51 resultados para Hormone-Related Cancer, Endometrial, SNP, MMP


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Since national differences exist in genes, environment, diet and life habits and also in the use of postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT), the associations between different hormone therapies and the risk for breast cancer were studied among Finnish postmenopausal women. All Finnish women over 50 years of age who used HT were identified from the national medical reimbursement register, established in 1994, and followed up for breast cancer incidence (n= 8,382 cases) until 2005 with the aid of the Finnish Cancer Registry. The risk for breast cancer in HT users was compared to that in the general female population of the same age. Among women using oral or transdermal estradiol alone (ET) (n = 110,984) during the study period 1994-2002 the standardized incidence ratio (SIR) for breast cancer in users for < 5 years was 0.93 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.80–1.04), and in users for ≥ 5 years 1.44 (1.29–1.59). This therapy was associated with similar rises in ductal and lobular types of breast cancer. Both localized stage (1.45; 1.26–1.66) and cancers spread to regional nodes (1.35; 1.09–1.65) were associated with the use of systemic ET. Oral estriol or vaginal estrogens were not accompanied with a risk for breast cancer. The use of estrogen-progestagen therapy (EPT) in the study period 1994-2005 (n= 221,551) was accompanied with an increased incidence of breast cancer (1.31;1.20-1.42) among women using oral or transdermal EPT for 3-5 years, and the incidence increased along with the increasing duration of exposure (≥10 years, 2.07;1.84-2.30). Continuous EPT entailed a significantly higher (2.44; 2.17-2.72) breast cancer incidence compared to sequential EPT (1.78; 1.64-1.90) after 5 years of use. The use of norethisterone acetate (NETA) as a supplement to estradiol was accompanied with a higher incidence of breast cancer after 5 years of use (2.03; 1.88-2.18) than that of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) (1.64; 1.49-1.79). The SIR for the lobular type of breast cancer was increased within 3 years of EPT exposure (1.35; 1.18-1.53), and the incidence of the lobular type of breast cancer (2.93; 2.33-3.64) was significantly higher than that of the ductal type (1.92; 1.67-2.18) after 10 years of exposure. To control for some confounding factors, two case control studies were performed. All Finnish women between the ages of 50-62 in 1995-2007 and diagnosed with a first invasive breast cancer (n= 9,956) were identified from the Finnish Cancer Registry, and 3 controls of similar age (n=29,868) without breast cancer were retrieved from the Finnish national population registry. Subjects were linked to the medical reimbursement register for defining the HT use. The use of ET was not associated with an increased risk for breast cancer (1.00; 0.92-1.08). Neither was progestagen-only therapy used less than 3 years. However, the use of tibolone was associated with an elevated risk for breast cancer (1.39; 1.07-1.81). The case-control study confirmed the results of EPT regarding sequential vs. continuous use of progestagen, including progestagen released continuously by an intrauterine device; the increased risk was seen already within 3 years of use (1.65;1.32-2.07). The dose of NETA was not a determinant as regards the breast cancer risk. Both systemic ET, and EPT are associated with an elevation in the risk for breast cancer. These risks resemble to a large extent those seen in several other countries. The use of an intrauterine system alone or as a complement to systemic estradiol is also associated with a breast cancer risk. These data emphasize the need for detailed information to women who are considering starting the use of HT.


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Both inherited genetic variations and somatically acquired mutations drive cancer development. The aim of this thesis was to gain insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying colorectal cancer (CRC) predisposition and tumor progression. Whereas one-third of CRC may develop in the context of hereditary predisposition, the known highly penetrant syndromes only explain a small fraction of all cases. Genome-wide association studies have shown that ten common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) modestly predispose to CRC. Our population-based sample series of around thousand CRC cases and healthy controls was genotyped for these SNPs. Tumors of heterozygous patients were analyzed for allelic imbalance, in an attempt to reveal the role of these SNPs in somatic tumor progression. The risk allele of rs6983267 at 8q24 was favored in the tumors significantly more often than the neutral allele, indicating that this germline variant is somatically selected for. No imbalance targeting the risk allele was observed in the remaining loci, suggesting that most of the low-penetrance CRC SNPs mainly play a role in the early stages of the neoplastic process. The ten SNPs were further analyzed in 788 CRC cases, 97 of which had a family history of CRC, to evaluate their combined contribution. A significant association appeared between the overall number of risk alleles and familial CRC and these ten SNPs seem to explain around 9% of the familial clustering of CRC. Finding more CRC susceptibility alleles may facilitate individualized risk prediction and cancer prevention in the future. Microsatellite instability (MSI), resulting from defective mismatch repair function, is a hallmark of Lynch syndrome and observed in a subset of all CRCs. Our aim was to identify microsatellite frameshift mutations that inactivate tumor suppressor genes in MSI CRCs. By sequencing microsatellite repeats of underexpressed genes we found six novel MSI target genes that were frequently mutated in 100 MSI CRCs: 51% in GLYR1, 47% in ABCC5, 43% in WDTC1, 33% in ROCK1, 30% in OR51E2, and 28% in TCEB3. Immunohistochemical staining of GLYR1 revealed defective protein expression in homozygously mutated tumors, providing further support for the loss of function hypothesis. Another mutation screening effort sought to identify MSI target genes with putative oncogenic functions. Microsatellites were similarly sequenced in genes that were overexpressed and, upon mutation, predicted to avoid nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. The mitotic checkpoint kinase TTK harbored protein-elongating mutations in 59% of MSI CRCs and the mutant protein was detected in heterozygous MSI CRC cells. No checkpoint dysregulation or defective protein localization was observable however, and the biological relevance of this mutation may hence be related to other mechanisms. In conclusion, these two large-scale and unbiased efforts identified frequently mutated genes that are likely to contribute to the development of this cancer type and may be utilized in developing diagnostic and therapeutic applications.


