4 resultados para immune cells
em Glasgow Theses Service
Inbred strains of C5731 and NIH nice infected with the A/S strain of Plasmodium chaubaudi usually developed high parasitaemias but infections were rarely fatal in immunocompetent mice and in most mice the parasites could be eradicated within 53 days or less. The immune response of C57B1 and NTH mice to infection with the A/S strain of P. chabaudi was studied. The principle method used in this study for investigating the immune response of the mice was to examine the immunity conferred on syngeneic mice, either X-irradiated or non-irradiated, by transferring to them lymphoid cells or serum from immune or semi-immune donors. The lymphoid cell populations examined were unfractionated spleen cells, nylon wool column enriched subpopulations of thymus-derived lymphocytes (T cells) and the so-called bursa-derived lymphocytes (B cells), bone marrow cells and phagocytic cells. In the course of these experiments observations were made on the effect of X-irradiation on the subsequent growth and multiplication of the parasite. In addition, an in vitro assay for antibody-dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity was used to investigate the activity of splenic K cells during malaria infection. K cells are lymphoid cells which may include lymphocytes of an undefined category, but possess receptors for the Fc portion of antibody on their surface and have the ability to non-specifically lyse target cells coated in antibodies. a) The adoptive transfer of immunity to P.chabaudi with immune spleen cells. Spleen cells from mice which had previously been infected with P.chabaudi were able to confer some immunity on syngeneic mice which had been irradiated with 600 or 800 rads. The protection was detected as a shortened patent parasitaemia in immune cell recipients compared to controls. The early experiments indicated the value of using irradiated recipients rather than non-irradiated recipients. In irradiated mice, a) smaller numbers of immune cells were required to promote detectable immunity than in non-irradiated mice, b) there was an amplification of the difference in the duration of primary parasitaemias in recipients of immune cells and normal cells compared to non-irradiated mice and c) as the irradiated host is immunodepressed, the protective effect of donor cells can be examined with a reduced contribution by the hosts own immune system. An initial non-specific resistance to P.chabaudi infection was observed in irradiated mice, although the infection in most of these mice was subsequently more severe than in non-irradiated mice. The non-specific resistance could be reduced or abolished by injecting lymphoid cells into mice shortly after irradiation or by infecting irradiated mice more than 15 days after irradiation. Other workers suggest that following irradiation, the reticulo-endothelial system is stimulated at the time that the non-specific resistance to P.chabaudi was observed. b) the adoptive transfer of immunity in syngeneic mice with enriched subpopulations of splenic immune T cells, B. cells, bone marrow cells and phagocytes. Immunity to P.chabaudi could be adoptively transferred with enriched spleen subpopulations of immune T cells or immune B cells in mice which had been irradiated 600 or 300 rads. The protective effects of unfractionated immune cells was, however, usually better than that of either immune T or F cell subpopulations. In most experiments enriched immune T cell recipients were more likely to suffer relapsing patent parasitaemias than either enriched immune B cell recipients or unfractionated immune cell recipients. In one experiment a comparison was made of the course of P.chabaudi infection in mice which had been irradiated with either 600 rads or 300 rads and which received injections of different immune cells. A dose of 600 rads permits the immune system of mice to recover from the effects of irradiation, but a dose of 800 rads is lethal to mice unless lymphoid cells are injected after irradiation. It was found that in recipients of enriched immune T or B cells, which had been irradiated with 600 rads, the parasitaemia became subpatent before their equivalents irradiated with 800 rads, but that there was little difference in parasitaemias between recipients of unfractionated immune cells given 600 or 800 rads. Experiments in which enriched immune T cells and B cells were recombined and injected into syngeneic mice gave inconclusive results as to whether the immune subpopulations acted synergistically. Similar experiments in which immune subpopulations of lymphoid cells were recombined with normal subpopulations of lymphoid cells demonstrated that the latter cells did not enhance the protective effect of the former cells. Bone marrow cells from immune mice were able to confer some protection on syngeneic recipients, but were not as protective as enriched immune T cells or B cells. The results obtained in adoptive transfer experiments using phagocytic cells from the spleen of immune mice depended on the length of time spleen cells were incubated in petri-dishes at 37° C before harvesting the phagocytes. Using C57B1 mice, phagocytes