5 resultados para Clinical utility
em Glasgow Theses Service
Pancreaticoduodenectomy with or without adjuvant chemotherapy remains the only modality of possible cure in patients with cancer involving the head of the pancreas and the periampullary region. While mortality rates after pancreaticoduodenectomy have improved considerably over the course of the last century, morbidity remains high. Patient selection is of paramount importance in ensuring that major surgery is offered to individuals who will most benefit from a pancreaticoduodenectomy. Moreover, identifying preoperative risk factors provides potential targets for prehabilitation and optimisation of the patient's physiology before undertaking surgery. In addition to this, early identification of patients who are likely to develop postoperative complications allows for better allocation of critical care resources and more aggressive management high risk patients. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing is becoming an increasingly popular tool in the preoperative risk assessment of the surgical patient. However, very little work has been done to investigate the role of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in predicting complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy. The impact of jaundice, systemic inflammation and other preoperative clinicopathological characteristics on cardiopulmonary exercise physiology has not been studied in detail before in this cohort of patients. The overall aim of the thesis was to examine the relationships between preoperative clinico-pathological characteristics including cardiopulmonary exercise physiology, obstructive jaundice, body composition and systemic inflammation and complications and the post-surgical systemic inflammatory response in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy. Chapter 1 reviews the existing literature on preoperative cardiopulmonary exercise testing, the impact of obstructive jaundice, perioperative systemic inflammation and the importance of body composition in determining outcomes in patients undergoing major surgery with particular reference to pancreatic surgery. Chapter 2 reports on the role of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in predicting postoperative complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy. The results demonstrate that patients with V˙O2AT less than 10 ml/kg/min are more likely to develop a postoperative pancreatic fistula, stay longer in hospital and less likely to receive adjuvant therapy. These results emphasise the importance of aerobic fitness to recover from the operative stress of major surgery without significant morbidity. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing may prove useful in selecting patients for intensive prehabilitation programmes as well as for other optimisation measures to prepare them for major surgery. Chapter 3 evaluates the relationship between cardiopulmonary exercise physiology and other clinicopathological characteristics of the patient. A detailed analysis of cardiopulmonary exercise test parameters in jaundiced versus non-jaundiced patients demonstrates that obstructive jaundice does not impair cardiopulmonary exercise physiology. This further supports emerging evidence in contemporary literature that jaundiced patients can proceed directly to surgery without preoperative biliary drainage. The results of this study also show an interesting inverse relationship between body mass index and anaerobic threshold which is analysed in more detail in Chapter 4. Chapter 4 examines the relationship between preoperative cardiopulmonary exercise physiology and body composition in depth. All parameters measured at cardiopulmonary exercise test are compared against body composition and body mass index. The results of this chapter report that the current method of reporting V˙O2, both at peak exercise and anaerobic threshold, is biased against obese subjects and advises caution in the interpretation of cardiopulmonary exercise test results in patients with a high BMI. This is particularly important as current evidence in literature suggests that postoperative outcomes in obese subjects are comparable to non-obese subjects while cardiopulmonary exercise test results are also abnormally low in this very same cohort of patients. Chapter 5 analyses the relationship between preoperative clinico-pathological characteristics including systemic inflammation and the magnitude of the postoperative systemic inflammatory response. Obstructive jaundice appears to have an immunosuppressive effect while elevated preoperative CRP and hypoalbuminemia appear to have opposite effects with hypoalbuminemia resulting in a lower response while elevated CRP in the absence of hypoalbuminemia resulted in a greater postoperative systemic inflammatory response. Chapter 6 evaluates the role of the early postoperative