em Aberdeen University
We appreciate very helpful reviews by Dr. Martin Stokes and three anonymous reviewers and editor Dr. Richard Marston. We also appreciate the encouragement for writing this paper from Dr. Timothy Horscroft. We acknowledge support of the sponsors of the Fluvial Systems Research Group consortium, BP, BG, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and Total.
We appreciate very helpful reviews by Dr. Martin Stokes and three anonymous reviewers and editor Dr. Richard Marston. We also appreciate the encouragement for writing this paper from Dr. Timothy Horscroft. We acknowledge support of the sponsors of the Fluvial Systems Research Group consortium, BP, BG, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and Total.
Peer reviewed
This work was supported by a Knowledge Transfer Network BBSRC Industrial Case (#414 BB/L502467/1) studentship in association Zoetis Inc.
Acknowledgements We acknowledge financial support from ICDP for the drilling programme. AEF, ATB and ARP thank NERC for financial support through NE/G00398X/1. VAM thanks the Norwegian Research Council for financial support through 191530/V30. We are grateful for sample preparation and analyses to all the personnel at NGU lab. At SUERC we enjoyed exceptional analytical support from Julie Dougans. Anonymous reviewers and the editor provided comments that improved the final manuscript.
We acknowledge the Australian Microscopy & Microanalysis Research Facility at the Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation and Analysis, The University of Western Australia, a facility funded by the University, State and Commonwealth Governments. DW acknowledges funding from the European Commission and the Australian Research Council. This is publication number 838 from the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems.