8 resultados para far field pattern

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Several chemicals including strobilurins (pyraclostrobin and azoxystrobin), triazoles (difenoconazole and tebuconazole), dithiocarbamates (propineb, metiram, ziram and mancozeb) and the phthalimide chlorothalonil were evaluated in three field experiments in north Queensland, Australia, for the control of brown spot (caused by Corynespora cassiicola) and black spot (caused by Asperisporium caricae) of papaya. Chlorothalonil and pyraclostrobin were shown to be more effective than the industry standard, mancozeb, for the control of brown spot. In the black spot experiments, difenoconazole, pyraclostrobin and chlorothalonil used alone or in spray programs were as effective as, or better than, the industry standards, mancozeb and tebuconazole. Plants treated with pyraclostrobin and difenoconazole had more fruit unaffected by black spot (97% and 99% respectively) than plants treated with tebuconazole (51%), mancozeb (20%) and the untreated controls (1%). Laboratory tests also showed that A. caricae was more sensitive to difenoconazole (EC50 of 2ppm) than tebuconazole (EC50 of 14ppm). In 2007, off-label permits were obtained for chlorothalonil for control of brown spot and difenoconazole and chlorothalonil for the control of black spot of papaya.


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Results from the first of two artificially inoculated field experiments showed foliar applications of copper hydroxide (Blue Shield Copper) at 600 g a.i./100 L−1 (0% infected fruit), copper hydroxide + metalaxyl-M (Ridomil Gold Plus.) at 877.5 g a.i./100 L−1 (0.27%), metiram + pyraclostrobin (Aero) at 720 g a.i./100 L−1 (0.51%), chlorothalonil (Bravo WeatherStik) at 994 g a.i./100 L−1 (0.63%) and cuprous oxide (Nordox 750 WG) at 990 g a.i./100 L−1 (0.8%) of water significantly reduced the percentage of infected fruit compared to potassium phosphonate (Agri-Fos 600) at 1200 g a.i./100 L−1 (8.22%), dimethomorph (Acrobat) at 108 g a.i./100 L−1 (11.18%) and the untreated control (16%). Results from the second experiment showed fruit sprayed with copper hydroxide (Champ Dry Prill) at 300 (2.0% infected fruit), 375 (0.4%) and 450 g a.i./100 L−1 (0.6%) and metiram + pyraclostrobin (Aero) at 360 (2.8%), 480 (0.6%) and 600 g a.i./100 L−1 of water (1.0%) significantly reduced the percentage of infected fruit compared to the untreated control (19.4%). Foliar sprays of copper hydroxide at 375 g a.i./100 L−1 in rotation with chlorothalonil at 994 g a.i./100 L−1 every two weeks is now recommended to growers for controlling Phytophthora fruit rot of papaya.


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There is a large gap between the refined approaches to characterise genotypes and the common use of location and season as a coarse surrogate for environmental characterisation of breeding trials. As a framework for breeding, the aim of this paper is quantifying the spatial and temporal patterns of thermal and water stress for field pea in Australia. We compiled a dataset for yield of the cv. Kaspa measured in 185 environments, and investigated the associations between yield and seasonal patterns of actual temperature and modelled water stress. Correlations between yield and temperature indicated two distinct stages. In the first stage, during crop establishment and canopy expansion before flowering, yield was positively associated with minimum temperature. Mean minimum temperature below similar to 7 degrees C suggests that crops were under suboptimal temperature for both canopy expansion and radiation-use efficiency during a significant part of this early growth period. In the second stage, during critical reproductive phases, grain yield was negatively associated with maximum temperature over 25 degrees C. Correlations between yield and modelled water supply/demand ratio showed a consistent pattern with three phases: no correlation at early stages of the growth cycle, a progressive increase in the association that peaked as the crop approached the flowering window, and a progressive decline at later reproductive stages. Using long-term weather records (1957-2010) and modelled water stress for 104 locations, we identified three major patterns of water deficit nation wide. Environment type 1 (ET1) represents the most favourable condition, with no stress during most of the pre-flowering phase and gradual development of mild stress after flowering. Type 2 is characterised by increasing water deficit between 400 degree-days before flowering and 200 degree-days after flowering and rainfall that relieves stress late in the season. Type 3 represents the more stressful condition with increasing water deficit between 400 degree-days before flowering and maturity. Across Australia, the frequency of occurrence was 24% for ET1, 32% for ET2 and 43% for ET3, highlighting the dominance of the most stressful condition. Actual yield averaged 2.2 t/ha for ET1, 1.9 t/ha for ET2 and 1.4 t/ha for ET3, and the frequency of each pattern varied substantially among locations. Shifting from a nominal (i.e. location and season) to a quantitative (i.e. stress type) characterisation of environments could help improving breeding efficiency of field pea in Australia.


