38 resultados para Aïssé, C. E. (Charlotte Elisabeth), 1695?-1733.


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Campylobacter, mainly Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli, are worldwide recognized as a major cause of bacterial food-borne gastroenteritis. Epidemiological studies have shown handling or eating of poultry to be significant risk factors for human infections. Campylobacter contamination can occur at all stages of a poultry meat production cycle. The aim of this thesis was to study the occurrence and diversity of Campylobacter in broiler and turkey production in Finland. In summer 1999, 2.9 % of slaughtered broiler flocks were Campylobacter-positive. From the isolated strains 94 % were C. jejuni and 6% were C. coli. During years 2005-2006 one turkey parent flock, the hatchery, six different commercial turkey farms and different stages of the slaughterhouse were monitored during one and the half year. No Campylobacter were detected in either of the samples from the turkey parent flock or from the hatchery using the culture method. Instead PCR detected DNA of Campylobacter from the turkey parent flock and samples from the hatchery. Six out of 12 commercial turkey flocks were found negative at the farm level but only two of those were negative at slaughter. Campylobacter-positive samples within the flock at slaughter were detected between 0% and 94% with evisceration and chilling water being the most critical stages for contamination. All of Campylobacter isolates were shown to be C. jejuni. Campylobacter-positive turkey flocks were colonized by a limited number of Campylobacter genotypes both at the farm and slaughter level. In conclusion, in our first study in 1999 a low prevalence of Campylobacter in Finnish broiler flocks was detected and it has remained at a low level during the study period until the present. In the turkey meat production, we found that flocks which were negative at the farm became contaminated with Campylobacter at the slaughter process. These results suggest that proper and efficient cleaning and disinfection of slaughter and processing premises are needed to avoid cross-contamination. Prevention of colonization at the farm by a high level of biosecurity control and hygiene may be one of the most efficient ways to reduce the amount of Campylobacter-positive poultry meat in Finland. With a persistent low level of Campylobacter-positive flocks, it could be speculated that the use of logistic slaughtering, according to Campylobacter status at farm, might have be advantageous in reducing Campylobacter contamination of retail poultry products. However, the significance of the domestic poultry meat for human campylobacteriosis in Finland should be evaluated.


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A process of change within a single case of cognitive-constructivist therapy is analyzed by means of conversation analysis (CA). The focus is on a process of change in the sequences of interaction, which consist of the therapist’s conclusion and the patient’s response to it. In the conclusions, the therapist investigates and challenges the patient’s tendency to transform her feelings of disappointment and anger into self-blame. Over the course of the therapy, the patient’s responses to these conclusions are recast: from the patient first rejecting the conclusion, to then being ambivalent, and finally to agreeing with the therapist. On the basis of this case study, we suggest that an analysis that focuses on sequences of talk that are interactionally similar offers a sensitive method to investigate the manifestation of therapeutic change. It is suggested that this line of research can complement assimilation analysis and other methods of analyzing changes in a client’s talk.


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Campylobacter, mainly Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli, are worldwide recognized as a major cause of bacterial food-borne gastroenteritis (World Health Organization 2010). Epidemiological studies have shown handling or eating of poultry to be significant risk factors for human infections. Campylobacter contamination can occur at all stages of a poultry meat production cycle. In summer 1999, every broiler flock from all three major Finnish poultry slaughterhouses was studied during a five month period. Caecal samples were taken in the slaughterhouses from five birds per flock. A total of 1 132 broiler flocks were tested and 33 (2.9%) of those were Campylobacter-positive. Thirty-one isolates were identified as C. jejuni and two isolates were C. coli. The isolates were serotyped for heat-stable antigens (HS) and genotyped by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The most common serotypes found were HS 6,7, 12 and 4-complex. Using a combination of SmaI and KpnI patterns, 18 different PFGE types were identified. Thirty-five Finnish C. jejuni strains with five SmaI/SacII PFGE types selected among human and chicken isolates from 1997 and 1998 were used for comparison of their PFGE patterns, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) patterns, HaeIII ribotypes, and HS serotypes. The discriminatory power of PFGE, AFLP and ribotyping with HaeIII were shown to be at the same level for this selected set of strains, and these methods assigned the strains into the same groups. The PFGE and AFLP patterns within a genotype were highly similar, indicating genetic relatedness. An HS serotype was distributed among different genotypes, and different serotypes were identified within one genotype. From one turkey parent flock, the hatchery, six different commercial turkey farms (together 12 flocks) and from 11 stages at the slaughterhouse a total of 456 samples were collected during one and the half year. For the detection of Campylobacter both conventional culture and a PCR method were used. No Campylobacter were detected in either of the samples from the turkey parent flock or from the hatchery samples using the culture method. Instead PCR detected DNA of Campylobacter in five faecal samples from the turkey parent flock and in one fluff and an eggshell sample. Six out of 12 commercial turkey flocks were found negative at the farm level but only two of those were negative at slaughter. Campylobacter-positive samples within the flock at slaughter were detected between 0% and 94%, with evisceration and chilling water being the most critical stages for contamination. All of a total of 121 Campylobacter isolates were shown to be C. jejuni using a multiplex PCR assay. PFGE analysis of all isolates with KpnI restriction enzyme resulted in 11 PFGE types (I-XI) and flaA-SVR typing yielded nine flaA-SVR alleles. Three Campylobacter-positive turkey flocks were colonized by a limited number of Campylobacter genotypes both at the farm and slaughter level.In conclusion, in our first study in 1999 a low prevalence of Campylobacter in Finnish broiler flocks was detected and it has remained at a low level during the study period until the present. In the turkey meat production, we found that flocks which were negative at the farm became contaminated with Campylobacter at the slaughter process. These results suggest that proper and efficient cleaning and disinfection of slaughter and processing premises are needed to avoid cross-contamination. Prevention of colonization at the farm by a high level of biosecurity control and hygiene may be one of the most efficient ways to reduce the amount of Campylobacter-positive poultry meat in Finland. In Finland, with a persistent low level of Campylobacter-positive flocks, it could be speculated that the use of logistic slaughtering, according to Campylobacter status at farm, might have be advantageous in reducing Campylobacter contamination of retail poultry products. However, the significance of the domestic poultry meat for human campylobacteriosis in Finland should be evaluated.


