2 resultados para High demand

em Glasgow Theses Service


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Campylobacter is a major cause of acute bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide, with the highest number of infections being attributed to Campylobacter jejuni. C. jejuni is a Gram negative, spiral, motile bacterium that belongs to the campylobacterales order and is related to both Helicobacter spp. and Wolinella sp.. It has long been established that proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and other benzimidazole derivatives display anti-Helicobacter activity in vitro. PPIs have in the past been shown to affect Helicobacter pylori growth, survival, motility, morphology, adhesion/invasion potential and susceptibility to conventional antibiotics. PPIs are highly effective drugs that are well tolerated, safe for prolonged daily use and are therefore in high demand. Both the PPIs omeprazole and lansoprazole featured in the top ten drugs prescribed in England in 2014. In 2014 Campylobacter was also the most commonly diagnosed gastrointestinal infection in Scotland, in England and Wales and also in Europe. It has previously been generally accepted that patients who are being treated with PPIs are more susceptible to enteric infections such as Campylobacter than people not taking PPIs. The effect of PPI exposure on H. pylori has been investigated rigorously in the past. A single previous study has hinted that PPIs may also be capable of affecting the related organism C. jejuni,but investigations have been extremely limited in comparison to those investigating the effect of PPIs on H. pylori. This study has investigated the in vitro effects of direct contact with PPIs on the biology ofC. jejuni. Exposure to the PPI pantoprazole was found to affect C. jejuni growth/survival, motility, morphology, biofilm formation, invasion potential and susceptibility to some conventional antibiotics. Microarray studies showed that the cmeA and Cj0561c genes were significantly up-regulated in response to pantoprazole exposure and a CmeABC deficient mutant was found to be significantly more susceptible to killing by pantoprazole than was the parent strain. Proteomic analysis indicated that the oxidative stress response of C. jejuni was induced following exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of pantoprazole. C. jejuni gene expression was assessed using qRT-PCR and the genes encoding for thiol peroxidase and GroEL co-chaperonin (both involved in the C. jejuni oxidative stress response) were found to be around four times higher in response to exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of pantoprazole. Experiments using the oxidative stress inhibitors thiourea (a hydroxyl radical quencher) and bipyridyl (a ferrous iron chelator) showed that killing by pantoprazole was not mediated by hydroxyl radical production.


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In this thesis, we study the causal relationship between functional distribution of income and economic growth. In particular, we focus on some of the aspects that might alter the effect of the profit share on growth. After a brief introduction and literature review, the empirical contributions will be presented in Chapters 3,4 and 5. Chapter 3 analyses the effect of a contemporaneous decrease in the wage share among countries that are major trade partners. Falling wage share and wage moderation are a global phenomenon which are hardly opposed by governments. This is because lower wages are associated with lower export prices and, therefore, have a positive effect on net-exports. There is, however, a fallacy of composition problem: not all countries can improve their balance of payments contemporaneously. Studying the country members of the North America Free Trade Agreement, we find that the effect on export of a contemporaneous decrease in the wage share in Mexico, Canada and the United States, is negative in all countries. In other words, the competitive advantage that each country gains because of a reduction in its wage share (to which is associated a decrease in export prices), is offset by a contemporaneous increase in competitiveness in the other two countries. Moreover, we find that NAFTA is overall wage-led: the profit share has a negative effect on aggregate demand. Chapter 4 tests whether it is possible that the effect of the profit share on growth is different in the long run and in the short run. Following Blecker (2014) our hypothesis is that in the short run the growth regime is less wage-led than it is in the long run. The results of our empirical investigation support this hypothesis, at least for the United States over the period 1950-2014. The effect of wages on consumption increases more than proportionally compared to the effect of profits on consumption from the short to the long run. Moreover, consumer debt seem to have only a short-run effect on consumption indicating that in the long run, when debt has to be repaid, consumption depends more on the level of income and on how it is distributed. Regarding investment, the effect of capacity utilization is always larger than the effect of the profit share and that the difference between the two effects is higher in the long run than in the short run. This confirms the hypothesis that in the long run, unless there is an increase in demand, it is likely that firms are not going to increase investments even in the presence of high profits. In addition, the rentier share of profits – that comprises dividends and interest payments – has a long-run negative effect on investment. In the long run rentiers divert firms’ profits from investment and, therefore, it weakens the effect of profits on investment. Finally, Chapter 5 studies the possibility of structural breaks in the relationship between functional distribution of income and growth. We argue that, from the 1980s, financialization and the European exchange rate agreements weakened the positive effect of the profit share on growth in Italy. The growth regime is therefore becoming less profit-led and more wage-led. Our results confirm this hypothesis and also shed light on the concept of cooperative and conflictual regimes as defined by Bhaduri and Marglin (1990).