28 resultados para Enteric coating
Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) represent a diverse group of strains of E. coli, which infect extraintestinal sites, such as the urinary tract, the bloodstream, the meninges, the peritoneal cavity, and the lungs. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), the major subgroup of ExPEC, are among the most prevalent microbial diseases world wide and a substantial burden for public health care systems. UTIs are responsible for serious morbidity and mortality in the elderly, in young children, and in immune-compromised and hospitalized patients. ExPEC strains are different, both from genetic and clinical perspectives, from commensal E. coli strains belonging to the normal intestinal flora and from intestinal pathogenic E. coli strains causing diarrhea. ExPEC strains are characterized by a broad range of alternate virulence factors, such as adhesins, toxins, and iron accumulation systems. Unlike diarrheagenic E. coli, whose distinctive virulence determinants evoke characteristic diarrheagenic symptoms and signs, ExPEC strains are exceedingly heterogeneous and are known to possess no specific virulence factors or a set of factors, which are obligatory for the infection of a certain extraintestinal site (e. g. the urinary tract). The ExPEC genomes are highly diverse mosaic structures in permanent flux. These strains have obtained a significant amount of DNA (predictably up to 25% of the genomes) through acquisition of foreign DNA from diverse related or non-related donor species by lateral transfer of mobile genetic elements, including pathogenicity islands (PAIs), plasmids, phages, transposons, and insertion elements. The ability of ExPEC strains to cause disease is mainly derived from this horizontally acquired gene pool; the extragenous DNA facilitates rapid adaptation of the pathogen to changing conditions and hence the extent of the spectrum of sites that can be infected. However, neither the amount of unique DNA in different ExPEC strains (or UPEC strains) nor the mechanisms lying behind the observed genomic mobility are known. Due to this extreme heterogeneity of the UPEC and ExPEC populations in general, the routine surveillance of ExPEC is exceedingly difficult. In this project, we presented a novel virulence gene algorithm (VGA) for the estimation of the extraintestinal virulence potential (VP, pathogenicity risk) of clinically relevant ExPECs and fecal E. coli isolates. The VGA was based on a DNA microarray specific for the ExPEC phenotype (ExPEC pathoarray). This array contained 77 DNA probes homologous with known (e.g. adhesion factors, iron accumulation systems, and toxins) and putative (e.g. genes predictably involved in adhesion, iron uptake, or in metabolic functions) ExPEC virulence determinants. In total, 25 of DNA probes homologous with known virulence factors and 36 of DNA probes representing putative extraintestinal virulence determinants were found at significantly higher frequency in virulent ExPEC isolates than in commensal E. coli strains. We showed that the ExPEC pathoarray and the VGA could be readily used for the differentiation of highly virulent ExPECs both from less virulent ExPEC clones and from commensal E. coli strains as well. Implementing the VGA in a group of unknown ExPECs (n=53) and fecal E. coli isolates (n=37), 83% of strains were correctly identified as extraintestinal virulent or commensal E. coli. Conversely, 15% of clinical ExPECs and 19% of fecal E. coli strains failed to raster into their respective pathogenic and non-pathogenic groups. Clinical data and virulence gene profiles of these strains warranted the estimated VPs; UPEC strains with atypically low risk-ratios were largely isolated from patients with certain medical history, including diabetes mellitus or catheterization, or from elderly patients. In addition, fecal E. coli strains with VPs characteristic for ExPEC were shown to represent the diagnostically important fraction of resident strains of the gut flora with a high potential of causing extraintestinal infections. Interestingly, a large fraction of DNA probes associated with the ExPEC phenotype corresponded to novel DNA sequences without any known function in UTIs and thus represented new genetic markers for the extraintestinal virulence. These DNA probes included unknown DNA sequences originating from the genomic subtractions of four clinical ExPEC isolates as well as from five novel cosmid sequences identified in the UPEC strains HE300 and JS299. The characterized cosmid sequences (pJS332, pJS448, pJS666, pJS700, and pJS706) revealed complex modular DNA structures with known and unknown DNA fragments arranged in a puzzle-like manner and integrated into the common E. coli genomic backbone. Furthermore, cosmid pJS332 of the UPEC strain HE300, which carried a chromosomal virulence gene cluster (iroBCDEN) encoding the salmochelin siderophore system, was shown to be part of a transmissible plasmid of Salmonella enterica. Taken together, the results of this project pointed towards the assumptions that first, (i) homologous recombination, even within coding genes, contributes to the observed mosaicism of ExPEC genomes and secondly, (ii) besides en block transfer of large DNA regions (e.g. chromosomal PAIs) also rearrangements of small DNA modules provide a means of genomic plasticity. The data presented in this project supplemented previous whole genome sequencing projects of E. coli and indicated that each E. coli genome displays a unique assemblage of individual mosaic structures, which enable these strains to successfully colonize and infect different anatomical sites.
