50 resultados para integrative play therapy


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Vasomotor hot flushes are complained of by approximately 75% of postmenopausal women, but their frequency and severity show great individual variation. Hot flushes have been present in women attending observational studies showing cardiovascular benefit associated with hormone therapy use, whereas they have been absent or very mild in randomized hormone therapy trials showing cardiovascular harm. Therefore, if hot flushes are a factor connected with vascular health, they could perhaps be one explanation for the divergence of cardiovascular data in observational versus randomized studies. For the present study 150 healthy, recently postmenopausal women showing a large variation in hot flushes were studied in regard to cardiovascular health by way of pulse wave analysis, ambulatory blood pressure and several biochemical vascular markers. In addition, the possible impact of hot flushes on outcomes of hormone therapy was studied. This study shows that women with severe hot flushes exhibit a greater vasodilatory reactivity as assessed by pulse wave analysis than do women without vasomotor symptoms. This can be seen as a hot flush-related vascular benefit. Although severe night-time hot flushes seem to be accompanied by transient increases in blood pressure and heart rate, the diurnal blood pressure and heart rate profiles show no significant differences between women without and with mild, moderate or severe hot flushes. The levels of vascular markers, such as lipids, lipoproteins, C-reactive protein and sex hormone-binding globulin show no association with hot flush status. In the 6-month hormone therapy trial the women were classified as having either tolerable or intolerable hot flushes. These groups were treated in a randomized order with transdermal estradiol gel, oral estradiol alone or in combination with medroxyprogesterone acetate, or with placebo. In women with only tolerable hot flushes, oral estradiol leads to a reduced vasodilatory response and increases in 24-hour and daytime blood pressures as compared to women with intolerable hot flushes receiving the same therapy. No such effects were observed with the other treatment regimes or in women with intolerable hot flushes. The responses of vascular biomarkers to hormone therapy are unaffected by hot flush status. In conclusion, hot flush status contributes to cardiovascular health before and during hormone therapy. Severe hot flushes are associated with an increased vasodilatory, and thus, a beneficial vascular status. Oral estradiol leads to vasoconstrictive changes and increases in blood pressure, and thus to possible vascular harm, but only in women whose hot flushes are so mild that they would probably not lead to the initiation of hormone therapy in clinical practice. Healthy, recently postmenopausal women with moderate to severe hot flushes should be given the opportunity to use hormone therapy alleviate hot flushes, and if estrogen is prescribed for indications other than for the control of hot flushes, transdermal route of administration should be favored.


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Thirty percent of 70-year-old women have osteoporosis; after age of 80 its prevalence is up to 70%. Postmenopausal women with osteoporosis seem to be at an increased risk for cardiovascular events, and deterioration of oral health, as shown by attachment loss of teeth, which is proportional to the severity of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can be treated with many different medication, e.g. estrogen and alendronate. We randomized 90 elderly osteoporotic women (65-80 years of age) to receive hormone therapy (HT)(2mg E2+NETA), 10mg alendronate, and their combination for two years and compared their effects on bone mineral density (BMD) and turnover, two surrogate markers of the risk of cardiovascular diseases, C-reactive protein (CRP) and E-selectin, as well as oral health. The effect of HT on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) was studied in the population-based cohort of 1663 postmenopausal women (mean age 68 yr) (585 estrogen users and 1078 non-users). BMD was measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at 0, 12 and 24 months. Urinary N-telopeptide (NTX) of type I collagen, a marker of bone resorption, and serum aminoterminal propeptide of human type I procollagen (PINP), a marker of bone formation, were measured every six months of treatment. Serum CRP and E-selectin, were measured at 0, 6, and 12 months. Dental, and periodontal conditions, and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8 levels were studied to evaluate the oral health status and for the mouth symptoms a structured questionnaire was used. The HRQoL was measured with 15D questionnaire. Lumbar spine BMD increased similarly in all treatment groups (6.8-8.4% and 9.1-11.2%). Only HT increased femoral neck BMD at both 12 (4.9%) and 24 months (5.8%), at the latter time point the HT group differed significantly from the other groups. HT reduced bone marker levels of NTX and PINP significantly less than other two groups.Oral HT significantly increased serum CRP level by 76.5% at 6 and by 47.1% (NS) at 12 months, and decreased serum E-selectin level by 24.3% and 30.0%. Alendronate had no effect on these surrogate markers. Alendronate caused a decrease in the resting salivary flow rate and tended to increase GCF MMP-8 levels. Otherwise, there was no effect on the parameters of oral health. HT improved the HRQoL of elderly women significantly on the dimensions of usual activities, vitality and sexual activity, but the overall improvement in HRQoL was neither statistically significant nor clinically important. In conclusion, bisphosphonates might be the first option to start the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis in the old age.


