3 resultados para Electron Transport Chain Complex Proteins

em Glasgow Theses Service


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The work presented herein covers a broad range of research topics and so, in the interest of clarity, has been presented in a portfolio format. Accordingly, each chapter consists of its own introductory material prior to presentation of the key results garnered, this is then proceeded by a short discussion on their significance. In the first chapter, a methodology to facilitate the resolution and qualitative assessment of very large inorganic polyoxometalates was designed and implemented employing ion-mobility mass spectrometry. Furthermore, the potential of this technique for ‘mapping’ the conformational space occupied by this class of materials was demonstrated. These claims are then substantiated by the development of a tuneable, polyoxometalate-based calibration protocol that provided the necessary platform for quantitative assessments of similarly large, but unknown, polyoxometalate species. In addition, whilst addressing a major limitation of travelling wave ion mobility, this result also highlighted the potential of this technique for solution-phase cluster discovery. The second chapter reports on the application of a biophotovoltaic electrochemical cell for characterising the electrogenic activity inherent to a number of mutant Synechocystis strains. The intention was to determine the key components in the photosynthetic electron transport chain responsible for extracellular electron transfer. This would help to address the significant lack of mechanistic understanding in this field. Finally, in the third chapter, the design and fabrication of a low-cost, highly modular, continuous cell culture system is presented. To demonstrate the advantages and suitability of this platform for experimental evolution investigations, an exploration into the photophysiological response to gradual iron limitation, in both the ancestral wild type and a randomly generated mutant library population, was undertaken. Furthermore, coupling random mutagenesis to continuous culture in this way is shown to constitute a novel source of genetic variation that is open to further investigation.


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Conventional Si complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) scaling is fast approaching its limits. The extension of the logic device roadmap for future enhancements in transistor performance requires non-Si materials and new device architectures. III-V materials, due to their superior electron transport properties, are well poised to replace Si as the channel material beyond the 10nm technology node to mitigate the performance loss of Si transistors from further reductions in supply voltage to minimise power dissipation in logic circuits. However several key challenges, including a high quality dielectric/III-V gate stack, a low-resistance source/drain (S/D) technology, heterointegration onto a Si platform and a viable III-V p-metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor (MOSFET), need to be addressed before III-Vs can be employed in CMOS. This Thesis specifically addressed the development and demonstration of planar III-V p-MOSFETs, to complement the n-MOSFET, thereby enabling an all III-V CMOS technology to be realised. This work explored the application of InGaAs and InGaSb material systems as the channel, in conjunction with Al2O3/metal gate stacks, for p-MOSFET development based on the buried-channel flatband device architecture. The body of work undertaken comprised material development, process module development and integration into a robust fabrication flow for the demonstration of p-channel devices. The parameter space in the design of the device layer structure, based around the III-V channel/barrier material options of Inx≥0.53Ga1-xAs/In0.52Al0.48As and Inx≥0.1Ga1-xSb/AlSb, was systematically examined to improve hole channel transport. A mobility of 433 cm2/Vs, the highest room temperature hole mobility of any InGaAs quantum-well channel reported to date, was obtained for the In0.85Ga0.15As (2.1% strain) structure. S/D ohmic contacts were developed based on thermally annealed Au/Zn/Au metallisation and validated using transmission line model test structures. The effects of metallisation thickness, diffusion barriers and de-oxidation conditions were examined. Contacts to InGaSb-channel structures were found to be sensitive to de-oxidation conditions. A fabrication process, based on a lithographically-aligned double ohmic patterning approach, was realised for deep submicron gate-to-source/drain gap (Lside) scaling to minimise the access resistance, thereby mitigating the effects of parasitic S/D series resistance on transistor performance. The developed process yielded gaps as small as 20nm. For high-k integration on GaSb, ex-situ ammonium sulphide ((NH4)2S) treatments, in the range 1%-22%, for 10min at 295K were systematically explored for improving the electrical properties of the Al2O3/GaSb interface. Electrical and physical characterisation indicated the 1% treatment to be most effective with interface trap densities in the range of 4 - 10×1012cm-2eV-1 in the lower half of the bandgap. An extended study, comprising additional immersion times at each sulphide concentration, was further undertaken to determine the surface roughness and the etching nature of the treatments on GaSb. A number of p-MOSFETs based on III-V-channels with the most promising hole transport and integration of the developed process modules were successfully demonstrated in this work. Although the non-inverted InGaAs-channel devices showed good current modulation and switch-off characteristics, several aspects of performance were non-ideal; depletion-mode operation, modest drive current (Id,sat=1.14mA/mm), double peaked transconductance (gm=1.06mS/mm), high subthreshold swing (SS=301mV/dec) and high on-resistance (Ron=845kΩ.μm). Despite demonstrating substantial improvement in the on-state metrics of Id,sat (11×), gm (5.5×) and Ron (5.6×), inverted devices did not switch-off. Scaling gate-to-source/drain gap (Lside) from 1μm down to 70nm improved Id,sat (72.4mA/mm) by a factor of 3.6 and gm (25.8mS/mm) by a factor of 4.1 in inverted InGaAs-channel devices. Well-controlled current modulation and good saturation behaviour was observed for InGaSb-channel devices. In the on-state In0.3Ga0.7Sb-channel (Id,sat=49.4mA/mm, gm=12.3mS/mm, Ron=31.7kΩ.μm) and In0.4Ga0.6Sb-channel (Id,sat=38mA/mm, gm=11.9mS/mm, Ron=73.5kΩ.μm) devices outperformed the InGaAs-channel devices. However the devices could not be switched off. These findings indicate that III-V p-MOSFETs based on InGaSb as opposed to InGaAs channels are more suited as the p-channel option for post-Si CMOS.


