52 resultados para Structural organization


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The actin cytoskeleton is required, in all eukaryotic organisms, for several key cellular functions such as cell motility, cytokinesis, and endocytosis. In cells, actin exists either in a monomeric state (G-actin) or in a filamentous form (F-actin). F-actin is the functional form, which can assemble into various structures and produce direct pushing forces that are required for different motile processes. The assembly of actin monomers into complicated three-dimensional structures is tightly regulated by a large number of actin regulating proteins. One central actin regulating protein is twinfilin. Twinfilin consists of two actin depolymerizing-factor homology (ADF-H) domains, which are capable of binding actin, and is conserved from yeast to mammals. Previously it has been shown that twinfilin binds to and sequesters G-actin, and interacts with the heterodimeric capping protein. More recently it has been found that twinfilin also binds to the fast growing actin filament ends and prevents their growth. However, the cellular role of twinfilin and the molecular mechanisms of these interactions have remained unclear. In this study we characterized the molecular mechanisms behind the functions of twinfilin. We demonstrated that twinfilin forms a high-affinity complex with ADP-bound actin monomers (ADP-G-actin). Both ADF-H domains are capable of binding G-actin, but the C-terminal domain contains the high-affinity binding site. Our biochemical analyses identified twinfilin s C-terminal tail region as the interaction site for capping protein. Contrary to G-actin binding, both ADF-H domains of twinfilin are required for the actin filament barbed end capping activity. The C-terminal domain is structurally homologous to ADF/cofilin and binds to filament sides in a similar manner, providing the main affinity for F-actin during barbed end capping. The structure of the N-terminal domain is more distant from ADF/cofilin, and thus it can only associate with G-actin or the terminal actin monomer at the filament barbed end, where it regulates twinfilin s affinity for barbed ends. These data suggest that the mechanism of barbed end capping is similar for twinfilin and gelsolin family proteins. Taken together, these studies revealed how twinfilin interacts with G-actin, filament barbed ends, and capping protein, and also provide a model for how these activities evolved through a duplication of an ancient ADF/cofilin-like domain.


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Intracellular membrane alterations are hallmarks of positive-sense RNA (+RNA) virus replication. Strong evidence indicates that within these exotic compartments, viral replicase proteins engage in RNA genome replication and transcription. To date, fundamental questions such as the origin of altered membranes, mechanisms of membrane deformation and topological distribution and function of viral components, are still waiting for comprehensive answers. This study addressed some of the above mentioned questions for the membrane alterations induced during Semliki Forest virus (SFV) infection of mammalian cells. With the aid of electron and fluorescence microscopy coupled with radioactive labelling and immuno-cytochemistry techniques, our group and others showed that few hours after infection the four non structural proteins (nsP1-4) and newly synthesized RNAs of SFV colocalized in close proximity of small membrane invaginations, designated as spherules . These 50-70 nm structures were mainly detected in the perinuclear area, at the limiting membrane of modified endosomes and lysosomes, named CPV-I (cytopathic vacuoles type I). More rarely, spherules were also found at the plasma membrane (PM). In the first part of this study I present the first three-dimensional reconstruction of the CPV-I and the spherules, obtained by electron tomography after chemical or cryo-fixation. Different approaches for imaging these macromolecular assemblies to obtain better structure preservation and higher resolution are presented as unpublished data. This study provides insights into spherule organization and distribution of viral components. The results of this and other experiments presented in this thesis will challenge currently accepted models for virus replication complex formation and function. In a revisitation of our previous models, the second part of this work provides the first complete description of the biogenesis of the CPV-I. The results demonstrate that these virus-induced vacuoles, where hundreds of spherules accumulate at late stages during infection, represent the final phase of a journey initiated at the PM, which apparently serves as a platform for spherule formation. From the PM spherules were internalized by an endocytic event that required the activity of the class I PI3K, caveolin-1, cellular cholesterol and functional actin-myosin network. The resulting neutral endocytic carrier vesicle delivered the spherules to the membrane of pre-existing acidic endosomes via multiple fusion events. Microtubule based transport supported the vectorial transfer of these intermediates to the pericentriolar area where further fusions generated the CPV-I. A signal for spherule internalization was identified in one of the replicase proteins, nsP3. Infections of cells with viruses harbouring a deletion in a highly phosphorylated region of nsP3 did not result in the formation of CPV-Is. Instead, thousands of spherules remained at the PM throughout the infection cycle. Finally, the role of the replicase protein nsP2 during viral RNA replication and transcription was investigated. Three enzymatic activities, protease, NTPase and RNA-triphosphatase were studied with the aid of temperature sensitive mutants in vitro and, when possible, in vivo. The results highlighted the interplay of the different nsP2 functions during different steps of RNA replication and sub-genomic promoter regulation, and suggest that the protein could have different activities when participating in the replication complex or as a free enzyme.


