26 resultados para blue whales, bioacoustics, D calls, HARPs, detectors

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Limb-loss in crustaceans can reduce moult increment and delay or advance the timing of moulting, both aspects that are likely to impact upon soft-shell crab production. Pond-reared blue swimmer crabs Portunus pelagicus were harvested and maintained in a crab shedding system. The wet weight, carapace width (CW) and the occurrence of limb-loss were assessed before stocking in the shedding system and after each of the next three moults. Many of the crabs were initially missing one or two limbs and these did not grow as much as the crabs that were intact at the start of the trial. Despite its strong correlation with wet weight, CW changes proved to be misleading. Limb-loss reduced the %CW increment but not the per cent weight increment (where the later is calculated from the actual pre-moult weight). Pre-moult weight explained much of the variation in post-moult weight, with crabs moulting to approximately double their weight. Limb-loss reduced 'growth' and production from the pond because it reduced pre-moult weight but limb-loss did not alter the weight change on shedding a given weight of crabs, although some of that change now included regeneration of limbs. One can hypothesize that much of the size variation seen in pond-reared crabs may be due to accumulated effects of repeated limb-loss, rather than genetic variation.


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Blue swimmer crabs (Portunus pelagicus) are an economically important crab caught in baited traps throughout the Indo-west Pacific and Mediterranean. In Australia they are traditionally caught using rigid wire traps (approximate to pots) but there has been a recent increase in the use of collapsible pots constructed from polyethylene trawl mesh. Two experiments were conducted in Moreton Bay, Queensland, to determine the ghost fishing potential of lost crab pots on both target and bycatch species and to evaluate the differences between traditional and contemporary pot designs. A lost contemporary, collapsible trawl mesh pot will catch between 3 and 223 R pelagicus per year after the bait has been exhausted, while a traditional wire mesh pot would catch 11-74 crabs peryear. As most fishers now use the collapsible trawl mesh pots, ghost fishing mortality could be as high as 111,811-670,866 crabs per year. Bycatch retention was also higher in contemporary designs. Periods of strong winds appeared to increase the ghost fishing potential of lost pots. The use of escape gaps, larger mesh sizes and construction options that allow for the deterioration of entrance funnels to minimise ghost fishing are recommended to reduce environmental impacts.


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Two laboratory experiments were carried out to quantify the mortality and physiological responses of juvenile blue swimmer crabs (Portunus pelagicus) after simulated gillnet entanglement, air exposure, disentanglement, and discarding. In both experiments, all but control blue swimmer crabs were entangled in 1-m(2) gillnet panels for 1 h, exposed to air for 2 min, subjected to various treatments of disentanglement ranging between the forceful removal of none, one, two, and four appendages, then "discarded" into individual experimental tanks and monitored for 10 d. In Experiment 1, mortalities were associated with the number of appendages removed and the occurrence of unsealed wounds. In Experiment 2, live blue swimmer crabs were sampled for blood at 2 min and 6, 24, and 72 h post-discarding to test for the effects of disentanglement and appendage removal on total haemocyte counts, clotting times, protein levels (by refractive index), and blood ion concentrations. Compared with blue swimmer crabs that had sealed or no wounds, those with unsealed wounds had lower total haemocyte counts, protein, and calcium concentrations and increased clotting ties and magnesium and sodium levels. Induced autotomy, as opposed to the arbitrary, forceful removal of a appendages has the potential to minimize the mortality and stress of discarded, juvenile blue swimmer crabs.


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Understanding how aquatic species grow is fundamental in fisheries because stock assessment often relies on growth dependent statistical models. Length-frequency-based methods become important when more applicable data for growth model estimation are either not available or very expensive. In this article, we develop a new framework for growth estimation from length-frequency data using a generalized von Bertalanffy growth model (VBGM) framework that allows for time-dependent covariates to be incorporated. A finite mixture of normal distributions is used to model the length-frequency cohorts of each month with the means constrained to follow a VBGM. The variances of the finite mixture components are constrained to be a function of mean length, reducing the number of parameters and allowing for an estimate of the variance at any length. To optimize the likelihood, we use a minorization–maximization (MM) algorithm with a Nelder–Mead sub-step. This work was motivated by the decline in catches of the blue swimmer crab (BSC) (Portunus armatus) off the east coast of Queensland, Australia. We test the method with a simulation study and then apply it to the BSC fishery data.


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The parasites of some decapod crustaceans are known to cause sterilisation of their hosts, and can thus have an important impact on the population dynamics of infested species. Blue swimmer crabs (Portunus pelagicus) collected in three areas around Moreton Bay, Australia were examined for the presence of epizoic barnacles in their branchial chambers and on their carapace. Of the 952 crabs inspected 92% were infested with Octolasmis spp. The mean number of barnacles (predominantly Octolasmis warwickii) per carapace and gill chamber (mainly O. angulata) were 2.35 and 71.1, respectively. Barnacle infestation of gills was found to differ significantly by area, season and sex with the deeper offshore areas exhibiting the highest number of barnacles. The distribution within the hosts showed barnacles were more likely to be distributed in areas closer to the inhalant aperture. Highest abundances were found on the proximal surface of the hypobranchial side of gills 3, 4 and 5. Host moult stage and parasitism by Sacculina granifera were also found to affect the abundance of epizoic barnacles in some areas.


