296 resultados para Aberdeen Angus
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project was funded by the Government of Kuwait (to F.N.A.) and the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement 245268 (ISEFOR; to L.B. and S.W.). Further support came from the SwissBOL project, financed by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (grant holder L.B.) and the Sciex–Scientific Exchange Programme NMS.CH (to L.L. and L.B.).
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This project was funded by the Kuwait Government (to F.N.A.), the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 245268 (ISEFOR; to L.B. and S.W.). Further support came from the SwissBOL project, financed by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (grant holder, L.B.) and the Sciex–Scientific Exchange Programme NMS.CH (to L.B. and L.L.).
Supporting data are included in PDF and CSV files; any additional data may be obtained from the corresponding author (e-mail: j.vinogradov@imperial.ac.uk). TOTAL is thanked for partial support of Jackson's Chair in Geological Fluid Mechanics and for supporting the activities of the TOTAL Laboratory for Reservoir Physics at Imperial College London where these experiments were conducted. The Editor thanks Andre Revil and Paul Glover for their assistance in evaluating this paper.
Funding: Wellcome Trust, 070247/Z/03/A. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Acknowledgments Editorial assistance was provided by Ken Kauffman and Patricia Abramo, Adelphi Communications, New York, NY. This assistance was funded by Merck & Co., Inc.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the EU FP7 KBBE 2012–2016 project PharmaSea, grant N° 312184 and from the Italian Cystic Fibrosis Research foundation (Grant FFC#12/2011).
8 pages, 2 figures, to be published in the conference proceedings of 11th international conference "Computer Data Analysis & Modeling 2016"
Open Access funded by Wellcome Trust Acknowledgements ERB is funded by the BBSRC (BB/M014525/1). DW is supported by a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship jointly funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society (Grant Number 102549/Z/13/Z). We additionally acknowledge the MRC and University of Aberdeen for funding (MR/N006364/1) and the Wellcome Trust Strategic Award for Medical Mycology and Fungal Immunology (097377/Z/11/Z). Finally, we acknowledge FungiDB and the Candida Genome Database [ 56 and 57].
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Acknowledgements We would like to thank the staff of the animal facility for their support and care for our animals. Funding was provided by the Wellcome Trust (102705) and Medical Research Council (UK) (MR/J004820/1) and a University of Aberdeen Studentship to BK.
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“An Italian of the Vatican type” : The Roman formation of Cardinal Paul Cullen, Archbishop of Dublin
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