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In this thesis three icosahedral lipid-containing double-stranded (ds) deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) bacteriophages have been studied: PRD1, Bam35 and P23-77. The work focuses on the entry, exit and structure of the viruses. PRD1 is the type member of the Tectiviridae family, infecting a variety of Gram-negative bacteria. The PRD1 receptor binding complex, consisting of the penton protein P31, the spike protein P5 and the receptor binding protein P2 recognizes a specific receptor on the host surface. In this study we found that the transmembrane protein P16 has an important stabilization function as the fourth member of the receptor binding complex and protein P16 may have a role in the formation of a tubular membrane structure, which is needed in the ejection of the genome into the cell. Phage Bam35 (Tectiviridae), which infects Gram-positive hosts, has been earlier found to resemble PRD1 in morphology and genome organization The uncharacterized early and late events in the Bam35 life cycle were studied by electrochemical methods. Physiological changes in the beginning of the infection were found to be similar in both lysogenic and nonlysogenic cell lines, Bam35 inducing a temporal decrease of membrane voltage and K+ efflux. At the end of the infection cycle physiological changes were observed only in the nonlysogenic cell line. The strong K+ efflux 40 min after infection and the induced premature cell lysis propose that Bam35 has a similar holin-endolysin lysis system to that of PRD1. Thermophilic icosahedral dsDNA Thermus phages P23-65H, P23-72 and P23-77 have been proposed to belong to the Tectiviridae family. In this study these phages were compared to each other. Analysis of structural protein patterns and stability revealed these phages to be very similar but not identical. The most stable of the studied viruses, P23-77, was further analyzed in more detail. Cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional image reconstruction was used to determine the structure of virus to 14 Å resolution. Results of thin layer chromatography for neutral lipids together with analysis of the three dimensional reconstruction of P23-77 virus particle revealed the presence of an internal lipid membrane. The overall capsid architecture of P23-77 is similar to PRD1 and Bam35, but most closely it resembles the structure of the capsid of archaeal virus SH1. This complicates the classification of dsDNA, internal lipid-containing icosahedral viruses.


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In this study we used electro-spray ionization mass-spectrometry to determine phospholipid class and molecular species compositions in bacteriophages PM2, PRD1, Bam35 and phi6 as well as their hosts. To obtain compositional data of the individual leaflets, phospholipid transbilayer distribution in the viral membranes was studied. We found that 1) the membranes of all studied bacteriophage are enriched in PG as compared to the host membranes, 2) molecular species compositions in the phage and host membranes are similar, and 3) phospholipids in the viral membranes are distributed asymmetrically with phosphatidylglycerol enriched in the outer leaflet and phosphatidylethanolamine in the inner one (except Bam35). Alternative models for selective incorporation of phospholipids to phages and for the origins of the asymmetric phospholipid transbilayer distribution are discussed. Notably, the present data are also useful when constructing high resolution structural models of bacteriophages, since diffraction methods cannot provide a detailed structure of the membrane due to high motility of the lipids and lack of symmetric organization of membrane proteins.