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The nuclear receptor (NR) superfamily is comprised of receptors for small lipopfilic ligands such as steroid hormones, thyroid hormone, retinoids, and vitamin D. NRs are ligand-inducible transcription factors capable of both activating and repressing their target gene expression. They control a wide range of biological functions connected to growth, development, and homeostasis. In addition to the ligand-regulated receptors, the family includes a large group of receptors whose physiological ligands are unknown. These receptors are referred to as orphan NRs. Estrogen-related receptor gamma (ERRgamma) belongs to the ERR subfamily of orphan NRs together with the related ERRalpha and ERRbeta. ERRs share amino acid sequence homology with the classical estrogen receptors (ERs) but they are unable to bind natural estrogenic ligands. ERRgamma is expressed in several embryonic and adult tissues but its biological role is still largely unknown. ERRgamma activates reporter gene expression in transfected cells independently of added hormones implying that ERRgamma harbors constitutive activity. However, the intrinsic activity of ERRgamma can be inhibited by synthetic compounds such as the selective estrogen receptor modulator 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT). Ligands of NRs can act as agonists that activate transcription, as antagonists that prevent activation of transcription, or as inverse agonists that antagonize the constitutive transcriptional activity of receptor. Most of the synthetic ERRgamma ligands act as inverse agonists but recently, a synthetic ERRgamma agonist GSK4716 was identified. This demonstrates that it is possible to design and identify agonists for ERRgamma. Prior to this thesis work, the structural and functional characteristics of ERRgamma were largely unknown. The aim of this study was to define the functional requirements for ERRgamma-mediated transcriptional regulation and to examine the cross-talk between ERRgamma and other NRs. Due to the fact that natural physiological ligands of ERRgamma are unknown, another aim of this study was to seek new natural compounds that may affect transcriptional activity of ERRgamma. Plant-derived phytoestrogens have previously been shown to act as ligands for ERs and ERRalpha, and therefore the effects of these compounds were also studied on ERRgamma-mediated transcriptional regulation. This work demonstrated that ERRgamma-mediated transcriptional regulation was dependent on DNA-binding, dimerization and activation function-2. Heterodimerization with ERRalpha inhibited the transcriptional activity of ERRgamma. In addition to 4-OHT, another anti-estrogen, 4-hydroxytoremifene (4-OHtor), was identified as an inverse agonist of ERRgamma. Interestingly, ERRgamma activated transcription in the presence of 4-OHT and 4-OHtor on activator protein-1 binding sites. ERRgamma was found to interact with another orphan NR Nurr1 by repressing the ability of Nurr1 to activate transcription of the osteopontin gene. Transcriptional activity of ERRgamma was shown to be stimulated by the phytoestrogen equol. Structural model analysis and mutational experiments indicated that equol was able to bind to the ligand binding domain of ERRgamma. The growth inhibitory effect of ERRgamma on prostate cancer cells was found to be enhanced by equol. In summary, this study demonstrates that despite the absence of an endogenous physiological ligand, the activity of ERRgamma can be modulated in other ways such as dimerization with related receptors or by cross-talk with other transcription factors as well as by binding some synthetic or natural compounds.