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AIMS An independent, powerful coronary heart disease (CHD) predictor is a low level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). Discoidal pre-HDL particles and large HDL2 particles are the primary cholesterol acceptors in reverse cholesterol transport, a key anti-atherogenic HDL mechanism. The quality of HDL subspecies may provide better markers of HDL functionality than does HDL-C alone. We aimed I) to study whether alterations in the HDL subspecies profile exist in low-HDL-C subjects II) to explore the relationship of any changes in HDL subspecies profile in relation to atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome; III) to elucidate the impact of genetics and acquired obesity on HDL subspecies distribution. SUBJECTS The study consisted of 3 cohorts: A) Finnish families with low HDL-C and premature CHD (Study I: 67 subjects with familial low HDL-C and 64 controls; Study II: 83 subjects with familial low HDL-C, 65 family members with normal HDL-C, and 133 controls); B) a cohort of 113 low- and 133 high-HDL-C subjects from the Health 2000 Health Examination Survey carried out in Finland (Study III); and C) a Finnish cohort of healthy young adult twins (52 monozygotic and 89 dizygotic pairs) (Study IV). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The subjects with familial low HDL-C had a lower pre-HDL concentration than did controls, and the low-HDL-C subjects displayed a dramatic reduction (50-70%) in the proportion of large HDL2b particles. The subjects with familial low HDL-C had increased carotid atherosclerosis measured as intima-media-thickness (IMT), and HDL2b particles correlated negatively with IMT. The reduction in both key cholesterol acceptors, pre-HDL and HDL2 particles, supports the concept of impaired reverse cholesterol transport contributing to the higher CHD risk in low-HDL-C subjects. The family members with normal HDL-C and the young adult twins with acquired obesity showed a reduction in large HDL2 particles and an increase in small HDL3 particles, which may be the first changes leading to the lowering of HDL-C. The low-HDL-C subjects had a higher serum apolipoprotein E (apoE) concentration, which correlated positively with the metabolic syndrome components (waist circumference, TG, and glucose), highlighting the need for a better understanding of apoE metabolism in human atherosclerosis. In the twin study, the increase in small HDL3b particles was associated with obesity independent of genetic effects. The heritability estimate, of 73% for HDL-C and 46 to 63% for HDL subspecies, however, demonstrated a strong genetic influence. These results suggest that the relationship between obesity and lipoproteins depends on different elements in each subject. Finally, instead of merely elevating HDL-C, large HDL2 particles and discoidal pre-HDL particles may provide beneficial targets for HDL-targeted therapy.