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Juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (JNCL) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases in childhood. Its clinical onset, with visual failure as the first sign, is between the ages of 4 to 8 years. During the disease progress, epilepsy, motor symptoms, cognitive decline, and psychiatric symptoms become apparent. It leads to premature death between ages 15 and 30. Treatment consists of symptomatic drug administration and various forms of rehabilitation, but to date, no curative treatment exists. To gain a more comprehensive picture of psychiatric problems, symptoms were evaluated by the Child Behavior Checklist, the Teacher Report Form, and the Children s Depression Inventory. The JNCL patients had a great number of severe psychiatric symptoms, with wide inter-individual variability. The most common symptoms were social, thought, attention, and sleep problems, somatic complaints, and aggressive behaviour. Patients with psychotropic treatment had more problems than did those without psychotropic treatment, and female patients had more problems than did males. Between 10 and 20% of the patients reported depressive symptoms. In a 5-year follow-up, [123I]β-CIT SPECT and MRI revealed a tendency of decreasing serotonin transporter (SERT) availability and progressive brain atrophy. The correlation between changes in midbrain SERT and total brain volume was positive; no correlation appeared between SERT or brain atrophy and depressive symptoms. Thus, it seems likely that the low SERT availability is associated with progressive brain atrophy; it may also predispose towards depression, however. An open survey of psychotropic drugs and their efficacy was performed on JNCL patients in Finland. The most commonly used psychotropic drugs were the antidepressant citalopram and the antipsychotic risperidone. Their efficacy was good or satisfactory in the majority of cases and they seemed well tolerated. Quetiapine had a marked effect on one patient with a history of severe psychotic symptoms. Glutamate decarboxylase 65 autoantibodies (GAD65ab), found in JNCL patients, indicate that an immunomediated reaction against GAD or GABAergic neurons may play a part in the underlying pathogenetic mechanism. GAD65ab s also appeared in the serum of all eight JNCL patients included and intermittent corticosteroid therapy was initiated in all cases. After one year, the GAD65ab s had disappeared in the two oldest patients, who experienced an improvement in motor symptoms and alertness associated with their prednisolone therapy. Two younger patients experienced a significant IQ increase, but no change in GADab s. A randomized study with longer follow-up time is needed, however, to clarify the effect of prednisolone on disease progression.


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The rare autosomal recessive disease congenital chloride diarrhea (CLD) is caused by mutations in the solute carrier family 26 member 3 (SLC26A3) gene on chromosome 7q22.3-31.1. SLC26A3 encodes for an apical epithelial chloride-bicarbonate exchanger, the intestinal loss of which leads to profuse chloride-rich diarrhea, and a tendency to hypochloremic and hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis. Although untreated CLD is usually lethal in early infancy, the development of salt substitution therapy with NaCl and KCl in the late 1960s made the disease treatable. While the salt substitution allows normal childhood growth and development in CLD, data on long-term outcome have remained unclarified. One of the world s highest incidences of CLD 1:30 000 to 1:40 000 occurs in Finland, and CLD is part of the Finnish disease heritage. We utilized a unique sample of Finnish patients to characterize the long-term outcome of CLD. Another purpose of this study was to search for novel manifestations of CLD based on the extraintestinal expression of the SLC26A3 gene. This study on a sample of 36 patients (ages 10-38) shows that the long-term outcome of treated CLD is favorable. In untreated or poorly treated cases, however, chronic contraction and metabolic imbalance may lead to renal injury and even to renal transplantation. Our results demonstrate a low-level expression of SLC26A3 in the human kidney. Although SLC26A3 may play a minor role in homeostasis, post-transplant recurrence of renal changes shows the unlikelihood of direct transporter modulation in the pathogenesis of CLD-related renal injury. Options to resolve the diarrheal symptoms of CLD have been limited. Unfortunately, our pilot trial indicated the inefficacy of oral butyrate as well. This study reveals novel manifestations of CLD. These include an increased risk for hyperuricemia, inguinal hernias, and probably for intestinal inflammation. The most notable finding of this study is CLD-associated male subfertility. This involves a low concentration of poorly motile spermatozoa with abnormal morphology, high seminal plasma chloride with a low pH, and a tendency to form spermatoceles. That SLC26A3 immunoexpression appeared at multiple sites of the male reproductive tract in part together with the main interacting proteins cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and sodium-hydrogen exchanger 3 (NHE3) suggests novel sites for the cooperation of these proteins. As evidence of the cooperation, defects occurring in any of these transporters are associated with reduced male fertility. Together with a finding of high sweat chloride in CLD, this study provides novel data on extraintestinal actions of the SLC26A3 gene both in the male reproductive tract and in the sweat gland. These results provide the basis for future studies regarding the role of SLC26A3 in different tissues, especially in the male reproductive tract. Fortunately, normal spermatogenesis in CLD is likely to make artificial reproductive technologies to treat infertility and even make unassisted reproduction possible.