harvested after 15 hours incubation were as protective as unfractionated immune cells in a cell transfer experiment, but phagocytes harvested after 16 hours incubation were not protective. Examination of NIH phagocytic cells after 2.5 hours incubation at 37°C, which were as protective as unfractionated immune spleen cells in a cell transfer experiment, demonstrated that the petri-dish adherent cells may have contained B lymphocytes. c) The passive transfer of immunity with serum from P.chabaudi infected mice. The passive transfer of serum from C57B1 mice which had been previously infected with P.chabaudi to normal or irradiated syngeneic mice demonstrated that the serum recipients were initially protected from infection. Irradiated mice, however, were delayed longer in the onset of parasitaemia compared to non-irradiated mice. Using NIH mice, sera were collected from unfractionated immune spleen cell recipients, enriched immune T cell recipients and normal spleen recipients on the 11th day of a P.chabaudi infection, just after peak parasitaemia, and also on the 14th day of infection. On day 14, all immune cells recipients and most of the enriched immune T cell recipients had become subpatent but all normal cell recipients still had patent infections. Sera collected from the different spleen cell recipients on the 11th day of infection and passively transferred to irradiated mice demonstrated little protection. Sera collected on the 14th day of infect ion, however, reflected the immune status of the donors in their protective properties in mice infected with P.chabaudi. The serum from unfractionated immune cell recipients was the most protective of the 3 sera when compared to normal NIH serum and the serum from enriched immune T cell recipients was slightly protective, but the serum from normal cell recipients produced an enhanced infection in mice infected with P.chabaudi. d) Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity of spleen cells in P.chabaudi infected mice. In a preliminary investigation of K cell activity in the spleens of P.chabaudi infected mice, it was found that there was an increased activity of K cells collected at around peak parasitaemia compared to the activity of K cells in non-infected mice, and that this increased activity could also be found in mice which had recently become subpatent. As the target cell for antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity employed was the thick red blood cell, it is not known whether the K cell is involved in the killing of P.chabaudi parasites. These results suggest that both T cells and B cells and antibody may be important in the immune response to P.chabaudi in mice. Primed T cells may act as helper cells in the production of malarial antibodies, but, as enriched primed T cells could confer protection on immunodepressed mice, it is possible that a cell-mediated mechanism of immunity may also exist.
The function of the vascular endothelium is to maintain vascular homeostasis, by providing an anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory interface between circulating blood and the vessel wall, meanwhile facilitating the selective passage of blood components such as signaling molecules and immune cells. Dysfunction of the vascular endothelium is implicated in a number of pathological states including atherosclerosis and hypertension, and is thought to precede atherogenesis by a number of years. Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF) is a crucial mitogenic signaling molecule, not only essential for embryonic development, but also in the adult for regulating both physiological and pathological angiogenesis. Previous studies by our laboratory have demonstrated that VEGF-A activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), the downstream component of a signaling cascade important in the regulation of whole body and cellular energy status. Furthermore, studies in our laboratory have indicated that AMPK is essential for VEGF-A-stimulated vascular endothelial cell proliferation. AMPK activation typically stimulates anabolic processes and inhibits catabolic processes including cell proliferation, with the ultimate aim of redressing energy imbalance, and as such is an attractive therapeutic target for the treatment of obesity, metabolic syndromes, and type 2 diabetes. Metabolic diseases are associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes and AMPK activation is reported to have beneficial effects on the vascular endothelium. The mechanism by which VEGF-A stimulates AMPK, and the functional consequences of VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activation remain uncertain. The present study therefore aimed to identify the specific mechanism(s) by which VEGF-A regulates the activity of AMPK in endothelial cells, and how this might differ from the activation of AMPK by other agents. Furthermore, the role of AMPK in the pro-proliferative actions of VEGF-A was further examined. Human aortic and umbilical vein endothelial cells were therefore used as a model system to characterise the specific effect(s) of VEGF-A stimulation on AMPK activation. The present study reports that