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The androgen receptor (AR) mediates the effects of the male sex-steroid hormones (androgens), testosterone and 5?-dihydrotestosterone. Androgens are critical in the development and maintenance of male sexual characteristics. AR is a member of the steroid receptor ligand-inducible transcription factor family. The steroid receptor family is a subgroup of the nuclear receptor superfamily that also includes receptors for the active forms of vitamin A, vitamin D3, and thyroid hormones. Like all nuclear receptors, AR has a conserved modular structure consisting of a non-conserved amino-terminal domain (NTD), containing the intrinsic activation function 1, a highly conserved DNA-binding domain, and a conserved ligand-binding domain (LBD) that harbors the activation function 2. Each of these domains plays an important role in receptor function and signaling, either via intra- and inter-receptor interactions, interactions with specific DNA sequences, termed hormone response elements, or via functional interactions with domain-specific proteins, termed coregulators (coactivators and corepressors). Upon binding androgens, AR acquires a new conformational state, translocates to the nucleus, binds to androgen response elements, homodimerizes and recruits sequence-specific coregulatory factors and the basal transcription machinery. This set of events is required to activate gene transcription (expression). Gene transcription is a strictly modulated process that governs cell growth, cell homeostasis, cell function and cell death. Disruptions of AR transcriptional activity caused by receptor mutations and/or altered coregulator interactions are linked to a wide spectrum of androgen insensitivity syndromes, and to the pathogenesis of prostate cancer (CaP). The treatment of CaP usually involves androgen depletion therapy (ADT). ADT achieves significant clinical responses during the early stages of the disease. However, under the selective pressure of androgen withdrawal, androgen-dependent CaP can progress to an androgen-independent CaP. Androgen-independent CaP is invariably a more aggressive and untreatable form of the disease. Advancing our understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind the switch in androgen-dependency would improve our success of treating CaP and other AR related illnesses. This study evaluates how clinically identified AR mutations affect the receptor s transcriptional activity. We reveal that a potential molecular abnormality in androgen insensitivity syndrome and CaP patients is caused by disruptions of the important intra-receptor NTD/LBD interaction. We demonstrate that the same AR LBD mutations can also disrupt the recruitment of the p160 coactivator protein GRIP1. Our investigations reveal that 30% of patients with advanced, untreated local CaP have somatic mutations that may lead to increases in AR activity. We report that somatic mutations that activate AR may lead to early relapse in ADT. Our results demonstrate that the types of ADT a CaP patient receives may cause a clustering of mutations to a particular region of the receptor. Furthermore, the mutations that arise before and during ADT do not always result in a receptor that is more active, indicating that coregulator interactions play a pivotal role in the progression of androgen-independent CaP. To improve CaP therapy, it is necessary to identify critical coregulators of AR. We screened a HeLa cell cDNA library and identified small carboxyl-terminal domain phosphatase 2 (SCP2). SCP2 is a protein phosphatase that directly interacts with the AR NTD and represses AR activity. We demonstrated that reducing the endogenous cellular levels of SCP2 causes more AR to load on to the prostate specific antigen (PSA) gene promoter and enhancer regions. Additionally, under the same conditions, more RNA polymerase II was recruited to the PSA promoter region and overall there was an increase in androgen-dependent transcription of the PSA gene, revealing that SCP2 could play a role in the pathogenesis of CaP.


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Proteolytic enzymes, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), are associated to the progression of several cancers. They degrade extracellular components, which helps tumors to expand and cancer cells to escape from the primary site. Of all MMPs, gelatinases (MMP-2 and -9) and membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP, MMP-14), in particular, are often associated to more aggressive types of head and neck carcinomas as well as to a poorer outcome in patient survival. Although therapies during the last decades have advanced, the mortality of the disease is still rather high and adjuvant therapies are searched for continuously. MMP-9 and MT1-MMP are also involved in neo-angiogenesis, which is necessary for tumor expansion. For this reason, we have identified synthetic peptides-targeting gelatinases and MT1-MMP, and have also evaluated their anticancer effects in vitro and in vivo. Antigelatinolytic peptides effectively inhibited tongue-carcinoma cell invasion and reduced the growth of xenografted tumors. In tumor samples of mice that were treated with antigelatinolytic peptides, the micro-vessel density was significantly reduced. We also identified a novel MT1-MMP targeting peptide and demonstrated that it exerted anticancer effects against several malignant cell lines in vitro. The effects of MT1-MMP inhibition on tongue-squamous cell carcinomas were evaluated by using xenograft tumors, which it effectively inhibited. Tranexamic acid was also demonstrated to inhibit tongue-squamous cell carcinoma invasion, most probably due to its ability to prevent the plasmin-mediated activation of proMMP-9. Leukocyte β2 integrins are another interesting option when evaluating targets for the therapeutic intervention of inflammatory conditions or malignancies of hematopoietic origin, since β2 integrins are expressed mainly by leukocytes. We identified a novel technique for screening small-molecule libraries against β2 integrins, and by using this technique we identified a novel αMβ2 integrin-binding chemical (IMB-10). IMB-10 significantly enhances leukocyte adhesion and inhibits their motility. We also demonstrated that IMB-10 can be used to inhibit inflammation and lymphoma growth in vivo. Interestingly, IMB-10 also reduced leukocyte tumor infiltration and inhibited tumor invasion.


