35 resultados para SURFACE CONTAMINATION


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Diesel spills contaminate aquatic and terrestrial environments. To prevent the environmental and health risks, the remediation needs to be advanced. Bioremediation, i.e., degradation by microbes, is one of the suitable methods for cleaning diesel contamination. In monitored natural attenuation technique are natural processes in situ combined, including bioremediation, volatilization, sorption, dilution and dispersion. Soil bacteria are capable of adapting to degrade environmental pollutants, but in addition, some soil types may have indigenous bacteria that are naturally suitable for degradation. The objectives for this work were (1) to find a feasible and economical technique to remediate oil spilled into Baltic Sea water and (2) to bioremediate soil contaminated by diesel oil. Moreover, the aim was (3) to study the potential for natural attenuation and the indigenous bacteria in soil, and possible adaptation to degrade diesel hydrocarbons. In the aquatic environment, the study concentrated on diesel oil sorption to cotton grass fiber, a natural by-product of peat harvesting. The impact of diesel pollution was followed in bacteria, phytoplankton and mussels. In a terrestrial environment, the focus was to compare the methods of enhanced biodegradation (biostimulation and bioaugmentation), and to study natural attenuation of oil hydrocarbons in different soil types and the effect that a history of previous contamination may have on the bioremediation potential. (1) In the aquatic environment, rapid removal of diesel oil was significant for survival of tested species and thereby diversity maintained. Cotton grass not only absorbed the diesel but also benefited the bacterial growth by providing a large colonizable surface area and hence oil-microbe contact area. Therefore use of this method would enhance bioremediation of diesel spills. (2) Biostimulation enhances bioremediation, and (3) indigenous diesel-degrading bacteria are present in boreal environments, so microbial inocula are not always needed. In the terrestrial environment experiments, the combination of aeration and addition of slowly released nitrogen advanced the oil hydrocarbon degradation. Previous contamination of soil gives the bacterial community the potential for rapid adaptation and efficient degradation of the same type of contaminant. When the freshly contaminated site needs addition of diesel degraders, previously contaminated and remediated soil could be used as a bacterial inoculum. Another choice of inoculum could be conifer forest soil, which provides a plentiful population of degraders, and based on the present results, could be considered as a safe non-polluted inoculum. According to the findings in this thesis, bioremediation (microbial degradation) and monitored natural attenuation (microbial, physical and chemical degradation) are both suitable techniques for remediation of diesel-contaminated sites in Finland.


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A better understanding of vacuum arcs is desirable in many of today's 'big science' projects including linear colliders, fusion devices, and satellite systems. For the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) design, radio-frequency (RF) breakdowns occurring in accelerating cavities influence efficiency optimisation and cost reduction issues. Studying vacuum arcs both theoretically as well as experimentally under well-defined and reproducible direct-current (DC) conditions is the first step towards exploring RF breakdowns. In this thesis, we have studied Cu DC vacuum arcs with a combination of experiments, a particle-in-cell (PIC) model of the arc plasma, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the subsequent surface damaging mechanism. We have also developed the 2D Arc-PIC code and the physics model incorporated in it, especially for the purpose of modelling the plasma initiation in vacuum arcs. Assuming the presence of a field emitter at the cathode initially, we have identified the conditions for plasma formation and have studied the transitions from field emission stage to a fully developed arc. The 'footing' of the plasma is the cathode spot that supplies the arc continuously with particles; the high-density core of the plasma is located above this cathode spot. Our results have shown that once an arc plasma is initiated, and as long as energy is available, the arc is self-maintaining due to the plasma sheath that ensures enhanced field emission and sputtering. The plasma model can already give an estimate on how the time-to-breakdown changes with the neutral evaporation rate, which is yet to be determined by atomistic simulations. Due to the non-linearity of the problem, we have also performed a code-to-code comparison. The reproducibility of plasma behaviour and time-to-breakdown with independent codes increased confidence in the results presented here. Our MD simulations identified high-flux, high-energy ion bombardment as a possible mechanism forming the early-stage surface damage in vacuum arcs. In this mechanism, sputtering occurs mostly in clusters, as a consequence of overlapping heat spikes. Different-sized experimental and simulated craters were found to be self-similar with a crater depth-to-width ratio of about 0.23 (sim) - 0.26 (exp). Experiments, which we carried out to investigate the energy dependence of DC breakdown properties, point at an intrinsic connection between DC and RF scaling laws and suggest the possibility of accumulative effects influencing the field enhancement factor.


