em Glasgow Theses Service
Cellular senescence is a stable arrest of cell proliferation induced by several factors such as activated oncogenes, oxidative stress and shortening of telomeres. Senescence acts as a tumour suppression mechanism to halt the progression of cancer. However, senescence may also impact negatively upon tissue regeneration, thus contributing to the effects of ageing. The eukaryotic genome is controlled by various modes of transcriptional and translational regulation. Focus has therefore centred on the role of long non- coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in regulating the genome. Accordingly, understanding how lncRNAs function to regulate the senescent genome is integral to improving our knowledge and understanding of tumour suppression and ageing. Within this study, I set out to investigate the expression of lncRNAs’ expression within models of senescence. Through a custom expression array, I have shown that expression of multiple different lncRNAs is up-regulated and down regulated in IMR90 replicative senescent fibroblasts and oncogene-induced senescent melanocytes. LncRNA expression was determined to be specific to stable senescence-associated cell arrest and predominantly within the nucleus of senescent cells. In order to examine the function of lncRNA expression in senescence, I selected lncRNA transcript ENST0000430998 (lncRNA_98) to focus my investigations upon. LncRNA_98 was robustly upregulated within multiple models of senescence and efficiently depleted using anti-sense oligonucleotide technology. Characterisation and unbiased RNA-sequencing of lncRNA_98 deficient senescent cells highlighted a list of genes that are regulated by lncRNA_98 expression in senescent cells and may regulate aspects of the senescence program. Specifically, the formation of SAHF was impeded upon depletion of lncRNA_98 expression and levels of total pRB protein expression severely decreased. Validation and recapitulation of consequences of pRB depletion was confirmed through lncRNA_98 knock-out cells generated using CRISPR technology. Surprisingly, inhibition of ATM kinase functions permitted the restoration of pRB protein levels within lncRNA_98 deficient cells. I propose that lncRNA_98 antagonizes the ability of ATM kinase to downregulate pRB expression at a post-transcriptional level, thereby potentiating senescence. Furthermore, lncRNA expression was detected within fibroblasts of old individuals and visualised within senescent melanocytes in human benign nevi, a barrier to melanoma progression. Conversely, mining of 337 TCGA primary melanoma data sets highlighted that the lncRNA_98 gene and its expression was lost from a significant proportion of melanoma samples, consistent with lncRNA_98 having a tumour suppressor functions. The data presented in this study illustrates that lncRNA_98 expression has a regulatory role over pRB expression in senescence and may regulate aspects of tumourigenesis and ageing.
Vertebrate genomes are organised into a variety of nuclear environments and chromatin states that have profound effects on the regulation of gene transcription. This variation presents a major challenge to the expression of transgenes for experimental research, genetic therapies and the production of biopharmaceuticals. The majority of transgenes succumb to transcriptional silencing by their chromosomal environment when they are randomly integrated into the genome, a phenomenon known as chromosomal position effect (CPE). It is not always feasible to target transgene integration to transcriptionally permissive “safe harbour” loci that favour transgene expression, so there remains an unmet need to identify gene regulatory elements that can be added to transgenes which protect them against CPE. Dominant regulatory elements (DREs) with chromatin barrier (or boundary) activity have been shown to protect transgenes from CPE. The HS4 element from the chicken beta-globin locus and the A2UCOE element from a human housekeeping gene locus have been shown to function as DRE barriers in a wide variety of cell types and species. Despite rapid advances in the profiling of transcription factor binding, chromatin states and chromosomal looping interactions, progress towards functionally validating the many candidate barrier elements in vertebrates has been very slow. This is largely due to the lack of a tractable and efficient assay for chromatin barrier activity. In this study, I have developed the RGBarrier assay system to test the chromatin barrier activity of candidate DREs at pre-defined isogenic loci in human cells. The RGBarrier assay consists in a Flp-based RMCE reaction for the integration of an expression construct, carrying candidate DREs, in a pre-characterised chromosomal location. The RGBarrier system involves the tracking of red, green and blue fluorescent proteins by flow cytometry to monitor on-target versus off-target integration and transgene expression. The analysis of the reporter (GFP) expression for several weeks gives a measure of the protective ability of each candidate elements from chromosomal silencing. This assay can be scaled up to test tens of new putative barrier elements in the same chromosomal context in parallel. The defined chromosomal contexts of the RGBarrier assays will allow for detailed mechanistic studies of chromosomal silencing and DRE barrier element action. Understanding these mechanisms will be of paramount importance for the design of specific solutions for overcoming chromosomal silencing in specific transgenic applications.