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Closure and negotiation constructing professional position in working life The aim of the thesis is to analyse how professional positions are constructed in working life. A professional position refers to a formal professional membership, but also to a position at a work site. Formal jurisdiction provides resources for supporting a position, but the relations, practices and processes at the work site strongly shape it as well. Professional membership includes two gates: obtaining a professional diploma and access to a professional post. The concept of a professional position is based on two sub-concepts: legitimation and authority. Legitimation is society-level jurisdiction over professioning. Legitimation can be claimed in legislation, in the public space and the media, and at the work site. Authority requires constructing professional work territories and practicing authority in work-related decision making processes. The thesis is based on five articles which deal with the following topics: gendered professional careers; organising professional work; the impact of the social and cultural backgrounds when striving for professional positions; and models of research work. The articles represent two types of sociological research: the structural approach with quantitative methodology and the approach of micro-social analysis with qualitative methodology. The first approach was suitable for analyzing professional career formation and its social and ethnic conditions. The second approach has been applied in the articles dealing with the organization of professional work and models of research work. I have combined and analysed the results of these studies under the theoretical frame of the professional position in working life. Legislation is the most powerful form of legitimation. Professional membership is strongly regulated in disciplines where a degree requirement is defined by law. In addition, closures related to social conditions still affect professional positions, but their character is loose and changing. The closures related to social conditions are based on many mutually overlapping principles: social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and gender. Despite the closures, professional experts have to negotiate their positions, particularly when the situation in the work sites and society changes. Professional authority is reinforced at the organizational level by legislation; when the institutional status of a public sector professional organization is defined by law, it reinforces the professional position of the employees. In the business line of new media, the employees need to negotiate with the management, other professional groups and clients when striving for reinforce their professional position.


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The pathogenic members of the picornavirus superfamily have adverse effects on humans, their crops and their livestock. As structure is related to function, detailed structural studies on these viruses are important not only for fundamental understanding of the viral life cycle, but also for the rational design of vaccines and inhibitors for disease control. These viruses have positive sense, single-stranded RNA genomes enclosed in a protein capsid. X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy studies have revealed that the isometric members of this group have icosahedrally-symmetric capsids made up of 60 copies of each of the structural proteins. The members that infect animal cells often employ one or more cellular receptors to facilitate cell entry which in some cases is known to initiate the uncoating sequence of the genome. The nature of the interactions between individual viruses and alternative cellular receptors has rarely been probed. The capsid assembly of the members of the picornavirus superfamily is considered to be cooperative and the interactions of RNA and capsid proteins are thought to play an important role in orchestrating virus assembly. The major aims of this thesis were to solve the structures of blackcurrant reversion virus (BRV), human parechovirus 1 (HPEV1) and coxsackievirus A7 (CAV7), as well as the structure of HPEV1 complexed with two of its cellular receptors using cryo-electron microscopy, three-dimensional image reconstruction and homology modeling. Each of the selected viruses represents a taxonomic group where little or no structural data was previously available. The results enabled the detailed comparison of the new structures to those of known picornaviruses, the identification of surface-exposed epitopes potentially important for host interaction, the mapping of RNA-capsid protein interactions and the elucidation of the basis for the specificity of two different receptor molecules for the same capsid. This work will form the basis for further studies on the influence of RNA on parechovirus assembly as a potential target for drug design.


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Physics teachers are in a key position to form the attitudes and conceptions of future generations toward science and technology, as well as to educate future generations of scientists. Therefore, good teacher education is one of the key areas of physics departments education program. This dissertation is a contribution to the research-based development of high quality physics teacher education, designed to meet three central challenges of good teaching. The first challenge relates to the organization of physics content knowledge. The second challenge, connected to the first one, is to understand the role of experiments and models in (re)constructing the content knowledge of physics for purposes of teaching. The third challenge is to provide for pre-service physics teachers opportunities and resources for reflecting on or assessing their knowledge and experience about physics and physics education. This dissertation demonstrates how these challenges can be met when the content knowledge of physics, the relevant epistemological aspects of physics and the pedagogical knowledge of teaching and learning physics are combined. The theoretical part of this dissertation is concerned with designing two didactical reconstructions for purposes of physics teacher education: the didactical reconstruction of processes (DRoP) and the didactical reconstruction of structures (DRoS). This part starts with taking into account the required professional competencies of physics teachers, the pedagogical aspects of teaching and learning, and the benefits of the graphical ways of representing knowledge. Then it continues with the conceptual and philosophical analysis of physics, especially with the analysis of experiments and models role in constructing knowledge. This analysis is condensed in the form of the epistemological reconstruction of knowledge justification. Finally, these two parts are combined in the designing and production of the DRoP and DRoS. The DRoP captures the knowledge formation of physical concepts and laws in concise and simplified form while still retaining authenticity from the processes of how concepts have been formed. The DRoS is used for representing the structural knowledge of physics, the connections between physical concepts, quantities and laws, to varying extents. Both DRoP and DRoS are represented in graphical form by means of flow charts consisting of nodes and directed links connecting the nodes. The empirical part discusses two case studies that show how the three challenges are met through the use of DRoP and DRoS and how the outcomes of teaching solutions based on them are evaluated. The research approach is qualitative; it aims at the in-depth evaluation and understanding about the usefulness of the didactical reconstructions. The data, which were collected from the advanced course for prospective physics teachers during 20012006, consisted of DRoP and DRoS flow charts made by students and student interviews. The first case study discusses how student teachers used DRoP flow charts to understand the process of forming knowledge about the law of electromagnetic induction. The second case study discusses how student teachers learned to understand the development of physical quantities as related to the temperature concept by using DRoS flow charts. In both studies, the attention is focused on the use of DRoP and DRoS to organize knowledge and on the role of experiments and models in this organization process. The results show that students understanding about physics knowledge production improved and their knowledge became more organized and coherent. It is shown that the flow charts and the didactical reconstructions behind them had an important role in gaining these positive learning results. On the basis of the results reported here, the designed learning tools have been adopted as a standard part of the teaching solutions used in the physics teacher education courses in the Department of Physics, University of Helsinki.


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Introduction This case study is based on the experiences with the Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), founded in 1995. Development This journal is an example of a particular category of open access journals, which use neither author charges nor subscriptions to finance their operations, but rely largely on unpaid voluntary work in the spirit of the open source movement. The journal has, after some initial struggle, survived its first decade and is now established as one of half-a-dozen peer reviewed journals in its field. Operations The journal publishes articles as they become ready, but creates virtual issues through alerting messages to “subscribers”. It has also started to publish special issues, since this helps in attracting submissions, and also helps in sharing the work-load of review management. From the start the journal adopted a rather traditional layout of the articles. After the first few years the HTML version was dropped and papers are only published in PDF format. Performance The journal has recently been benchmarked against the competing journals in its field. Its acceptance rate of 53% is slightly higher and its average turnaround time of seven months almost a year faster compared to those journals in the sample for which data could be obtained. The server log files for the past three years have also been studied. Conclusions Our overall experience demonstrates that it is possible to publish this type of OA journal, with a yearly publishing volume equal to a quarterly journal and involving the processing of some fifty submissions a year, using a networked volunteer-based organization.


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Researchers and practitioners have increasingly explained post-merger organizational problems with cultural differences, especially in the context of cross-border mergers and acquisitions. It is suggested here that cultural differences have great explanatory power in the context of post-merger change processes. There are, however, problems with a number of superficial cultural conceptions that are common in research in this area and in managerial rhetoric. This critical article provocatively delineates misconceptions widely held by researchers and practitioners in this field, which not only disregard cultural differentiation, fragmentation, inconsistencies and ambiguities, but further, illustrate a lack of understanding of cultural permeability and embeddedness in the environment, an overemphasis on abstract values and lack of attention to organizational practices, an overemphasis on initial structural differences and lack of attention to the new cultural layer, a lack of recognition of the political dimensions and a failure to recognize cultural differences as sources of value and learning. In this article, the theoretical problems associated with these misconceptions are examined and new conceptual perspectives suggested. The risks at stake for decision makers are also discussed.