2 resultados para Paget, Francis, Bishop of Oxford, 1851-1911.
em Aberdeen University
Funding: British Women’s Heart and Health Study is funded by the Department of Health grant no. 90049 and the British Heart Foundation grant no. PG/09/022. British Regional Heart Study is supported by the British Heart Foundation (grant RG/ 13/16/30528). CB (COPDBEAT) received funding from the Medical Research Council UK (grant no. G0601369), CB (COPDBEAT) and AJW (UKCOPD) were supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Unit). MB (COPDBEAT) received funding from the NIHR (grant no. PDF-2013-06-052). Hertfordshire Cohort Study received support from the Medical Research Council, Arthritis Research UK, the International Osteoporosis Foundation and the British Heart Foundation; NIHR Biomedical Research Centre in Nutrition, University of Southampton; NIHR Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit, University of Oxford. Generation Scotland: Scottish Family Health Study is funded by the Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Government Health Directorates, grant number CZD/16/6 and the Scottish Funding Council grant HR03006. EU COPD Gene Scan is funded by the European Union, grant no. QLG1-CT-2001-01012. English Longitudinal Study of Aging is funded by the Institute of Aging, NIH grant No. AG1764406S1. GoDARTs is funded by the Wellcome Trust grants 072960, 084726 and 104970. MDT has been supported by MRC fellowship G0902313. UK Biobank Lung Exome Variant Evaluation study was funded by a Medical Research Council strategic award to MDT, IPH, DPS and LVW (MC_PC_12010)
FUNDING & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This project was funded by the NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme (project number 05/47/02) and is published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 19, No. 80. Further information available at: http://www.nets.nihr.ac.uk/projects/hta/054702 This paper presents independent research commissioned by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The views and opinions expressed by authors in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the NHS, the NIHR, MRC, CCF, NETSCC, the HTA programme or the Department of Health. Due to the confidential nature of the trial data supporting this publication not all of the data can be made accessible to other researchers. Please contact the UKUFF study principal investigator Andrew Carr (andrew.carr@ndorms.ox.ac.uk) for more information. The authors wish to thank the UKUFF trial collaborators for their contribution in managing the conduct of the trial, and for their comments on the interim economic results: Marion Campbell and Hannah Bruhn (Centre for Healthcare Randomised Trials, HSRU, University of Aberdeen), Jonathan Rees MD and David Beard (NDORMS, University of Oxford; NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre), Jane Moser (NDORMS, University of Oxford), Raymond Fitzpatrick and Jill Dawson (NDPH, University of Oxford).