30 resultados para constant coefficient k

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Presence of the dw3 sorghum dwarfing gene had negative effects on grain yield in some genetic backgrounds and environments. In a previous study we showed that this was due to a significant reduction in shoot biomass (mainly via reduced stem mass), which in turn negatively affected grain size. The current study examines whether shoot biomass was reduced via effects of dw3 on traits associated with resource capture, such as leaf area index (LAI), light interception (LI), and canopy extinction coefficient (k) or with resource use efficiency, such as radiation use efficiency (RUE). Three pairs of near-isogenic sorghum lines differing only in the presence or absence of the dwarfing allele dw3 (3-dwarfs vs 2-dwarfs) were grown in large field plots. Biomass accumulation and LI were measured for individual canopy layers to examine canopy characteristics of tall and short types. Similar to the previously reported effects on grain yield, the effects of dw3 on RUE, LI and k varied among genetic backgrounds and environments. Interactions between dw3 and genetic background, but also interactions with environment are likely to have modulated the extent to which RUE, LI, or k contributed to biomass differences between tall and short sorghum. © 2013 .


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Runoff and sediment loss from forest roads were monitored for a two-year period in a Pinus plantation in southeast Queensland. Two classes of road were investigated: a gravelled road, which is used as a primary daily haulage route for the logging area, and an ungravelled road, which provides the main access route for individual logging compartments and is intensively used as a haulage route only during the harvest of these areas (approximately every 30 years). Both roads were subjected to routine traffic loads and maintenance during the study. Surface runoff in response to natural rainfall was measured and samples taken for the determination of sediment and nutrient (total nitrogen, total phosphorus, dissolved organic carbon and total iron) loads from each road. Results revealed that the mean runoff coefficient (runoff depth/rainfall depth) was consistently higher from the gravelled road plot with 0.57, as compared to the ungravelled road with 0.38. Total sediment loss over the two-year period was greatest from the gravelled road plot at 5.7 t km−1 compared to the ungravelled road plot with 3.9 t km−1. Suspended solids contributed 86% of the total sediment loss from the gravelled road, and 72% from the ungravelled road over the two years. Nitrogen loads from the two roads were both relatively constant throughout the study, and averaged 5.2 and 2.9 kg km−1 from the gravelled and ungravelled road, respectively. Mean annual phosphorus loads were 0.6 kg km−1 from the gravelled road and 0.2 kg km−1 from the ungravelled road. Organic carbon and total iron loads increased in the second year of the study, which was a much wetter year, and are thought to reflect the breakdown of organic matter in roadside drains and increased sediment generation, respectively. When road and drain maintenance (grading) was performed runoff and sediment loss were increased from both road types. Additionally, the breakdown of the gravel road base due to high traffic intensity during wet conditions resulted in the formation of deep (10 cm) ruts which increased erosion. The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP):Road model was used to compare predicted to observed runoff and sediment loss from the two road classes investigated. For individual rainfall events, WEPP:Road predicted output showed strong agreement with observed values of runoff and sediment loss. WEPP:Road predictions for annual sediment loss from the entire forestry road network in the study area also showed reasonable agreement with the extrapolated observed values.


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Barramundi Lates calcarifer reared in cool water (20-22 degrees C) grow slowly and feed is used poorly compared with fish in warm water (28-32 degrees C). Two comparative slaughter growth assays were carried out with juvenile barramundi to see if increasing the digestible energy (DE) and/or the n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acid (n-3 HUFA) content of the feed would improve growth of fish raised in cool water. Increasing the DE content of the feed from 15 to 17 or 19 MJ kg(-1) while maintaining a constant protein to energy ratio in Experiment 1 brought about significant improvements in feed conversion ratio (FCR) (from 2.01 to 1.19) and daily growth coefficient (DGC; from 0.69 to 1.08%/day) for fish at 20 degrees C. For fish at 29 degrees C, improvements, while significant, were of a lesser magnitude: from 1.32 to 0.97 for FCR and from 3.24 to 3.65%/day for DGC. Increasing the absolute amount of dietary n-3 HUFA, expressed as the sum of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids, from 0.5% to 2.0% in Experiment 2 improved DGC linearly and FCR curvilinearly for fish at 29 degrees C whereas at 20 degrees C, DGC was not affected while FCR improved slightly (from 1.83 to 1.68). Feed conversion ratio was optimized with a dietary n-3 HUFA of about 1.5%. Providing barramundi with a feed that is high in DE (viz 19 MJ kg(-1)) and a digestible protein to DE ratio of 22.5 g MJ(-1) is a practical strategy for improving the productivity of barramundi cultured in cool water whereas increasing dietary n-3 HUFA conferred very little additional benefit.


