22 resultados para diabetic nephropathy


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Background. In Finland, the incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is the highest in the world, and it continues to increase steadily. No effective preventative interventions exist either for individuals at high risk or for the population as a whole. In addition to problems with daily lifelong insulin replacement therapy, T1DM patients with long-lasting disease suffer from various diabetes related complications. The complications can lead to severe impairments and reductions in functional capacity and quality of life and in the worst case they can be fatal. Longitudinal studies on the costs of T1DM are extremely rare, especially in Finland. Typically, in these studies, distinctions between the various types of diabetes have not been made, and costs have not been calculated separately for the sexes. Aims. The aim of this study was to describe inpatient hospital care and costs of inpatient care in a cohort of 5,166 T1DM patients by sex during 1973-1998 in Finland. Inpatient care and costs of care due to T1DM without complications, due to T1DM with complications and due to other causes were calculated separately. Material and Methods. The study population consisted of all Finnish T1DM patients diagnosed before the age of 18 years between January 1st in 1965 and December 31st in 1979 and derived from the Finnish population based T1DM register (N=5,120 in 1979 and N=4,701 in 1997). Data on hospitalisations were obtained from the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register. Results. In the early stages of T1DM, the majority of the use of inpatient care was due to the treatment of T1DM without complications. There were enormous increases in the use of inpatient care for certain complications when T1DM lasted longer (from 9.5 years to 16.5 years). For women, the yearly number of bed-days for renal complications increased 4.8-fold, for peripheral vascular disease 4.3-fold and for ophthalmic complications 2.5-fold. For men, the corresponding increases were as follows: 5-fold, 6.9-fold and 2.5-fold. The yearly bed-days for glaucoma increased 8-fold, nephropathy 7-fold and microangiopathy 6-fold in the total population. During these 7 years, the yearly numbers of bed-days for T1DM without complications dropped dramatically. The length of stay in inpatient care decreased notably, but hospital visits became more frequent when the length of duration of T1DM increased from 9.5 years to 16.5 years. The costs of treatments due to complications increased when T1DM lasted longer. Costs due to inpatient care of complications in the cohort 2.5-folded as duration of T1DM increased from 9.5 years to 16.5 years, while the total costs of inpatient care in the cohort dropped by 22% due to an 80% decrease in the costs of care of T1DM without complications. Treating complications of female patients was more expensive than treating complications of men when T1DM had lasted 9.5 years; the mean annual costs for inpatient care of a female diabetic (any cause) were 1,642 , and the yearly costs of care of complications were 237 . The corresponding yearly mean costs for a male patient were 1,198 and 167 . Treating complications of female patients was more expensive than that of male patients also when the duration of diabetes was 16.5 years, although the difference in average annual costs between sexes was somewhat smaller. Conclusions. In the early phases of T1DM, the treatment of T1DM without complications causes a considerable amount of hospital bed-days. The use of inpatient care due to complications of T1DM strongly increases with ageing of patients. The economic burden of inpatient care of T1DM is substantial.


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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a major cause of morbidity, costs and even mortality in organ transplant recipients. CMV may also enhance the development of chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN), which is the most important cause of graft loss after kidney transplantation. The evidence for the role of CMV in chronic allograft nephropathy is somewhat limited, and controversial results have also been reported. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of CMV in the pathogenesis of CAN. Material for the purpose of this study was available from altogether 70 kidney transplant recipients who received a kidney transplant between the years 1992-2000. CMV infection was diagnosed with pp65 antigenemia test or by viral culture from blood, urine, or both. CMV proteins were demonstrated in the kidney allograft biopsies by immunohistochemisrty and CMV-DNA by in situ hybridization. Cytokines, adhesion molecules, and growth factors were demonstrated from allograft biopsies by immunohistochemistry, and from urinary samples by ELISA-methods. CMV proteins were detectable in the 6-month protocol biopsies from 18/41 recipients with evidence of CMV infection. In the histopathological analysis of the 6-month protocol biopsies, presence of CMV in the allograft together with a previous history of acute rejection episodes was associated with increased arteriosclerotic changes in small arterioles. In urinary samples collected during CMV infection, excretion of TGF-β was significantly increased. In recipients with increased urinary excretion of TGF-β, increased interstitial fibrosis was recorded in the 6- month protocol biopsies. In biopsies taken after an active CMV infection, CMV persisted in the kidney allograft in 17/48 recipients, as CMV DNA or antigens were detected in the biopsies more than 2 months after the last positive finding in blood or urine. This persistence was associated with increased expression of TGF-β, PDGF, and ICAM-1 and with increased vascular changes in the allografts. Graft survival and graft function one and two years after transplantation were reduced in recipients with persistent intragraft CMV. Persistent intragraft CMV infection was also a risk factor for reduced graft survival in Cox regression analysis, and an independent risk factor for poor graft function one and two years after transplantation in logistic regression analysis. In conclusion, these results show that persistent intragraft CMV infection is detrimental to kidney allografts, causing increased expression of growth factors and increased vascular changes, leading to reduced graft function and survival. Effective prevention, diagnosis and treatment of CMV infections may a major factor in improving the long term survival of kidney allograft.