Välikorvaleikkauksiin usein liittyvän välikorvan ja kuuloluuketjun kirurgisen rekonstruktion tavoitteena on luoda olosuhteet, jotka mahdollistavat hyvän kuulon sekä välikorvan säilymisen tulehduksettomana ja ilmapitoisena. Välikorvan rekonstruktiossa on käytetty implanttimateriaaleina perinteisesti potilaan omia kudoksia sekä tarvittaessa erilaisia hajoamattomia biomateriaaleja, mm. titaania ja silikonia. Ongelmana biomateriaalien käytössä voi olla bakteerien adherenssi eli tarttuminen vieraan materiaalin pintaan, mikä saattaa johtaa biofilmin muodostumiseen. Tämä voi aiheuttaa kroonisen, huonosti antibiootteihin reagoivan infektion kudoksessa, mikä usein käytännössä johtaa uusintaleikkaukseen ja implantin poistoon. Maitohappo- ja glykolihappopohjaiset biologisesti hajoavat polymeerit ovat olleet kliinisessä käytössä jo vuosikymmeniä. Niitä on käytetty erityisesti tukimateriaaleina mm. ortopediassa sekä kasvo- ja leukakirurgiassa. Niitä ei ole toistaiseksi käytetty välikorvakirurgiassa. Korvan kuvantamiseen käytetään ensisijaisesti tietokonetomografiaa (TT). TT-tutkimuksen ongelmana on potilaan altistuminen suhteellisen korkealle sädeannokselle, joka kasvaa kumulatiivisesti, jos kuvaus joudutaan toistamaan. Väitöskirjatyö selvittää uuden, aiemmin kliinisessä työssä rutiinisti lähinnä hampaiston ja kasvojen alueen kuvantamiseen käytetyn rajoitetun kartiokeila-TT:n soveltuvuutta korvan alueen kuvantamiseen. Väitöskirjan kahdessa ensimmäisessä osatyössä tutkittiin ja verrattiin kahden kroonisia ja postoperatiivisia korvainfektioita aiheuttavan bakteerin, Staphylococcus aureuksen ja Pseudomonas aeruginosan, in vitro adherenssia titaanin, silikonin ja kahden eri biohajoavan polymeerin (PLGA) pintaan. Lisäksi tutkittiin materiaalien albumiinipinnoituksen vaikutusta adherenssiin. Kolmannessa osatyössä tutkittiin eläinmallissa PLGA:n biokompatibiliteettia eli kudosyhteensopivuutta kokeellisessa välikorvakirurgiassa. Chinchillojen välikorviin istutettiin PLGA-materiaalia, eläimiä seurattiin, ja ne lopetettiin 6 kk:n kuluttua operaatiosta. Biokompatibiliteetin arviointi perustui kliinisiin havaintoihin sekä kudosnäytteisiin. Neljännessä osatyössä tutkittiin kartiokeila-TT:n soveltuvuutta korvan alueen kuvantamiseen vertaamalla sen tarkkuutta perinteisen spiraali-TT:n tarkkuuteen. Molemmilla laitteilla kuvattiin ohimo- eli temporaaliluita korvan alueen kliinisesti ja kirurgisesti tärkeiden rakenteiden kuvantumisen tarkkuuden arvioimiseksi. Viidennessä osatyössä arvioitiin myös operoitujen temporaaliluiden kuvantumista kartiokeila-TT:ssa. Bakteeritutkimuksissa PLGA-materiaalin pintaan tarttui keskimäärin korkeintaan saman verran tai vähemmän bakteereita kuin silikonin tai titaanin. Albumiinipinnoitus vähensi bakteeriadherenssia merkitsevästi kaikilla materiaaleilla. Eläinkokeiden perusteella PLGA todettiin hyvin siedetyksi välikorvassa. Korvakäytävissä tai välikorvissa ei todettu infektioita, tärykalvon perforaatioita tai materiaalin esiin työntymistä. Kudosnäytteissä näkyi lievää tulehdusreaktiota ja fibroosia implantin ympärillä. Temporaaliluutöissä rajoitettu kartiokeila-TT todettiin vähintään yhtä tarkaksi menetelmäksi kuin spiraali-TT välikorvan ja sisäkorvan rakenteiden kuvantamisessa, ja sen aiheuttama kertasäderasitus todettiin spiraali-TT:n vastaavaa huomattavasti vähäisemmäksi. Kartiokeila-TT soveltui hyvin välikorvaimplanttien ja postoperatiivisen korvan kuvantamiseen. Tulokset osoittavat, että PLGA on välikorvakirurgiaan soveltuva, turvallinen ja kudosyhteensopiva biomateriaali. Biomateriaalien pinnoittaminen albumiinilla vähentää merkittävästi bakteeriadherenssia niihin, mikä puoltaa pinnoituksen soveltamista implanttikirurgiassa. Kartiokeila-TT soveltuu korvan alueen kuvantamiseen. Sen tarkkuus kliinisesti tärkeiden rakenteiden osoittamisessa on vähintään yhtä hyvä ja sen potilaalle aiheuttama sädeannos pienempi kuin nykyisen korva-spiraali-TT:n. Tämä tekee menetelmästä spiraali-TT:aa potilasturvallisemman vaihtoehdon erityisesti, jos potilaan tilanne vaatii seurantaa ja useampia kuvauksia, ja jos halutaan kuvata rajoitettuja alueita uni- tai bilateraalisesti.