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As part of a comparative mapping study between sugarcane and sorghum, a sugarcane cDNA clone with homology to the maize Rp1-D rust resistance gene was mapped in sorghum. The cDNA probe hybridised to multiple loci, including one on sorghum linkage group (LG) E in a region where a major rust resistance QTL had been previously mapped. Partial sorghum Rp1-D homologues were isolated from genomic DNA of rust-resistant and -susceptible progeny selected from a sorghum mapping population. Sequencing of the Rp1-D homologues revealed five discrete sequence classes: three from resistant progeny and two from susceptible progeny. PCR primers specific to each sequence class were used to amplify products from the progeny and confirmed that the five sequence classes mapped to the same locus on LG E. Cluster analysis of these sorghum sequences and available sugarcane, maize and sorghum Rp1-D homologue sequences showed that the maize Rp1-D sequence and the partial sugarcane Rp1-D homologue were clustered with one of the sorghum resistant progeny sequence classes, while previously published sorghum Rp1-D homologue sequences clustered with the susceptible progeny sequence classes. Full-length sequence information was obtained for one member of a resistant progeny sequence class ( Rp1-SO) and compared with the maize Rp1-D sequence and a previously identified sorghum Rp1 homologue ( Rph1-2). There was considerable similarity between the two sorghum sequences and less similarity between the sorghum and maize sequences. These results suggest a conservation of function and gene sequence homology at the Rp1 loci of maize and sorghum and provide a basis for convenient PCR-based screening tools for putative rust resistance alleles in sorghum.


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Background: Crustaceans represent an attractive model to study biomineralization and cuticle matrix formation, as these events are precisely timed to occur at certain stages of the moult cycle. Moulting, the process by which crustaceans shed their exoskeleton, involves the partial breakdown of the old exoskeleton and the synthesis of a new cuticle. This cuticle is subdivided into layers, some of which become calcified while others remain uncalcified. The cuticle matrix consists of many different proteins that confer the physical properties, such as pliability, of the exoskeleton. Results: We have used a custom cDNA microarray chip, developed for the blue swimmer crab Portunus pelagicus, to generate expression profiles of genes involved in exoskeletal formation across the moult cycle. A total of 21 distinct moult-cycle related differentially expressed transcripts representing crustacean cuticular proteins were isolated. Of these, 13 contained copies of the cuticle_1 domain previously isolated from calcified regions of the crustacean exoskeleton, four transcripts contained a chitin_bind_4 domain (RR consensus sequence) associated with both the calcified and un-calcified cuticle of crustaceans, and four transcripts contained an unannotated domain (PfamB_109992) previously isolated from C. pagurus. Additionally, cryptocyanin, a hemolymph protein involved in cuticle synthesis and structural integrity, also displays differential expression related to the moult cycle. Moult stage-specific expression analysis of these transcripts revealed that differential gene expression occurs both among transcripts containing the same domain and among transcripts containing different domains. Conclusion: The large variety of genes associated with cuticle formation, and their differential expression across the crustacean moult cycle, point to the complexity of the processes associated with cuticle formation and hardening. This study provides a molecular entry path into the investigation of the gene networks associated with cuticle formation.


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There are renewed calls for end-user participation and the integration of local knowledge in agricultural research. In Australia, the response has included an increased emphasis on participatory on-farm research with farmers and commercial agronomists that tests accepted principals to answer practical local farming questions. However, this pursuit of greater relevance has often led to compromises in research designs, unclear results and frustration amongst farmers, commercial agronomists and Research Development and Extension (RDE) agency researchers. This paper reports on a series of pre-season planning workshops from `Doing successful on-farm research', a workshop-based initiative that provides guidelines and a series of interactive activities to plan better participatory on-farm research. The workshop approach helps people design on-farm research that is appropriate to their own needs and local conditions. It assists them to clearly identify their issues, develop specific research questions and decide the best approach to answer those questions with the appropriate rigour for their own situations. These `Doing successful on-farm research' workshops address four potential deficiencies in on-farm research and farming systems RDE more generally in Australia: (1) variable participation of scientists and farmers in on-farm research; (2) the lack of clear guidelines for effective participatory practice and on-farm research; (3) limited support for on-farm research beyond the intensive investigations conducted by RDE agencies and (4) limited support for industry and farmers to contextualise information and research outcomes for specific individual circumstances and faster adaptation of technology. This may be a valuable contribution to balancing the demands for both relevance and rigour in on-farm research in Australia. In "Ground–breaking Stuff’- Proceedings of the 13th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, 10-14 September 2006, Perth, Western Australia.


