9 resultados para Westwood Hills

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Temnoplectron Westwood is revised and five new species described, four from North Queensland: cooki, finnigani, lewisense, monteithi, one from New Guinea: wareo. Temnoplectron reyi Paulian is removed from synonymy with T. politulum Macleay, Temnoplectron laevigatum Matthews is placed in synonymy with T. boucomonti Paulian, T. heurni Paulian and Z howdeni Paulian are synonymised with Z atropolitum Gillet, and T. major Paulian is recognised in Australia for the first time. All known species are redescribed. A key is provided for the 19 species of Temnoplectron and new distribution records are noted. A cladistic analysis of the genus is presented, the results of which suggest at least two origins for flightlessness in the genus. The biogeography of Temnoplectran is discussed with reference to isolation of rainforest blocks during periods of maximum aridity.


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Trichogramma Westwood egg parasitoids alone generally fail to suppress heliothine pests when released in established cotton-growing regions. Factors hindering their success include indiscriminate use of detrimental insecticides, compensation for minimal pest larval hatch due to their activity via reduced larval cannibalism or mortality in general, singly laid heliothine eggs avoiding detection and asynchronous development benefiting host over parasitoid. Yet, despite these limitations, relatively large Trichogramma pretiosum Riley populations pervade and effectively suppress Helicoverpa (Hardwick) pests in Australian Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner)-transgenic cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., crops, especially in the Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA) of tropical northern Australia, where their impact on the potentially resistant pest species, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), is considered integral to the local insecticide resistance management (IRM) strategy for continued, sustainable Bt-transgenic cotton production. When devoid of conventional insecticides, relatively warm and stable conditions of the early dry season in winter grown ORIA Bt-transgenic cotton crops are conducive to Trichogramma proliferation and biological control appears effective. Further, there is considerable scope to improve Trichogramma's biological control potential, in both the ORIA and established cotton-growing regions, via habitat manipulation. It is proposed that Trichogramma may prove equally effective in developing agricultural regions of monsoonal northern Australia, and that environmental constraints on Trichogramma survival, and those of other natural enemies, require due consideration prior to their successful application in biological control programs.


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‘A-1’ was selected from a breeding population of 40 seedling Zoysia matrella plants from various parts of Southeast Asia (Japan, Philippines, China, Korea, Vietnam and Thailand). The original plants were vegetatively propagated and evaluated first in pots. A shortlist of selected genotypes was expanded to field plantings at Sheldon, QLD and evaluated against existing Z. matrella and Z. matrella x Z. japonica hybrid cultivars under mowing heights from 10 to 25mm and under shade levels ranging from 0 to 80%. ‘A-1’ showed higher tiller density and a more prostrate growth habit than the parent ecotype, and was selected from the subsequent breeding population on the basis of its superior turf colour and quality under mowing for 6 years and its shade tolerance as shown by its ability to maintain density of the mown sward under greatly reduced light levels (70-80% shade). Additional observations regarding climatic adaptation were made in Cairns, QLD, and Melbourne, VIC, respectively. Breeder: Donald S Loch, Alexandra Hills, QLD. PBR Certificate Number 3649, Application Number 2008/091, granted 16 December 2008.


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In the 1970s, acid sulfate soils (ASS) distributed within about 720 ha of predominantly mangrove and salt pan wetlands at East Trinity in north Queensland were developed after the area was isolated from tidal flooding by a surrounding seawall and the installation of tidal gates on major drainage creeks. Following drainage and oxidation of these estuarine acidic sediments, resultant acid leachate caused considerable, ongoing environmental problems including regular fish kills. A rehabilitation program covering much of these former tidal wetlands commenced in 2000 using a lime-assisted tidal exchange management regime. Changes in the established populations of estuarine fish and crustaceans were monitored in the two creeks (Firewood and Hills Creeks) where tidal flows were reinstated. In Firewood Creek between 2001 and 2005, there was a progressive increase in fish species richness, diversity and abundance. The penaeid prawn Fenneropenaeus merguiensis was a major component of the cast net catches in the lower sections of both Firewood and Hills Creeks but its relative abundance decreased upstream of the tidal gates on the seawall. Well established stocks of predominantly juvenile, male Scylla serrata resident upstream of the tidal gates indicated suitable habitats with acceptable water and sediment quality and adequate availability of food. The regular fish kills that occurred prior to the management regime abated and, overall, the implementation of the rehabilitation program is yielding positive benefits for the local fisheries.