The main obstacle for the application of high quality diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings has been the lack of adhesion to the substrate as the coating thickness is increased. The aim of this study was to improve the filtered pulsed arc discharge (FPAD) method. With this method it is possible to achieve high DLC coating thicknesses necessary for practical applications. The energy of the carbon ions was measured with an optoelectronic time-of-flight method. An in situ cathode polishing system used for stabilizing the process yield and the carbon ion energies is presented. Simultaneously the quality of the coatings can be controlled. To optimise the quality of the deposition process a simple, fast and inexpensive method using silicon wafers as test substrates was developed. This method was used for evaluating the suitability of a simplified arc-discharge set-up for the deposition of the adhesion layer of DLC coatings. A whole new group of materials discovered by our research group, the diamond-like carbon polymer hybrid (DLC-p-h) coatings, is also presented. The parent polymers used in these novel coatings were polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). The energy of the plasma ions was found to increase when the anode-cathode distance and the arc voltage were increased. A constant deposition rate for continuous coating runs was obtained with an in situ cathode polishing system. The novel DLC-p-h coatings were found to be water and oil repellent and harder than any polymers. The lowest sliding angle ever measured from a solid surface, 0.15 ± 0.03°, was measured on a DLC-PDMS-h coating. In the FPAD system carbon ions can be accelerated to high energies (≈ 1 keV) necessary for the optimal adhesion (the substrate is broken in the adhesion and quality test) of ultra thick (up to 200 µm) DLC coatings by increasing the anode-cathode distance and using high voltages (up to 4 kV). An excellent adhesion can also be obtained with the simplified arc-discharge device. To maintain high process yield (5µm/h over a surface area of 150 cm2) and to stabilize the carbon ion energies and the high quality (sp3 fraction up to 85%) of the resulting coating, an in situ cathode polishing system must be used. DLC-PDMS-h coating is the superior candidate coating material for anti-soiling applications where also hardness is required.
Thin film applications have become increasingly important in our search for multifunctional and economically viable technological solutions of the future. Thin film coatings can be used for a multitude of purposes, ranging from a basic enhancement of aesthetic attributes to the addition of a complex surface functionality. Anything from electronic or optical properties, to an increased catalytic or biological activity, can be added or enhanced by the deposition of a thin film, with a thickness of only a few atomic layers at the best, on an already existing surface. Thin films offer both a means of saving in materials and the possibility for improving properties without a critical enlargement of devices. Nanocluster deposition is a promising new method for the growth of structured thin films. Nanoclusters are small aggregates of atoms or molecules, ranging in sizes from only a few nanometers up to several hundreds of nanometers in diameter. Due to their large surface to volume ratio, and the confinement of atoms and electrons in all three dimensions, nanoclusters exhibit a wide variety of exotic properties that differ notably from those of both single atoms and bulk materials. Nanoclusters are a completely new type of building block for thin film deposition. As preformed entities, clusters provide a new means of tailoring the properties of thin films before their growth, simply by changing the size or composition of the clusters that are to be deposited. Contrary to contemporary methods of thin film growth, which mainly rely on the deposition of single atoms, cluster deposition also allows for a more precise assembly of thin films, as the configuration of single atoms with respect to each other is already predetermined in clusters. Nanocluster deposition offers a possibility for the coating of virtually any material with a nanostructured thin film, and therein the enhancement of already existing physical or chemical properties, or the addition of some exciting new feature. A clearer understanding of cluster-surface interactions, and the growth of thin films by cluster deposition, must, however, be achieved, if clusters are to be successfully used in thin film technologies. Using a combination of experimental techniques and molecular dynamics simulations, both the deposition of nanoclusters, and the growth and modification of cluster-assembled thin films, are studied in this thesis. Emphasis is laid on an understanding of the interaction between metal clusters and surfaces, and therein the behaviour of these clusters during deposition and thin film growth. The behaviour of single metal clusters, as they impact on clean metal surfaces, is analysed in detail, from which it is shown that there exists a cluster size and deposition energy dependent limit, below which epitaxial alignment occurs. If larger clusters are deposited at low energies, or cluster-surface interactions are weaker, non-epitaxial deposition will take place, resulting in the formation of nanocrystalline structures. The effect of cluster size and deposition energy on the morphology of cluster-assembled thin films is also determined, from which it is shown that nanocrystalline cluster-assembled films will be porous. Modification of these thin films, with the purpose of enhancing their mechanical properties and durability, without destroying their nanostructure, is presented. Irradiation with heavy ions is introduced as a feasible method for increasing the density, and therein the mechanical stability, of cluster-assembled thin films, without critically destroying their nanocrystalline properties. The results of this thesis demonstrate that nanocluster deposition is a suitable technique for the growth of nanostructured thin films. The interactions between nanoclusters and their supporting surfaces must, however, be carefully considered, if a controlled growth of cluster-assembled thin films, with precisely tailored properties, is to be achieved.
