11 resultados para intermediate resolution

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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The tomato I-3 gene introgressed from the Lycopersicon pennellii accession LA716 confers resistance to race 3 of the fusarium wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. We have improved the high-resolution map of the I-3 region of tomato chromosome 7 with the development and mapping of 31 new PCR-based markers. Recombinants recovered from L. esculentum cv. M82 × IL7-2 F2 and (IL7-2 × IL7-4) × M82 TC1F2 mapping populations, together with recombinants recovered from a previous M82 × IL7-3 F2 mapping population, were used to position these markers. A significantly higher recombination frequency was observed in the (IL7-2 × IL7-4) × M82 TC1F2 mapping population based on a reconstituted L. pennellii chromosome 7 compared to the other two mapping populations based on smaller segments of L. pennellii chromosome 7. A BAC contig consisting of L. esculentum cv. Heinz 1706 BACs covering the I-3 region has also been established. The new high-resolution map places the I-3 gene within a 0.38 cM interval between the molecular markers RGA332 and bP23/gPT with an estimated physical size of 50-60 kb. The I-3 region was found to display almost continuous microsynteny with grape chromosome 12 but interspersed microsynteny with Arabidopsis thaliana chromosomes 1, 2 and 3. An S-receptor-like kinase gene family present in the I-3 region of tomato chromosome 7 was found to be present in the microsyntenous region of grape chromosome 12 but was absent altogether from the A. thaliana genome.


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The principal objective of this study was to determine if Campylobacter jejuni genotyping methods based upon resolution optimised sets of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and binary genetic markers were capable of identifying epidemiologically linked clusters of chicken-derived isolates. Eighty-eight C. jejuni isolates of known flaA RFLP type were included in the study. They encompassed three groups of ten isolates that were obtained at the same time and place and possessed the same flaA type. These were regarded as being epidemiologically linked. Twenty-six unlinked C. jejuni flaA type I isolates were included to test the ability of SNP and binary typing to resolve isolates that were not resolved by flaA RFLP. The remaining isolates were of different flaA types. All isolates were typed by real-time PCR interrogation of the resolution optimised sets of SNPs and binary markers. According to each typing method, the three epidemiologically linked clusters were three different clones that were well resolved from the other isolates. The 26 unlinked C. jejuni flaA type I isolates were resolved into 14 SNP-binary types, indicating that flaA typing can be unreliable for revealing epidemiological linkage. Comparison of the data with data from a fully typed set of isolates associated with human infection revealed that abundant lineages in the chicken isolates that were also found in the human isolates belonged to clonal complex (CC) -21 and CC-353, with the usually rare C-353 member ST-524 being especially abundant in the chicken collection. The chicken isolates selected to be diverse according to flaA were also diverse according to SNP and binary typing. It was observed that CC-48 was absent in the chicken isolates, despite being very common in Australian human infection isolates, indicating that this may be a major cause of human disease that is not chicken associated.


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Using an established genetic map, a single gene conditioning covered smut resistance, Ruh.7H, was mapped to the telomere region of chromosome 7HS in an Alexis/Sloop doubled haploid barley population. The closest marker to Ruh.7H, abg704 was 7.5 cM away. Thirteen loci on the distal end of 7HS with potential to contain single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified by applying a comparative genomics approach using rice sequence data. Of these, one locus produced polymorphic co-dominant bands of different size while two further loci contained SNPs that were identified using the recently developed high resolution melting (HRM) technique. Two of these markers flanked Ruh.7H with the proximal marker located 3.8 cM and the distal marker 2.7 cM away. This is the first report on the application of the HRM technique to SNP detection and to rapid scoring of known cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers in plants. This simple, precise post-PCR technique should find widespread use in the fine-mapping of genetic regions of interest in complex cereal and other plant genomes.


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A survey was conducted to establish the distribution of the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, in the state of Queensland, Australia, and to evaluate the impact of the introduced snail intermediate hosts, Pseudosuccinia columella and Austropeplea viridis. Serum samples from a total of 5103 homebred cattle in 142 beef herds distributed throughout the state and 523 pooled milk samples from dairy herds from the state's major dairying regions were tested for antibodies to F. hepatica by ELISA. Snails were collected on infected properties around the limits of the F. hepatica distribution. F. hepatica infection was detected in 44 dairy herds and two beef herds. The distribution of infected herds indicates that F. hepatica is established only in southeast Queensland. The distribution there was patchy but the parasite was more widespread than suggested by an earlier survey. The predominant intermediate host species found along the northern limit of the distribution was P. columella. We conclude that the introduction of P. columella and A. viridis has not yet had a major impact on the distribution of F. hepatica in Queensland. However, the presence of P. columella, which is much more adaptable to tropical habitats than the native intermediate host, Austropeplea tomentosa, at the northern limit of the F. hepatica distribution suggests that there is potential for the parasite to expand its range.