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Sika- ja siipikarjatilojen määrä Suomessa on vähentynyt koko EU-jäsenyyden ajan tuotannon keskittyessä yhä suurempiin yksiköihin. Tuotantomäärät ovat kasvaneet, mutta viljelijöiden tulotaso on alentunut, joten maatalouden ulkopuoliset ammatit houkuttelevat luopumaan eläinten pidosta tai maataloudesta kokonaan. Sika- ja siipikarjatalouden rakennemuutoksen taloudellisena kannustimena otettiin vuonna 2009 käyttöön sika- ja siipikarjatalouden rakennemuutoskorvaus, jota maksetaan kompensaationa sika- ja siipikarjataloudesta luopuville viljelijöille. Tämän työn tarkastelukohteena on rakennemuutoskorvaus C-tukialueella, jossa yksinään on lähes yhtä paljon sika- ja siipikarjatiloja kuin A- ja B-alueilla yhteensä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaiset sika- ja siipikarjatilat sekä koko C-alueella etC-alueen eri osissa ovat hakeneet rakennemuutoskorvausta ja miten tilat ovat alueellisesti sijoittuneet. Maatalouden rakennepolitiikalla pyritään vaikuttamaan maatalouden yhteiskunnalliseen rakenteeseen. Rakennepoliittisilla toimilla pyritään vähentämään viljelijöiden ja tilojen määrää, jolloin maataloustulo jakaantuu pienemmälle viljelijämäärälle taaten heille suuremmat tulot. Maatalouden rakennemuutosta tapahtuu, kun maatalouden rakenteessa tapahtuu tietyllä aikavälillä muutos. Rakennemuutoksessa ja -kehityksessä on alueellisia eroja. Aluetaloustiede pyrkii selittämään, mistä alueelliset erot johtuvat ja miksi alueet erilaistuvat. Suomessa eri maakunnilla on eroja ja omia alueellisia ominaispiirteitään, joilla on suuri merkitys alueen työllisyyteen ja väestön sijoittumiseen alueella. Eri maakunnissa työllisyystilanne on vaihteleva, mutta joka maakunnassa on kuitenkin työvoimapulaa useissa sellaisissa ammateissa, joihin eläinten tai tilan pidon lopettavien viljelijöiden olisi mahdollista työllistyä. Sika- ja siipikarjatalouden rakennemuutoskorvaus on kansallinen kotieläintuki, jota maksetaan tilakohtaisen viitemäärän perusteella tiloille, jotka ovat juuri lopettaneet sika- ja siipikarjatuotantonsa tai aikovat sen lopettaa. Korvausta on voitu maksaa tukiehdot täyttävälle tuenhakijalle joko vuosina 2009–2010 tai vuosina 2010–2011 ja sen maksimimäärä on tilaa kohden enintään 20000 euroa vuodessa. Kahden korvausvuoden jälkeen tilan viitemäärä lakkautetaan ja sen jälkeen tilalle ei enää makseta sika- ja siipikarjatalouden tukia. Tilan on kuitenkin edelleen mahdollista jatkaa sika- ja siipikarjatuotantoaan markkinaehtoisena. Tutkimuksen aineisto on 389 tilan tiedot sisältävä Tiken raportti tukityypin 1612 (sika- ja siipikarjatalouden rakennemuutoskorvaus, pohjoinen) tukihakutiedoista vuodelta 2010. Tutkimusote oli kvantitatiivinen ja koska havaintoaineisto kattaa kaikki C-alueen korvauksenhakijat, tehtiin tutkimus kokonaistutkimuksena. Tutkimustulosten mukaan 63 % korvausta hakeneista tiloista sijoittuu C1-alueelle ja 54 % Etelä-Pohjanmaalle ja Pohjanmaalle. Kuntatasolla eniten rakennemuutoskorvaustiloja oli Närpiössä. C-alueella tuenhakijat olivat iältään 20–71-vuotiaita. Hakijoista 62 % harjoitti päätuotantosuuntanaan viljanviljelyä ja peltoalaa kaikilla hakijoilla oli hallinnassaan lähes 16000 ha. Rakennemuutoskorvausta maksettiin C-alueella yhteensä yli 2,3 miljoonaa euroa. Kun rakennemuutoskorvauksen viitemäärät kahden korvausvuoden jälkeen lakkautetaan, poistuu tuo-tannosta yli 9600 ey. Sekä C-alueella että kaikki ELY-keskukset huomioiden oli korvauksenhakijoita kaikkia ikäluokkia tarkasteltaessa eniten 50–59-vuotiaissa. Eniten hakijoita oli viitemääräluokassa 10,01–20 ey ja viljelyalaluokassa 25,01–40 ha, vähiten luokissa 40,01–50 ey ja 50,01 ey tai enemmän sekä 150,01 ha tai enemmän. Yleisin maksuluokka oli 3000,01–4500 euroa, harvinaisin 15000,01–20000 euroa. Rakennemuutoskorvauksella saavutettuja hyötyjä ja kustannuksia on toistaiseksi vaikea määritellä, koska vuoden 2011 maksatus on vielä kesken.


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Using audio-recorded data from cognitive-constructivist psychotherapy, the article shows a particular institutional context in which successful professional action does not adhere to the pattern of affective neutrality which Parsons saw as an inherent component of medicine and psychotherapy. In our data, the professional’s non-neutrality functions as a tool for achieving institutional goals. The analysis focuses on the psychotherapist’s actions that convey a critical stance towards a third party with whom the patient has experienced problems. The data analysis revealed two practices of this kind of critique: (1) the therapist can confirm the critique that the patient has expressed or (2) return to the critique from which the patient has focused away. These actions are shown to build grounds for the therapist’s further actions that challenge the patient’s dysfunctional beliefs. The article suggests that in the case of psychotherapy, actions that as such might be seen as apparent lapses from the neutral professional role can in their specific context perform the task of the institution at hand.