This thesis reports investigations into the paper wetting process and its effects on the surface roughness and the out-of-plane (ZD) stiffness of machine-made paper. The aim of this work was to test the feasibility of employing air-borne ultrasound methods to determine surface roughness (by reflection) and ZD stiffness (by through transmission) of paper during penetration of distilled water, isopropanol and their mixtures. Air-borne ultrasound provides a non-contacting way to evaluate sample structure and mechanics during the liquid penetration event. Contrary to liquid immersion techniques, an air-borne measurement allows studying partial wetting of paper. In addition, two optical methods were developed to reveal the liquid location in paper during wetting. The laser light through transmission method was developed to monitor the liquid location in partially wetted paper. The white light reflection method was primarily used to monitor the penetration of the liquid front in the thickness direction. In the latter experiment the paper was fully wetted. The main results of the thesis were: 1) Liquid penetration induced surface roughening was quantified by monitoring the ultrasound reflection from the paper surface. 2) Liquid penetration induced stiffness alteration in the ZD of paper could be followed by measuring the change in the ultrasound ZD resonance in paper. 3) Through transmitted light revealed the liquid location in the partially wetted paper. 4) Liquid movement in the ZD of the paper could be observed by light reflection. The results imply that the presented ultrasonic means can without contact measure the alteration of paper roughness and stiffness during liquid transport. These methods can help avoiding over engineering the paper which reduces raw material and energy consumption in paper manufacturing. The presented optical means can estimate paper specific wetting properties, such as liquid penetration speed, transport mechanisms and liquid location within the paper structure. In process monitoring, these methods allow process tuning and manufacturing of paper with engineered liquid transport characteristics. With such knowledge the paper behaviour during printing can be predicted. These findings provide new methods for paper printing, surface sizing, and paper coating research.
Microorganisms exist predominantly as sessile multispecies communities in natural habitats. Most bacterial species can form these matrix-enclosed microbial communities called biofilms. Biofilms occur in a wide range of environments, on every surface with sufficient moisture and nutrients, also on surfaces in industrial settings and engineered water systems. This unwanted biofilm formation on equipment surfaces is called biofouling. Biofouling can significantly decrease equipment performance and lifetime and cause contamination and impaired quality of the industrial product. In this thesis we studied bacterial adherence to abiotic surfaces by using coupons of stainless steel coated or not coated with fluoropolymer or diamond like carbon (DLC). As model organisms we used bacterial isolates from paper machines (Meiothermus silvanus, Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis and Deinococcus geothermalis) and also well characterised species isolated from medical implants (Staphylococcus epidermidis). We found that coating of steel surface with these materials reduced its tendency towards biofouling: Fluoropolymer and DLC coatings repelled all four biofilm formers on steel. We found great differences between bacterial species in their preference of surfaces to adhere as well as their ultrastructural details, like number and thickness of adhesion organelles they expressed. These details responded differently towards the different surfaces they adhered to. We further found that biofilms of D. geothermalis formed on titanium dioxide coated coupons of glass, steel and titanium, were effectively removed by photocatalytic action in response to irradiation at 360 nm. However, on non-coated glass or steel surfaces irradiation had no detectable effect on the amount of bacterial biomass. We showed that the adhesion organelles of bacteria on illuminated TiO2 coated coupons were complety destroyed whereas on non-coated coupons they looked intact when observed by microscope. Stainless steel is the most widely used material for industrial process equipments and surfaces. The results in this thesis showed that stainless steel is prone to biofouling by phylogenetically distant bacterial species and that coating of the steel may offer a tool for reduced biofouling of industrial equipment. Photocatalysis, on the other hand, is a potential technique for biofilm removal from surfaces in locations where high level of hygiene is required. Our study of natural biofilms on barley kernel surfaces showed that also there the microbes possessed adhesion organelles visible with electronmicroscope both before and after steeping. The microbial community of dry barley kernels turned into a dense biofilm covered with slimy extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) in the kernels after steeping in water. Steeping is the first step in malting. We also presented evidence showing that certain strains of Lactobacillus plantarum and Wickerhamomyces anomalus, when used as starter cultures in the steeping water, could enter the barley kernel and colonise the tissues of the barley kernel. By use of a starter culture it was possible to reduce the extensive production of EPS, which resulted in a faster filtration of the mash.
