5 resultados para minimum energy control

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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The Queensland Shark Control Program (QSCP) aims to protect swimmers at ten beach areas on the east coast of Queensland between Cairns (17°S) and the Gold coast (28°S). Since its inception in 1962 it has deployed shark nets and baited drumlines in a `mixed gear strategy' that adapts the type of gear to the characteristics of a site (e .g . extreme tidal range, high energy wave action, or proximity of turtle breeding areas) . The policy has provided swimmer protection, and the incidental capture of non-target species has been lower than that resulting from deployment of nets alone (Dudley 1997; Gribble et al. 1998b). The QSCP is the only major public-safety shark-control program to routinely use mixed gear. Both the New South Wales (Holt 1998) and KwaZulu-Natal (Dudley 1998) programs use nets exclusively, although the KwaZulu-Natal program has recently tested drumlines on an experimental basis (Dudley 1998; Dudley, personal communication).


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Many arthropod predators and parasitoids exhibit either stage-specific or lifetime omnivory, in that they include extra-floral nectar, floral nectar, honeydew or pollen in their immature and/or adult diet. Access to these plant-derived foods can enhance pest suppression by increasing both the individual fitness and local density of natural enemies. Commercial products such as Amino-Feed®, Envirofeast®, and Pred-Feed® can be applied to crops to act as artificial-plant-derived foods. In laboratory and glasshouse experiments we examined the influence of carbohydrate and protein rich Amino-Feed UV® or Amino-Feed, respectively, on the fitness of a predatory nabid bug Nabis kinbergii Reuter (Hemiptera: Nabidae) and bollworm pupal parasitoid Ichneumon promissorius (Erichson) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Under the chosen conditions, the provision of either wet or dry residues of Amino-Feed UV had no discernable effect on immediate or longer-term survival and immature development times of N. kinbergii. In contrast, the provision of honey, Amino-Feed plus extrafloral nectar, and extrafloral nectar alone had a marked effect on the longevity of I. promissorius, indicating that they were limited by at least carbohydrates as an energy source, but probably not protein. Compared with a water only diet, the provision of Amino-Feed plus extrafloral nectar increased the longevity of males and females of I. promissorius by 3.0- and 2.4-fold, respectively. Not only did female parasitoids live longer when provided food, but the total number of eggs laid and timing of deposition was affected by diet under the chosen conditions. Notably, females in the water and honey treatments deposited greater numbers of eggs earlier in the trial, but this trend was unable to be sustained over their lifetime. Egg numbers in these treatments subsequently fell below the levels achieved by females in the Amino-Feed plus extrafloral nectar and cotton extrafloral nectar only treatments. Furthermore, there were times when the inclusion of the Amino-Feed was beneficial compared with cotton extrafloral nectar only. Artificial food supplements and plant-derived foods are worthy of further investigation because they have potential to improve the ecosystem service of biological pest control in targeted agroecosystems by providing natural enemies with an alternative source of nutrition, particularly during periods of prey/host scarcity.


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This work evaluated the following aspects of the use of exclusion netting in low chill stone fruit: the efficacy of protection from fruit fly for this highly susceptible crop; the effects on environmental factors; and the effects on crop development. Concurrently, an economic viability study on the use of exclusion netting was undertaken. The trial site was a 0.6-ha block of low chill stone fruit at Nambour, south-east Queensland, Australia. In this area, populations of Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) are known to be substantial, particularly in spring and summer. The trial block contained healthy 4-year-old trees as follows: 96 peach trees (Prunus persica cv. Flordaprince) and 80 nectarine trees (40 P. persica var. nucipersica cv. White Satin and 40 P. persica var. nucipersica cv. Sunwright). Exclusion netting was installed over approximately half of the block in february 2001. The net was a UV-stabilized structural knitted fabric made from high-density polyethylene yarn with a 10-year prorated UV degradation warranty. The results demonstrated the efficacy of exclusion netting in the control of fruit flies. Exclusion netting increased maximum temperatures by 4.4 deg C and decreased minimum temperatures by 0.5 deg C. Although exclusion netting reduced irradiance by approximately 20%, it enhanced fruit development by 7-10 days and improved fruit quality by increasing sugar concentration by 20-30% and colour intensity by 20%.


