3 resultados para twist of sawn timber
em Glasgow Theses Service
Measuring the extent to which a piece of structural timber has distorted at a macroscopic scale is fundamental to assessing its viability as a structural component. From the sawmill to the construction site, as structural timber dries, distortion can render it unsuitable for its intended purposes. This rejection of unusable timber is a considerable source of waste to the timber industry and the wider construction sector. As such, ensuring accurate measurement of distortion is a key step in addressing ineffciencies within timber processing. Currently, the FRITS frame method is the established approach used to gain an understanding of timber surface profile. The method, while reliable, is dependent upon relatively few measurements taken across a limited area of the overall surface, with a great deal of interpolation required. Further, the process is unavoidably slow and cumbersome, the immobile scanning equipment limiting where and when measurements can be taken and constricting the process as a whole. This thesis seeks to introduce LiDAR scanning as a new, alternative approach to distortion feature measurement. In its infancy as a measurement technique within timber research, the practicalities of using LiDAR scanning as a measurement method are herein demonstrated, exploiting many of the advantages the technology has over current approaches. LiDAR scanning creates a much more comprehensive image of a timber surface, generating input data multiple magnitudes larger than that of the FRITS frame. Set-up and scanning time for LiDAR is also much quicker and more flexible than existing methods. With LiDAR scanning the measurement process is freed from many of the constraints of the FRITS frame and can be done in almost any environment. For this thesis, surface scans were carried out on seven Sitka spruce samples of dimensions 48.5x102x3000mm using both the FRITS frame and LiDAR scanner. The samples used presented marked levels of distortion and were relatively free from knots. A computational measurement model was created to extract feature measurements from the raw LiDAR data, enabling an assessment of each piece of timber to be carried out in accordance with existing standards. Assessment of distortion features focused primarily on the measurement of twist due to its strong prevalence in spruce and the considerable concern it generates within the construction industry. Additional measurements of surface inclination and bow were also made with each method to further establish LiDAR's credentials as a viable alternative. Overall, feature measurements as generated by the new LiDAR method compared well with those of the established FRITS method. From these investigations recommendations were made to address inadequacies within existing measurement standards, namely their reliance on generalised and interpretative descriptions of distortion. The potential for further uses of LiDAR scanning within timber researches was also discussed.
Considerable interest in renewable energy has increased in recent years due to the concerns raised over the environmental impact of conventional energy sources and their price volatility. In particular, wind power has enjoyed a dramatic global growth in installed capacity over the past few decades. Nowadays, the advancement of wind turbine industry represents a challenge for several engineering areas, including materials science, computer science, aerodynamics, analytical design and analysis methods, testing and monitoring, and power electronics. In particular, the technological improvement of wind turbines is currently tied to the use of advanced design methodologies, allowing the designers to develop new and more efficient design concepts. Integrating mathematical optimization techniques into the multidisciplinary design of wind turbines constitutes a promising way to enhance the profitability of these devices. In the literature, wind turbine design optimization is typically performed deterministically. Deterministic optimizations do not consider any degree of randomness affecting the inputs of the system under consideration, and result, therefore, in an unique set of outputs. However, given the stochastic nature of the wind and the uncertainties associated, for instance, with wind turbine operating conditions or geometric tolerances, deterministically optimized designs may be inefficient. Therefore, one of the ways to further improve the design of modern wind turbines is to take into account the aforementioned sources of uncertainty in the optimization process, achieving robust configurations with minimal performance sensitivity to factors causing variability. The research work presented in this thesis deals with the development of a novel integrated multidisciplinary design framework for the robust aeroservoelastic design optimization of multi-megawatt horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) rotors, accounting for the stochastic variability related to the input variables. The design system is based on a multidisciplinary analysis module integrating several simulations tools needed to characterize the aeroservoelastic behavior of wind turbines, and determine their economical performance by means of the levelized cost of energy (LCOE). The reported design framework is portable and modular in that any of its analysis modules can be replaced with counterparts of user-selected fidelity. The presented technology is applied to the design of a 5-MW HAWT rotor to be used at sites of wind power density class from 3 to 7, where the mean wind speed at 50 m above the ground ranges from 6.4 to 11.9 m/s. Assuming the mean wind speed to vary stochastically in such range, the rotor design is optimized by minimizing the mean and standard deviation of the LCOE. Airfoil shapes, spanwise distributions of blade chord and twist, internal structural layup and rotor speed are optimized concurrently, subject to an extensive set of structural and aeroelastic constraints. The effectiveness of the multidisciplinary and robust design framework is demonstrated by showing that the probabilistically designed turbine achieves more favorable probabilistic performance than those of the initial baseline turbine and a turbine designed deterministically.
Little is known about historic wood as it ages naturally. Instead, most studies focus on biological decay, as it is often assumed that wood remains otherwise stable with age. This PhD project was organised by Historic Scotland and the University of Glasgow to investigate the natural chemical and physical aging of wood. The natural aging of wood was a concern for Historic Scotland as traditional timber replacement is the standard form of repair used in wooden cultural heritage; replacing rotten timber with new timber of the same species. The project was set up to look at what differences could exist both chemically and physically between old and new wood, which could put unforeseen stress on the joint between them. Through Historic Scotland it was possible to work with genuine historic wood from two species, Oak and Scots pine, both from the 1500’s, rather than relying on artificial aging. Artificial aging of wood is still a debated topic, with consideration given to whether it is truly mimicking the aging process or just damaging the wood cells. The chemical stability of wood was investigated using Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) microscopy, as well as wet chemistry methods including a test for soluble sugars from the possible breakdown of the wood polymers. The physical properties assessed included using a tensile testing machine to uncover possible differences in mechanical properties. An environmental chamber was used to test the reaction to moisture of wood of different ages, as moisture is the most damaging aspect of the environment to wooden cultural objects. The project uncovered several differences, both physical and chemical, between the modern and historic wood which could affect the success of traditional ‘like for like’ repairs. Both oak and pine lost acetyl groups, over historic time, from their hemicellulose polymers. This chemical reaction releases acetic acid, which had no effect on the historic oak but was associated with reduced stiffness in historic pine, probably due to degradation of the hemicellulose polymers by acid hydrolysis. The stiffness of historic oak and pine was also reduced by decay. Visible pest decay led to loss of wood density but there was evidence that fungal decay, extending beyond what was visible, degraded the S2 layer of the pine cell walls, reducing the stiffness of the wood by depleting the cellulose microfibrils most aligned with the grain. Fungal decay of polysaccharides in pine wood left behind sugars that attracted increased levels of moisture. The degradation of essential polymers in the wood structure due to age had different impacts on the two species of wood, and raised questions concerning both the mechanism of aging of wood and the ways in which traditional repairs are implemented, especially in Scots pine. These repairs need to be done with more care and precision, especially in choosing new timber to match the old. Within this project a quantitative method of measuring the microfibril angle (MFA) of wood using polarised Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microscopy has been developed, allowing the MFA of both new and historic pine to be measured. This provides some of the information needed for a more specific match when selecting replacement timbers for historic buildings.