23 resultados para total soluble solids content

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can be used for the on-line, non-invasive assessment of fruit for eating quality attributes such as total soluble solids (TSS). The robustness of multivariate calibration models, based on NIRS in a partial transmittance optical geometry, for the assessment of TSS of intact rockmelons (Cucumis melo) was assessed. The mesocarp TSS was highest around the fruit equator and increased towards the seed cavity. Inner mesocarp TSS levels decreased towards both the proximal and distal ends of the fruit, but more so towards the proximal end. The equatorial region of the fruit was chosen as representative of the fruit for near infrared assessment of TSS. The spectral window for model development was optimised at 695-1045 nm, and the data pre-treatment procedure was optimised to second-derivative absorbance without scatter correction. The 'global' modified partial least squares (MPLS) regression modelling procedure of WINISI (ver. 1.04) was found to be superior with respect to root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP) and bias for model predictions of TSS across seasons, compared with the 'local' MPLS regression procedure. Updating of the model with samples selected randomly from the independent validation population demonstrated improvement in both RMSEP and bias with addition of approximately 15 samples.


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The soluble solids content of intact fruit can be measured non-invasively by near infrared spectroscopy, allowing “sweetness” grading of individual fruit. However, little information is available in the literature with respect to the robustness of such calibrations. We developed calibrations based on a restricted wavelength range (700–1100 nm), suitable for use with low-cost silicon detector systems, using a stepwise multiple linear regression routine. Calibrations for total soluble solids (°Brix) in intact pineapple fruit were not transferable between summer and winter growing seasons. A combined calibration (data of three harvest dates) validated reasonably well against a population set drawn from all harvest dates (r2 = 0.72, SEP = 1.84 °Brix). Calibrations for Brix in melon were transferable between two of the three varieties examined. However, a lack of robustness of calibration was indicated by poor validation within populations of fruit harvested at different times. Further work is planned to investigate the robustness of calibration across varieties, growing districts and seasons.


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γ-Irradiation doses of 0.5 (target) and 1.0 (high) kGy were applied as insect disinfestation treatments to 'Kensington Pride' mango fruit. The effects of these treatments on fruit physicochemical properties and aroma volatile production were investigated and compared to non-irradiated controls. There were no significant effects of the irradiation treatments on flesh total soluble solids content. However, the loss of green skin colour usually associated with fruit ripening was inhibited by irradiation at both 0.5 and 1.0 kGy by approximately 32 and 52%, respectively, relative to non-irradiated fruit. Fruit exposed to 0.5 and 1.0 kGy exhibited a 58 and 80% reduction in emission of a-terpinolene volatiles, respectively. Thus, γ-irradiation at 0.5 and 1.0 kGy can have an adverse effect on 'Kensington Pride' mango fruit aroma volatile production and skin colouration.


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The utility of near infrared spectroscopy as a non-invasive technique for the assessment of internal eating quality parameters of mandarin fruit (Citrus reticulata cv. Imperial) was assessed. The calibration procedure for the attributes of TSS (total soluble solids) and DM (dry matter) was optimised with respect to a reference sampling technique, scan averaging, spectral window, data pre-treatment (in terms of derivative treatment and scatter correction routine) and regression procedure. The recommended procedure involved sampling of an equatorial position on the fruit with 1 scan per spectrum, and modified partial least squares model development on a 720–950-nm window, pre-treated as first derivative absorbance data (gap size of 4 data points) with standard normal variance and detrend scatter correction. Calibration model performance for the attributes of TSS and DM content was encouraging (typical Rc2 of >0.75 and 0.90, respectively; typical root mean squared standard error of calibration of <0.4 and 0.6%, respectively), whereas that for juiciness and total acidity was unacceptable. The robustness of the TSS and DM calibrations across new populations of fruit is documented in a companion study.


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The effect of plastic high tunnels on the performance of two strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa) cultivars (Festival and Rubygem) and two breeding lines was studied in southeastern Queensland, Australia, over 2 years. Production in this area is affected by rain, with direct damage to the fruit and the development of fruit disease before harvest. The main objective of the study was to determine whether plants growing under tunnels had less rain damage, a lower incidence of disease, and higher yields than plants growing outdoors. Plants growing under the tunnels or outdoors had at best only small differences in leaf, crown, root, and flower and immature fruit dry weight. These responses were associated with relatively similar temperatures and relative humidities in the two growing environments. Marketable yields were 38% higher under the tunnels compared with yields outdoors in year 1, and 24% higher in year 2, mainly due to less rain damage. There were only small differences in the incidences of grey mold (Botrytis cinerea) and small and misshaped fruit in the plants growing under the tunnels and outdoors. There were also only small differences in postharvest quality, total soluble solids, and titratable acidity between the two environments. These results highlight the potential of plastic high tunnels for strawberry plants growing in subtropical areas that receive significant rainfall during the production season.