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Glyphosate resistance is a rapidly developing threat to profitability in Australian cotton farming. Resistance causes an immediate reduction in the effectiveness of in-crop weed control in glyphosate-resistant transgenic cotton and summer fallows. Although strategies for delaying glyphosate resistance and those for managing resistant populations are qualitatively similar, the longer resistance can be delayed, the longer cotton growers will have choice over which tactics to apply and when to apply them. Effective strategies to avoid, delay, and manage resistance are thus of substantial value. We used a model of glyphosate resistance dynamics to perform simulations of resistance evolution in Sonchus oleraceus (common sowthistle) and Echinochloa colona (awnless barnyard grass) under a range of resistance prevention, delaying, and management strategies. From these simulations, we identified several elements that could contribute to effective glyphosate resistance prevention and management strategies. (i) Controlling glyphosate survivors is the most robust approach to delaying or preventing resistance. High-efficacy, high-frequency survivor control almost doubled the useful lifespan of glyphosate from 13 to 25 years even with glyphosate alone used in summer fallows. (ii) Two non-glyphosate tactics in-crop plus two in-summer fallows is the minimum intervention required for long-term delays in resistance evolution. (iii) Pre-emergence herbicides are important, but should be backed up with non-glyphosate knockdowns and strategic tillage; replacing a late-season, pre-emergence herbicide with inter-row tillage was predicted to delay glyphosate resistance by 4 years in awnless barnyard grass. (iv) Weed species' ecological characteristics, particularly seed bank dynamics, have an impact on the effectiveness of resistance strategies; S. oleraceus, because of its propensity to emerge year-round, was less exposed to selection with glyphosate than E. colona, resulting in an extra 5 years of glyphosate usefulness (18 v. 13 years) even in the most rapid cases of resistance evolution. Delaying tactics are thus available that can provide some or many years of continued glyphosate efficacy. If glyphosate-resistant cotton cropping is to remain profitable in Australian farming systems in the long-term, however, growers must adapt to the probability that they will have to deal with summer weeds that are no longer susceptible to glyphosate. Robust resistance management systems will need to include a diversity of weed control options, used appropriately.


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The effects of heat stress on dairy production can be separated into 2 distinct causes: those effects that are mediated by the reduced voluntary feed intake associated with heat stress, and the direct physiological and metabolic effects of heat stress. To distinguish between these, and identify their effect on milk protein and casein concentration, mid-lactation Holstein-Friesian cows (n = 24) were housed in temperature-controlled chambers and either subjected to heat stress HS; temperature-humidity index (THI) ~78 or kept in a THI < 70 environment and pair-fed with heat-stressed cows (TN-R) for 7 d. A control group of cows was kept in a THI < 70 environment with ad libitum feeding (TN-AL). A subsequent recovery period (7 d), with THI < 70 and ad libitum feeding followed. Intake accounted for only part of the effects of heat stress. Heat stress reduced the milk protein concentration, casein number, and casein concentration and increased the urea concentration in milk beyond the effects of restriction of intake. Under HS, the proportion in total casein of αS1-casein increased and the proportion of αS2-casein decreased. Because no effect of HS on milk fat or lactose concentration was found, these effects appeared to be the result of specific downregulation of mammary protein synthesis, and not a general reduction in mammary activity. No residual effects were found of HS or TN-R on milk production or composition after THI < 70 and ad libitum intake were restored. Heat-stressed cows had elevated blood concentrations of urea and Ca, compared with TN-R and TN-AL. Cows in TN-R had higher serum nonesterified fatty acid concentrations than cows in HS. It was proposed that HS and TN-R cows may mobilize different tissues as endogenous sources of energy.