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Fillets of five fish species were irradiated at 0, 1 and 3kGy to investigate whether the K-value test of freshness can be applied to irradiated fish. Following irradiation, the fillets were stored on ice and sampled regularly for K-value analysis. Hypoxanthine (Hx) and total nucleotide content were also determined on fillets of two species. K-values of irradiated fillets were generally lower than those of unirradiated controls. Hypoxanthine levels paralleled the K-value changes. These results indicated that quality standards based on K-values or Hx levels that have been set for unirradiated species cannot be directly applied to fish that has been irradiated. Total nucleotide content did not appear to be affected by irradiation.


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Recent decreases in costs, and improvements in performance, of silicon array detectors open a range of potential applications of relevance to plant physiologists, associated with spectral analysis in the visible and short-wave near infra-red (far-red) spectrum. The performance characteristics of three commercially available ‘miniature’ spectrometers based on silicon array detectors operating in the 650–1050-nm spectral region (MMS1 from Zeiss, S2000 from Ocean Optics, and FICS from Oriel, operated with a Larry detector) were compared with respect to the application of non-invasive prediction of sugar content of fruit using near infra-red spectroscopy (NIRS). The FICS–Larry gave the best wavelength resolution; however, the narrow slit and small pixel size of the charge-coupled device detector resulted in a very low sensitivity, and this instrumentation was not considered further. Wavelength resolution was poor with the MMS1 relative to the S2000 (e.g. full width at half maximum of the 912 nm Hg peak, 13 and 2 nm for the MMS1 and S2000, respectively), but the large pixel height of the array used in the MMS1 gave it sensitivity comparable to the S2000. The signal-to-signal standard error ratio of spectra was greater by an order of magnitude with the MMS1, relative to the S2000, at both near saturation and low light levels. Calibrations were developed using reflectance spectra of filter paper soaked in range of concentrations (0–20% w/v) of sucrose, using a modified partial least squares procedure. Calibrations developed with the MMS1 were superior to those developed using the S2000 (e.g. coefficient of correlation of 0.90 and 0.62, and standard error of cross-validation of 1.9 and 5.4%, respectively), indicating the importance of high signal to noise ratio over wavelength resolution to calibration accuracy. The design of a bench top assembly using the MMS1 for the non-invasive assessment of mesocarp sugar content of (intact) melon fruit is reported in terms of light source and angle between detector and light source, and optimisation of math treatment (derivative condition and smoothing function).


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The Brix content of pineapple fruit can be non-invasively predicted from the second derivative of near infrared reflectance spectra. Correlations obtained using a NIRSystems 6500 spectrophotometer through multiple linear regression and modified partial least squares analyses using a post-dispersive configuration were comparable with that from a pre-dispersive configuration in terms of accuracy (e.g. coefficient of determination, R2, 0.73; standard error of cross validation, SECV, 1.01°Brix). The effective depth of sample assessed was slightly greater using the post-dispersive technique (about 20 mm for pineapple fruit), as expected in relation to the higher incident light intensity, relative to the pre-dispersive configuration. The effect of such environmental variables as temperature, humidity and external light, and instrumental variables such as the number of scans averaged to form a spectrum, were considered with respect to the accuracy and precision of the measurement of absorbance at 876 nm, as a key term in the calibration for Brix, and predicted Brix. The application of post-dispersive near infrared technology to in-line assessment of intact fruit in a packing shed environment is discussed.


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The potential of near infra-red (NIR) spectroscopy for non-invasive measurement of fruit quality of pineapple (Ananas comosus var. Smooth Cayenne) and mango (Magnifera indica var. Kensington) fruit was assessed. A remote reflectance fibre optic probe, placed in contact with the fruit skin surface in a light-proof box, was used to deliver monochromatic light to the fruit, and to collect NIR reflectance spectra (760–2500 nm). The probe illuminated and collected reflected radiation from an area of about 16 cm2. The NIR spectral attributes were correlated with pineapple juice Brix and with mango flesh dry matter (DM) measured from fruit flesh directly underlying the scanned area. The highest correlations for both fruit were found using the second derivative of the spectra (d2 log 1/R) and an additive calibration equation. Multiple linear regression (MLR) on pineapple fruit spectra (n = 85) gave a calibration equation using d2 log 1/R at wavelengths of 866, 760, 1232 and 832 nm with a multiple coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.75, and a standard error of calibration (SEC) of 1.21 °Brix. Modified partial least squares (MPLS) regression analysis yielded a calibration equation with R2 = 0.91, SEC = 0.69, and a standard error of cross validation (SECV) of 1.09 oBrix. For mango, MLR gave a calibration equation using d2 log 1/R at 904, 872, 1660 and 1516 nm with R2 = 0.90, and SEC = 0.85% DM and a bias of 0.39. Using MPLS analysis, a calibration equation with R2 = 0.98, SEC = 0.54 and SECV = 1.19 was obtained. We conclude that NIR technology offers the potential to assess fruit sweetness in intact whole pineapple and DM in mango fruit, respectively, to within 1° Brix and 1% DM, and could be used for the grading of fruit in fruit packing sheds.