The reported incidence of human campylobacteriosis in Finland is higher than in most other European countries. A high annual percentage of sporadic infections is of foreign origin, although a notable proportion of summer infections is domestically acquired. While chickens appear to be a major source of campylobacters for humans in most countries, the prevalence of campylobacters is very low in chicken slaughter batches in Finland. Data on other potential animal reservoirs of human pathogenic campylobacters in Finland are scarce. Consequently, this study aimed to investigate the status of Finnish cattle as a potential source of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. and antibiotic-resistant Campylobacter jejuni for human sporadic campylobacter infections of domestic origin. A survey of the prevalence of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. in Finnish cattle studied bovine rectal faecal samples (n=952) and carcass surface samples (n=948) from twelve Finnish slaughterhouses from January to December 2003. The total prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in faecal samples was 31.1%, and in carcass samples 3.5%. Campylobacter jejuni, the most common species, was present in 19.5% of faecal samples and in 3.1% of carcasses. In addition to thermophilic Campylobacter spp., C. hyointestinalis ssp. hyointestinalis was present in bovine samples. The prevalence of campylobacters was higher among beef cattle than among dairy cattle. Using the enrichment method, the number of positive faecal samples was 7.5 times higher than that obtained by direct plating. The predominant serotypes of faecal C. jejuni, determined by serotyping with a set of 25 commercial antisera for heat-stable antigens (Penner), were Pen2 and Pen4-complex, which covered 52% of the samples. Genotyping with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) using SmaI restriction yielded a high diversity of C. jejuni subtypes in cattle. Determining the minimum inhibitory concentrations of ampicillin, enrofloxacin, erythromycin, gentamicin, nalidixic acid, and oxytetracycline among bovine C. jejuni isolates using a commercial broth microdilution method yielded 9% of isolates resistant to at least one of the antimicrobials examined. No multiresistant isolates were found among the bovine C. jejuni strains. The study of the shedding patterns of Campylobacter spp. among three Finnish dairy cattle herds included the examination of fresh faecal samples and tank milk samples taken five times, as well as samples from drinking troughs taken once during the one-year study. The semiquantitative enrichment method detected C. jejuni in 169 of the 340 faecal samples, mostly at low levels. In addition, C. jejuni was present in one drinking trough sample. The prevalence between herds and sampling occasions varied widely. PFGE, using SmaI as restriction enzyme, identified only a few subtypes in each herd. In two 2 of the herds, two subtypes persisted throughout the sampling. Individual animals presented various shedding patterns during the study. Comparison of C. jejuni isolates from humans, chickens and cattle included the design of primers for four new genetic markers selected from completely sequenced C. jejuni genomes 81-176, RM1221 and NCTC 11168, and the PCR examination of domestic human isolates from southern Finland in 1996, 2002 and 2003 (n=309), chicken isolates from 2003, 2006 and 2007 (n=205), and bovine isolates from 2003 (n=131). The results revealed that bovine isolates differed significantly from human and chicken isolates. In particular, the - glutamyl transpeptidase gene was uncommon among bovine isolates. The PFGE genotyping of C. jejuni isolates, using SmaI and KpnI restriction enzymes, included a geographically representative collection of isolates from domestic sporadic human infections, chicken slaughter batches, and cattle faeces and carcasses during the seasonal peak of campylobacteriosis in the summer of 2003. The study determined that 55.4% of human isolates were indistinguishable from those of chickens and cattle. Temporal association between isolates from humans and chickens was possible in 31.4% of human infections. Approximately 19% of the human infections may have been associated with cattle. However, isolates from bovine carcasses and human cases represented different PFGE subtypes. In conclusion, this study suggests that Finnish cattle is a notable reservoir of C. jejuni, the most important Campylobacter sp. in human enteric infections. Although the concentration of these organisms in bovine faeces appeared to be low, excretion can be persistent. The genetic diversity and presence or absence of marker genes support previous suggestions of host-adapted C. jejuni strains, and may indicate variations in virulence between strains from different hosts. In addition to chickens, Finnish cattle appeared to be an important reservoir and possible source of C. jejuni in domestic sporadic human infections. However, sources of campylobacters may differ between rural and urban areas in Finland, and in general, the transmission of C. jejuni of bovine origin probably occurs via other routes than food.
