surgical refractive corrections has increased rapidly, with several million procedures performed annually. However, excimer laser surgery was introduced after a limited number of studies done with animals and to date there still are only few long-term follow-up studies of the results. The present thesis aims to evaluate the safety and functional outcome of, as well as to quantify the cellular changes and remodelling in the human cornea after, photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). These procedures are the two most common laser surgical refractive methods. In Study I, myopic ophthalmic residents at Helsinki University Eye Hospital underwent a refractive correction by PRK. Five patients were followed up for 6 months to assess their subjective experience in hospital work and their performance in car driving simulator and in other visuomotor functions. Corneal morphological changes were assessed by in vivo confocal microscopy (ivCM). Study II comprised 14 patients who had undergone a PRK operation in 1993-1994. Visual acuity was examined and ivCM examinations performed 5 years postoperatively. In Study III 15 patients received LASIK refractive correction for moderate to high myopia (-6 - -12 D). Their corneal recovery was followed by ivCM for 2 years. Diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK) is a common but variable complication of LASIK. Yet, its aetiology remains unknown. In Study IV we examined six patients who had developed DLK as a consequence of formation of an intraoperative or post-LASIK epithelial defect, to assess the corneal and conjunctival inflammatory reaction. In the whole series, the mean refractive correction was -6.46 diopters. The best spectacle corrected visual acuity (BSCVA) improved in 30 % of patients, whereas in four patients BSCVA decreased slightly. The mean achieved refraction was 0.35 D undercorrected. After PRK, the stromal scar formation was highest at 2 to 3 months postoperatively and subsequently decreased. At 5 years increased reflectivity in the subepithelial stroma was observed in all patients. Interestingly, no Bowman s layer was detected in any patient. Subbasal nerve fiber bundle(snfb) regeneration could be observed already at 2 months in 2 patients after PRK. After 5 years, all corneas presented with snfb, the density of which, however, was still lower than in control corneas. LASIK induced a hypocellular area on both sides of the flap interface. A decrease of the most anterior keratocyte density was also observed. In the corneas that developed DLK, inflammatory cell-type objects were present in the flap interface in half of the patients. The other patients presented only with keratocyte activation and highly reflective extracellular matrix. These changes resolved completely with medication and time. Snfb regeneration was first detected at one month post-LASIK, but still after two years the density of snfb, however, was only 64 % of the preoperative values. The performance of ophthalmological examinations and microsurgery without spectacles was easier postoperatively, which was appreciated by the residents. Both PRK and LASIK showed moderate to good accuracy and high safety. In terms of visual perception and subjective evaluation, few patients stated any complaints in the whole series of studies. Instead, the majority of patients experienced a marked improvement in everyday life and work performance. PRK and LASIK have shown similar results, with good long term morphological healing. It seems evident that, even without the benefit of over-20-year follow-up results, these procedures are sufficiently safe and accurate for refractive corrections and corneal reshaping.


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated demyelinating disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) affecting 0.1-0.2% of Northern European descent population. MS is considered to be a multifactorial disease, both environment and genetics play a role in its pathogenesis. Despite several decades of intense research, the etiological and pathogenic mechanisms underlying MS remain still largely unknown and no curative treatment exists. The genetic architecture underlying MS is complex with multiple genes involved. The strongest and the best characterized predisposing genetic factors for MS are located, as in other immune-mediated diseases, in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on chromosome 6. In humans MHC is called human leukocyte antigen (HLA). Alleles of the HLA locus have been found to associate strongly with MS and remained for many years the only consistently replicable genetic associations. However, recently other genes located outside the MHC region have been proposed as strong candidates for susceptibility to MS in several studies. In this thesis a new genetic locus located on chromosome 7q32, interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5), was identified in the susceptibility to MS. In particular, we found that common variation of the gene was associated with the disease in three different populations, Spanish, Swedish and Finnish. We also suggested a possible functional role for one of the risk alleles with impact on the expression of the IRF5 locus. Previous studies have pointed out a possible role played by chromosome 2q33 in the susceptibility to MS and other autoimmune disorders. The work described here also investigated the involvement of this chromosomal region in MS predisposition. After the detection of genetic association with 2q33 (article-1), we extended our analysis through fine-scale single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mapping to define further the contribution of this genomic area to disease pathogenesis (article-4). We found a trend (p=0.04) for association to MS with an intronic SNP located in the inducible T-cell co-stimulator (ICOS) gene, an important player in the co-stimulatory pathway of the immune system. Expression analysis of ICOS revealed a novel, previously uncharacterized, alternatively spliced isoform, lacking the extracellular domain that is needed for ligand binding. The stability of the newly-identified transcript variant and its subcellular localization were analyzed. These studies indicated that the novel isoform is stable and shows different subcellular localization as compared to full-length ICOS. The novel isoform might have a regulatory function, but further studies are required to elucidate its function. Chromosome 19q13 has been previously suggested as one of the genomic areas involved in MS predisposition. In several populations, suggestive linkage signals between MS predisposition and 19q13 have been obtained. Here, we analysed the role of allelic variation in 19q13 by family based association analysis in 782 MS families collected from Finland. In this dataset, we were not able to detect any statistically significant associations, although several previously suggested markers were included to the analysis. Replication of the previous findings on the basis of linkage disequilibrium between marker allele and disease/risk allele appears notoriously difficult because of limitations such as allelic heterogeneity. Re-sequencing based approaches may be required for elucidating the role of chromosome 19q13 with MS. This thesis has resulted in the identification of a new MS susceptibility locus (IRF5) previously associated with other inflammatory or autoimmune disorders, such as SLE. IRF5 is one of the mediators of interferons biological function. In addition to providing new insight in the possible pathogenetic pathway of the disease, this finding suggests that there might be common mechanisms between different immune-mediated disorders. Furthermore the work presented here has uncovered a novel isoform of ICOS, which may play a role in regulatory mechanisms of ICOS, an important mediator of lymphocyte activation. Further work is required to uncover its functions and possible involvement of the ICOS locus in MS susceptibility.