systemic inflammatory response in predicting complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy and aims to establish clinically relevant thresholds for C-Reactive Protein for the prediction of complications. The results of this chapter demonstrate that CRP levels as early as the second postoperative day are associated with complications. While post-operative CRP was useful in the prediction of infective complications, this was the case only in patients who did not develop a post-operative pancreatic fistula. The predictive ability of inflammatory markers for infectious complications was blunted in patients with a pancreatic fistula. Chapter 7 summarises the findings of this thesis, their place in current literature and future directions. The results of this thesis add to the current knowledge regarding the complex pathophysiological abnormalities in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy, with specific emphasis on the interaction between cardiopulmonary exercise physiology, obstructive jaundice, systemic inflammation and postoperative outcomes. The work presented in this thesis lays the foundations for further studies aimed at improving outcomes after pancreaticoduodenectomy through the development of individualised, goal-directed therapies that are initiated well before this morbid yet necessary operation is performed.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop and test psychometric properties of a Mealtime Interaction Clinical Observation Tool (MICOT) that could be used to facilitate assessment and behavioural intervention in childhood feeding difficulties. Methods: Thematic analysis of four focus groups with feeding and behaviour experts identified the content and structure of the MICOT. Following refinement, inter-rater reliability was tested between three healthcare professionals. Results: Six themes were identified for the MICOT, which utilises a traffic-light system to identify areas of strength and areas for intervention. Despite poor inter-rater reliability, for which a number of reasons are postulated, some correlation between psychologists’ ratings was evident. Healthcare professionals liked the tool and reported that it could have good clinical utility. Conclusion: The study provides a promising first version of a clinical observation tool that facilitates assessment and behavioural intervention in childhood feeding difficulties.
A prospective randomised controlled clinical trial of treatment decisions informed by invasive functional testing of coronary artery disease severity compared with standard angiography-guided management was implemented in 350 patients with a recent non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) admitted to 6 hospitals in the National Health Service. The main aims of this study were to examine the utility of both invasive fractional flow reserve (FFR) and non-invasive cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) amongst patients with a recent diagnosis of NSTEMI. In summary, the findings of this thesis are: (1) the use of FFR combined with intravenous adenosine was feasible and safe amongst patients with NSTEMI and has clinical utility; (2) there was discordance between the visual, angiographic estimation of lesion significance and FFR; (3). The use of FFR led to changes in treatment strategy and an increase in prescription of medical therapy in the short term compared with an angiographically guided strategy; (4) in the incidence of major adverse cardiac events (MACE) at 12 months follow up was similar in the two groups. Cardiac MRI was used in a subset of patients enrolled in two hospitals in the West of Scotland. T1 and T2 mapping methods were used to delineate territories of acute myocardial injury. T1 and T2 mapping were superior when compared with conventional T2-weighted dark blood imaging for estimation of the ischaemic area-at-risk (AAR) with less artifact in NSTEMI. There was poor correlation between the angiographic AAR and MRI methods of AAR estimation in patients with NSTEMI. FFR had a high accuracy at predicting inducible perfusion defects demonstrated on stress perfusion MRI. This thesis describes the largest randomized trial published to date specifically looking at the clinical utility of FFR in the NSTEMI population. We have provided evidence of the diagnostic and clinical utility of FFR in this group of patients and provide evidence to inform larger studies. This thesis also describes the largest ever MRI cohort, including with myocardial stress perfusion assessments, specifically looking at the NSTEMI population. We have demonstrated the diagnostic accuracy of FFR to predict reversible ischaemia as referenced to a non-invasive gold standard with MRI. This thesis has also shown the futility of using dark blood oedema imaging amongst all comer NSTEMI patients when compared to novel T1 and T2 mapping methods.
Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in the UK. It is accepted that both tumour and host factors are important determinants of disease progression and survival. While systemic and local inflammatory responses are increasingly recognized to be of particular importance the understanding of the mechanisms linking these important inflammatory processes remains unclear. This thesis examines the prognostic importance of measures of systemic and local inflammation and proposes a hypothesis for a link between tumour necrosis, systemic and local inflammatory responses in patients with colorectal cancer. Chapter 3 reports the comparison of the prognostic value of longitudinal measurements of systemic inflammation in patients undergoing curative resection of colorectal cancer. In Chapter 3 the results demonstrate that there was no significant overall change in either mGPS or NLR from pre- to post- operatively. This study highlighted the associations between pre- and post- operative mGPS and NLR and T-stage (p<0.001), TNM stage (p<0.005) and cancer-specific survival. The relationships between pre-operative measurements were examined using multivariate analysis. For pre-operative measurement both mGPS and NLR were associated with cancer-specific survival while when post-operative measures were examined only mGPS was specifically associated with cancer-specific survival (HR 4.81, CI 2.13-10.83, P<0.001). Chapter 4 examines the prognostic value of the Klintrup-Makinen scoring method and the existing limitations with regard to its clinical utility. An automated scoring method using commercially available image analysis software was developed and compared with manual scoring of tumour inflammatory infiltrates. This study demonstrated that both manual K-M scoring (p<0.001) and automated K-M scoring (p<0.05) had prognostic value in patients who had undergone potentially curative resection of colorectal cancer, and that the novel automated method may provide an objective method of assessment of tumour inflammatory infiltrates using routinely stained haematoxylin and eosin sections of tumour samples. In chapter 5 a hypothesis was proposed that Interleukin-6 may link tumour necrosis and systemic and local inflammatory responses in patients with colorectal cancer. This chapter examined the basis for this hypothesis, which is presented in figure 5.1. In addition, in chapter 5 the importance of this potential link is examined. In chapter 6, the hypothesis outlined in chapter 5 was examined in a cohort of patients who had undergone attempted curative resection of colorectal cancer. This study examined the inter-relationships between circulating mediators, in particular IL-6, tumour necrosis and systemic and local inflammatory responses. This results of this study demonstrated that IL-6 was associated with tumour necrosis (<0.001) and mGPS (<0.001) independent of T-stage. Thus adding weight to the hypothesis that elevated circulating concentrations of IL-6 may play a role in modulating both the systemic and local inflammatory responses in patients with cancer. Chapter 7 further develops the hypothesis that IL-6 signalling may be important in modulating systemic and local inflammatory responses in patients with colorectal cancer. Further, in chapter 7 the basis for the role of trans-signalling in this signaling pathway was examined. In this study, we reported that neither expression of the soluble IL-6 receptor or soluble gp130 were associated with systemic or local inflammatory responses. As a result the possible reasons for these findings were explored and future work suggested. A prospective database of patients undergoing attempted curative resection of colorectal cancer in Glasgow Royal Infirmary was used throughout this thesis. This database was created and is maintained regularly by successive research fellows at the Royal Infirmary. The work presented in this thesis highlights the importance of the host response in the form of systemic and local inflammation in patients with colorectal cancer and proposes a link between these responses and tumour necrosis. In addition, this work adds weight to the body of evidence suggesting that assessment of these host responses may improve stratification to treatment for patients with colorectal cancer. Further, this work proposes a mechanistic link, between tumour necrosis, systemic and local inflammatory responses through Interleukin-6, that merits further investigation.
Background/Aims: The Mini Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (M-ACE) is the abbreviated version of the widely-used Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (ACE-III), a cognitive screening tool that is used internationally in the assessment of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia. The objectives of this study were to investigate the diagnostic accuracy of the M-ACE with individuals aged 75 and over to distinguish between those who do and do not have a dementia or MCI, and also to establish whether the cut-off scores recommended by Hsieh et al. (2014) [9] in the original validation study for the M-ACE are optimal for this age group. Methods: The M-ACE was administered to 58 participants (24 with a diagnosis of dementia, 17 with a diagnosis of MCI and 17 healthy controls). The extent to which scores distinguished between groups (dementia, MCI or no diagnosis) was explored using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. Results: The optimal cut-off for detecting dementia was ≤ 21/30 (score ≤ 21/30 indicating dementia with a sensitivity of 0.95, a specificity of 1 and a positive predictive value of 1) compared to the original higher published cut-off of ≤ 25/30 (sensitivity of 0.95, specificity of 0.70 and a positive predictive value of 0.82 in this sample). Conclusions: The M-ACE has excellent diagnostic accuracy for the detection of dementia in a UK clinical sample. It may be necessary to consider lower cut-offs than those given in the original validation study.