17 resultados para silver-aspartame complex

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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QTL mapping methods for complex traits are challenged by new developments in marker technology, phenotyping platforms, and breeding methods. In meeting these challenges, QTL mapping approaches will need to also acknowledge the central roles of QTL by environment interactions (QEI) and QTL by trait interactions in the expression of complex traits like yield. This paper presents an overview of mixed model QTL methodology that is suitable for many types of populations and that allows predictive modeling of QEI, both for environmental and developmental gradients. Attention is also given to multi-trait QTL models which are essential to interpret the genetic basis of trait correlations. Biophysical (crop growth) model simulations are proposed as a complement to statistical QTL mapping for the interpretation of the nature of QEI and to investigate better methods for the dissection of complex traits into component traits and their genetic controls.


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Over 7 years, this project collected data about the pasture, tree and soil surface dynamics of two major Aristida/Bothriochloa pasture types within the eucalypt woodlands of central Queensland. Six different grazing management scenarios were compared ecologically and economically, along with the effects of spring burns and tree killing. Heavy stocking (3-4 ha per adult equivalent) produced the greatest short-term financial return from healthy pastures but was not a sustainable practice and long-term cash returns were no better than those from moderate stocking. The environmental benefits of moderate grazing over heavy grazing were very clear. Light stocking produced better environmental outcomes compared to moderate stocking but was clearly inferior with respect to economic returns. Killing silver-leaved ironbark trees near Rubyvale produced no measurable improvement in pasture growth or quality for at least 6 years whereas at Injune the same treatment of poplar box trees resulted in an immediate and large enhancement in pasture production and carrying capacity. The gritty red duplex soil at Rubyvale was much more erodible than the grey solodic at Injune although the latter becomes very erodible if the stable surface soil is breached. Good seasonal rainfall produced faster changes in pasture composition than extremes of grazing management. The perennial grasses were easier to recruit than to eliminate by grazing management changes.


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The identification of Diaporthe (anamorph Phomopsis) species associated with stem canker of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in Australia was studied using morphology, DNA sequence analysis and pathology. Phylogenetic analysis revealed three clades that did not correspond with known taxa, and these are believed to represent novel species. Diaporthe gulyae sp. nov. is described for isolates that caused a severe stem canker, specifically pale brown to dark brown, irregularly shaped lesions centred at the stem nodes with pith deterioration and mid-stem lodging. This pathogenicity of D. gulyae was confirmed by satisfying Koch's Postulates. These symptoms are almost identical to those of sunflower stem canker caused by D. helianthi that can cause yield reductions of up to 40% in Europe and the USA, although it has not been found in Australia. We show that there has been broad misapplication of the name D. helianthi to many isolates of Diaporthe ( Phomopsis) found causing, or associated with, stem cankers on sunflower. In GenBank, a number of isolates had been identified as D. helianthi, which were accommodated in several clades by molecular phylogenetic analysis. Two less damaging species, D. kochmanii sp. nov. and D. kongii sp. nov., are also described from cankers on sunflower in Australia.


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Although only recently described, Colletotrichum boninense is well established in literature as an anthracnose pathogen or endophyte of a diverse range of host plants worldwide. It is especially prominent on members of Amaryllidaceae, Orchidaceae, Proteaceae and Solanaceae. Reports from literature and preliminary studies using ITS sequence data indicated that C. boninense represents a species complex. A multilocus molecular phylogenetic analysis (ITS, ACT, TUB2, CHS-1, GAPDH, HIS3, CAL) of 86 strains previously identified as C. boninense and other related strains revealed 18 clades. These clades are recognised here as separate species, including C. boninense s. str., C. hippeastri, C. karstii and 12 previously undescribed species, C. annellatum, C. beeveri, C. brassicicola, C. brasiliense, C. colombiense, C. constrictum, C. cymbidiicola, C. dacrycarpi, C. novae-zelandiae, C. oncidii, C. parsonsiae and C. torulosum. Seven of the new species are only known from New Zealand, perhaps reflecting a sampling bias. The new combination C. phyllanthi was made, and C. dracaenae Petch was epitypified and the name replaced with C. petchii. Typical for species of the C. boninense species complex are the conidiogenous cells with rather prominent periclinal thickening that also sometimes extend to form a new conidiogenous locus or annellations as well as conidia that have a prominent basal scar. Many species in the C. boninense complex form teleomorphs in culture. TAXONOMIC NOVELTIES: New combination - Colletotrichum phyllanthi (H. Surendranath Pai) Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous. Name replacement - C. petchii Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous. New species - C. annellatum Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. beeveri Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. brassicicola Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. brasiliense Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous & Massola, C. colombiense Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, C. constrictum Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. cymbidiicola Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. dacrycarpi Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. novae-zelandiae Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. oncidii Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous, C. parsonsiae Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir, C. torulosum Damm, P.F. Cannon, Crous, P.R. Johnst. & B. Weir. Typifications: Epitypifications - C. dracaenae Petch.