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Congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type (NPHS1, CNF) is an autosomal recessive disease, enriched in the Finnish population. NPHS1 is caused by a mutation in the NPHS1 gene. This gene encodes for nephrin, which is a major structural component of the slit diaphragm connecting podocyte foot processes in the glomerular capillary wall. In NPHS1, the genetic defect in nephrin leads to heavy proteinuria already in the newborn period. Finnish NPHS1 patients are nephrectomized at infancy, and after a short period of dialysis the patients receive a kidney transplant, which is the only curative therapy for the disease. In this thesis, we examined the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to the progression of glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis in NPHS1 kidneys. Progressive mesangial expansion in NPHS1 kidneys is caused by mesangial cell hyperplasia and the accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins. Expansion of the extracellular matrix was caused by the normal mesangial cell component, collagen IV. However, no significant changes in mesangial cell phenotype or extracellular matrix component composition were observed. Endotheliosis was the main ultrastructural lesion observed in the endothelium of NPHS1 glomeruli. The abundant expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and its transcription factor hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha were in accordance with the preserved structure of the endothelium in NPHS1 kidneys. Hypoperfusion of peritubular capillaries and tubulointerstitial hypoxia were evident in NPHS1 kidneys, indicating that these may play an important role in the rapid progression of fibrosis in the kidneys of NPHS1 patients. Upregulation of Angiotensin II was obvious, emphasizing its role in the pathophysiology of NPHS1. Excessive oxidative stress was evident in NPHS1 kidneys, manifested as an increase expression of p22phox, superoxide production, lipid oxide peroxidation and reduced antioxidant activity. In conclusion, our data indicate that mesangial cell proliferation and the accumulation of extracellular matrix accumulation are associated with the obliteration of glomerular capillaries, causing the reduction of circulation in peritubular capillaries. The injury and rarefaction of peritubular capillaries result in impairment of oxygen and nutrient delivery to the tubuli and interstitial cells, which correlates with the fibrosis, tubular atrophy and oxidative stress observed in NPHS1 kidneys.


