em Aberdeen University
We would like to thank reviewers Steffi Burchadt and Simon Passey for the considerate and careful reviews which improved this paper. Funding for data collection in study was provided from the research council of Norway through the PETROMAKS project 193059 and the Force Safari project. Funding for data analysis was provided from PETROMAKS through the Trias North project (234152). Dougal Jerram is partly supported by research council of Norway Centres of Excellence funding (223272, CEED). The data were acquired by Julien Vallet and Samuel Pitiot of Helimap Systems. Simon Buckley is acknowledged for help with data processing, and Gijs Henstra and Björn Nyberg for assistance in the field. Aka Lynge and Arild Andresen are thanked for logistical support
Acknowledgements. This study was supported by the FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF Marie-Curie Action – SPATFOREST. Tree data from BCI were provided by the Center for Tropical Forest Science of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and the primary granting agencies that have supported the BCI plot tree census. Data for the liana censuses were supported by the US National Science Foundation grants: DEB-0613666, DEB-0845071, and DEB-1019436 (to SAS). Soil data was funded by the National Science Foundation grants DEB021104, DEB021115, DEB0212284 and DEB0212818 supporting soils mapping in the BCI plot. We thank Helene Muller-Landau for providing some data on tree height for some BCI trees. We also thank all the people that contributed to obtain the data.