8 resultados para high- to low-grade mylonitization

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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1. Changes in bacterial and fungal communities in chicken litter with high and low moisture content over a five week period during a single chicken grow out cycle in a poultry shed in subtropical Australia were investigated to study the association between specific microbes and odour production. 2. Microbial biomass, as indicated by DNA yields, was higher and community composition was more dynamic over time in moist compared with dry chicken litter. 3. Bacillus, Atopostipes and Aspergillus species increased in relative abundance in moist chicken litter samples over time reflecting the relatively high fitness and hence activity of these specific bacteria and this specific fungus in this environment.


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As climate change continues to impact socio-ecological systems, tools that assist conservation managers to understand vulnerability and target adaptations are essential. Quantitative assessments of vulnerability are rare because available frameworks are complex and lack guidance for dealing with data limitations and integrating across scales and disciplines. This paper describes a semi-quantitative method for assessing vulnerability to climate change that integrates socio-ecological factors to address management objectives and support decision-making. The method applies a framework first adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and uses a structured 10-step process. The scores for each framework element are normalized and multiplied to produce a vulnerability score and then the assessed components are ranked from high to low vulnerability. Sensitivity analyses determine which indicators most influence the analysis and the resultant decision-making process so data quality for these indicators can be reviewed to increase robustness. Prioritisation of components for conservation considers other economic, social and cultural values with vulnerability rankings to target actions that reduce vulnerability to climate change by decreasing exposure or sensitivity and/or increasing adaptive capacity. This framework provides practical decision-support and has been applied to marine ecosystems and fisheries, with two case applications provided as examples: (1) food security in Pacific Island nations under climate-driven fish declines, and (2) fisheries in the Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia. The step-wise process outlined here is broadly applicable and can be undertaken with minimal resources using existing data, thereby having great potential to inform adaptive natural resource management in diverse locations.


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The most common explanation for species diversity increasing towards the tropics is the corresponding increase in habitats (spatial heterogeneity). Consequently, a monoculture (like cotton in Australia) which is grown along a latitudinal gradient, should have the same degree of species diversity throughout its range. We tested to see if diversity in a dominant cotton community (spiders) changed with latitude, and if the community was structurally identical in different parts of Australia. We sampled seven sites extending over 20 degrees of latitude. At each site we sampled 1-3 fields 3-5 times during the cotton growing season using pitfall traps and beatsheets, recording all the spiders collected to family. We found that spider communities in cotton are diverse, including a large range of foraging guilds, making them suitable for a conservation biological control programme. We also found that spider diversity increased from high to low latitudes, and the communities were different, even though the spiders were in the same monocultural habitat. Spider beatsheet communities around Australia were dominated by different families, and responded differently to seasonal changes, indicating that different pest groups would be targeted at different locations. These results show that diversity can increase from high to low latitudes, even if spatial heterogeneity is held constant, and that other factors external to the cotton crop are influencing spider species composition. Other models which may account for the latitudinal gradient, such as non-equilibrium regional processes, are discussed.


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To assess their utility for profitable wastewater bioremediation, banana prawns, Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus) merguiensis (de Man), were stocked at low densities (1 – 5 m-2) and grown without supplemental feeding in five commercial-prawn-farm settlement ponds (0.3 to 6.0 ha). The prawns free-ranged in the variously designed ponds for 160 to 212 days after stocking as PL15. Survival estimates ranged from 12% to 60% with production of 50 – 528 kg ha-1. Over 1150 kg of marketable product was produced in the study. Exceptional growth was monitored at one farm where prawns reached an average size of 17g in 80 days. Nutrients in water flowing into (8 - 40 ML d-1) and out of the settlement pond at that farm were assessed twice weekly along with routine water quality measurements. Only small differences in water qualities were detected between waters running into and out of this settlement pond. Total nitrogen levels gradually increased from 1 - 1.5 mg L-1 early in the season to over 3 mg L-1 towards the end of the season. Total phosphorus levels similarly rose from 0.1 - 0.2 mg L-1 to 0.3 - 0.4 mg L-1 in the middle of the season, but fell to 0.2 – 0.3 mg L-1 towards the end when approximately 12,000 prawns were harvested with a total weight of 175 kg. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were detected in the overall acceptability of prawns harvested from each of the 5 settlement ponds in small-scale consumer sensory analyses. The prawns from settlement ponds were rated similarly to banana prawns grown with commercial diets at two other establishments. Microbiological analyses of prawns from all farms showed bacterial levels to be well within food-grade standards and lower than prawns produced in a normal growout pond. These results demonstrate that high quality food grade banana prawns can be produced in these wastewater treatment systems.