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Objective and background. Tobacco smoking, pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus are the only known causes of pancreatic cancer, leaving ample room for yet unidentified determinants. This is an empirical study on a Finnish data on occupational exposures and pancreatic cancer risk, and a non-Bayesian and a hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis of data on occupational factors and pancreatic cancer. Methods. The case-control study analyzed 595 incident cases of pancreatic cancer and 1,622 controls of stomach, colon, and rectum cancer, diagnosed 1984-1987 and known to be dead by 1990 in Finland. The next-of-kin responded to a mail questionnaire on job and medical histories and lifestyles. Meta-analysis of occupational risk factors of pancreatic cancer started off with 1,903 identified studies. The analyses were based on different subsets of that database. Five epidemiologists examined the reports and extracted the pertinent data using a standardized extraction form that covered 20 study descriptors and the relevant relative risk estimates. Random effects meta-analyses were applied for 23 chemical agents. In addition, hierarchical Bayesian models for meta-analysis were applied to the occupational data of 27 job titles using job exposure matrix as a link matrix and estimating the relative risks of pancreatic cancer associated with nine occupational agents. Results. In the case-control study, logistic regressions revealed excess risks of pancreatic cancer associated with occupational exposures to ionizing radiation, nonchlorinated solvents, and pesticides. Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents and related compounds, used mainly in metal degreasing and dry cleaning, are emerging as likely risk factors of pancreatic cancer in the non-Bayesian and the hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis. Consistent excess risk was found for insecticides, and a high excess for nickel and nickel compounds in the random effects meta-analysis but not in the hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis. Conclusions. In this study occupational exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents and related compounds and insecticides increase risk of pancreatic cancer. Hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis is applicable when studies addressing the agent(s) under study are lacking or very few, but several studies address job titles with potential exposure to these agents. A job-exposure matrix or a formal expert assessment system is necessary in this situation.


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The leading cause of death in the Western world continues to be coronary heart disease (CHD). At the root of the disease process is dyslipidemia an aberration in the relevant amounts of circulating blood lipids. Cholesterol builds up in the arterial wall and following rupture of these plaques, myocardial infarction or stroke can occur. Heart disease runs in families and a number of hereditary forms are known. The leading cause of adult dyslipidemia presently however is overweight and obesity. This thesis work presents an investigation of the molecular genetics of common, hereditary dyslipidemia and the tightly related condition of obesity. Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) is the most common hereditary dyslipidemia in man with an estimated population prevalence of 1-6%. This complex disease is characterized by elevated levels of serum total cholesterol, triglycerides or both and is observed in about 20% of individuals with premature CHD. Our group identified the disease to be associated with genetic variation in the USF1 transcription factor gene. USF1 has a key role in regulating other genes that control lipid and glucose metabolism as well as the inflammatory response all central processes in the progression of atherosclerosis and CHD. The first two works of this thesis aimed at understanding how these USF1 variants result in increased disease risk. Among the many, non-coding single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that associated with the disease, one was found to have a functional effect. The risk-enhancing allele of this SNP seems to eradicate the ability of the important hormone insulin to induce the expression of USF1 in peripheral tissues. The resultant changes in the expression of numerous USF1 target genes over time probably enhance and accelerate the atherogenic processes. Dyslipidemias often represent an outcome of obesity and in the final work of this thesis we wanted to address the metabolic pathways related to acquired obesity. It is recognized that active processes in adipose tissue play an important role in the development of dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and other pathological conditions associated with obesity. To minimize the confounding effects of genetic differences present in most human studies, we investigated a rare collection of identical twins that differed significantly in the amount of body fat. In the obese, but otherwise healthy young adults, several notable changes were observed. In addition to chronic inflammation, the adipose tissue of the obese co-twins was characterized by a marked (47%) decrease in amount of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) a change associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. The catabolism of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) was identified as the most down-regulated process in the obese co-twins. A concordant increase in the serum level of these insulin secretagogues was identified. This hyperaminoacidemia may provide the feed-back signal from insulin resistant adipose tissue to the pancreas to ensure an appropriately augmented secretory response. The down regulation of BCAA catabolism correlated closely with liver fat accumulation and insulin. The single most up-regulated gene (5.9 fold) in the obese co-twins was osteopontin (SPP1) a cytokine involved in macrophage recruitment to adipose tissue. SPP1 is here implicated as an important player in the development of insulin resistance. These studies of exceptional study samples provide better understanding of the underlying pathology in common dyslipidemias and other obesity associated diseases important for future improvement of intervention strategies and treatments to combat atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.


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Obesity increases the risk for several conditions, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, osteoarthirits and certain types of cancer. Twin- and family studies have shown that there is a major genetic component in the determination of body mass. In recent years several technological and scientific advance have been made in obesity research. For instance, novel replicated loci have been revealed by a number of genome wide association studies. This thesis aimed to investigate the association of genetic factors and obesity-related quantitative traits. The first study investigated the role of the lactase gene in anthropometric traits. We genetically defined lactose persistence by genotyping 31 720 individuals of European descent. We found that lactase persistence was significantly correlated with weight and body mass index but not with height. In the second study we performed the largest whole genome linkage scan for body mass index to date. The sample consisted of 4401 twin families and 10 535 individuals from six European countries. We found supporting evidence for two loci (3q29 and 7q36). We observed that the heritability estimate increased substantially when additional family members were removed from the analyses, which suggests reduced environmental variance in the twin sample. In the third study we assessed metabonomic, transcriptomic and genomic variation in a Finnish population cohort of 518 individuals. We formed gene expression networks to portray pathways and showed that a set of highly correlated genes of an inflammatory pathway associated with 80 serum metabolites (of 134 quantified measures). Strong association was found, for example, with several lipoprotein subclasses. We inferred causality by using genetic variation as anchors. The expression of the network genes was found to be dependent on the circulatory metabolite concentrations.


