15 resultados para Riemannian-manifolds
em eScholarship Repository - University of California
Immersions of an m-manifold in an n-manifold, n>m, are classified up to regular homotopy by the homotopy classes of sections of a vector bundle E associated to the tangent bundle of M. When N = Rn , the fibre of E is the Stiefel manifold of m-frames in n-space.
Assume n,k,m,q are positive integers. Let M^n denote a smooth differentiable n-manifold and R^k Euclidean k-space. (a) If M^n is open it imbeds smoothly in R^k, k=2n-1 (b) If M^n is open and parallelizable it immerses in R^n (c) Assume M^n is closed and (m-1)-connected, 1< 2m-n < n+1. If a neighborhood of the (n-m)-skeleton immerses in R^q, a>2n-2m, then the complement of a point of M^n imbeds smoothly in R^q.
A compact, connected, combinatorial 4-maifold is embeddable in R^7 if its twisted normal Stiefel-Whitney class in dimension 3 is trivial.
Analogues of the smooth tubular neighborhood theorem are developed for the topological and piecewise linear categories.
Immersions of a differentiable m-manifold M in a differentiable n-manifold N, 2n > 3m+1, are classified up to regular homotopy by the homotopy classes of fibre maps F: T(M) ----> T(N) such that F(-X)=-F(X) and F(X) is nonzero of X is nonzero.
Many manifolds that do not admit Anosov diffeomorphisms are constructed. For example: the Cartesian product of the Klein bottle and a torus.