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Three genera, Cochliobolus, Bipolaris and Curvularia form a complex that contains many plant pathogens, mostly on grasses (Poaceae) with a worldwide distribution. The taxonomy of this complex is confusing as frequent nomenclatural changes and refinements have occurred. There is no clear morphological boundary between the asexual genera Bipolaris and Curvularia, and some species show intermediate morphology. We investigated this complex based on a set of ex-type cultures and collections from northern Thailand. Combined gene analysis of rDNA ITS (internal transcribed spacer), GPDH (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase), LSU (large subunit) and EF1-α (translation elongation factor 1-α) shows that this generic complex divides into two groups. Bipolaris and Cochliobolus species clustered in Group 1 along with their type species, whereas Curvularia species (including species named as Bipolaris, Cochliobolus and Curvularia) clustered in Group 2, with its generic type. The nomenclatural conflict in this complex is resolved giving priority to the more commonly used established generic names Bipolaris and Curvularia. Modern descriptions of the genera Bipolaris and Curvularia are provided and species resolved in this study are transferred to one of these genera based on their phylogeny. © 2012 Mushroom Research Foundation.


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The genera Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces are a polyphyletic complex of plant pathogenic fungi. The four main morphological characters used to define these genera have been considered homoplasious and not useful for resolving the complex. This study re-evaluates character homology and discusses the use of these characters for defining monophyletic groups recovered from a reconstructed phylogeny using four nuclear loci. Generic delimitation of smut fungi based on their hosts is also discussed as a means for identifying genera within this group. Morphological characters and host specificity can be used to circumscribe genera within the Ustilago-Sporisorium-Macalpinomyces complex.


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The fungal genera Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces represent an unresolved complex. Taxa within the complex often possess characters that occur in more than one genus, creating uncertainty for species placement. Previous studies have indicated that the genera cannot be separated based on morphology alone. Here we chronologically review the history of the Ustilago-Sporisorium-Macalpinomyces complex, argue for its resolution and suggest methods to accomplish a stable taxonomy. A combined molecular and morphological approach is required to identify synapomorphic characters that underpin a new classification. Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces require explicit re-description and new genera, based on monophyletic groups, are needed to accommodate taxa that no longer fit the emended descriptions. A resolved classification will end the taxonomic confusion that surrounds generic placement of these smut fungi.


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Postharvest treatments with nano-silver (NS) significantly improve water relations and therefore prolong the vase life of several cut flowers, including rose (Rosa hybrida cv. Movie Star). The efficacy of NS in alleviating bacterial related blockage in the stem-ends of cut cv. Movie Star was further investigated. Four dominant bacteria strains Pseudomonas fluorescens, Aeromonas sp., Comamonas acidovorans and Chryseomonas luteola were isolated from the stem-ends of cut roses. High numbers of the isolated bacteria at 10 8colony forming unitsmL -1 vase solution led to a sharp reduction in vase life, flower fresh weight, and water uptake. In vitro assessments of the antibacterial activity of NS against the four bacterial strains was >80% at 5mgL -1 and nearly 100% at 50mgL -1. Bacterial blockage in the stem-ends of cut cv. Movie Star roses with and without NS pulse treatments was assessed during the vase period using scanning electron microscopy. Following a 50mgL -1 NS pulse treatment, there were few bacterial cells on the cut surface of the stems even on day 7. Moreover, no obvious bacterial blockage was observed inside the xylem vessels. In contrast, the cut surface of control stems was covered with bacteria and associated amorphous substances, and numerous bacteria were found in the xylem vessels. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The relative efficacies of three chemically different nano-silver (NS) formulations were evaluated for their potential to extend the vase life of short-lived cut Acacia holosericea foliage. The novel proprietary formulations were neutral NS, acidic NS and ionic NS. They were characterised in terms of particle size, pH value, colour and odour. The NS treatments were applied as vase (lower concentrations) or pulse (higher concentrations) solutions. Among the treatments compared, neutral NS as a 4 mg L-1 vase solution or as a 40 mg L-1 24 h pulse treatment and acidic NS as a 0.5 mg L-1 vase solution or as a 5 mg L-1 24 h pulse treatment significantly (P <= 0.05) extended the vase life of A. holosericea. Vase life extensions over the deionised water (DI) controls were associated with better maintenance of relative fresh weight and vase water uptake, suppression of bacterial growth in the vase water and stem-end, and delaying stem blockage. In contrast, ionic-NS applied as a 0.5 or 1 mg L-1 vase solution treatment or as a 5 or 10 mg L-1 pulse treatment caused severe phytotoxicity to cut A. holosericea stems. The results suggest that NS treatments, especially neutral NS and acidic NS pulse treatments, could be a potential postharvest technology for commercial application to cut A. holosericea. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The silver gemfish Rexea solandri is an important economic resource but vulnerable to overfishing in Australian waters. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence is described from 1.6 million reads obtained via next generation sequencing. The total length of the mitogenome is 16,350 bp comprising 2 rRNA, 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNA and 2 non-coding regions. The mitogenome sequence was validated against sequences of PCR fragments and BLAST queries of Genbank. Gene order was equivalent to that found in marine fishes.