AMPK α1 containing AMPK complexes account for the vast majority of both basal and VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activity. Furthermore, AMPK α1 is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum when sub-confluent, but translocated to the Golgi apparatus when cells are cultured to confluence. AMPK α2 appears to be associated with a structural cellular component, but neither α1 nor α2 complexes appear to translocate in response to VEGF-A stimulation. The present study confirms previous reports that when measured using the MTS cell proliferation assay, AMPK is required for VEGF-A-stimulated endothelial cell proliferation. However, parallel experiments measuring cell proliferation using the Real-Time Cell Analyzer xCELLigence system, do not agree with these previous reports, suggesting that AMPK may in fact be required for an aspect of mitochondrial metabolism which is enhanced by VEGF-A. Studies into the mitochondrial activity of endothelial cells have proved inconclusive at this time, but further studies into this are warranted. During previous studies in our laboratory, it was suggested that VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activation may be mediated via the diacylglycerol (DAG)-sensitive transient receptor potential cation channel (TRPCs -3, -6 or -7) family of ion channels. The present study can neither confirm, nor exclude the expression of TRPCs in vascular endothelial cells, nor rule out their involvement in VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activation; more specific investigative tools are required in order to characterise their involvement. Furthermore, nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP)-stimulated Ca2+ release from acidic intracellular organelles is not required for AMPK activation by VEGF-A. Despite what is known about the mechanisms by which AMPK is activated, far less is known concerning the downregulation of AMPK activity, as observed in human and animal models of metabolic disease. Phosphorylation of AMPK α1 Ser485 (α2 Ser491) has recently been characterised as a mechanism by which the activity of AMPK is negatively regulated. We report here for the first time that VEGF-A stimulates AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation independently of the previously reported AMPK α1 Ser485 kinases Akt (protein kinase B) and ERK1/2 (extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2). Furthermore, inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC), the activity of which is reported to be elevated in metabolic disease, attenuates VEGF-A- and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)-stimulated AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation, and increases basal AMPK activity. In contrast to this, PKC activation reduces AMPK activity in human vascular endothelial cells. Attempts to identify the PKC isoform responsible for inhibiting AMPK activity suggest that it is one (or more) of the Ca2+-regulated DAG-sensitive isoforms of PKC, however cross regulation of PKC isoform expression has limited the present study. Furthermore, AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation was inversely correlated with human muscle insulin sensitivity. As such, enhanced AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation, potentially mediated by increased PKC activation may help explain some of the reduced AMPK activity observed in metabolic disease.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in the UK with 41,000 new cases diagnosed in 2011. Despite undergoing potentially curative resection, a significant amount of patients develop recurrence. Biomarkers that aid prognostication or identify patients who are suitable for adjuvant treatments are needed. The TNM staging system does a reasonably good job at offering prognostic information to the treating clinician, but it could be better and identifying methods of improving its accuracy are needed. Tumour progression is based on a complex relationship between tumour behaviour and the hosts’ inflammatory responses. Sustained tumour cell proliferation, evading growth suppressors, resisting apoptosis, replicative immortality, sustained angiogenesis, invasion & metastasis, avoiding immune destruction, deregulated cellular energetics, tumour promoting inflammation and genomic instability & mutation have been identified as hallmarks. These hallmarks are malignant behaviors are what makes the cell cancerous and the more extreme the behaviour the more aggressive the cancer the more likely the risk of a poor outcome. There are two primary genomic instability pathways: Microsatellite Instability (MSI) and Chromosomal Instability (CI) also referred to as Microsatellite Stability (MSS). Tumours arising by these pathways have a predilection for specific anatomical, histological and molecular biological features. It is possible that aberrant molecular expression of genes/proteins that promote malignant behaviors may also act as prognostic and predictive biomarkers, which may offer superior prognostic information to classical prognostic features. Cancer related inflammation has been described as a 7th hallmark of