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Processing Australian hardwood plantations into rotary veneer can produce more acceptable marketable product recoveries compared to traditional processing techniques (e.g. sawmilling). Veneers resulting from processing trials from six commercially important Australian hardwood species were dominated by D-grade veneer. Defects such as encased knots, gum pockets, gum veins, surface roughness, splits, bark pockets, and decay impacted the final assigned grade. Four grading scenarios were adopted. The first included a change to the grade limitations for gum pockets and gum veins, while the second investigated the potential impact of effective pruning on grade recovery. Although both scenarios individually had a positive impact on achieving higher face grade veneer qualities, the third and fourth scenarios, which combined both, had a substantial impact, with relative veneer values increasing up to 18.2% using conservative calculations (scenario three) or up to 22.6% (scenario four) where some of the upgraded veneers were further upgraded to A-grade, which attracts superior value. The total change in veneer value was found to depend on the average billet diameter unless defects other than those relating to the scenarios (gum or knots) restricted the benefit of pruning and gum upgrading. This was the case for species prone to high levels of growth stress and related defects.


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Response curves were established for different supplements, offered at intakes ranging from 0 to 20 g/kg liveweight (W).day to young Bos indicus crossbred steers fed low-quality Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) hay ad libitum in two pen experiments. Supplements included protein meals of varying rumen-degradability (cottonseed meal (CSM) or fishmeal), as well as ‘energy sources’ comprising grains of high and low ruminal starch degradability (barley and sorghum) and a highly fermentable sugar source (molasses), with all diets adjusted for rumen-degradable nitrogen and mineral content. Unsupplemented steers gained 0.08 and 0.15 kg/day, in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Growth of steers increased linearly with intake of ‘energy source’ supplements in increasing order of molasses, sorghum and barley (all differences P < 0.05). Steer growth rate also increased linearly with fishmeal, albeit over a narrow intake range (0–4.1 g/kg W.day), whereas the response with CSM was asymptotic, showing a steep response at low intake before levelling at ~1.2 kg/day. All supplement types were associated with a linear reduction in hay intake by the steers (energy substitution) where the reduction was greater (P < 0.05) for barley and molasses (not different) than for sorghum (P < 0.05), and for fishmeal compared with CSM (P < 0.05). In concurrent metabolism studies with the same rations, organic matter digestibility of the total ration (561–578 g/kg DM, unsupplemented) was increased linearly by barley and molasses (both P < 0.05) but was unaffected by CSM and sorghum supplements. The efficiency of microbial protein synthesis in steers increased linearly, from 91 g microbial crude protein/kg digestible organic matter (unsupplemented), in both molasses and CSM-supplemented steers, with the trend for a higher response to molasses (P = 0.05), and appeared most closely related to digestible organic matter intake. The response curves from these studies provide the practical framework upon which to formulate rations for cattle grazing low-quality forages.


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In this article, we describe and compare two individual-based models constructed to investigate how genetic factors influence the development of phosphine resistance in lesser grain borer (R. dominica). One model is based on the simplifying assumption that resistance is conferred by alleles at a single locus, while the other is based on the more realistic assumption that resistance is conferred by alleles at two separate loci. We simulated the population dynamic of R. dominica in the absence of phosphine fumigation, and under high and low dose phosphine treatments, and found important differences between the predictions of the two models in all three cases. In the absence of fumigation, starting from the same initial frequencies of genotypes, the two models tended to different stable frequencies, although both reached Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The one-locus model exaggerated the equilibrium proportion of strongly resistant beetles by 3.6 times, compared to the aggregated predictions of the two-locus model. Under a low dose treatment the one-locus model overestimated the proportion of strongly resistant individuals within the population and underestimated the total population numbers compared to the two-locus model. These results show the importance of basing resistance evolution models on realistic genetics and that using oversimplified one-locus models to develop pest control strategies runs the risk of not correctly identifying tactics to minimise the incidence of pest infestation.


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Grasses, legumes, saltbushes and herbs were evaluated at 6 sites in southern inland Queensland to identify potential pasture and forage plants for use on marginal cropping soils. The region experiences summer heat waves and severe winter frosts. Emphasis was on perennial plants, and native species were included. Seedlings were transplanted into the unfertilized fields in either summer or autumn to suit the growing season of plants, and watered to ensure estab-lishment. Summer-growing grasses were the most successful group, while cool season-growing perennials mostly failed. Summer legumes were disappointing, with Stylosanthes scabra and Indigofera schimperi performing best. Some lines such as I. schimperi and the Eragrostis hybrid cv. Cochise were assessed as potential weeds owing to low animal acceptance. Native Rhynchosia minima grew well at some sites and deserves more study. Cenchrus ciliaris was always easy to establish and produced the highest yields. Persistence of some Digitaria and Bothriochloa species, Eragrostis curvula and Fingerhuthia africana at specific sites was encouraging, but potential weediness needs careful assessment. Standard species were identified to represent the main forage types, such as Austrostipa scabra for cool season-growing grasses, for incorporation into future trials with new genetic materials. The early field testing protocol used should be considered for use elsewhere, if unreliable rainfall poses a high risk of establishment failure from scarce seed.