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Monoclonal antibodies are a class of therapeutic that is an expanding area of the lucrative biopharmaceutical industry. These complex proteins are predominantly produced from large cultures of mammalian cells; the industry standard cell line being Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. A number of optimisation strategies have led to antibody titres from CHO cells increasing by a hundred-fold, and it has been proposed that a further bottleneck in biosynthesis is in protein folding and assembly within the secretory pathway. To alleviate this bottleneck, a CHO-derived host cell line was generated by researchers at the pharmaceutical company UCB that stably overexpressed two critical genes: XBP1, a transcription factor capable of expanding the endoplasmic reticulum and upregulating protein chaperones; and Ero1α, an oxidase that replenishes the machinery of disulphide bond formation. This host cell line, named CHO-S XE, was confirmed to have a high yield of secreted antibody. The work presented in this thesis further characterises CHO-S XE, with the aim of using the information gained to lead the generation of novel host cell lines with more optimal characteristics than CHO-S XE. In addition to antibodies, it was found that CHO-S XE had improved production of two other secreted proteins: one with a simple tertiary structure and one complex multi-domain protein; and higher levels of a number of endogenous protein chaperones. As a more controlled system of gene expression to unravel the specific roles of XBP1 and Ero1α in the secretory properties of CHO-S XE, CHO cells with inducible overexpression of XBP1, Ero1α, or a third gene involved in the Unfolded Protein Response, GADD34, were generated. From these cell lines, it was shown that more antibody was secreted by cells with induced overexpression of XBP1; however, Ero1α and GADD34 overexpression did not improve antibody yield. Further investigation revealed that endogenous XBP1 splicing was downregulated in the presence of an abundance of the active form of XBP1. This result indicated a novel aspect of the regulation of the activity of IRE1, the stress-induced endoribonuclease responsible for XBP1 splicing. Overall, the work described in this thesis confirms that the overexpression of XBP1 has an enhancing effect on the secretory properties of CHO cells; information which could contribute to the development of host cells with a greater capacity for antibody production.