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Background. Kidney transplantation (KTX) is considered to be the best treatment of terminal uremia. Despite improvements in short-term graft survival, a considerable number of kidney allografts are lost due to the premature death of patients with a functional kidney and to chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN). Aim. To investigate the risk factors involved in the progression of CAN and to analyze diagnostic methods for this entity. Materials and methods. Altogether, 153 implant and 364 protocol biopsies obtained between June 1996 and April 2008 were analyzed. The biopsies were classified according to Banff ’97 and chronic allograft damage index (CADI). Immunohistochemistry for TGF-β1 was performed in 49 biopsies. Kidney function was evaluated by creatinine and/or cystatin C measurement and by various estimates of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Demographic data of the donors and recipients were recorded after 2 years’ follow-up. Results. Most of the 3-month biopsies (73%) were nearly normal. The mean CADI score in the 6-month biopsies decreased significantly after 2001. Diastolic hypertension correlated with ΔCADI. Serum creatinine concentration at hospital discharge and glomerulosclerosis were risk factors for ΔCADI. High total and LDL cholesterol, low HDL and hypertension correlated with chronic histological changes. The mean age of the donors increased from 41 -52 years. Older donors were more often women who had died from an underlying disease. The prevalence of delayed graft function increased over the years, while acute rejections (AR) decreased significantly over the years. Sub-clinical AR was observed in 4% and it did not affect long-term allograft function or CADI. Recipients´ drug treatment was modified along the Studies, being mycophenolate mophetil, tacrolimus, statins and blockers of the renine-angiotensin-system more frequently prescribed after 2001. Patients with a higher ΔCADI had lower GFR during follow-up. CADI over 2 was best predicted by creatinine, although with modest sensitivity and specificity. Neither cystatin C nor other estimates of GFR were superior to creatinine for CADI prediction. Cyclosporine A toxicity was seldom seen. Low cyclosporin A concentration after 2 h correlated with TGF- β1 expression in interstitial inflammatory cells, and this predicted worse graft function. Conclusions. The progression of CAN has been affected by two major factors: the donors’ characteristics and the recipients’ hypertension. The increased prevalence of DGF might be a consequence of the acceptance of older donors who had died from an underlying disease. Implant biopsies proved to be of prognostic value, and they are essential for comparison with subsequent biopsies. The progression of histological damage was associated with hypertension and dyslipidemia. The augmented expression of TGF-β1 in inflammatory cells is unclear, but it may be related to low immunosuppression. Serum creatinine is the most suitable tool for monitoring kidney allograft function on every-day basis. However, protocol biopsies at 6 and 12 months predicted late kidney allograft dysfunction and affected the clinical management of the patients. Protocol biopsies are thus a suitable surrogate to be used in clinical trials and for monitoring kidney allografts.