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The significance of cannibalism in the diet of juvenile pond-cultured blue swimmer crabs (Portunus pelagicus (L.)) was investigated using dual stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen. In a laboratory feeding experiment, δ15N demonstrated a constant trophic shift (Δδ15N ≈+ 1.6‰), and therefore seemed to be a reliable indicator for assessing trophic position for P. pelagicus. This agrees with previously reported trends. Difference in growth rate did not seem to influence δ15N values. In contrast, δ13C did not display consistent shifts between trophic levels (range of Δδ13C: + 1 to + 1.7‰). The results from the pond experiment showed that larger individuals had a more enriched δ15N than smaller individuals, which, when compared to the results from the laboratory experiment, indicates that larger individuals were at a higher trophic level. This is most likely due to cannibalism prevailing in the pond rather than a direct result of faster growth rate. Cannibalistic behaviour might further increase growth, resulting in the observed positive correlation between size and δ15N.


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Consumers today are presented with an increasing array of products. The growing competition for consumer expenditure requires a whole of supply chain approach to maintain market share for existing cultivars and to successfully commercialise new cultivars. The supply chain needs to deliver value and satisfaction to the end customer and profitability to their members. Critical to getting the product right is developing inherent robustness into the cultivar, and developing processes and systems through the whole supply chain that maintain product quality and add value. This paper describes the approach we have used in working with supply chains in Australia and Indonesia to identify priority areas for improvement. Our experience demonstrates the need for a champion in the supply chain with significant influence and a desire to improve. The paper also describes our approach towards improving a specific supply chain to achieve successful commercialisation of a new cultivar. The cultivar was primarily selected for good production characteristics and attractive visual appeal. The performance of the fruit is being monitored from farm to retail shelf to identify points where quality is lost and practices can be improved. A targeted R&D program is investigating ways of improving production efficiency (nutrition, flowering and canopy management), maturity standards to optimise flavour, harvesting and packing practices to reduce skin damage, and ripening and handling practices to optimise shelf life. This integrated approach is based on similar approaches used to improve the performance of existing mango and avocado cultivars.


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The red-finned blue-eye (Scaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis) is endemic to a single complex of springs emanating from the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. The species has been recorded as naturally occurring in eight separate very shallow (generally <20 mm) springs, with a combined wetland area of ~0.3 ha. Since its discovery in 1990, five red-finned blue-eye (RFBE) populations have been lost and subsequent colonisation has occurred in two spring wetlands. Current population size is estimated at <3000 individuals. Artesian bores have reduced aquifer pressure, standing water levels and spring-flows in the district. There is evidence of spatial separation within the spring pools where RFBE and the introduced fish gambusia (Gambusia holbrooki) co-occur, although both species are forced together when seasonal extremes affect spring size and water temperature. Gambusia was present in four of the five springs where RFBE populations have been lost. Four out of the five remaining subpopulations of RFBE are Gambusia free. Circumstantial evidence suggests that gambusia is a major threat to red-finned blue-eyes. The impact of Gambusia is probably exacerbated by domestic stock (cattle and sheep), feral goats and pigs that utilise the springs and can negatively affect water quality and flow patterns. Three attempts to translocate RFBE to apparently suitable springs elsewhere within the complex have failed. Opportunities to mitigate threats are discussed, along with directions for future research to improve management of this extremely threatened fish and habitat.


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Polymyxa graminis was detected in the roots of barley plants from a field near Wondai, Queensland, in 2009. P. graminis was identified by characteristic sporosori in roots stained with trypan blue. The presence of P. graminis f. sp. tepida (which is hosted by wheat and oats as well as barley) in the roots was confirmed by specific PCR tests based on nuclear ribosomal DNA. P. graminis is the vector of several damaging soil-borne virus diseases of cereals in the genera Furovirus, Bymovirus and Pecluvirus. No virus particles were detected in sap extracts from leaves of stunted barley plants with leaf chlorosis and increased tillering. Further work is required to determine the distribution of P. graminis in Australian grain crops and the potential for establishment and spread of the exotic soil-borne viruses that it vectors.


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Insects can cause considerable damage in hardwood plantations and because pesticide use is controversial, future pest management may rely on manipulating insect behaviour. Insects use infochemical cues to identify and locate mates and host plants and this can be used to manipulate their behaviour and reduce pest impacts in plantations. Infochemicals include chemical signals produced by insects, such as pheromones and kairomones, or those produced by host plants as odours or volatiles that are attractive to insects. This research is learning how insects perceive and interact with chemical cues or infochemicals in their environment and how these interactions can be manipulated for monitoring and control. Pest species being investigated include the giant wood moth (Endoxyla cinerea), Culama wood moths, the eucalypt leaf beetle (Paropsis atomaria), red cedar tip moth (Hypsipyla robusta) and several longicorn wood borers. The project will contribute to new strategies for minimising damage and controlling pest densities in Queensland's hardwood plantations.


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Hardwoods nutrition R&D to improve tree growth, wood quality and resistance to disease attack. Improved diagnotic tools. North Queensland and Burnett region soils.


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Logs from two hardwood plantations in north Queensland were peeled to assess the veneer and plywood potential of fast-grown tropical plantation eucalypts. After visual grading and veneer recovery calculatios, selected veneers were assembled to produce plywood panels. These were tested for mechanical properties and glue bond strength to determine the suitability of young, fast-grown, tropical eucalytps for panel product applications.