7 resultados para SKATE RAJA-ERINACEA

em Aberdeen University


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We are grateful to all those who helped with sample collection. This includes the MEDITS survey programme (IEO Mallorca) for Mediterranean samples. Portugal mainland samples were collected under the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF, PNAB). Azores specimens from the Department of Oceanography and Fisheries (DOP) of the University of the Azores (UAc) were collected under the project DEMERSAIS “Monitorização das espécies demersais dos Açores” financed by the Azorean government, and the project DEECON “Unravelling population connectivity for sustainable fisheries in the Deep Sea” project approved by the European Science Foundation (ESF) under the EUROCORES programme (proposal No 06-EuroDEEP-FP-008 & SFRH-EuroDEEP/0002/2007). This study was funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Oceans 2025 Strategic Research Programme Theme 6 (Science for Sustainable Marine Resources). REB was supported by the Fisheries Society of the British Isles (FSBI), BSP was funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, SFRH/BPD/72351/2010 and JL was supported by The Alasdair Downes Marine Conservation Fund.


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Acknowledgements We thank Ms Katie Wilde, Data Management Team, University of Aberdeen and Lynsey Waugh, Information and Services Division of NHS Scotland for their help with data extraction and linkage. Funding sources This work was supported by funding from the Chief Scientist Office, Scotland. We also acknowledge support from Tommy’s and the British Heart Foundation. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. None of the authors are related to any of the funders


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Funding No funding was received for this study. Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the help and expertise provided by Fiona Chaloner who performed the data linkage and extraction from the databases. We also thank the medical statistics team, University of Aberdeen, and in particular Dr Lorna Aucott, for their advice on the analysis of the data. We would also like to thank Margery Heath for proofreading and formatting the paper.


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Funding No funding was received for this study. Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the help and expertise provided by Fiona Chaloner who performed the data linkage and extraction from the databases. We also thank the medical statistics team, University of Aberdeen, and in particular Dr Lorna Aucott, for their advice on the analysis of the data. We would also like to thank Margery Heath for proofreading and formatting the paper.


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Funding: This research was supported by Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland (R10/A128)


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The authors would like to thank the College of Life Sciences of Aberdeen University and Marine Scotland Science which funded CP's PhD project. Skate tagging experiments were undertaken as part of Scottish Government project SP004. We thank Ian Burrett for help in catching the fish and the other fishermen and anglers who returned tags. We thank José Manuel Gonzalez-Irusta for extracting and making available the environmental layers used as environmental covariates in the environmental suitability modelling procedure. We also thank Jason Matthiopoulos for insightful suggestions on habitat utilization metrics as well as Stephen C.F. Palmer, and three anonymous reviewers for useful suggestions to improve the clarity and quality of the manuscript.


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Funding: This research was supported by Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland (R10/A128)