Koneellinen annosjakelu on kasvava lääkehuollon osa-alue, jossa lääkkeet pakataan koneellisesti pieniin annoskertakohtaisiin pusseihin kahden viikon erissä. Aikaisemmin lääkevalmisteiden soveltuvuutta koneelliseen annosjakeluun ei ole systemaattisesti tutkittu. Tutkimus tehtiin yhteistyössä Espoonlahden apteekin annosjakeluyksikön kanssa ja sen tavoitteena oli määrittää annosjakeluprosessin kannalta optimaaliset ominaisuudet annosjaeltavalle tabletille rikkoutumisten ja siirtymien vähentämiseksi. Rikkoutuminen on lääkevalmisteen murentumista, puolittumista tai muuta rikkoutumista annosjakelun aikana. Siirtymä on lääkevalmisteen jakelu väärään annospussiin. Prosentuaalisesti rikkoutumisia ja siirtymiä on jakelumäärästä hyvin vähän, mutta määrällisesti paljon ja koko ajan enemmän koneellisen annosjakelun yleistyessä. Rikkoutumiset ja siirtymät aiheuttavat paljon lisätyötä pussien korjaamisen takia, joten niiden määrää on pyrittävä vähentämään. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää lääkkeiden valmistajilta kysyttävissä olevat asiat lääkevalmisteiden ominaisuuksista ja säilyvyydestä, jotta voitaisiin päätellä valmisteen soveltuvuus koneelliseen annosjakeluun kirjallisen tiedon perusteella. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella rikkoutumisten ja siirtymien vähentämiseksi optimaalinen tablettivalmiste annosjakeluun on pienehkö tai keskisuuri, päällystetty, luja ja jakouurteeton ja optimaalinen ilman suhteellinen kosteustaso annosjakeluyksikön tuotantotiloissa olisi noin 30 – 40 %. Lääkkeiden valmistajilta kysyttäviä seikkoja ovat koon, päällysteen, murtolujuuden ja jakouurteen lisäksi valmisteen säilyvyys alkuperäispakkauksen ulkopuolella sekä valmisteen valo-, lämpö- ja kosteusherkkyys. Rikkoutumisten ja siirtymien lisäksi tutkittiin myös kosteusherkän asetyylisalisyylihappovalmisteen (Disperin 100 mg) säilyvyyttä 25 °C ja 60 % RH olosuhteissa, koska tuotantotilojen ilman kosteustasoa ei ole säädelty. Säilyvyystutkimuksen kesto oli neljä viikkoa. Se on riittävä, koska se on enimmäisaika, jonka tabletit ovat annosjakeluprosessin yhteydessä pois alkuperäispakkauksestaan ennen käyttöä. Tabletteja säilytettiin avoimessa alkuperäispakkauksessa (purkki), suljetussa alkuperäispakkauksessa, annosjakelukoneen kasetissa ja kahdessa erilaisessa annospussissa (uusi ja käytössä oleva materiaali). Tulosten mukaan annosjakelukoneen kasetti suojaa kosteudelta yhtä huonosti kuin avoin purkki. Uusi pussimateriaali sen sijaan suojaa kosteudelta paremmin kuin tällä hetkellä käytössä oleva materiaali. Raman -spektroskopiamittausten perusteella asetyylisalisyylihappotableteissa ei ehdi neljän viikon seurannan aikana tapahtua asetyylisalisyylihapon hajoamista salisyylihapoksi. Kosteus heikentää tablettien murtolujuutta, mikä saattaa aiheuttaa enemmän rikkoutumisia. Kosteustaso olisi hyvä olla säädettävissä vakioksi tuotantotiloissa tai purkaa tabletit kasetteihin mahdollisimman lähellä jakelua rikkoutumisten ehkäisemiseksi, etenkin ilman kosteustason ollessa korkea. Lisäksi tutkittiin lääkevalmisteen lämpöherkkyyttä koska annosjakelukoneen saumauslaite altistaa annospussit noin 75 °C lämmölle, jos annosjakelukone pysäytetään kesken työn. Tutkimus tehtiin XRPD:llä, jolla voidaan säätää näytteen lämpötilaa. Lämpöherkkyystutkimusten perusteella 75 °C lämpö ei ehdi tunnin aikana aiheuttaa muutoksia karbamatsepiinitabletissa (Neurotol 200 mg). Tuloksista selvisi, että tutkitun valmisteen sisältämä karbamatsepiini ei kuitenkaan ole lämpöherkin muoto, joten muita lämpöherkkiä lääkevalmisteita tulisi tutkia lisätiedon saamiseksi lämmön vaikutuksista.