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Background: Bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC) is a multi-factorial disease in which numerous factors, such as animal management, pathogen exposure and environmental conditions, contribute to the development of acute respiratory illness in feedlot cattle. The role of specific pathogens in the development of BRDC has been difficult to define because of the complex nature of the disease and the presence of implicated bacterial pathogens in the upper respiratory tract of healthy animals. Mycoplasma bovis is an important pathogen of cattle and recognised as a major contributor to cases of mastitis, caseonecrotic bronchopneumonia, arthritis and otitis media. To date, the role of M.bovis in the development of BRDC of Australian feeder cattle has not been investigated. Methods: In this review, the current literature pertaining to the role of M.bovis in BRDC is evaluated. In addition, preliminary data are presented that identify M.bovis as a potential contributor to BRDC in Australian feedlots, which has not been considered previously. Results and Conclusion: The preliminary results demonstrate detection of M.bovis in samples from all feedlots studied. When considered in the context of the reviewed literature, they support the inclusion of M.bovis on the list of pathogens to be considered during investigations into BRDC in Australia. © 2014 Australian Veterinary Association.


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Turfgrasses range from extremely salt sensitive to highly salt tolerant. However, the selection of a salt tolerant turf is not a 'silver bullet' solution to successful turf growth on salt-affected parklands. Interactions between factors such as cultivar, construction practices, establishment, and maintenance can be complex and should not be considered in isolation of one another. Taking this holistic approach, a study investigating cultivar evaluation for salt-affected sites also included a comparison of topsoil materials as turf underlay, as well as pre-treatment of the sod. The turf species and cultivars used in the study were: Cynodon dactylon, cultivar 'Oz Tuff (I) '; Paspalum vaginatum, cultivars 'Sea Isle 1 (I) ' and 'Velvetene (I) '; Zoysia matrella cultivar 'A-1 (I) '; and Zoysia japonica, cultivar 'Empire (I) '. The two underlay materials were compost (100%) or a sandy clay topsoil each applied above a coastal sand profile to a depth of 10 cm. Rooting depth or root dry weight did not significantly differ among turf cultivars. Compost profile treatment had significantly greater root mass than the topsoil among all turf cultivars. This higher root production was reflected by improved quality of all turf at the final evaluation. Turfgrass grown on compost had a higher normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI), regardless of whether full sod or bare-rooted turfgrass was used. The use of a quality underlay was paramount to the successful growth of the turf cultivars investigated. While each cultivar had superior performance in sub-optimal conditions, the key to success was the selection of the right species and cultivar for each situation combined with proper establishment and maintenance of each turf grass.


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Key message: Evaluation of resistance toPyrenophora teresf.maculatain barley breeding populations via association mapping revealed a complex genetic architecture comprising a mixture of major and minor effect genes. Abstract: In the search for stable resistance to spot form of net blotch (Pyrenophora teres f. maculata, SFNB), association mapping was conducted on four independent barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) breeding populations comprising a total of 898 unique elite breeding lines from the Northern Region Barley Breeding Program in Australia for discovery of quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing resistance at seedling and adult plant growth stages. A total of 29 significant QTL were validated across multiple breeding populations, with 22 conferring resistance at both seedling and adult plant growth stages. The remaining 7 QTL conferred resistance at either seedling (2 QTL) or adult plant (5 QTL) growth stages only. These 29 QTL represented 24 unique genomic regions, of which five were found to co-locate with previously identified QTL for SFNB. The results indicated that SFNB resistance is controlled by a large number of QTL varying in effect size with large effects QTL on chromosome 7H. A large proportion of the QTL acted in the same direction for both seedling and adult responses, suggesting that phenotypic selection for SFNB resistance performed at either growth stage could achieve adequate levels of resistance. However, the accumulation of specific resistance alleles on several chromosomes must be considered in molecular breeding selection strategies.


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Deliquescent calcium chloride (CaCl2) and magnesium chloride (MgCl2) were investigated for their practical application to release ethylene gas from an ethylene-α-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes (CD IC) powder at relative humidities (RHs) between 11.2 and 93.6 % at 18 °C. The IC powder and deliquescent salts were mixed at a ratio of 1:5, respectively. CaCl2 and MgCl2 started to deliquesce at 32.7 % RH. The IC powder dissolved in the concentrated salt solutions to release ethylene gas. Increasing the RH accelerated the release rate. Maximum release of ethylene gas was achieved after 24 h at 75.5 and 93.6 % RH for both IC powder-deliquescent salts mixture. The deliquescent salts proved to be a simple option for releasing ethylene gas from the IC powder.