cancer. Despite the systemic inflammatory response (SIR) being associated with more aggressive malignant disease, infiltration by immune cells, particularly CD8+ lymphocytes, at the advancing edge of the tumour have been associated with improved outcome and tumour MSI. It remains unknown if the SIR is associated with tumour MSI and this requires further study. The mechanisms by which colorectal cancer cells locally invade through the bowel remain uncertain, but connective tissue degradation by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) such as MMP-9 have been implicated. MMP-9 has been found in the cancer cells, stromal cells and patient circulation. Although tumoural MMP-9 has been associated with poor survival, reports are conflicting and contain relatively small sample sizes. Furthermore, the influence of high serum MMP-9 on survival remains unknown. Src family kinases (SFKs) have been implicated in many adverse cancer cell behaviors. SFKs comprise 9 family members BLK, C-SRC, FGR, FYN, HCK, LCK, LYN, YES, YRK. C-SRC has been the most investigated of all SFKs, but the role of other SFKs in cellular behaviors and their prognostic value remains largely unknown. The development of Src inhibitors, such as Dasatinib, has identified SFKs as a potential therapeutic target for patients at higher risk of poor survival. Unfortunately, clinical trials so far have not been promising but this may reflect inadequate patient selection and SFKs may act as useful prognostic and predictive biomarkers. In chapter 3, the association between cancer related inflammation, tumour MSI, clinicopathological factors and survival was tested in two independent cohorts. A training cohort consisting of n=182 patients and a validation cohort of n=677 patients. MSI tumours were associated with a raised CRP (p=0.003). Hypoalbuminaemia was independently associated with poor overall survival in TNM stage II cancer (HR 3.04 (95% CI 1.44 – 6.43);p=0.004), poor recurrence free survival in TNM stage III cancer (HR 1.86 (95% 1.03 – 3.36);p=0.040) and poor overall survival in CI colorectal cancer (HR 1.49 (95% CI 1.06 – 2.10);p=0.022). Interestingly, MSI tumours were associated with poor overall survival in TNM stage III cancer (HR 2.20 (95% CI 1.10 – 4.37);p=0.025). In chapter 4, the role of MMP-9 in colorectal cancer progression and survival was examined. MMP-9 in the tissue was assessed using IHC and serum expression quantified using ELISA. Serum MMP-9 was associated with cancer cell expression (Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient (SCC) 0.393, p<0.001)) and stromal expression (SCC 0.319, p=0.002). Serum MMP-9 was associated with poor recurrence-free (HR 3.37 (95% CI 1.20 – 9.48);p=0.021) and overall survival (HR 3.16 (95% CI 1.22 – 8.15);p=0.018), but tumour MMP-9 was not survival or MSI status. In chapter 5, the role of SFK expression and activation in colorectal cancer progression and survival was studied. On PCR analysis, although LYN, C-SRC and YES were the most highly expressed, FGR and HCK had higher expression profiles as tumours progressed. Using IHC, raised cytoplasmic FAK (tyr 861) was independently associated with poor recurrence free survival in all cancers (HR 1.48 (95% CI 1.02 – 2.16);p=0.040) and CI cancers (HR 1.50 (95% CI 1.02 – 2.21);p=0.040). However, raised cytoplasmic HCK (HR 2.04 (95% CI 1.11 – 3.76);p=0.022) was independently associated with poor recurrence-free survival in TNM stage II cancers. T84 and HT29 cell lines were used to examine the cellular effects of Dasatinib. Cell viability was assessed using WST-1 assay and apoptosis assessed using an ELISA cell death detection assay. Dasatinib increased T84 tumour cell apoptosis in a dose dependent manner and resulted in reduced expression of nuclear (p=0.008) and cytoplasmic (p=0.016) FAK (tyr 861) expression and increased nuclear FGR expression (p=0.004). The results of this thesis confirm that colorectal cancer is a complex disease that represents several subtypes of cancer based on molecular biological behaviors. This thesis concentrated on features of the disease related to inflammation in terms of genetic and molecular characterisation. MSI cancers are closely associated with systemic inflammation but despite this observation, they retain their relatively improved survival. MMP-9 is a feature of tissue remodeling during inflammation and is also associated with degradation of connective tissue, advanced T-stage and poor outcome when measured in the serum. The lack of stromal quantification due to TMA use rather than full sections makes the value of tumoural MMP-9 immunoreactivity in the prognostication and its association with MSI unknown and requires further study. Finally, SFK activation was also associated with SIR, however, only cytoplasmic HCK was independently associated with poor survival in patients with TNM stage II disease, the group of patients where identifying a novel biomarker is most needed. There is still some way to go before these biomarkers are translated into clinical practice and future work needs to focus on obtaining a reliable and robust scientific technique with validation in an adequately powered independent cohort.
