4 resultados para Bobek, Michal
em Aberdeen University
Funding This work was supported by grants from British Council China (Sino-UK higher Education for PhD studies) to YD and CM, The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (70190) and The NHS Grampian Endowment Funds (14/09) to BL, and National Natural Science Foundation of China (31528011) to BL and YD.
Acknowledgements We acknowledge the support of the PRACSS Joint Industry Project at University of Aberdeen, funded by BG Group, BP, DONG, RWE Dea, Petrochina, Statoil and Tullow Oil. We also acknowledge the entire crew of the Urania Research vessel which was used to acquire the CHIRP lines, bathymetric data and gravity cores from the Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy. Our colleagues Michal Janocko and Mike Mayall are thanked for the discussions and comments. Our colleagues Pan Li, Amanda Santa Catharina, Guilherme Bozetti and Matheus Silveira Sobiesiak are thanked for their assistance during field work where some of the ideas in this paper were synthesized. Finally we thank one anonymous reviewer and Brian Romans for their invaluable feedback which made some of the ideas introduced in this review much more succinct.
Funded by UK's Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Grant Number: LK0863 BBSRC strategic programme Grant on Energy Grasses & Bio-refining. Grant Number: BBS/E/W/10963A01 OPTIMISC. Grant Number: FP7-289159 WATBIO. Grant Number: FP7-311929 Innovate UK/BBSRC ‘MUST’. Grant Number: BB/N016149/1
Control of cortex development by ULK4, a rare risk gene for mental disorders including schizophrenia
This work was supported by the grants from British Council China (Sino-UK higher Education for PhD studies) to Y.D. and C.D.M., and also from the following funding resources: Tenovus Scotland (G12/05, B.L.), The Carnegie Trust (RG13060-10, B.L.) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (91232724, Y.D.; 31100788, L.Z.; 81200933, N.N.S.; 31528011, B.L. and Y.D.).