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INTRODUCTION: In common with much of the developed world, Scotland has a severe and well established problem with overweight and obesity in childhood with recent figures demonstrating that 31% of Scottish children aged 2-15 years old were overweight including obese in 2014. This problem is more pronounced in socioeconomically disadvantaged groups and in older children across all economic groups (Scottish Health Survey, 2014). Children who are overweight or obese are at increased risk of a number of adverse health outcomes in the short term and throughout their life course (Lobstein and Jackson-Leach, 2006). The Scottish Government tasked all Scottish Health Boards with developing and delivering child healthy weight interventions to clinically overweight or obese children in an attempt to address this health problem. It is therefore imperative to deliver high quality, affordable, appropriately targeted interventions which can make a sustained impact on children’s lifestyles, setting them up for life as healthy weight adults. This research aimed to inform the design, readiness for application and Health Board suitability of an effective primary school-based curricular child healthy weight intervention. METHODS: the process involved in conceptualising a child healthy weight intervention, developing the intervention, planning for implementation and subsequent evaluation was guided by the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model (Green and Kreuter, 2005) and the Intervention Mapping protocol (Lloyd et al. 2011). RESULTS: The outputs from each stage of the development process were used to formulate a child healthy weight intervention conceptual model then develop plans for delivery and evaluation. DISCUSSION: The Fit for School conceptual model developed through this process has the potential to theoretically modify energy balance related behaviours associated with unhealthy weight gain in childhood. It also has the potential to be delivered at a Health Board scale within current organisational restrictions.