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The robustness of multivariate calibration models, based on near infrared spectroscopy, for the assessment of total soluble solids (TSS) and dry matter (DM) of intact mandarin fruit (Citrus reticulata cv. Imperial) was assessed. TSS calibration model performance was validated in terms of prediction of populations of fruit not in the original population (different harvest days from a single tree, different harvest localities, different harvest seasons). Of these, calibration performance was most affected by validation across seasons (signal to noise statistic on root mean squared error of prediction of 3.8, compared with 20 and 13 for locality and harvest day, respectively). Procedures for sample selection from the validation population for addition to the calibration population (‘model updating’) were considered for both TSS and DM models. Random selection from the validation group worked as well as more sophisticated selection procedures, with approximately 20 samples required. Models that were developed using samples at a range of temperatures were robust in validation for TSS and DM.


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Predictive models based on near infra-red spectroscopy for the assessment of fruit internal quality attributes must exhibit a degree of robustness across the parameters of variety, district and time to be of practical use in fruit grading. At the time this thesis was initiated, while there were a number of published reports on the development of near infra-red based calibration models for the assessment of internal quality attributes of intact fruit, there were no reports of the reliability ("robustness") of such models across time, cultivars or growing regions. As existing published reports varied in instrumentation employed, a re-analysis of existing data was not possible. An instrument platform, based on partial transmittance optics, a halogen light source and (Zeiss MMS 1) detector operating in the short wavelength near infra-red region was developed for use in the assessment of intact fruit. This platform was used to assess populations of macadamia kernels, melons and mandarin fruit for total soluble solids, dry matter and oil concentration. Calibration procedures were optimised and robustness assessed across growing areas, time of harvest, season and variety. In general, global modified partial least squares regression (MPLS) calibration models based on derivatised absorbance data were better than either multiple linear regression or `local' MPLS models in the prediction of independent validation populations . Robustness was most affected by growing season, relative to the growing district or variety . Various calibration updating procedures were evaluated in terms of calibration robustness. Random selection of samples from the validation population for addition to the calibration population was equivalent to or better than other methods of sample addition (methods based on the Mahalanobis distance of samples from either the centroid of the population or neighbourhood samples). In these exercises the global Mahalanobis distance (GH) was calculated using the scores and loadings from the calibration population on the independent validation population. In practice, it is recommended that model predictive performance be monitored in terms of predicted sample GH, with model updating using as few as 10 samples from the new population undertaken when the average GH value exceeds 1 .0 .


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The objectives of this study were to quantify the components of genetic variance and the genetic effects, and to examine the genetic relationship of inbred lines extracted from various shrunken2(sh2) breeding populations. Ten diverse inbred lines developed from genetic background, were crossed in half diallel. Parents and their F1 hybrids were evaluated at three environments. The parents were genotyped using 20 polymorphic simple sequence repeats (SSR). Agronomic and quality traits were analysed by a mixed linear model according to additive-dominance genetic model. Genetic effects were estimated using an adjusted unbiased prediction method. Additive variance was more important than dominance variance in the expression of traits related to ear aspects (husk ratio and percentage of ear filled) and eating quality (flavour and total soluble solids). For agronomic traits, however, dominance variance was more important than additive variance. The additive genetic correlation between flavour and tenderness was strong (r = 0.84, P <0.01). Flavour, tenderness and kernel colour additive genetic effects were not correlated with yield related traits. Genetic distance (GD), estimated from SSR profiles on the basis of Jaccard's similarity coefficient varied from 0.10 to 0.77 with an average of 0.56. Cluster analysis classified parents according to their pedigree relationships. In most studied traits, F1 performance was not associated with GD.