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Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma (HNPCC; Lynch syndrome) is among the most common hereditary cancers in man and a model of cancers arising through deficient DNA mismatch repair (MMR). It is inherited in a dominant manner with predisposing germline mutations in the MMR genes, mainly MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2. Both copies of the MMR gene need to be inactivated for cancer development. Since Lynch syndrome family members are born with one defective copy of one of the MMR genes in their germline, they only need to acquire a so called second hit to inactivate the MMR gene. Hence, they usually develop cancer at an early age. MMR gene inactivation leads to accumulation of mutations particularly in short repeat tracts, known as microsatellites, causing microsatellite instability (MSI). MSI is the hallmark of Lynch syndrome tumors, but is present in approximately 15% of sporadic tumors as well. There are several possible mechanisms of somatic inactivation (i.e. the second hit ) of MMR genes, for instance deletion of the wild-type copy, leading to loss of heterozygosity (LOH), methylation of promoter regions necessary for gene transcription, or mitotic recombination or gene conversion. In the Lynch syndrome tumors carrying germline mutations in the MMR gene, LOH was found to be the most frequent mechanism of somatic inactivation in the present study. We also studied MLH1/MSH2 deletion carriers and found that somatic mutations identical to the ones in the germline occurred frequently in colorectal cancers and were also present in extracolonic Lynch syndrome-associated tumors. Chromosome-specific marker analysis implied that gene conversion, rather than mitotic recombination or deletion of the respective gene locus accounted for wild-type inactivation. Lynch syndrome patients are predisposed to certain types of cancers, the most common ones being colorectal, endometrial and gastric cancer. Gastric cancer and uroepithelial tumors of bladder and ureter were observed to be true Lynch syndrome tumors with MMR deficiency as the driving force of tumorigenesis. Brain tumors and kidney carcinoma, on the other hand, were mostly MSS, implying the possibility of alternative routes of tumor development. These results present possible implications in clinical cancer surveillance. In about one-third of families suspected of Lynch syndrome, mutations in MMR genes are not found, and we therefore looked for alternative mechanisms of predisposition. According to our results, large genomic deletions, mainly in MSH2, and germline epimutations in MLH1, together explain a significant fraction of point mutation-negative families suspected of Lynch syndrome and are associated with characteristic clinical and family features. Our findings have important implications in the diagnosis and management of Lynch syndrome families.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most frequent malignancies in Western countries. Inherited factors have been suggested to be involved in 35% of CRCs. The hereditary CRC syndromes explain only ~6% of all CRCs, indicating that a large proportion of the inherited susceptibility is still unexplained. Much of the remaining genetic predisposition for CRC is probably due to undiscovered low-penetrance variations. This study was conducted to identify germline and somatic changes that contribute to CRC predisposition and tumorigenesis. MLH1 and MSH2, that underlie Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) are considered to be tumor suppressor genes; the first hit is inherited in the germline and somatic inactivation of the wild type allele is required for tumor initiation. In a recent study, frequent loss of the mutant allele in HNPCC tumors was detected and a new model, arguing against the two-hit hypothesis, was proposed for somatic HNPCC tumorigenesis. We tested this hypothesis by conducting LOH analysis on 25 colorectal HNPCC tumors with a known germline mutation in the MLH1 or MSH2 genes. LOH was detected in 56% of the tumors. All the losses targeted the wild type allele supporting the classical two-hit model for HNPCC tumorigenesis. The variants 3020insC, R702W and G908R in NOD2 predispose to Crohn s disease. Contribution of NOD2 to CRC predisposition has been examined in several case-control series, with conflicting results. We have previously shown that 3020insC does not predispose to CRC in Finnish CRC patients. To expand our previous study the variants R702W and G908R were genotyped in a population-based series of 1042 Finnish CRC patients and 508 healthy controls. Association analyses did not show significant evidence for association of the variants with CRC. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs6983267 at chromosome 8q24 was the first CRC susceptibility variant identified through genome-wide association studies. To characterize the role of rs6983267 in CRC predisposition in the Finnish population, we genotyped the SNP in the case-control material of 1042 cases and 1012 controls and showed that G allele of rs6983267 is associated with the increased risk of CRC (OR 1.22; P=0.0018). Examination of allelic imbalance in the tumors heterozygous for rs6983267 revealed that copy number increase affected 22% of the tumors and interestingly, it favored the G allele. By utilizing a computer algorithm, Enhancer Element Locator (EEL), an evolutionary conserved regulatory motif containing rs6983267 was identified. The SNP affected the binding site of TCF4, a transcription factor that mediates Wnt signaling in cells, and has proven to be crucial in colorectal neoplasia. The preferential binding of TCF4 to the risk allele G was showed in vitro and in vivo. The element drove lacZ marker gene expression in mouse embryos in a pattern that is consistent with genes regulated by the Wnt signaling pathway. These results suggest that rs6983267 at 8q24 exerts its effect in CRC predisposition by regulating gene expression. The most obvious target gene for the enhancer element is MYC, residing ~335 kb downstream, however further studies are required to establish the transcriptional target(s) of the predicted enhancer element.