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Species identification forms the basis for understanding the diversity of the living world, but it is also a prerequisite for understanding many evolutionary patterns and processes. The most promising approach for correctly delimiting and identifying species is to integrate many types of information in the same study. Our aim was to test how cuticular hydro- carbons, traditional morphometrics, genetic polymorphisms in nuclear markers (allozymes and DNA microsatellites) and DNA barcoding (partial mitochondrial COI gene) perform in delimiting species. As an example, we used two closely related Formica ants, F. fusca and F. lemani, sampled from a sympatric population in the northern part of their distribu- tion. Morphological characters vary and overlap in different parts of their distribution areas, but cuticular hydrocarbons include a strong taxonomic signal and our aim is to test the degree to which morphological and genetic data correspond to the chemical data. In the morphological analysis, species were best separated by the combined number of hairs on pro- notum and mesonotum, but individual workers overlapped in hair numbers, as previously noted by several authors. Nests of the two species were separated but not clustered according to species in a Principal Component Analysis made on nuclear genetic data. However, model-based Bayesian clustering resulted in perfect separation of the species and gave no indication of hybridization. Furthermore, F. lemani and F. fusca did not share any mitochondrial haplotypes, and the species were perfectly separated in a phylogenetic tree. We conclude that F. fusca and F. lemani are valid species that can be separated in our study area relatively well with all methods employed. However, the unusually small genetic differen- tiation in nuclear markers (FST = 0.12) shows that they are closely related, and occasional hybridization between F. fusca and F. lemani cannot be ruled out.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää desorptio/fotoionisaatio ilmanpaineessa tekniikan (engl. desorption atmospheric pressure photoionization, DAPPI) soveltuvuutta rikosteknisen laboratorion näytteiden analysointiin. DAPPI on nopea massaspektrometrinen ionisaatiotekniikka, jolla voidaan tutkia yhdisteitä suoraan erilaisilta pinnoilta. DAPPI:ssa käytetään lämmitettyä mikrosirua, joka suihkuttaa höyrystynyttä liuotin- ja kaasuvirtausta kohti näytettä. Näytteen pinnan komponentit desorboituvat lämmön vaikutuksesta, jonka jälkeen ionisoituminen tapahtuu VUV-lampun emittoimien fotonien avulla.DAPPI:lla tutkittiin takavarikoituja huumausaineita, anabolisia steroideja ja räjähdysaineita sekä niiden jäämiä erilaisilta pinnoilta. Lisäksi kartoitettiin DAPPI:n mahdollisuuksia ja rajoituksia erilaisille näytematriiseille ilman näytteiden esikäsittelyä. Takavarikoitujen huumausaineiden tutkimuksessa analysoitiin erilaisia tabletteja, jauheita, kasvirouheita, huumekasveja (khat, oopium, kannabis) ja sieniä. Anabolisia steroideja tunnistettiin tableteista sekä ampulleista, jotka sisälsivät öljymäistä nestettä. Jauheet ripoteltiin kaksipuoliselle teipille ja analysoitiin siltä. Muut näytteet analysoitiin sellaisenaan ilman minkäänlaista esikäsittelyä, paitsi nestemäisten näytteiden kohdalla näyte pipetoitiin talouspaperille, joka analysoitiin DAPPI:lla. DAPPI osoittautui nopeaksi ja yksinkertaiseksi menetelmäksi takavarikoitujen huumausaineiden ja steroidien analysoimisessa. Se soveltui hyvin rikoslaboratorion erityyppisten näytteiden rutiiniseulontaan ja helpotti erityisesti huumekasvien ja öljymäisten steroidiliuosten tutkimusta. Massaspektrometrin likaantuminen pystyttiin ehkäisemään säätämällä näytteen etäisyyttä sen suuaukosta. Likaantumista ei havaittu huolimatta näytteiden korkeista konsentraatioista ja useita kuukausia jatkuneista mittauksista. Räjähdysaineiden tutkimuksessa keskityttiin seitsemän eri räjähdysaineen DAPPI-MS-menetelmän kehitykseen; trinitrotolueeni (TNT), nitroglykoli (NK), nitroglyseriini (NG), pentriitti (PETN), heksogeeni (RDX), oktogeeni (HMX) ja pikriinihappoä Nämä orgaaniset räjähteet ovat nitraattiyhdisteitä, jotka voidaan jakaa rakenteen puolesta nitroamiineihin (RDX ja HMX), nitroaromaatteihin (TNT ja pikriinihappo) sekä nitraattiestereihin (PETN, NG ja NK). Menetelmäkehityksessä räjähdysainelaimennokset pipetoitiin polymetyylimetakrylaatin (PMMA) päälle ja analysoitiin siitä. DAPPI:lla tutkittiin myäs autenttisia räjähdysainejäämiä erilaisista matriiseista. DAPPI:lla optimoitiin jokaiselle räjähdysaineelle sopiva menetelmä ja yhdisteet saatiin näkymään puhdasaineina. Räjähdysainejäämien analysoiminen erilaisista rikospaikkamateriaaleista osoittautui haastavammaksi tehtäväksi, koska matriisit aiheuttivat itsessään korkean taustan spektriin, josta räjähdysaineiden piikit eivät useimmiten erottuneet tarpeeksi. Muut desorptioionisaatiotekniikat saattavat soveltua paremmin haastavien räjähdysainejäämien havaitsemiseksi.