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With 6 tables Abstract The objectives of this study were to evaluate the importance of heterosis for agronomic and quality traits in shrunken (sh2) sweet corn, assess the usefulness of combining ability to predict the value of parents and their crosses for further genetic improvement and examine whether genetic divergence can predict heterosis or F1 performance. Ten genetically diverse shrunken (sh2) sweet corn inbred lines were used to generate 45 F1s. F1s and parents were evaluated for agronomic and quality traits across environments. Heterosis was more important for yield-related traits than it was for ear aspects and eating quality. Heterosis for most traits was mostly dependent on dominance genetic effects of parental lines. Parents and F1per se performance were highly correlated with general combining ability effects and mid-parent values, respectively, for most traits. Hybrid performance for flavour and plant height was significantly but weakly related to simple sequence repeat (SSR)-based genetic distance (GD). Phenotypic distance (PD), estimated from phenotypic traits was correlated with heterosis for total soluble solids, ear length and flavour. © 2012 State of Queensland.


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Apples at 24 ± 2 °C were heated in a pilot scale hot air assisted (40 °C) continuous pentagonal microwave system, to evaluate the effectiveness of this treatment on insect mortality (variety Mutsu) and fruit quality (variety Granny Smith). An average temperature of 53.4 ± 1.3 °C at core, bottom and flesh of the apple was recorded at the end of the treatment. One hundred percent mortality of the most tolerant stage of Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni, Froggatt) and Jarvis's fruit fly (Bactrocera jarvisi, Tryon), were observed when the Mortality value (M52, equivalent time of isothermal treatment at 52 °C) at the slowest heating point applicable for each experiment was ≥ 50 min and ≥ 37 min, respectively. Results showed that microwave heat treatment is effective for insect disinfestation without any adverse impact on total soluble solids, flesh or peel firmness of the treated apples. The treated apples recorded a significantly higher pH and lower ion leakage than the untreated apples after 3 or 4 weeks. Therefore, the microwave heat treatment has the potential to be developed as an alternative chemical free quarantine treatment against economically significant insect pests. Industrial relevance Hot air assisted microwave heating of fruits and vegetables, is more cost effective compared to vapour heat treatment and ionising radiation for disinfestation of insects. Microwave treatment is environmentally friendly compared to fumigation and chemical treatments. Hot air assisted microwave disinfestation can be performed at farms or centralised pack houses since the capital cost would be comparatively lower than vapour heat or ionising radiation treatments.


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White nectarines (Prunus persica var. nucipersica) were fumigated with methyl bromide (MB) at a nominal treatment dose of 18 g m-3 at 18°C for 5 h and 30 min as a quarantine disinfestation treatment against Bactrocera tryoni, the Queensland fruit fly. Three large scale trials were conducted against each of the four immature lifestages, eggs and first, second and third instars. There were no survivors from the estimated 43,614 eggs, 41,873 first instars, 41,345 second instars and 33,549 third instars treated, thereby resulting in an efficacy of GROTERDAN99.99% mortality at the 95% confidence level for each lifestage. Of the 12 trials reported herein, the highest concentration of MB, sampled from the chamber headspace analysed by gas chromatography, was 18.7 g m-3. The maximum chamber temperature from 5 min readings was 19.7°C and the maximum fruit core temperature was 19.5°C. The treatment time for all trials was exactly 5.5 h. Thus the recommended treatment dose to disinfest nectarines from B. tryoni is 19.0 g m-3 MB at 20.0°C for 5.5 h. Fruit quality trials were conducted on white nectarines at three combinations of treatment parameters: 15 g m-3 MB at 19°C for 5.25 h; 18 g m-3 MB at 19°C for 5.5 h and 21 g m-3 MB at 19°C for 5.5 h. The fruit were stored at 0, 4 and 8 days at 4°C and 8 days at 4°C followed by 4 d at 22°C. They were then were assessed for skin colour, flesh colour, skin defects, flesh defects, fruit weight loss, flesh firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity and rots. There was no significant difference between untreated control and MB treated fruits in any of the parameters measured. Thus the treatments did not have adverse effects on fruit quality.