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Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Cancer (HLRCC) is a hereditary tumour predisposition syndrome. Its phenotype includes benign cutaneous and uterine leiomyomas (CLM, ULM) with high penetrance and rarer renal cell cancer (RCC), most commonly of papillary type 2 subtype. Over 130 HLRCC families have been identified world-wide but the RCC phenotype seems to concentrate in families from Finland and North America for unknown reasons. HLRCC is caused by heterozygous germline mutations in the fumarate hydratase (FH) gene. FH encodes the enzyme fumarase from mitochondrial citric acid cycle. Fumarase enzyme activity or type or site of the FH mutation are unassociated with disease phenotype. The strongest evidence for tumourigenesis mechanism in HLRCC supports a hypoxia inducible factor driven process called pseudohypoxia resulting from accumulation of the fumarase substrate fumarate. In this study, to assess the importance of gene- or exon-level deletions or amplifications of FH in patients with HLRCC-associated phenotypes, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) method was used. One novel FH mutation, deletion of exon 1, was found in a Swedish male patient with an evident HLRCC phenotype with CLM, RCC, and a family history of ULM and RCC. Six other patients with CLM and 12 patients with only RCC or uterine leiomyosarcoma (ULMS) remained FH mutation-negative. These results suggest that copy number aberrations of FH or its exons are an infrequent cause of HLRCC and that only co-occurrence of benign tumour types justifies FH-mutation screening in RCC or ULMS patients. Determination of the genomic profile of 11 HLRCC-associated RCCs from Finnish patients was performed by array comparative genomic hybridization. The most common copy number aberrations were gains of 2, 7, and 17 and losses of 13q12.3-q21.1, 14, 18, and X. When compared to aberrations of sporadic papillary RCCs, HLRCC-associated RCCs harboured a distinct DNA copy number profile and lacked many of the changes characterizing the sporadic RCCs. The findings suggest a divergent molecular pathway for tumourigenesis of papillary RCCs in HLRCC. In order to find a genetic modifier of RCC risk in HLRCC, genome-wide linkage and identical by descent (IBD) analysis studies were performed in Finnish HLRCC families with microsatellite marker mapping and SNP-array platforms. The linkage analysis identified only one locus of interest, the FH gene locus in 1q43, but no mutations were found in the genes of the region. IBD analysis yielded no convincing haplotypes shared by RCC patients. Although these results do not exclude the existence of a genetic modifier for RCC risk in HLRCC, they emphasize the role of FH mutations in the malignant tumourigenesis of HLRCC. To study the benign tumours in HLRCC, genome-wide DNA copy number and gene expression profiles of sporadic and HLRCC ULMs were defined with modern SNP- and gene-expression array platforms. The gene expression array suggests novel genes involved in FH-deficient ULM tumourigenesis and novel genes with putative roles in propagation of sporadic ULM. Both the gene expression and copy number profiles of HLRCC ULMs differed from those of sporadic ULMs indicating distinct molecular basis of the FH-deficient HLRCC tumours.


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Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) are characterized by a high risk and early onset of colorectal cancer (CRC). HNPCC is due to a germline mutation in one of the following MMR genes: MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2. A majority of FAP and attenuated FAP (AFAP) cases are due to germline mutations of APC, causing the development of multiple colorectal polyps. To date, over 450 MMR gene mutations and over 800 APC mutations have been identified. Most of these mutations lead to a truncated protein, easily detected by conventional mutation detection methods. However, in about 30% of HNPCC and FAP, and about 90% of AFAP families, mutations remain unknown. We aimed to clarify the genetic basis and genotype-phenotype correlation of mutation negative HNPCC and FAP/AFAP families by advanced mutation detection methods designed to detect large genomic rearrangements, mRNA and protein expression alterations, promoter mutations, phenotype linked haplotypes, and tumoral loss of heterozygosity. We also aimed to estimate the frequency of HNPCC in Uruguayan CRC patients. Our expression based analysis of mutation negative HNPCC divided these families into two categories: 1) 42% of families linked to the MMR genes with a phenotype resembling that of mutation positive, and 2) 58% of families likely to be associated with other susceptibility genes. Unbalanced mRNA expression of MLH1 was observed in two families. Further studies revealed that a MLH1 nonsense mutation, R100X was associated with aberrant splicing of exons not related to the mutation and an MLH1 deletion (AGAA) at nucleotide 210 was associated with multiple exon skipping, without an overall increase in the frequency of splice events. APC mutation negative FAP/AFAP families were divided into four groups according to the genetic basis of their predisposition. Four (14%) families displayed a constitutional deletion of APC with profuse polyposis, early age of onset and frequent extracolonic manifestations. Aberrant mRNA expression of one allele was observed in seven (24%) families with later onset and less frequent extracolonic manifestations. In 15 (52%) families the involvement of APC could neither be confirmed nor excluded. In three (10%) of the families a germline mutation was detected in genes other than APC: AXIN2 in one family, and MYH in two families. The families with undefined genetic basis and especially those with AXIN2 or MYH mutations frequently displayed AFAP or atypical polyposis. Of the Uruguayan CRC patients, 2.6% (12/461) fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for HNPCC and 5.6% (26/461) were associated with increased risk of cancer. Unexpectedly low frequency of molecularly defined HNPCC cases may suggest a different genetic profile in the Uruguayan population and the involvement of novel susceptibility genes. Accurate genetic and clinical characterization of families with hereditary colorectal cancers, and the definition of the genetic basis of "mutation negative" families in particular, facilitate proper clinical management of such families.