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IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common primary glomerulonephritis. In one third of the patients the disease progresses, and they eventually need renal replacement therapy. IgAN is in most cases a slowly progressing disease, and the prediction of progression has been difficult, and the results of studies have been conflicting. Henoch-Schönlein nephritis (HSN) is rare in adults, and prediction of the outcome is even more difficult than in IgAN. This study was conducted to evaluate the clinical and histopathological features and predictors of the outcome of IgAN and HSN diagnosed in one centre (313 IgAN patients and 38 HSN patients), and especially in patients with normal renal function at the time of renal biopsy. The study also aimed to evaluate whether there is a difference in the progression rates in four countries (259 patients from Finland, 112 from UK, 121 from Australia and 274 from Canada), and if so, can this be explained by differences in renal biopsy policy. The third aim was to measure urinary excretions of cytokines interleukin 1ß (IL-1ß) and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) in patients with IgAN and HSN and the correlations of excretion of these substances with histopathological damage and clinical factors. A large proportion of the patients diagnosed in Helsinki as having IgAN had normal renal function (161/313 patients). Four factors, (hypertension, higher amounts of urinary erythrocytes, severe arteriolosclerosis and a higher glomerular score) which independently predicted progression (logistic regression analysis), were identified in mild disease. There was geographic variability in renal survival in patients with IgAN. When age, levels of renal function, proteinuria and blood pressure were taken into account, it showed that the variability related mostly to lead-time bias and renal biopsy indications. Amount of proteinuria more than 0.4g/24h was the only factor that was significantly related to the progression of HSN. the Hypertension and the level of renal function were found to be factors predicting outcome in patients with normal renal function at the time of diagnosis. In IgAN patients, IL-1ra excretion into urine was found to be decreased as compared with HSN patients and healthy controls. Patients with a high IL-1ra/IL-1ß ratio had milder histopathological changes in renal biopsy than patients with a low/normal IL-1ra/IL-1ß ratio. It was also found that the excretion of IL-1ß and especially IL-1ra were significantly higher in women. In conclusion, it was shown that factors associated with outcome can reliably be identified even in mild cases of IgAN. Predicting outcome in adult HSN, however, remains difficult.


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Type 2 diabetes is a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. Recently, the term diabetic cardiomyopathy has been proposed to describe the changes in the heart that occur in response to chronic hyperglycemia and insulin resistance. Ventricular remodelling in diabetic cardiomyopathy includes left ventricular hypertrophy, increased interstitial fibrosis, apoptosis and diastolic dysfunction. Mechanisms behind these changes are increased oxidative stress and renin-angiotensin system activation. The diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rat is a non-obese model of type 2 diabetes that exhibits defective insulin signalling. Recently two interconnected stress response pathways have been discovered that link insulin signalling, longevity, apoptosis and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. The insulin-receptor PI3K/Ak pathway inhibits proapoptotic FOXO3a in response to insulin signalling and the nuclear Sirt1 deacetylase inhibits proapoptotic p53 and modulates FOXO3a in favour of survival and growth. --- Levosimendan is a calcium sensitizing agent used for the management of acute decompensated heart failure. Levosimendan acts as a positive inotrope by sensitizing cardiac troponin C to calcium and exerts vasodilation by opening mitochondrial and sarcolemmal ATP-sensitive potassium channels. Levosimendan has been described to have beneficial effects in ventricular remodelling after myocardial infarction. The aims of the study were to characterize whether diabetic cardiomyopathy associates with cardiac dysfunction, cardiomyocyte apoptosis, hypertrophy and fibrosis in spontaneously diabetic Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats, which were used to model type 2 diabetes. Protein expression and activation of the Akt FOXO3a and Sirt1 p53 pathways were examined in the development of ventricular remodelling in GK rats with and without myocardial infarction (MI). The third and fourth studies examined the effects of levosimendan on ventricular remodelling and gene expression in post-MI GK rats. The results demonstrated that diabetic GK rats develop both modest hypertension and features similar to diabetic cardiomyopathy including cardiac dysfunction, LV hypertrophy and fibrosis and increased apoptotic signalling. MI induced a sustained increase in cardiomyocyte apoptosis in GK rats together with aggravated LV hypertrophy and fibrosis. The GK rat myocardium exhibited decreased Akt- FOXO3a phosphorylation and increased nuclear translocation of FOXO3a and overproduction of the Sirt1 protein. Treatment with levosimendan decreased cardiomyocyte apoptosis, senescence and LV hypertrophy and altered the gene expression profile in GK rat myocardium. The findings indicate that impaired cardioprotection via Akt FOXO3a and p38 MAPK is associated with increased apoptosis, whereas Sirt1 functions in counteracting apoptosis and the development of LV hypertrophy in the GK rat myocardium. Overall, levosimendan treatment protects against post-MI ventricular remodelling and alters the gene expression profile in the GK rat myocardium.