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Typically, in bag-stack or silo fumigations the concentration of phosphine is not constant, and yet most of what is known about phosphine efficacy against grain insects comes from studies with fixed concentrations. Indeed, where changing concentration experiments have been performed, researchers have been unable to explain observed efficacy on the basis of data from fixed concentrations. The ability to predict insect mortality in relation to changing phosphine concentrations would facilitate the development of effective fumigation protocols. In this paper, we explore the prospects for making such predictions. After reviewing published and new results, we conclude that the commonly used concentration x time (Ct) product is unreliable for this purpose. New results, for a strongly resistant strain of Rhyzopertha dominica from Australia, suggest that the relationship Cnt = k may be useful for predicting mortality of this type of insect in changing concentrations. However, in the case of a strain of Sitophilus oryzae with a type of resistance common in Australian S. oryzae, the relationship Cnt = k proved to be less reliable.


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Adults of a phosphine-resistant strain of Sitophilus oryzae (L) were exposed to constant phosphine concentrations of 0.0035-0.9 mg litre(-1) for periods of between 20 and 168 h at 25 °C, and the effects of time and concentration on mortality were quantified. Adults were also exposed to a series of treatments lasting 48, 72 or 168 h at 25 °C, during which the concentration of phosphine was varied. The aim of this study was to determine whether equations from experiments using constant concentrations could be used to predict the efficacy of changing phosphine concentrations against adults of S oryzae. A probit plane without interaction, in which the logarithms of time (t) and concentration (C) were variables, described the effects of concentration and time on mortality in experiments with constant concentrations. A derived equation of the form C^nt = k gave excellent predictions of toxicity when applied to data from changing concentration experiments. The results suggest that for resistant S oryzae adults there is nothing inherently different between constant and changing concentration regimes, and that data collected from fixed concentrations can be used to develop equations for predicting mortality in fumigations in which phosphine concentration changes. This approach could simplify the prediction of efficacy of typical fumigations in which concentrations tend to rise and then fall over a period of days.


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Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) was readily transmitted through tissue culture in banana (Mum sp.) cv. Lady finger (AAB) and Cavendish cv. Williams (AAA). Lines derived from infected and healthy field plants had similar in vitro multiplication rates. BBTV infected in vitro cultures displayed symptoms of stunting, leaf curling, chlorotic and green flecks, and poor root growth. Symptoms became milder with time, and were often difficult to discern in older, rapidly multiplying cultures. A triple antibody sandwich ELISA using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies was very efficient for detecting BBTV in vitro. Symptomless, ELISA-negative plants arose in 10 out of 11 lines derived from BBTV-infected field plants and first appeared after 9 months continuous in vitro culture at a constant 28OC. Meristem tip culture or heat therapy was not used. These plants remained symptomless and ELISA-negative after planting out in the glasshouse (individual plants checked for up to 16 months). The implications of this inconsistent transmission of BBTV for germplasm indexing and exchange are discussed.


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Researchers developing climate-based forecasts, workshops, software tools and information to aid grazier decisions undertook an evaluation study to enhance planning and benchmark impact. One hundred graziers in Western Queensland were randomly selected from 7 shires and surveyed by mail and telephone (43 respondents) to explore levels of knowledge and use of climate information, practices and information needs. We found 36% of respondents apply the Southern Oscillation Index to property decisions but 92% were unaware El Niño Southern Oscillation’s predictive signal in the region is greater for pasture growth than rainfall, suggesting they may not recognise the potential of pasture growth forecasts. Almost 75% of graziers consider they are conservative or risk averse in their attitude to managing their enterprise. Mail respondents (n= 20) if given a 68%, on average, probability of exceeding median rainfall forecast may change a decision; almost two-thirds vary stocking rate based on forage available, last year’s pasture growth or the Southern Oscillation Index; the balance maintain a constant stocking rate strategy; 90% have access to a computer; 75% to the internet and 95% have a fax. This paper presents findings of the study and draws comparisons with a similar study of 174 irrigators in the Northern Murray-Darling Basin (Aust. J. Exp. Ag. 44, 247-257). New insights and information gained are helping the team better understand client needs and plan, design and extend tools and information tailored to grazier knowledge, practice, information needs and preferences. Results have also provided a benchmark against which to measure project impact and have influenced the team to make important changes to their project planning, activities and methods for transferring technology tailored to grazier preferences.