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The possible carcinogenic risk of immunosuppressive therapies is an important issue in everyday clinical practise. Carcinogenesis is a slow multi step procedure, thus a long latency period is needed before cancer develops. PUVA therapy is used for many skin diseases including psoriasis, early stage cutaneous T cell lymphoma, atopic dermatitis, palmoplantar pustulosis and chronic eczema. There has been concern about the increased melanoma risk associated to PUVA therapy, which has previously been associated with an increased risk on non-melanoma skin cancer, especially squamous cell carcinoma. The increased risk of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is also documented but it is modest compared to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). This thesis evaluated melanoma and noncutaneous cancer risk associated to PUVA, and the persistence of nonmelanoma cancer risk after the cessation of PUVA treatment. Also, the influence of photochemotherapy to the development of secondary cancers in cutaneous T cell lymphoma and the role of short term cyclosporine in later cancer development in inflammatory skin diseases were evaluated. The first three studies were performed on psoriasis patients. The risk of melanoma started to increase 15 years after the first treatment with PUVA. The risk was highest among persons who had received over 250 treatments compared to those under 250 treatments. In noncutaneous cancer, the overall risk was not increased (RR=1.08,95% CI=0.93-1.24), but significant increases in risk were found in thyroid cancer, breast cancer and in central nervous system neoplasms. These cancers were not associated to PUVA. The increased risk of SCC was associated to high cumulative UVA exposure in the PUVA regimen. The patients with high risk had no substantial exposure to other carcinogens. In BCC there was a similar but more modest tendency. In the two other studies, the risk of all secondary cancers (SIR) in CTCL patients was 1.4 (95% CI=1.0-1.9). In separate sites, the risk of lung cancer, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas were increased. PUVA seemed not to contribute to any extent to the appearance of these cancers. The carcinogenity of short-term cyclosporine was evaluated in inflammatory skin diseases. No increased risk for any type of cancer including the skin cancers was detected. To conclude, our studies confirm the increased skin cancer risk related to PUVA treatment in psoriasis patients. In clinical practice, this has led to a close and permanent follow-up of patients treated with PUVA. In CTCL patients, PUVA treatment did not contribute to the development of secondary cancers. We could not detect any increase in the risk of cancer in patients treated with short term cyclosporine, unlike in organ transplant patients under such long-term therapy.


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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD; OMIM # 603075) is an eye disease of the elderly, signs of which appear after the age of 50. In the Western world it is a leading cause of permanent visual loss with a prevalence of 8.5% in persons under 54 years of age and of 37% in persons over 75 years of age. Early forms of AMD may be asymptomatic, but in the late forms usually a central scotoma in the visual field follows severely complicating daily tasks. Smoking, age, and genetic predisposition are known risk factors for AMD. Until recently no true susceptibility genes had been identified though the composition of drusen deposits, the hallmarks of AMD, has suggested that the complement system might play a role in the pathogenesis of AMD. When four groups reported in March 2005, that, on chromosome 1q32, a Y402H variant in the complement factor H (CFH) gene confers risk for AMD in independent Caucasian samples, a new period in the field of genetic research of AMD started. CFH is a key regulator of the complement system. Thus, it is logical to speculate, that it plays a role in the pathogenesis of AMD. We performed a case-control association study to analyse whether the CFH Y402H variant contain a risk for AMD in the Finnish population. Although the population of Finland represents a genetic isolate, the CFH Y402H polymorphism was associated with AMD also in our patient sample with similar risk allele frequencies as in the other Caucasian populations. We further evaluated the effects of this variant, but no association between lesion subtype (predominantly classic, minimally classic or occult lesion) or lesion size of neovascular AMD and the CFH Y402H variant was detected. Neither did the variant have an effect on the photodynamic therapy (PDT) outcome. The patients that respond to PDT carried the risk genotype as frequently as those who did not respond, and no difference was found in the number of PDT sessions needed in patients with or without the risk genotypes of CFH Y402H. Functional analyses, however, showed that the binding of C-reactive protein (CRP) to CFH was significantly reduced in patients with the risk genotype of Y402H. In the past two years, the LOC387715/ high-temperature requirement factor A1 (HTRA1) locus on 10q26 has also been repeatedly associated with AMD in several populations. The recent discovery of the LOC387715 protein on the mitochondrial outer membrane suggests that the LOC387715 gene, not HTRA1, is the true predisposing gene in this region, although its biological function is still unknown. In our Finnish patient material, patients with AMD carried the A69S risk genotype of LOC387715 more frequently than the controls. Also, for the first time, an interaction between the CFH Y402H and the LOC387715 A69S variants was found. The most recently detected susceptibilty gene of AMD, the complement component 3 (C3) gene, encodes the central component of the complement system, C3. In our Finnish sample, an additive gene effect for the C3 locus was detected, though weaker than the effects for the two main loci, CFH and LOC387715. Instead, the hemicentin-1 or the elongation of very long chain fatty acids-like 4 genes that have also been suggested as candidate genes for AMD did not carry a risk for AMD in the Finnish population. This was the first series of molecular genetic study of AMD in Finland. We showed that two common risk variants, CFH Y402H and LOC387715 A69S, represent a high risk of AMD also in the isolated Finnish population, and furthermore, that they had a statistical interaction. It was demonstrated that the CFH Y402H risk genotype affects the binding of CFH to CRP thus suggesting that complement indeed plays an important role in the pathogenesis of AMD.