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Skin colour is an important quality parameter that influences mango fruit marketability. The mango industry is interested in controlled induction of skin blush in mangoes. It is desirable to understand the control of anthocyanin accumulation in mango skin. Among environmental factors known to induce anthocyanin accumulation in plants, light is the most studied. Light exposure induces pigmentation in various fruits, including apple, strawberry and grape. The effect of different light qualities on skin blush in mango fruit has received relatively little attention. The objective of this study was to assess anthocyanin accumulation and blush in response to blue, red and far red light from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as applied to harvested mango fruit skin during storage at 12°C. Except for red light, the other wavelengths induced anthocyanin accumulation and skin blush as compared to the dark control treatment. Anthocyanin concentration and a∗ values were highest in blue light exposed fruit skin. This wavelength enhanced phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity in the mango skin, which may be associated with increased pigmentation. LED light treatment did not affect other fruit quality parameters at 21 days of storage, including firmness, total soluble solids and titratable acidity. Overall, the findings suggest that postharvest treatment with blue light can induce skin blush in mango fruit, which potentially may enhance their commercial value.


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Protective cropping could be an effective system for growing specialty melons in the dry tropics of North Queensland. The growing system could reduce outdoor risks for production loss, improve fruit quality, increase yield per m2, allow production offseason, and used for supplying niche markets in a segment of the larger melon market in Australia. First evaluations in Giru, Queensland, included seven cultivars of fruit types 'Galia', 'Hami', 'Charentais', small 'Canary', and 'Rockmelon', transplanted July 25, 2013 under a high polyethylene-covered tunnel. Plants were grown at a density of 2.8 plants m-2 in containers filled with volcanic rock and irrigated with a complete nutrient solution. Pruning and trellising was done to a single vertical stem, keeping lateral shoots on the main stem after the 7th leaf node. After bearing small fruit, lateral shoots were cut off after their second or third leaf node. To facilitate insect pollination, a screen window in the tunnel was left partially opened. On November 20 the cultivars had combined marketable yields that ranged from 2.8 to 8.2 fruits m-2 and 3.1 to 7.8 kg m-2. Total soluble solids levels in fruit ranged from 6 to 13 °Brix. Cultivars 'Tempo' ('Galia'), 'Tikal' ('Canary') and 'Sultan' ('Charentais') had fruit yields that were up to 2.6 times greater than yields commonly achieved with field-grown rockmelon crops. Sugar levels in fruits and marketable yields may be increased with changes in fertigation management. Promising results in this first evaluation justify examination of a greater number of genetic materials, in addition to the development of economic feasibility studies and further adaptive research to refine crop recommendations for growing melons in protective cropping systems.