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The caseins (αs1, αs2, β, and κ) are phosphoproteins present in bovine milk that have been studied for over a century and whose structures remain obscure. Here we describe the chemical synthesis and structure elucidation of the N-terminal segment (1–44) of bovine κ-casein, the protein which maintains the micellar structure of the caseins. κ-Casein (1–44) was synthesised by highly optimised Boc solid-phase peptide chemistry and characterised by mass spectrometry. Structure elucidation was carried out by circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. CD analysis demonstrated that the segment was ill defined in aqueous medium but in 30% trifluoroethanol it exhibited considerable helical structure. Further, NMR analysis showed the presence of a helical segment containing 26 residues which extends from Pro8 to Arg34. This is the first report which demonstrates extensive secondary structure within the casein class of proteins.


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Space allowance is a major factor influencing animal welfare. For livestock, at least, it plays a critical role in profitability, yet there is little information on the amount of space that animals require. The amount of space an animal occupies as a consequence of its shape and size can be estimated using allometry; linear dimensions (L) can be expressed as L = kW1/3 and surface area (S) as S = kW2/3, where k = a constant and W = the weight of the animal. Such equations have been used to determine the amount of space needed by standing (area [m2] = 0.019W0.66) and lying (area [m2] = 0.027W0.67) animals. Limited studies on the lying down and standing up behaviors of pigs and cattle suggest that the amount of space required can be estimated by area (m2) = 0.047W0.66. Linear space required per animal for behaviors such as feeding or drinking from a trough can be estimated from 0.064W0.33, but in groups this requirement will be affected by social interactions among group members and the amount of competition for the resource. Determining the amount of space for groups of animals is complex, as the amount of useable space can vary with group size and by how group members share space in time. Some studies have been conducted on the way in which groups of domestic fowl use space, but overall, we know very little about the ways in which livestock time-share space, synchronicity in the performance of behaviors, and the effects of spatial restrictions on behavior and welfare.


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Sunflower rust caused by Puccinia helianthi is the most important disease of sunflower in Australia with the potential to cause significant yield losses in susceptible hybrids. Rapid and frequent virulence changes in the rust fungus population limit the effective lifespan of commercial cultivars and impose constant pressure on breeding programs to identify and deploy new sources of resistance. This paper contains a synopsis of virulence data accumulated over 25 years, and more recent studies of genotypic diversity and sexual recombination. We have used this synopsis, generated from both published and unpublished data, to propose the origin, evolution and distribution of new pathotypes of P. helianthi. Virulence surveys revealed that diverse pathotypes of P. helianthi evolve in wild sunflower populations, most likely because sexual recombination and subsequent selection of recombinant pathotypes occurs there. Wild sunflower populations provide a continuum of genetically heterogeneous hosts on which P. helianthi can potentially complete its sexual cycle under suitable environmental conditions. Population genetics analysis of a worldwide collection of P. helianthi indicated that Australian isolates of the pathogen are more diverse than non-Australian isolates. Additionally, the presence of the same pathotype in different genotypic backgrounds supported evidence from virulence data that sexual recombination has occurred in the Australian population of P. helianthi at some time. A primary aim of the work described was to apply our knowledge of pathotype evolution to improve resistance in sunflower to sunflower rust. Molecular markers were identified for a number of previously uncharacterised sunflower rust R-genes. These markers have been used to detect resistance genes in breeding lines and wild sunflower germplasm. A number of virulence loci that do not recombine were identified in P. helianthi. The resistance gene combinations corresponding to these virulence loci are currently being introgressed with breeding lines to generate hybrids with durable resistance to sunflower rust.


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Two reliable small-plant bioassays were developed using tissue-cultured banana, resulting in consistent symptom expression and infection by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc). One bioassay was based on providing a constant watertable within a closed pot and the second used free-draining pots. Culture medium for spore generation influenced infectivity of Foc. Inoculation of potted banana by drenching potting mix with a conidial suspension, consisting mostly of microconidia, few macroconidia and no chlamydospores, generated from one-quarter-strength potato dextrose agar + streptomycin sulfate, resulted in inconsistent infection. When a conidial suspension that consisted of all three spore types, microconidia, macroconidia and chlamydospores, prepared from spores generated on carnation leaf agar was used, all plants became infected, indicating that the spore type present in conidial suspensions may contribute to inconsistency of infection. Inconsistency of infection was not due to loss of virulence of the pathogen in culture. Millet grain precolonised by Foc as a source of inoculum resulted in consistent infection between replicate plants. Sorghum was not a suitable grain for preparation of inoculum as it was observed to discolour roots and has the potential to stunt root growth, possibly due to the release of phytotoxins. For the modified closed-pot system, a pasteurised potting mix consisting of equal parts of bedding sand, perlite and vermiculite plus 1 g/L Triabon slow release fertiliser was suitable for plant growth and promoted capillary movement of water through the potting mix profile. A suitable potting mix for the free-draining pot system was also developed.