2 resultados para intervention programme

em Glasgow Theses Service


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Objectives: To evaluate the feasibility of a universally delivered CBT-based programme for pupils within a Scottish secondary school setting. Design: A pre-post, within and between groups design was utilised. Setting: Religious Moral Citizenship and Education (RMCE) classes in a Scottish secondary school. Participants: Four (n = 103) classes of third year secondary school pupils were arbitrarily allocated to two conditions: RMCE-as usual (RMCE-AU) controls, and LLTTF intervention. Intervention: Living Life to the Full (LLTTF) is a series of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)-based booklets and accompanying 8 classes to improve coping skills. An adolescent version of LLTTF was recently developed. This was delivered over nine weeks by school teachers trained in the approach. Outcome measures: The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale, General Self-Efficacy Scale, and Locus of Control scale were administered at baseline and 9 week follow-up. To determine acceptability and utility of the materials course feedback was gathered weekly from the intervention group and a focus group (n=5) was conducted at 3 month follow up. Results: Outcome measures showed no significant improvement in overall wellbeing of those in the intervention group compared with that of the control group. Weekly feedback suggested that the majority of pupils found the materials useful and relevant. Focus group feedback suggested that pupils found the intervention useful, had utilised strategies in everyday life and would welcome recurring provision of such interventions within the school setting. Conclusions: Universally delivered CBT intervention is acceptable and feasible within the secondary school environment. However, objective measurement using standardised tools does not adequately corroborate qualitative feedback from pupils. Issues relating to measurement, study design and implementation of future interventions are discussed.


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Receiving personalised feedback on body mass index and other health risk indicators may prompt behaviour change. Few studies have investigated men’s reactions to receiving objective feedback on such measures and detailed information on physical activity and sedentary time. The aim of my research was to understand the meanings different forms of objective feedback have for overweight/obese men, and to explore whether these varied between groups. Participants took part in Football Fans in Training, a gender-sensitised, weight loss programme delivered via Scottish Professional Football Clubs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 28 men, purposively sampled from four clubs to investigate the experiences of men who achieved and did not achieve their 5% weight loss target. Data were analysed using the principles of thematic analysis and interpreted through Self-Determination Theory and sociological understandings of masculinity. Several factors were vital in supporting a ‘motivational climate’ in which men could feel ‘at ease’ and adopt self-regulation strategies: the ‘place’ was described as motivating, whereas the ‘people’ (other men ‘like them’; fieldwork staff; community coaches) provided supportive and facilitative roles. Men who achieved greater weight loss were more likely to describe being motivated as a consequence of receiving information on their objective health risk indicators. They continued using self-monitoring technologies after the programme as it was enjoyable; or they had redefined themselves by integrating new-found activities into their lives and no longer relied on external technologies/feedback. They were more likely to see post-programme feedback as confirmation of success, so long as they could fully interpret the information. Men who did not achieve their 5% weight loss reported no longer being motivated to continue their activity levels or self-monitor them with a pedometer. Social support within the programme appeared more important. These men were also less positive about objective post-programme feedback which confirmed their lack of success and had less utility as a motivational tool. Providing different forms of objective feedback to men within an environment that has intrinsic value (e.g. football club setting) and congruent with common cultural constructions of masculinity, appears more conducive to health behaviour change.