3 resultados para cardiovascular outcomes

em Glasgow Theses Service


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Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death around the world. Resting heart rate has been shown to be a strong and independent risk marker for adverse cardiovascular events and mortality, and yet its role as a predictor of risk is somewhat overlooked in clinical practice. With the aim of highlighting its prognostic value, the role of resting heart rate as a risk marker for death and other adverse outcomes was further examined in a number of different patient populations. A systematic review of studies that previously assessed the prognostic value of resting heart rate for mortality and other adverse cardiovascular outcomes was presented. New analyses of nine clinical trials were carried out. Both the original and extended Cox model that allows for analysis of time-dependent covariates were used to evaluate and compare the predictive value of baseline and time-updated heart rate measurements for adverse outcomes in the CAPRICORN, EUROPA, PROSPER, PERFORM, BEAUTIFUL and SHIFT populations. Pooled individual patient meta-analyses of the CAPRICORN, EPHESUS, OPTIMAAL and VALIANT trials, and the BEAUTIFUL and SHIFT trials, were also performed. The discrimination and calibration of the models applied were evaluated using Harrell’s C-statistic and likelihood ratio tests, respectively. Finally, following on from the systematic review, meta-analyses of the relation between baseline and time-updated heart rate, and the risk of death from any cause and from cardiovascular causes, were conducted. Both elevated baseline and time-updated resting heart rates were found to be associated with an increase in the risk of mortality and other adverse cardiovascular events in all of the populations analysed. In some cases, elevated time-updated heart rate was associated with risk of events where baseline heart rate was not. Time-updated heart rate also contributed additional information about the risk of certain events despite knowledge of baseline heart rate or previous heart rate measurements. The addition of resting heart rate to the models where resting heart rate was found to be associated with risk of outcome improved both discrimination and calibration, and in general, the models including time-updated heart rate along with baseline or the previous heart rate measurement had the highest and similar C-statistics, and thus the greatest discriminative ability. The meta-analyses demonstrated that a 5bpm higher baseline heart rate was associated with a 7.9% and an 8.0% increase in the risk of all-cause and cardiovascular death, respectively (both p less than 0.001). Additionally, a 5bpm higher time-updated heart rate (adjusted for baseline heart rate in eight of the ten studies included in the analyses) was associated with a 12.8% (p less than 0.001) and a 10.9% (p less than 0.001) increase in the risk of all-cause and cardiovascular death, respectively. These findings may motivate health care professionals to routinely assess resting heart rate in order to identify individuals at a higher risk of adverse events. The fact that the addition of time-updated resting heart rate improved the discrimination and calibration of models for certain outcomes, even if only modestly, strengthens the case that it be added to traditional risk models. The findings, however, are of particular importance, and have greater implications for the clinical management of patients with pre-existing disease. An elevated, or increasing heart rate over time could be used as a tool, potentially alongside other established risk scores, to help doctors identify patient deterioration or those at higher risk, who might benefit from more intensive monitoring or treatment re-evaluation. Further exploration of the role of continuous recording of resting heart rate, say, when patients are at home, would be informative. In addition, investigation into the cost-effectiveness and optimal frequency of resting heart rate measurement is required. One of the most vital areas for future research is the definition of an objective cut-off value for the definition of a high resting heart rate.


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The function of the vascular endothelium is to maintain vascular homeostasis, by providing an anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory interface between circulating blood and the vessel wall, meanwhile facilitating the selective passage of blood components such as signaling molecules and immune cells. Dysfunction of the vascular endothelium is implicated in a number of pathological states including atherosclerosis and hypertension, and is thought to precede atherogenesis by a number of years. Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF) is a crucial mitogenic signaling molecule, not only essential for embryonic development, but also in the adult for regulating both physiological and pathological angiogenesis. Previous studies by our laboratory have demonstrated that VEGF-A activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), the downstream component of a signaling cascade important in the regulation of whole body and cellular energy status. Furthermore, studies in our laboratory have indicated that AMPK is essential for VEGF-A-stimulated vascular endothelial cell proliferation. AMPK activation typically stimulates anabolic processes and inhibits catabolic processes including cell proliferation, with the ultimate aim of redressing energy imbalance, and as such is an attractive therapeutic target for the treatment of obesity, metabolic syndromes, and type 2 diabetes. Metabolic diseases are associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes and AMPK activation is reported to have beneficial effects on the vascular endothelium. The mechanism by which VEGF-A stimulates AMPK, and the functional consequences of VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activation remain uncertain. The present study therefore aimed to identify the specific mechanism(s) by which VEGF-A regulates the activity of AMPK in endothelial cells, and how this might differ from the activation of AMPK by other agents. Furthermore, the role of AMPK in the pro-proliferative actions of VEGF-A was further examined. Human aortic and umbilical vein endothelial cells were therefore used as a model system to characterise the specific effect(s) of VEGF-A stimulation on AMPK activation. The present study reports that AMPK α1 containing AMPK complexes account for the vast majority of both basal and VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activity. Furthermore, AMPK α1 is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum when sub-confluent, but translocated to the Golgi apparatus when cells are cultured to confluence. AMPK α2 appears to be associated with a structural cellular component, but neither α1 nor α2 complexes appear to translocate in response to VEGF-A stimulation. The present study confirms previous reports that when measured using the MTS cell proliferation assay, AMPK is required for VEGF-A-stimulated endothelial cell proliferation. However, parallel experiments measuring cell proliferation using the Real-Time Cell Analyzer xCELLigence system, do not agree with these previous reports, suggesting that AMPK may in fact be required for an aspect of mitochondrial metabolism which is enhanced by VEGF-A. Studies into the mitochondrial activity of endothelial cells have proved inconclusive at this time, but further studies into this are warranted. During previous studies in our laboratory, it was suggested that VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activation may be mediated via the diacylglycerol (DAG)-sensitive transient receptor potential cation channel (TRPCs -3, -6 or -7) family of ion channels. The present study can neither confirm, nor exclude the expression of TRPCs in vascular endothelial cells, nor rule out their involvement in VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activation; more specific investigative tools are required in order to characterise their involvement. Furthermore, nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP)-stimulated Ca2+ release from acidic intracellular organelles is not required for AMPK activation by VEGF-A. Despite what is known about the mechanisms by which AMPK is activated, far less is known concerning the downregulation of AMPK activity, as observed in human and animal models of metabolic disease. Phosphorylation of AMPK α1 Ser485 (α2 Ser491) has recently been characterised as a mechanism by which the activity of AMPK is negatively regulated. We report here for the first time that VEGF-A stimulates AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation independently of the previously reported AMPK α1 Ser485 kinases Akt (protein kinase B) and ERK1/2 (extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2). Furthermore, inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC), the activity of which is reported to be elevated in metabolic disease, attenuates VEGF-A- and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)-stimulated AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation, and increases basal AMPK activity. In contrast to this, PKC activation reduces AMPK activity in human vascular endothelial cells. Attempts to identify the PKC isoform responsible for inhibiting AMPK activity suggest that it is one (or more) of the Ca2+-regulated DAG-sensitive isoforms of PKC, however cross regulation of PKC isoform expression has limited the present study. Furthermore, AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation was inversely correlated with human muscle insulin sensitivity. As such, enhanced AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation, potentially mediated by increased PKC activation may help explain some of the reduced AMPK activity observed in metabolic disease.