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Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) is the most common known clearly hereditary cause of colorectal and endometrial cancer (CRC and EC). Dominantly inherited mutations in one of the known mismatch repair (MMR) genes predispose to HNPCC. Defective MMR leads to an accumulation of mutations especially in repeat tracts, presenting microsatellite instability. HNPCC is clinically a very heterogeneous disease. The age at onset varies and the target tissue may vary. In addition, families that fulfill the diagnostic criteria for HNPCC but fail to show any predisposing mutation in MMR genes exist. Our aim was to evaluate the genetic background of familial CRC and EC. We performed comprehensive molecular and DNA copy number analyses of CRCs fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for HNPCC. We studied the role of five pathways (MMR, Wnt, p53, CIN, PI3K/AKT) and divided the tumors into two groups, one with MMR gene germline mutations and the other without. We observed that MMR proficient familial CRC consist of two molecularly distinct groups that differ from MMR deficient tumors. Group A shows paucity of common molecular and chromosomal alterations characteristic of colorectal carcinogenesis. Group B shows molecular features similar to classical microsatellite stable tumors with gross chromosomal alterations. Our finding of a unique tumor profile in group A suggests the involvement of novel predisposing genes and pathways in colorectal cancer cohorts not linked to MMR gene defects. We investigated the genetic background of familial ECs. Among 22 families with clustering of EC, two (9%) were due to MMR gene germline mutations. The remaining familial site-specific ECs are largely comparable with HNPCC associated ECs, the main difference between these groups being MMR proficiency vs. deficiency. We studied the role of PI3K/AKT pathway in familial ECs as well and observed that PIK3CA amplifications are characteristic of familial site-specific EC without MMR gene germline mutations. Most of the high-level amplifications occurred in tumors with stable microsatellites, suggesting that these tumors are more likely associated with chromosomal rather than microsatellite instability and MMR defect. The existence of site-specific endometrial carcinoma as a separate entity remains equivocal until predisposing genes are identified. It is possible that no single highly penetrant gene for this proposed syndrome exists, it may, for example be due to a combination of multiple low penetrance genes. Despite advances in deciphering the molecular genetic background of HNPCC, it is poorly understood why certain organs are more susceptible than others to cancer development. We found that important determinants of the HNPCC tumor spectrum are, in addition to different predisposing germline mutations, organ specific target genes and different instability profiles, loss of heterozygosity at MLH1 locus, and MLH1 promoter methylation. This study provided more precise molecular classification of families with CRC and EC. Our observations on familial CRC and EC are likely to have broader significance that extends to sporadic CRC and EC as well.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in Finland. Of all CRC tumors, 15% display microsatellite-instability (MSI) caused by defective cellular mismatch repair. Cells displaying MSI accumulate a high number of mutations genome-wide, especially in short repeat areas, microsatellites. When targeting genes essential for cell growth or death, MSI can promote tumorigenesis. In non-coding areas, microsatellite mutations are generally considered as passenger events. Since the discovery of MSI and its linkage to cancer, more that 200 genes have been investigated for a role in MSI tumorigenesis. Although various criteria have been suggested for MSI target gene identification, the challenge has been to distinguish driver mutations from passenger mutations. This study aimed to clarify these key issues in the research field of MSI cancer. Prior to this, background mutation rate in MSI cancer has not been studied in a large-scale. We investigated the background mutation rate in MSI CRC by analyzing the spectrum of microsatellite mutations in non-coding areas. First, semenogelin I was studied for a possible role in MSI carcinogenesis. The intronic T9 repeat of semenogelin I was frequently mutated but no evidence for selection during tumorigenesis was obtained. Second, a sequencing approach was utilized to evaluate the general background mutation rate in MSI CRC. Both intronic and intergenic repeats harbored extremely high mutation rates of ≤ 87% and intergenic repeats were more unstable than the intronic repeats. As mutation rates of presumably neutral microsatellites can be high in MSI CRC in the absence of apparent selection pressure, high mutation frequency alone is not sufficient evidence for identification of driver MSI target genes. Next, an unbiased approach was designed to identify the mutatome of MSI CRC. By combining expression array data and a database search we identified novel genes possibly related to MSI CRC carcinogenesis. One of the genes was studied further. In the functional analysis this gene was observed to cause an abnormal cancer-prone cellular phenotype, possibly through altered responses to DNA damage. In our recent study, smooth muscle myosin heavy chain 11 (MYH11) was identified as a novel MSI CRC gene. Additionally, MYH11 has a well established role in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) through an oncogenic fusion protein CBFB-MYH11. We investigated further the role of MYH11 in AML by sequencing. Three novel missense variants of MYH11 were identified. None of the variants were present in the population-based control material. One of the identified variants, V71A, lies in the N-terminal SH3-like domain of MYH11 of unknown function. The other two variants, K1059E and R1792Q are located in the coil-coiled myosin rod essential for the regulation and filament formation of MYH11. The variant K1059E lies in the close proximity of the K1044N that has been functionally assessed in our earlier work of CRC and has been reported to cause total loss of MYH11 protein regulation. As the functional significance of the three novel variants examined in this work remains unknown, future studies should clarify the further role of MYH11 in AML leukaemogenesis and in other malignancies.


