33 resultados para BEB electron impact ionization cross section
This thesis comprises four intercomplementary parts that introduce new approaches to brittle reaction layers and mechanical compatibility of metalloceramic joints created when fusing dental ceramics to titanium. Several different methods including atomic layer deposition (ALD), sessile drop contact angle measurements, scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM), three-point bending (TPB, DIN 13 927 / ISO 9693), cross-section microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) were employed. The first part investigates the effects of TiO2 layer structure and thickness on the joint strength of the titanium-metalloceramic system. Samples with all tested TiO2 thicknesses displayed good ceramics adhesion to Ti, and uniform TPB results. The fracture mode was independent of oxide layer thickness and structure. Cracking occurred deeper inside titanium, in the oxygen-rich Ti[O]x solid solution surface layer. During dental ceramics firing TiO2 layers dissociate and joints become brittle with increased dissolution of oxygen into metallic Ti and consequent reduction in the metal plasticity. To accomplish an ideal metalloceramic joint this needs to be resolved. The second part introduces photoinduced superhydrophilicity of TiO2. Test samples with ALD deposited anatase TiO2 films were produced. Samples were irradiated with UV light to induce superhydrophilicity of the surfaces through a cascade leading to increased amount of surface hydroxyl groups. Superhydrophilicity (contact angle ~0˚) was achieved within 2 minutes of UV radiation. Partial recovery of the contact angle was observed during the first 10 minutes after UV exposure. Total recovery was not observed within 24h storage. Photoinduced ultrahydrophilicity can be used to enhance wettability of titanium surfaces, an important factor in dental ceramics veneering processes. The third part addresses interlayers designed to restrain oxygen dissolution into Ti during dental ceramics fusing. The main requirements for an ideal interlayer material are proposed. Based on these criteria and systematic exclusion of possible interlayer materials silver (Ag) interlayers were chosen. TPB results were significantly better in when 5 μm Ag interlayers were used compared to only Al2O3-blasted samples. In samples with these Ag interlayers multiple cracks occurred inside dental ceramics, none inside Ti structure. Ag interlayers of 5 μm on Al2O3-blasted samples can be efficiently used to retard formation of the brittle oxygen-rich Ti[O]x layer, thus enhancing metalloceramic joint integrity. The most brittle component in metalloceramic joints with 5 μm Ag interlayers was bulk dental ceramics instead of Ti[O]x. The fourth part investigates the importance of mechanical interlocking. According to the results, the significance of mechanical interlocking achieved by conventional surface treatments can be questioned as long as the formation of the brittle layers (mainly oxygen-rich Ti[O]x) cannot be sufficiently controlled. In summary in contrast to former impressions of thick titanium oxide layers this thesis clearly demonstrates diffusion of oxygen from sintering atmosphere and SiO2 to Ti structures during dental ceramics firing and the following formation of brittle Ti[O]x solid solution as the most important factors predisposing joints between Ti and SiO2-based dental ceramics to low strength. This among other predisposing factors such as residual stresses created by the coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch between dental ceramics and Ti frameworks can be avoided with Ag interlayers.
First, in Essay 1, we test whether it is possible to forecast Finnish Options Index return volatility by examining the out-of-sample predictive ability of several common volatility models with alternative well-known methods; and find additional evidence for the predictability of volatility and for the superiority of the more complicated models over the simpler ones. Secondly, in Essay 2, the aggregated volatility of stocks listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange is decomposed into a market, industry-and firm-level component, and it is found that firm-level (i.e., idiosyncratic) volatility has increased in time, is more substantial than the two former, predicts GDP growth, moves countercyclically and as well as the other components is persistent. Thirdly, in Essay 3, we are among the first in the literature to seek for firm-specific determinants of idiosyncratic volatility in a multivariate setting, and find for the cross-section of stocks listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange that industrial focus, trading volume, and block ownership, are positively associated with idiosyncratic volatility estimates––obtained from both the CAPM and the Fama and French three-factor model with local and international benchmark portfolios––whereas a negative relation holds between firm age as well as size and idiosyncratic volatility.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli ottaa käyttöön tandemmassaspektrometrinen (MS/MS) menetelmä, jolla voidaan analysoida polysakkarideista purkautuneiden oligosakkaridien rakenteita. Tavoitteena oli, että menetelmällä voidaan määrittää glykosidisten sidosten eri asemat monosakkaridirakenteiltaan samanlaisista neutraaleista lineaarisista oligosakkarideista. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin oligosakkaridien rakenteiden määrittämiseen käytettyjä MS/MS-menetelmiä ja oligosakkaridien pilkkoutumisreaktioita MS/MS-analyysissa. Kirjallisuuden perusteella MS/MS-analyysissa oligosakkaridien pilkkoutuminen voi tapahtua joko glykosidisen sidoksen katkeamisella tai monosakkaridirenkaan halkeamisella. Monosakkaridirenkaan pilkkoutumisesta muodostuvia tuoteioneja voidaan käyttää glykosidisen sidoksen aseman määrittämiseen. Kokeellisessa tutkimuksessa selvitettiin aluksi monosakkaridirakenteiltaan isomeerisilla disakkaridimalliaineilla glykosidisen sidoksen sijainnin vaikutus disakkaridin pilkkoutumiseen MS/MS-analyysissa. Tämän jälkeen pyrittiin löytämään tunnetuista tri- ja tetrasakkaridimalliaineista näitä eri sidoksille tyypillisiä tuoteionien jakaumia. Tunnettujen tri- ja tetrasakkaridien pilkkoutuminen yhdenmukaisesti disakkaridien pilkkoutumisen kanssa antaisi mahdollisuuden pitkäketjuisempien oligosakkaridien glykosidisten sidosten tunnistamiseen sovelletulla MS/MS-menetelmällä. MS/MS-analyysit tehtiin ioniloukkumassadetektorilaitteistolla käyttäen sähkösumutusionisaatiota (ESI). Oligosakkaridit määritettiin positiivisella ionisaatiolla litium- ja natriumaddukti-ioneina ja negatiivisella ionisaatiolla kloridiaddukti-ioneina. Vertaamalla tri- ja tetrasakkarideista MS/MS-analyyseissa muodostuneita tuoteioneja disakkarideista muodostuneisiin tuoteioneihin, voitiin sekä positiivisella että negatiivisella ionisaatiolla määrittää oligosakkaridin pelkistävän pään sidoksen asema. Negatiivisella ionisaatiolla tri- ja tetrasakkarideista muodostuneista tuoteioneista voitiin määrittää myös muiden kuin pelkistävän pään sidosten asemia. Positiivisella ionisaatiolla muiden sidosten määrittäminen ei ollut mahdollista, koska rengasfragmentti-ioneja muodostui pääosin oligosakkaridin pelkistävästä päästä. Glykosidisen sidoksen katkeamisesta muodostuneet tuoteionit analysoitiin edelleen MS3-analyysilla. MS3-analyysissa muodostuneista tuoteioneista ei voitu tulkita sidosten asemia, koska lähtöionit koostuivat sekä terminaalisen että pelkistävän pään isomeerisista ioneista.