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Mammalian gastrointestinal tract and liver are self-renewing organs that are able to sustain themselves due to stem cells present in their tissues. In constant, inflammation-related epithelial damage, vigorous activation of stem cells may lead to their uncontrolled proliferation, and further, to cancer. GATA-4, GATA-5, and GATA-6 regulate cell proliferation and differentiation in many mammalian organs. Lack of GATA-4 or GATA-6 leads to defective endodermal development and cell differentiation. GATA-4 and GATA-5 are considered the ones with tumor suppressive functions, whereas GATA-6 is more related to tumor promotion. In the digestive system their roles in inflammation and tumor-related molecular pathways remain unclear. In this study, we examined the GATA-related molecular pathways involved in normal tissue organization and renewal and in inflammation-related epithelial repair in the gastrointestinal tract and liver. The overall purpose of this study was to elucidate the relation of GATA factors to gastrointestinal and hepatic disease pathology and to evaluate their possible clinical significance in tumor biology. The results indicated distinct expression patterns for GATA-4, GATA-5, and GATA-6 in the human and murine gastrointestinal tract and liver, and their involvement in the regulation of intestine-specific genes. GATA-5 was confined to the intestines of suckling mice, suggesting an association with postnatal enzymatic changes. GATA-4 was upregulated in bowel inflammation concomitantly with TGF-β signaling. In gastrointestinal tumors, GATA-4 was restricted to benign neoplasias of the stomach, while GATA-6 was detected especially at the invasive edges of malignant tumors throughout the gut. In the liver, GATA-4 was upregulated in pediatric tumors along with erythropoietin (Epo), which was detected also in the sera of tumor patients. Furthermore, GATA-4 was enhanced in areas of vigorous hepatic regeneration in patients with tyrosinemia type I. These results suggest a central role for GATA-4 in pediatric tumor biology of the liver. To conclude, GATA-4, GATA-5, and GATA-6 are associated with normal gastrointestinal and hepatic development and regeneration. The appearance of GATA-4 along with TGF-β-signaling in the inflammatory bowel suggests a protective role in the response to inflammation-related epithelial destruction. However, in extremely malignant pediatric liver tumors, GATA-4 function is unlikely to be tumor-suppressing, probably due to the nature of the very primitive multipotent tumor cells. GATA-4, along with its possible downstream factor Epo, could be utilized as novel hepatic tumor markers to supplement the present diagnostics. They could also serve a function in future biological therapies for aggressive pediatric tumors.


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Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is considered to be an autoimmune disease. In T1D insulin producing pancreatic β cells are destroyed. The disease process begins years before the clinical diagnosis of T1D. During the pathogenesis of T1D, pancreatic islets are infiltrated by cells of the immune system and T-lymphocytes are considered to be the main mediators of the β-cell destruction. In children with an active β-cell destruction process, autoantibodies against β-cell antigens appear in the blood. Individuals at increased risk of developing T1D can often be identified by detecting serum autoantibodies against β-cell antigens. Immunological aberrancies associated with T1D are related to defects in the polarization of T cells and in the function of regulatory mechanisms. T1D has been considered as an organ-specific autoimmune disease mediated by uncontrolled Th1-responses. In human T1D, the evidence for the role of over-expression of cytokines promoting cytotoxicity is controversial. For the past 15 years, regulatory T cells (Tregs) have been recognized as having a key role in the initiation and maintenance of tolerance, limiting harmful autoantigen-specific inflammation processes. It is possible that, if regulatory mechanisms fail to be initiated, the subtle inflammation targeting β cells lead to insulitis and eventually to overt T1D in some individuals. In the present thesis, we studied the induction of Tregs during the generation of T-cell responses in T1D. The results suggest that the generation of regulatory mechanisms and effector mechanisms upon T-cell activation is aberrant in children with T1D. In our studies, an in vitro cytotoxic environment inhibited the induction of genes associated with regulatory functions upon T-cell activation. We also found T1D patients to have an impaired cytotoxic response against coxsackievirus B4. Ineffective virus clearance may increase the apoptosis of β cells, and thus the risk of β-cell specific autoimmunity, due to the increased presentation of β-cell-derived peptides by APCs to T cells in pancreatic lymph nodes. Recently, a novel T helper cell subset called Th17 has been discovered. Animal models have associated Th17 cells and especially co-producers of IL-17 and IFN-γ with the pathogenesis of T1D. We aimed to characterize the role of Th17 immunity in human T1D. We demonstrated IL-17 activation to be a major alteration in T1D patients in comparison to healthy children. Moreover, alterations related to the FOXP3-mediated regulatory mechanisms were associated with the IL-17 up-regulation seen in T1D patients. These findings may have therapeutic implications for the treatment and prevention of T1D.