Microchips for use in biomolecular analysis show a lot of promise for medical diagnostics and biomedical basic research. Among the potential advantages are more sensitive and faster analyses as well as reduced cost and sample consumption. Due to scaling laws, the surface are to volume ratios of microfluidic chips is very high. Because of this, tailoring the surface properties and surface functionalization are very important technical issues for microchip development. This thesis studies two different types of functional surfaces, surfaces for open surface capillary microfluidics and surfaces for surface assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry, and combinations thereof. Open surface capillary microfluidics can be used to transport and control liquid samples on easily accessible open surfaces simply based on surface forces, without any connections to pumps or electrical power sources. Capillary filling of open partially wetting grooves is shown to be possible with certain geometries, aspect ratios and contact angles, and a theoretical model is developed to identify complete channel filling domains, as well as partial filling domains. On the other hand, partially wetting surfaces with triangular microstructures can be used for achieving directional wetting, where the water droplets do not spread isotropically, but instead only spread to a predetermined sector. Furthermore, by patterning completely wetting and superhydrophobic areas on the same surface, complex droplet shapes are achieved, as the water stretches to make contact with the wetting surface, but does not enter into the superhydrophobic domains. Surfaces for surface assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry are developed by applying various active thin film coatings on multiple substrates, in order to separate surface and bulk effects. Clear differences are observed between both surface and substrate layers. The best performance surfaces consisted of amorphous silicon coating and an inorganic-organic hybrid substrate, with nanopillars and nanopores. These surfaces are used for matrix-free ionization of drugs, peptides and proteins, and for some analytes, the detection limits were in the high attomoles. Microfluidics and laser desorption ionization surfaces are combined on a functionalized drying platforms, where the surface is used to control the shape of the deposited analyte droplet, and the shape of the initial analyte droplet affects the dried droplet solute deposition pattern. The deposited droplets can then directly detected by mass spectrometry. Utilizing this approach, results of analyte concentration, splitting and separation are demonstrated.
Tutkimuksen kirjallisuuskatsauksessa keskityttiin jäätelöpuikkoihin, erilaisiin suklaakuorrutteisiin ja elintarvikkeiden kuorruttamiseen suklaalla. Lisäksi kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdyttiin suklaan koostumukseen, nestemäisen suklaan virtausominaisuuksiin ja koostumuksen ja virtausominaisuuksien välisiin vuorovaikutuksiin. Kokeellisessa osassa tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten maitosuklaakuorrutteen rasvapitoisuuden, emulgointiainepitoisuuden ja kuorrutteen lämpötilanvaihtelut vaikuttavat kuorrutteen viskositeettiin, myötöjännitykseen, jähmettymisaikaan ja jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrään. Erityisesti pyrittiin selvittämään, miten jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrää saadaan säädeltyä kuorrutteen rasvapitoisuutta, emulgointiainepitoisuutta ja lämpötilaa muuttamalla. Tutkimuksen koeasetelma tehtiin Box-Behnken-mallilla. Selittäviksi muuttujiksi tutkimukseen valittiin kuorrutteen rasvan määrä, emulgointiaineen määrä ja kuorrutteen lämpötila jäätelöpuikkoja kuorrutettaessa. Vastemuuttujina oli kuorrutteen jähmettymisaika, viskositeetti, myötöjännitys ja jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrä. Tulokset käsiteltiin regressioanalyysin avulla. Muuttujien välisiä vuorovaikutuksia tutkittiin vastepintamallilla. Vastemuuttujien välisiä korrelaatioita tutkittaessa käytettiin Pearsonin korrelaatiokerrointa. Kuorrutteen rasvan määrän lisääntyminen vähensi tilastollisesti merkitsevästi jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrää, kuorrutteen jähmettymisaikaa, viskositeettia ja myötöjännitystä. Emulgointiaineen määrän lisääminen kuorrutteessa pienensi kuorrutteen määrää jäätelöpuikon päällä, kuorrutteen jähmettymisaikaa ja kuorrutteen myötöjännitystä. Kuorrutteen lämpötilan lisääminen jäätelöpuikkoja kuorrutettaessa pienensi kuorrutteen määrää ja viskositeettia. Kuorrutteen jähmettymisaika sen sijaan piteni lämpötilaa lisättäessä. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että jäätelöpuikkoja kastettaessa suklaakuorrutteen lämpötila, rasvan määrä ja lesitiinin määrä vaikuttivat jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrään. Vastepintamallinnuksen käyttö soveltui hyvin suklaakuorrutteen määrän tutkimiseen. Sen avulla saatiin selvitettyä, miten jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrää saadaan säädeltyä muuttamalla kuorrutteen emulgointiainepitoisuutta, rasvapitoisuutta ja lämpötilaa.