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Summary Prototype sand-worm filtration beds were constructed at two prawn farms and one fish farm to assess and demonstrate their polychaete (marine worm) production and wastewater remediation capacities at semi-commercial scale. Wastewater treatment properties were monitored and worms produced were assessed and either sold for bait or used by the farms’ hatcheries as broodstock (prawn or fish breeder) feed. More than 34 megalitres of prawn- and fish-pond water was beneficially treated in the 116-319-d trial. The design of the polychaete-assisted sand filters (PASFs) constructed at each farm affected their water handling rates, which on average ranged from 315 to 1000 L m-2 d-1 at the three farms. A low profile design incorporating shallow bunded ponds made from polyethylene liner and timber stakes provided the easiest method of construction. This simple design applied at broad scale facilitated the highest quantities of treated water and the greatest worm production. Designs with higher sides increased the head pressure above the sand bed surface, thus increasing the amount of water that could be treated each day. Most water qualities were affected in a similar way to that demonstrated in the previous tank trials: dissolved oxygen, pH, total suspended solids and chlorophyll a levels were all consistently significantly lowered as pond water percolated through the sand bed, and dissolved forms of nitrogen and phosphorus were marginally increased on several occasions. However, unlike the previous smaller-scale tank trials, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) levels were both significantly lowered by these larger-scale PASFs. The reasons for this are still unclear and require further research. Maximum TN and TP removals detected in the trial were 48.8% and 67.5%, respectively, and average removals (in unfed beds) at the three farms ranged from 20.0 to 27.7% for TN and from 22.8 to 40.8% for TP. Collectively, these results demonstrate the best suspended solids, chlorophyll and macronutrient removal capacities so far reported for any mariculture wastewater treatment methodology to date. Supplemental feeding of PASFs with fish meal was also investigated at one farm as a potential means of increasing their polychaete biomass production. Whilst fed beds produced higher biomass (152 ± 35 g m-2) compared with unfed beds (89 ± 17 g m-2) after 3.7 months of operation, the low number of replicates (2) prevented statistically significant differences from being demonstrated for either growth or survival. At harvest several months later, worm biomass production was estimated to be similar to, or in slight excess of, previously reported production levels (300-400 g m-2). Several qualities of filtered water appear to have been affected by supplemental feeding: it appeared to marginally lower dissolved oxygen and pH levels, and increased the TN and TP levels though not so much to eliminate significant beneficial water treatment effects. Periodic sampling during an artificial-tide demonstrated the tendency for treated-water quality changes during the first hour of filtration. Total nitrogen and ammonia peaked early in the tidal flow and then fell to more stable levels for the remainder of the filtration period. Other dissolved nutrients also showed signs of this sand-bed-flushing pattern, and dissolved oxygen tended to climb during the first hour and become more stable thereafter. These patterns suggest that the routine sampling of treated water undertaken at mid-inflow during the majority of the wider study would likely have overestimated the levels of TN and dissolved nutrients discharged from the beds, and hence underestimated the PASFs treatment efficacies in this regard. Analyses of polychaete biomass collected from each bed in the study revealed that the worms were free from contamination with the main prawn viruses that would create concerns for their feeding to commercial prawn broodstock in Australia. Their documented proximal and nutritional contents also provide a guide for hatchery operators when using live or frozen stock. Their dry matter content ranged from 18.3 to 22.3%, ash ranged from 10.2 to 14.0%, gross energy from 20.2 to 21.5 MJ kg-1, and fat from 5.0 to 9.2%. Their cholesterol levels ranged from 0.86 to 1.03% of dry matter, whilst total phospholipids range from 0.41 to 0.72%. Thirty-one different fatty acids were present at detectable (≥0.005% of dry matter) levels in the sampled worm biomass. Palmitic acid was by far the most prevalent fatty acid detected (1.21 ± 0.18%), followed by eicosapentaenoic (EPA) (0.48 ± 0.03%), stearic (0.46 ± 0.04%), vaccenic (0.38 ± 0.05%), adrenic (0.35 ± 0.02%), docosadienoic (0.28 ± 0.02%), arachidonic (AA) (0.22 ± 0.01%), palmitoleic (0.20 ± 0.04%) and 23 other fatty acids with average contents of less than 0.2% of dry matter. Supplemental feeding with fish meal at one farm appeared to increase the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content of the worms considerably, and modify the average AA : EPA : DHA from 1.0 : 2.7 : 0.3 to 1.0 : 2.0 : 1.1. Consistent with previous results, the three most heavily represented amino acids in the dry matter of sampled worms were glutamic acid (8.5 ± 0.2%), aspartic acid (5.5 ± 0.1%) and glycine (4.9 ± 0.5%). These biomass content results suggest that worms produced in PASF systems are well suited to feeding to prawn and fish broodstock, and provide further strong evidence of the potential to modify their contents for specific nutritional uses. The falling wild-fishery production of marine bloodworms in Queensland is typical of diminishing polychaete resources world-wide and demonstrates the need to develop sustainable production methods here and overseas. PASF systems offer the dual benefits of wastewater treatment for environmental management and increased productivity through a valuable secondary crop grown exclusively on waste nutrients.


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Quality of fresh-cut carambola (Averrhoa carambola L) is related to many chemical and biochemical variables especially those involved with softening and browning, both influenced by storage temperature. To study these effects, a multivariate analysis was used to evaluate slices packaged in vacuum-sealed polyolefin bags, and stored at 2.5 degrees C, 5 degrees C and 10 degrees C, for up to 16 d. The quality of slices at each temperature was correlated with the duration of storage, O(2) and CO(2) concentration in the package, physical chemical constituents, and activity of enzymes involved in softening (PG) and browning (PPO) metabolism. Three quality groups were identified by hierarchical cluster analysis, and the classification of the components within each of these groups was obtained from a principal component analysis (PCA). The characterization of samples by PCA clearly distinguished acceptable and non-acceptable slices. According to PCA, acceptable slices presented higher ascorbic acid content, greater hue angles ((o)h) and final lightness (L-5) in the first principal component (PC1). On the other hand, non-acceptable slices presented higher total pectin content. PPO activity in the PC1. Non-acceptable slices also presented higher soluble pectin content, increased pectin solubilisation and higher CO(2) concentration in the second principal component (PC2) whereas acceptable slices showed lower total sugar content. The hierarchical cluster and PCA analyses were useful for discriminating the quality of slices stored at different temperatures.