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Identification of genes predisposing to tumor syndromes has raised general awareness of tumorigenesis. Genetic testing of tumor susceptibility genes aids the recognition of individuals at increased risk of tumors. Identification of novel predisposing genes enables further studies concerning the classification of potential associated tumors and the definition of target patient group. Pituitary adenomas are common, benign neoplasms accounting for approximately 15% of all intracranial tumors. Accurate incidence estimation is challenging since a great portion of these adenomas are small and asymptomatic. Clinically relevant adenomas, that cause symptoms due to the expansion of the cell mass or the over-secretion of normally produced hormones, occur in approximately one of 1 000 individuals. Although the majority of pituitary adenomas are sporadic, a minority occur as components of familial syndromes, such as Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) and Carney complex (CNC). MEN1 syndrome is caused by germ-line mutations in the MEN1 gene, whereas most of the CNC patients carry the mutated protein kinase A (PKA) regulatory subunit-1-α (PRKAR1A) gene. Recently, other conditions predisposing to endocrine tumors have been identified: Pituitary Adenoma Predisposition (PAP) and MEN type 4 (MEN4). PAP was originally identified in a genetically homogeneous Finnish population. In a population based cohort from Northern Finland, aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP) gene mutations were found in 16% of all patients diagnosed with growth hormone (GH) producing pituitary adenoma, and in 40% of the subset of patients who were diagnosed under the age of 35 years. Since AIP mutations were originally described in a defined, homogeneous population from Northern Finland, it was relevant to study whether mutations also occur in more heterogeneous populations. In patient cohorts with different ethnic origins and variable clinical phenotypes, germ-line AIP mutations were detectable at low frequencies (range 0.8-7.4%). AIP mutation-positive patients were often diagnosed with a GH-producing adenoma at a young age, and usually had no family history of endocrine tumors. The low frequency of AIP mutations in randomly selected patients, and the lack of any family history of pituitary adenomas create a challenge for the identification of PAP patients. Our preliminary study suggests that AIP immunohistochemistry may serve as a pre-screening tool to distinguish between the AIP mutation-negative and the mutation-positive tumors. Tumors of various endocrine glands are components of MEN1 and CNC syndromes. Somatic MEN1 and PRKAR1A mutations in sporadic pituitary adenomas are rare, but occur in some of the other tumors related to these syndromes. The role of AIP mutations in endocrine neoplasia was studied and our results indicated that somatic AIP mutations are rare or non-existent in sporadic tumors of endocrine glands (0 of 111). Furthermore, germ-line AIP mutations in prolactin producing adenomas (2 of 9) confirmed the role of this pituitary tumor type in the PAP phenotype. Thyroid disorders are common in the general population, and the majority of them are sporadic. Interestingly, it has been suggested that thyroid disorders might be more common in PAP families. For this reason we studied germ-line AIP mutations in 93 index cases from familial non-medullary thyroid cancer (NMTC) families. The underlying gene or genes for familial NMTC have not been identified yet. None of the patients had any potentially pathogenic AIP mutation. This suggests that AIP is unlikely to play a role in familial NMTCs. A novel multiple endocrine syndrome was originally described in rats with phenotypic features of human MEN type 1 and 2. Germ-line mutations of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B (CDKN1B also known as p27Kip1) gene were reported later in these rats and a germ-line mutation was also identified in one human family with MEN1-like phenotype (later named MEN4). To confirm the importance of this gene’s mutations in humans, we performed a mutation screening in MEN-like patients and in patients with pituitary adenoma. Our results indicate that CDKN1B/p27Kip1 mutations appear in a small portion of MEN1-like patients (one of 36), and that such mutations are rare or non-existent in both familial (0 of 19) and sporadic pituitary adenoma patients (0 of 50). In conclusion, this work strengthens the tumor susceptibility role of AIP and CDKN1B/p27Kip1 in endocrine neoplasia. Clarifying the PAP phenotype facilitates the identification of potential AIP mutation carriers. Genetic counseling can be offered to the relatives and follow-up of the mutation carriers can be organized, hence an earlier diagnosis is feasible.