3 resultados para diversity of species
em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture
* The aim of this study was to determine the evolutionary time line for rust fungi and date key speciation events using a molecular clock. Evidence is provided that supports a contemporary view for a recent origin of rust fungi, with a common ancestor on a flowering plant. * Divergence times for > 20 genera of rust fungi were studied with Bayesian evolutionary analyses. A relaxed molecular clock was applied to ribosomal and mitochondrial genes, calibrated against estimated divergence times for the hosts of rust fungi, such as Acacia (Fabaceae), angiosperms and the cupressophytes. * Results showed that rust fungi shared a most recent common ancestor with a mean age between 113 and 115 million yr. This dates rust fungi to the Cretaceous period, which is much younger than previous estimations. Host jumps, whether taxonomically large or between host genera in the same family, most probably shaped the diversity of rust genera. Likewise, species diversified by host shifts (through coevolution) or via subsequent host jumps. This is in contrast to strict coevolution with their hosts. * Puccinia psidii was recovered in Sphaerophragmiaceae, a family distinct from Raveneliaceae, which were regarded as confamilial in previous studies.
Effective pest management relies on accurate delimitation of species and, beyond this, on accurate species identification. Mitochondrial COI sequences are useful for providing initial indications in delimiting species but, despite acknowledged limitations in the method, many studies involving COI sequences and species problems remain unresolved. Here we illustrate how such impasses can be resolved with microsatellite and nuclear sequence data, to assess more directly the amount of gene flow between divergent lineages. We use a population genetics approach to test for random mating between two 8 ± 2% divergent COI lineages of the rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens). This species has become strongly resistant to phosphine, a fumigant used worldwide for disinfesting grain. The possibility of cryptic species would have significant consequences for resistance management, especially if resistance was confined to one mitochondrial lineage. We find no evidence of restricted gene flow or nonrandom mating across the two COI lineages of these beetles, rather we hypothesize that historic population structure associated with early Pleistocene climate changes likely contributed to divergent lineages within this species.
The genetic variability of 28 sorghum genotypes of known senescence phenotype was investigated using 66 SSR markers well-distributed across the sorghum genome. The genotypes of a number of lines from breeding programmes for stay-green were also determined. This included lines selected phenotypically for stay-green and also RSG 03123, a marker-assisted backcross progeny of R16 (recurrent parent) and B35 (stay-green donor). A total of 419 alleles were detected with a mean of 6.2 per locus. The number of alleles ranged from one for Xtxp94 to 14 for Xtxp88. Chromosome SBI-10 had the highest mean number of alleles (8.33), while SBI-05 had the lowest (4.17). The PIC values obtained ranged from zero to 0.89 in Xtxp94 and Xtxp88, respectively, with a mean of 0.68. On a chromosome basis, mean PIC values were highest in SBI-10 (0.81) and lowest in SBI-05 (0.53). Most of the alleles from B35 in RSG 03123 were found on chromosomes SBI-01, SBI-02 and SBI-03, confirming the successful introgression of quantitative trait loci associated with stay-green from B35 into the senescent background R16. However, the alternative stay-green genetic sources were found to be distinct based on either all the SSRs employed or using only those associated with the stay-green trait in B35. Therefore, the physiological and biochemical basis of each stay-green source should be evaluated in order to enhance the understanding of the functioning of the trait in the various backgrounds. These genetic sources of stay-green could provide a valuable resource for improving this trait in sorghum breeding programmes.