Powders are essential materials in the pharmaceutical industry, being involved in majority of all drug manufacturing. Powder flow and particle size are central particle properties addressed by means of particle engineering. The aim of the thesis was to gain knowledge on powder processing with restricted liquid addition, with a primary focus on particle coating and early granule growth. Furthermore, characterisation of this kind of processes was performed. A thin coating layer of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose was applied on individual particles of ibuprofen in a fluidised bed top-spray process. The polymeric coating improved the flow properties of the powder. The improvement was strongly related to relative humidity, which can be seen as an indicator of a change in surface hydrophilicity caused by the coating. The ibuprofen used in the present study had a d50 of 40 μm and thus belongs to the Geldart group C powders, which can be considered as challenging materials in top-spray coating processes. Ibuprofen was similarly coated using a novel ultrasound-assisted coating method. The results were in line with those obtained from powders coated in the fluidised bed process mentioned above. It was found that the ultrasound-assisted method was capable of coating single particles with a simple and robust setup. Granule growth in a fluidised bed process was inhibited by feeding the liquid in pulses. The results showed that the length of the pulsing cycles is of importance, and can be used to adjust granule growth. Moreover, pulsed liquid feed was found to be of greater significance to granule growth in high inlet air relative humidity. Liquid feed pulsing can thus be used as a tool in particle size targeting in fluidised bed processes and in compensating for changes in relative humidity of the inlet air. The nozzle function of a two-fluid external mixing pneumatic nozzle, typical for small scale pharmaceutical fluidised bed processes, was studied in situ in an ongoing fluidised bed process with particle tracking velocimetry. It was found that the liquid droplets undergo coalescence as they proceed away from the nozzle head. The coalescence was expected to increase droplet speed, which was confirmed in the study. The spray turbulence was studied, and the results showed turbulence caused by the event of atomisation and by the oppositely directed fluidising air. It was concluded that particle tracking velocimetry is a suitable tool for in situ spray characterisation. The light transmission through dense particulate systems was found to carry information on particle size and packing density as expected based on the theory of light scattering by solids. It was possible to differentiate binary blends consisting of components with differences in optical properties. Light transmission showed potential as a rapid, simple and inexpensive tool in characterisation of particulate systems giving information on changes in particle systems, which could be utilised in basic process diagnostics.
Bad breath or oral malodour can be related to gingival diseases, trimethylaminuria, various inflammation diseases of upper respiratory tract, foreign bodies in nasal cavity etc. Bad breath is usually, in 85 % to 95 % of cases, inflicted by gram negative anaerobic bacteria in tongue coating. These bacteria have a tendency of producing foul-smelling sulphur containing gases called volatile sulphur compounds or VSC. Main cause of bad breath is parodontitis or postnasal drip into posterior part of the tongue. Detecting bad breath is most efficiently done by organoleptic method. By skilled analyser the reason for oral malodour can be determined with great accuracy. For scientific study the most effective method is gas chromatography (GC) with flame photometric detector (FPD). With it almost every component of exhaled air can be detected both quantitative and qualitative. Effective chairside methods include portable sulphur monitors and saliva tests.
Several of the newly developed drug molecules experience poor biopharmaceutical behavior, which hinders their effective delivery at the proper site of action. Among the several strategies employed in order to overcome this obstacle, mesoporous silicon-based materials have emerged as promising drug carriers due to their ability to improve the dissolution behavior of several poorly water-soluble drugs compounds confined within their pores. In addition to improve the dissolution behavior of the drugs, we report that porous silicon (PSi) nanoparticles have a higher degree of biocompatibility than PSi microparticles in several cell lines studied. In addition, the degradation of the nanoparticles showed its potential to fast clearance in the body. After oral delivery, the PSi particles were also found to transit the intestines without being absorbed. These results constituted the first quantitative analysis of the behavior of orally administered PSi nanoparticles compared with other delivery routes in rats. The self-assemble of a hydrophobin class II (HFBII) protein at the surface of hydrophobic PSi particles endowed the particles with greater biocompatibility in different cell lines, was found to reverse their hydrophobicity and also protected a drug loaded within its pores against premature release at low pH while enabling subsequent drug release as the pH increased. These results highlight the potential of HFBII-coating for PSi-based drug carriers in improving their hydrophilicity, biocompatibility and pH responsiveness in drug delivery applications. In conclusion, mesoporous silicon particles have been shown to be a versatile platform for improving the dissolution behavior of poorly water-soluble drugs with high biocompatibility and easy surface modification. The results of this study also provide information regarding the biofunctionalization of the THCPSi particles with a fungal protein, leading to an improvement in their biocompatibility and endowing them with pH responsive and mucoadhesive properties.