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Corynetes compactus Westwood is recognised as a junior synonym (syn. n.) of Pylus anthicides Newman, which is transferred from the South African genus Thriocera Gorham to the endemic Australian genus Thriocerodes Wolcott & Dybas, resulting in the combination Thriocerodes anthicides (Newman), comb. n.


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Sceliodes cordalis (Doubleday) is an important pest of eggplant but little is known of its biology. Egg size, oviposition sites, seasonal occurrence and egg parasitism were studied from 2006 to 2008 in the coastal Burnett district of Queensland. Eggs (L:W:H:: 0.716 mm:0.445 mm:0.292 mm) were laid predominantly on the calyx of the fruit but not on flowers. Trichogramma Westwood and Trichogrammatoidea Girault wasps emerged from parasitised eggs. Pheromone traps caught moths throughout the year, with higher catches in spring and summer than in winter and in the presence of eggplant crops. © Entomological Society of Queensland.


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The taxonomic status of Australian species presently assigned to the genera Teneropsis Chapin and Cregya LeConte is assessed. Two new genera are erected: Gnidmus gen. nov. for Gnidmus jocosus (Schenkling) comb. nov. (transferred from Teneropsis); Hautenerus gen. nov. for Hautenerus australicus (Lea) comb. nov. (transferred from Teneropsis), Haute - nerus kioloa (Kolibáć) comb. nov. (transferred from Cregya) and Hautenerus leichhardti sp. nov. The three previously described species are redescribed. The systematic position of these taxa is discussed. Additionally, Tarsostenus hilaris (Westwood) comb. nov. is transferred from Tarsostenosis Heller and a revised key to Australian genera of Korynetinae is provided. © The State of Queensland, Queensland Museum 2013.


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Genetic and physiological studies often comprise genotypes diverse in vigour, size and flowering time. This can make the phenotyping of complex traits challenging, particularly those associated with canopy development, biomass and yield, as the environment of one genotype can be influenced by a neighbouring genotype. Limited seed and space may encourage field assessment in single, spaced rows or in small, unbordered plots, whereas the convenience of a controlled environment or greenhouse makes pot studies tempting. However, the relevance of such growing conditions to commercial field-grown crops is unclear and often doubtful. Competition for water, light and nutrients necessary for canopy growth will be variable where immediate neighbours are genetically different, particularly under stress conditions, where competition for resources and influence on productivity is greatest. Small hills and rod-rows maximise the potential for intergenotypic competition that is not relevant to a crop’s performance in monocultures. Response to resource availability will typically vary among diverse genotypes to alter genotype ranking and reduce heritability for all growth-related traits, with the possible exception of harvest index. Validation of pot experiments to performance in canopies in the field is essential, whereas the planting of multirow plots and the simple exclusion of plot borders at harvest will increase experimental precision and confidence in genotype performance in target environments.


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The following synonymies are proposed based on examination of primary types (lectotypes are designated for all taxa except those marked with a '*'): Lemidia spinnipennis Lea, 1907 syn. n. and Lemidia bicolor Schenkling, 1906 syn. n. = Lemidia biaculeata (Westwood); Lemidia mastersi Lea, 1907 syn. n. = Lemidia circumcincta Schenkling, 1906; Lemidia albonotata Pic, 1941 syn. n. = Lemidia laticeps Lea, 1907; Lemidia australiae Lea, 1907 syn. n. = Lemidia maculata Schenkling, 1902; Lemidia bilineatra Lea, 1907 syn. n. = Lemidia maculicollis Gorham, 1877; Lemidia decolor Pic, 1941 syn. n. = Lemidia munda Blackburn, 1892; *Phlogistus conspiciendus Elston, 1926 syn. n. = Mimolesterus ventralis (Westwood); Thanasimus cursorius Westwood, 1853 syn. n. and Stigmatium dispar Kuwert, 1894 syn. n. = Stigmatium acerbum (Newman); Stigmatium fasciatoventre Chevrolat, 1874 syn. n., Stigmatium flavescens Chevrolat, 1874 syn. n. and *Xestonotus eximius Kuwert, 1894 syn. n. = Stigmatium laevium Macleay, 1872; Stigmatium versipelle Gorham, 1876 syn. n. and Xestonotus (Cyclotomocerus) australicus Kuwert, 1894 syn. n. = Stigmatium varipes Chevrolat, 1876; Tarsostenus pulcher Macleay, 1872 syn. n. = *Tarsostenus carus (Newman, 1840). The available name Tarsosternus pulcher Macleay, 1872 is deemed a lapsus calami and emended to Tarsostenus pulcher Macleay, 1872.