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is a leading cause of death in the world. Despite effective treatment regimens for ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and ischaemic stroke, mortality and recurrence rates remain high. Antiplatelet therapy is on effective treatment and reduces the risk of recurrent heart attack and stroke. Nevertheless, there are patients who stopped or interrupted their antiplatelet therapy for certain reasons or some patients may be resistant or poor responders to antiplatelet therapy. Furthermore, there is evidence of rebound effect in platelet activity after antiplatelet cessation and this may associate with increased risk of cardiovascular event. This thesis is divided into five main chapters (chapters 3 to 7) which attempt to provide data to help resolve the uncertainty. Chapter 1 highlights the background of cardiovascular diseases and the global burden of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The metabolism of platelets, antiplatelet therapy and current antiplatelet therapy guidelines are described, followed by discussion of the risk of cardiovascular event and changes in antiplatelet therapy. Chapter 2 describes the data source from Virtual International Stroke Trial Archive (VISTA) and National Health Service Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) Safe Haven, followed by definition of outcome measures. In chapter 3, Virtual International Stroke Trial Archive (VISTA) data was examined to test whether continue with the same antiplatelet therapy or changing to a new antiplatelet regimen reduces the risk of subsequent events in patients who experience a stroke whilst taking antiplatelet therapy. The findings indicate that subjects who switch to a new antiplatelet regimen after stroke did not have a lower early recurrence rate than subjects who continued with the same antiplatelet therapy. Observations on bleeding complications were similar in both groups. However, changing antiplatelet regimen after stroke was associated with more favourable functional outcome across a full scale modified Rankin Scale (mRS) at 90 days. In chapter 4, association between early or later initiation of antiplatelet with a recurrent ischaemic stroke and bleeding complications was assessed using VISTA data. The findings indicate that there was no association between a recurrent ischaemic stroke and timing of initiation of antiplatelet drug after stroke. However, early initiation was associated with increased risk of bleeding. In terms of functional outcomes, this study demonstrated that the mid-time and late initiation of antiplatelet therapy after acute stroke are associated with better functional outcomes compared with early initiation. In chapter 5, a nested case-control study was performed to explore the rate of antiplatelet cessation and interruption in a sample of patients with recent ischaemic stroke and to assess the risk of cardiovascular events associated with cessation and interruption of antiplatelet. It was found that there was no increased risk of cardiovascular event among patients who had early cessation or interrupted/stopped antiplatelet therapy within 90 days following acute ischaemic stroke. In chapter 6, the incidence and predictors of cardiovascular events after DAPT cessation were evaluated. The incidence of cardiovascular event while taking DAPT and following discontinuation of DAPT was 15.7% and 16.7% respectively. This study found that increasing age was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular event, whereas, revascularization-treated patients and longer duration of DAPT, were each associated with a decreased risk. The duration of DAPT six months and less was associated a significantly higher risk for cardiovascular event. In chapter 7, an untargeted metabolomics analysis was performed while on DAPT (aspirin plus ticagrelor) and once they stopped ticagrelor to identify metabolite changes associated with cardiovascular events after stopping DAPT. Ten ACS patients were recruited in this study and data were analysed for seven patients. Three hundred eleven putative metabolites were identified. This study found 16 putative metabolites significantly altered following ticagrelor cessation. Of these, seven metabolites were from lipid pathway and down-regulated some up to 3-fold. On the other hand, adenosine, from nucleotide metabolism was upregulated up to 2.6-fold. It concluded that there are changes in numerous pathways following DAPT discontinuation and whether these changes differ in patients who have cardiovascular event after stopping DAPT warrant further investigation. In chapter 8, a summary of the findings of this thesis are presented as well as the future directions of research in this area.