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Foliar oils, particularly monoterpenes, can influence the susceptibility of plants to herbivory. In plants, including eucalypts, monoterpenes are often associated with plant defence. A recent analysis revealed an increase in foliar oil content with increasing latitudinal endemism, and we tested this pattern using three eucalypt taxa comprising a latitudinal replacement cline. We also examined the relative concentrations of two monoterpenes (alpha-pinene and 1,8-cineole), for which meta-analyses also showed latitudinal variation, using hybrids of these three taxa with Corymbia torelliana. These, and pure C. torelliana, were then assessed in common-garden field plots for the abundance and distribution of herbivory by four distinct herbivore taxa. Differing feeding strategies among these herbivores allowed us to test hypotheses regarding heritability of susceptibility and relationships to alpha-pinene and 1,8-cineole. We found no support for an increase in foliar oil content with increasing latitude, nor did our analysis support predictions for consistent variation in alpha-pinene and 1,8-cineole contents with latitude. However, herbivore species showed differential responses to different taxa and monoterpene contents. For example, eriophyid mites, the most monophagous of our censused herbivores, avoided the pure species, but fed on hybrid taxa, supporting hypotheses on hybrid susceptibility. The most polyphagous herbivore (leaf blister sawfly Phylacteophaga froggatti) showed no evidence of response to plant secondary metabolites, while the distribution and abundance patterns of Paropsis atomaria showed some relationship to monoterpene yields.


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Background: Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni, is the major pest fruit fly in Australia. Protein bait sprays, where insecticides are mixed with spot applications of a protein based food lure, are one of the sustainable pre-harvest fruit fly management strategies used in Australia. Although protein bait sprays do manage fruit fly infestation in the field, there is little science underpinning this technique and so improving its efficacy is difficult. Lacking information includes where and when to apply protein bait in order to best target foraging B. tryoni. As part of new work in this area, we investigated the effect of height of protein on tree and host plant fruiting status on the spatial and temporal protein foraging patterns of B. tryoni. MEthod: The work was conducted in the field using nectarine and guava plants and wild B. tryoni at Redland Bay, Queensland, Australia. Spot sprays of protein bait were applied to the foliage of randomly selected fruiting and non-fruiting trees. Each tree received protein bait spot sprays on the lower and higher foliage at 0530hrs. The number, sex and species of flies that fed on each protein spot were recorded hourly from 0600hrs through to 1800hrs.Results: For nectarines, there was a significant difference in the number of B. tryoni feeding on protein bait placed at different locations within the tree (ANOVA, F = 8.898, p = 0.001). More flies fed on protein placed on higher foliage relative to lower, irrespective of the fruiting status of the nectarine trees. A significant difference was also observed in the diurnal protein feeding pattern of B. tryoni (ANOVA, F = 2.164, p = 0.024), with more flies feeding at 1600hrs. Results for guava are still being collected and will be presented at the meeting.Conclusions: We conclude that B. tryoni effectively forages for protein at heights higher than 1.3m from ground, indicating greater efficacy of protein bait when applied at foliage higher in the canopy. Bactrocera tryoni actively forages for protein throughout the day, with a highest feeding peak at 1600hrs. The lack of significant difference in the spatial protein foraging pattern between fruiting and non-fruiting nectarine trees may be a real result, or may have resulted from the fruiting tree being very close (within 1 – 2 metres) of the non-fruiting tree. This hypothesis is being tested in the guava trial.


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Report of field observations April 2007 to September 2011


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Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) are common cosmopolitan pests of stored grain and grain products. We evaluated the relative attraction of T.castaneum and R.dominica to wheat, sorghum and cotton seeds in the field, near grain storage facilities and well away from storages in southern and central Queensland using multiple trapping techniques. The results show that T.castaneum is more strongly attracted to linted cotton seed relative to wheat, whereas R.dominica did not respond to cotton seed at all and was attracted only to wheat. Significantly more adults of T.castaneum (10-15 times) were attracted to traps placed on the ground, near grain storage, than to equivalent traps that were suspended (1.5m above the ground) nearby. These results suggest that Tribolium beetles detect and respond to resources towards the end of their dispersal flight, after which they localize resources while walking. By contrast R.dominica was captured only in suspended traps, which suggests they fly directly onto resources as they localize them. The ability of both species to colonize and reproduce in isolated resource patches within the relatively short time of 1month is illustrated by the returns from the traps deployed in the field (at least 1km from the nearest stored grain) even though they caught only a few beetles. The results presented here provide novel insights about the resource location behaviours of both T.castaneum and R.dominica. In particular, the relationship of T.castaneum with non-cereal resources that are not conventionally associated with this species suggests an emphasis on these other resources in investigating the resource location behaviour of these beetles. This new perspective on the ecology of T. castaneum highlights the potential role of non-cereal resources (such as the lint on cotton seed) in the spread of grain pest infestations.


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For many landholders in the South Pacific, weed control of Mikania micrantha Kunth is conducted by manual or mechanical means, leaving fragments on or below the ground to reshoot and grow. Effects of age, length (number of nodes), and pattern of burial on the survival of stem sections of M. micrantha were examined in the field in Viti Levu, Fiji. The experiment was arranged in a randomized factorial design, with number of nodes, age of stem sections, and pattern (depth and orientation) of stem burial as factors. Stem sections with two or three nodes had significantly greater survival (30% and 25%, respectively) than those with one node (12%). Mature stem sections had a significantly greater survival rate (31%) than young stem sections (13%) when buried in either the horizontal or the vertical position. Vertical plantings had significantly greater survival (43%) than horizontal plantings (10%), and for both orientations survival decreased with depth of burial. Only 8% of stem sections survived when cut into smaller (3 to 5 cm) sections and buried at a depth of 10 cm. This study revealed that cutting the M. micrantha stems into smaller sections (<3 cm) and burying them at depths of 10 cm or greater would improve the overall management of M. micrantha in crop and noncrop systems.