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A new test for pathogenic Leptospira isolates, based on RAPD-PCR and high-resolution melt (HRM) analysis (which measures the melting temperature of amplicons in real time, using a fluorescent DNA-binding dye), has recently been developed. A characteristic profile of the amplicons can be used to define serovars or detect genotypes. Ten serovars, of leptospires from the species Leptospira interrogans (serovars Australis, Robinsoni, Hardjo, Pomona, Zanoni, Copenhageni and Szwajizak), L. borgpetersenii (serovar Arborea), L. kirschneri (serovar Cynopteri) and L. weilii (serovar Celledoni), were typed against 13 previously published RAPD primers, using a real-time cycler (the Corbett Life Science RotorGene 6000) and the optimised reagents from a commercial kit (Quantace SensiMix). RAPD-HRM at specific temperatures generated defining amplicon melt profiles for each of the tested serovars. These profiles were evaluated as difference-curve graphs generated using the RotorGene software package, with a cut-off of at least 8 'U' (plus or minus). The results demonstrated that RAPD-HRM can be used to measure serovar diversity and establish identity, with a high degree of stability. The characterisation of Leptospira serotypes using a DNA-based methodology is now possible. As an objective and relatively inexpensive and rapid method of serovar identification, at least for cultured isolates, RAPD-HRM assays show convincing potentia.


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The selection of different patch types for grazing by cattle in tropical savannas is well documented. Advances in high resolution satellite imagery and computing power now allow us to identify patch types over an entire paddock, combined with GPS collars as a non instrusive method of capturing positional data, an accurate and comprehensive picture of landscape use by cattle can be quantified.


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The highly variable flagellin-encoding flaA gene has long been used for genotyping Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli. High-resolution melting (HRM) analysis is emerging as an efficient and robust method for discriminating DNA sequence variants. The objective of this study was to apply HRM analysis to flaA-based genotyping. The initial aim was to identify a suitable flaA fragment. It was found that the PCR primers commonly used to amplify the flaA short variable repeat (SVR) yielded a mixed PCR product unsuitable for HRM analysis. However, a PCR primer set composed of the upstream primer used to amplify the fragment used for flaA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and the downstream primer used for flaA SVR amplification generated a very pure PCR product, and this primer set was used for the remainder of the study. Eighty-seven C. jejuni and 15 C. coli isolates were analyzed by flaA HRM and also partial flaA sequencing. There were 47 flaA sequence variants, and all were resolved by HRM analysis. The isolates used had previously also been genotyped using single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), binary markers, CRISPR HRM, and flaA RFLP.flaA HRM analysis provided resolving power multiplicative to the SNPs, binary markers, and CRISPR HRM and largely concordant with the flaA RFLP. It was concluded that HRM analysis is a promising approach to genotyping based on highly variable genes.


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High-resolution melt-curve analysis of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-HRM) is a novel technology that has emerged as a possible method to characterise leptospires to serovar level. RAPD-HRM has recently been used to measure intra-serovar convergence between strains of the same serovar as well as inter-serovar divergence between strains of different serovars. The results indicate that intra-serovar heterogeneity and inter-serovar homogeneity may limit the application of RAPD-HRM in routine diagnostics. They also indicate that genetic attenuation of aged, high-passage-number isolates could undermine the use of RAPD-HRM or any other molecular technology. Such genetic attenuation may account for a general decrease seen in titres of rabbit hyperimmune antibodies over time. Before RAPD-HRM can be further advanced as a routine diagnostic tool, strains more representative of the wild-type serovars of a given region need to be identified. Further, RAPD-HRM analysis of reference strains indicates that the routine renewal of reference collections, with new isolates, may be needed to maintain the genetic integrity of the collections.


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Solenopsis invicta Buren (red imported fire ant) are invasive pests that have the capability of major destructive impacts on lifestyle, ecology and economy. Control of this species is dependent, in part, upon ability to estimate the potential spread from newly discovered nests. The potential for spread and the spread characteristics differ between monogyne and polygyne social forms. Prior to this study, differentiation of the two social forms in laboratory test samples commonly used a method involving restriction endonuclease digestion of an amplified Gp-9 fragment. Success of this assay is limited by the quality of DNA, which in the field-collected insects may be affected by temporary storage in unfavourable conditions. Here, we describe an alternative and highly objective assay based upon a high resolution melt technique following preamplification of a significantly shorter Gp-9 fragment than that required for restriction endonuclease digestion. We demonstrate the application of this assay to a S. invicta incursion in Queensland, Australia, using field samples from which DNA may be partially degraded. The reductions in hands-on requirements and overall duration of the assay underpin its suitability for high-throughput testing.


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Spike density in barley is under the control of several major genes, as documented previously by genetic analysis of a number of morphological mutants. One such class of mutants affects the rachis internode length leading to dense or compact spikes and the underlying genes were designated dense spike (dsp). We previously delimited two introgressed genomic segments on chromosome 3H (21 SNP loci, 35.5 cM) and 7H (17 SNP loci, 20.34 cM) in BW265, a BC7F3 nearly isogenic line (NIL) of cv. Bowman as potentially containing the dense spike mutant locus dsp.ar, by genotyping 1,536 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in both BW265 and its recurrent parent. Here, the gene was allocated by high-resolution bi-parental mapping to a 0.37 cM interval between markers SC57808 (Hv_SPL14)-CAPSK06413 residing on the short and long arm at the genetic centromere of chromosome 7H, respectively. This region putatively contains more than 800 genes as deduced by comparison with the collinear regions of barley, rice, sorghum and Brachypodium, Classical map-based isolation of the gene dsp.ar thus will be complicated due to the infavorable relationship of genetic to physical distances at the target locus.