Background: Obesity is not a new disease, with roots that can be traced back to 400 BC. However, with the staggering increase in individuals that are overweight and obese since the 1980s, now over a quarter of individuals in Europe and the Americas are classed as obese. This presents a global health problem that needs to be addressed with novel therapies. It is now well accepted that obesity is a chronic, low-grade inflammatory condition that could predispose individuals to a number of comorbidities. Obesity is associated with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) as part of “the metabolic syndrome,” and as first identified by Dr Vauge, central distribution of white adipose tissue (WAT) is an important risk factor in the development of these diseases. Subsequently, visceral WAT (vWAT) was shown to be an important factor in this association with CVDs and T2D, and increasing inflammation. As the obese WAT expands, mainly through hypertrophy, there is an increase in inflammation that recruits numerous immune cells to the tissue that further exacerbate this inflammation, causing local and systemic inflammatory and metabolic effects. One of the main types of immune cell involved in this pathogenic process is pro-inflammatory M1 adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs). MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a species of small RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression by targeting gene mRNA, causing its degradation or translational repression. These miRNAs are promiscuous, regulating numerous genes and pathways involved in a disease, making them useful therapeutic targets, but also difficult to study. miR-34a has been shown to increase in the serum, liver, pancreas, and subcutaneous (sc)WAT of patients with obesity, non- alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and T2D. Additionally, miR-34a has been shown to regulate a number of metabolic and inflammatory genes in numerous cell types, including those in macrophages. However, the role of miR-34a in regulating vWAT metabolism and inflammation is poorly understood. Hypothesis: miR-34a is dysregulated in the adipose tissue during obesity, causing dysregulation of metabolic and inflammatory pathways in adipocytes and ATMs that contribute to adipose inflammation and obesity’s comorbidities, particularly T2D. Method/Results: The role of miR-34a in adipose inflammation was investigated using a murine miR-34a-/- diet-induced obesity model, and primary in vitro models of adipocyte differentiation and inflammatory bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs). miR-34a was shown to be ubiquitously expressed throughout the murine epididymal (e)WAT of obese high-fat diet (HFD)-fed WT mice and ob/ob mice, as well as omental WAT from patients with obesity. Additionally, miR-34a transcripts were increased in the liver and brown adipose tissue (BAT) of ob/ob and HFD-fed WT mice, compared to WT controls. When miR-34a-/- mice were fed HFD ad libitum for 24 weeks they were significantly heavier than their WT counterparts by the end of the study. Ex vivo examinations showed that miR-34a-/- eWAT had a smaller adipocyte area on chow, which significantly increased to WT levels during HFD-feeding. Additionally, miR-34a-/- eWAT showed basal increases in cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism genes Cd36, Hmgcr, Lxrα, Pgc1α, and Fasn. miR-34a-/- iBAT showed basal reductions in Cebpα and Cebpβ, with increased Pgc1α expression during HFD- feeding. The miR-34a-/- liver additionally showed increased basal transcript expression of Pgc1α, suggesting miR-34a may broadly regulate PGC1α. Accompanying the ex vivo changes in cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism genes, in vitro miR-34a-/- white adipocytes showed increased lipid content. An F4/80high macrophage population was identified in HFD-fed miR-34a-/- eWAT, with increased Il-10 transcripts and serum IL-5 protein. Following these ex vivo observations, BMDMs from WT mice upregulated miR-34a expression in response to TNFα stimulation. Additionally, miR-34a-/- BMDMs showed an ablated CXCL1 response to TNFα. Conclusion: These findings suggest miR-34a has a multi-factorial role in controlling a susceptibility to obesity, by regulating inflammatory and metabolic pathways, potentially through regulation of PGC1α.