71 resultados para Unit root test

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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A concentration as low as 1 μM lead (Pb) is highly toxic to plants, but previous studies have typically related plant growth to the total amount of Pb added to a solution. In the present experiment, the relative fresh mass of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) was reduced by 10% at a Pb2+ activity of 0.2 μM for the shoots and at a Pb2+ activity of 0.06 μM for the roots. The primary site of Pb2+ toxicity was the root, causing severe reductions in root growth, loss of apical dominance (shown by an increase in branching per unit root length), the formation of localized swellings behind the root tips (due to the initiation of lateral roots), and the bending of some root tips. In the root, Pb was found to accumulate primarily within the cell walls and intercellular spaces.


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This is a sub-project of the Australian Wheat and Barley Molecular Marker Program funded by GRDC and led by Drs Diane Mather and Ken Chalmers of University of Adelaide. In this sub-project we will supply phenotypic data on resistance to two species of root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus thornei and P. neglectus) on several populations of wheat doubled haploids. We will also supply existing genotypic data on one doubled haploid population. We will also test one population of doubled haploids (CPI133872/Janz) a second time for resistance to P. thornei and P. neglectus and supply this information to University of Adelaide for the development of molecular markers for use by wheat breeders in selecting for resistance to root-lesion nematodes.


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Loss of nitrogen in deep drainage from agriculture is an important issue for environmental and economic reasons, but limited field data is available for tropical crops. In this study, nitrogen (N) loads leaving the root zone of two major humid tropical crops in Australia, sugarcane and bananas, were measured. The two field sites, 57 km apart, had a similar soil type (a well drained Dermosol) and rainfall (∼2700 mm year -1) but contrasting crops and management. A sugarcane crop in a commercial field received 136-148 kg N ha -1 year -1 applied in one application each year and was monitored for 3 years (first to third ratoon crops). N treatments of 0-600 kg ha -1 year -1 were applied to a plant and following ratoon crop of bananas. N was applied as urea throughout the growing season in irrigation water through mini-sprinklers. Low-suction lysimeters were installed at a depth of 1 m under both crops to monitor loads of N in deep drainage. Drainage at 1 m depth in the sugarcane crops was 22-37% of rainfall. Under bananas, drainage in the row was 65% of rainfall plus irrigation for the plant crop, and 37% for the ratoon. Nitrogen leaching loads were low under sugarcane (<1-9 kg ha -1 year -1) possibly reflecting the N fertiliser applications being reasonably matched to crop requirements and at least 26 days between fertiliser application and deep drainage. Under bananas, there were large loads of N in deep drainage when N application rates were in excess of plant demand, even when applied fortnightly. The deep drainage loss of N attributable to N fertiliser, calculated by subtracting the loss from unfertilised plots, was 246 and 641 kg ha -1 over 2 crop cycles, which was equivalent to 37 and 63% of the fertiliser application for treatments receiving 710 and 1065 kg ha -1, respectively. Those rates of fertiliser application resulted in soil acidification to a depth of 0.6 m by as much as 0.6 of a unit at 0.1-0.2 m depth. The higher leaching losses from bananas indicated that they should be a priority for improved N management. Crown Copyright © 2012.


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Take home messages: Plant only high quality seed that has been germ and vigour tested and treated with a registered seed dressing Avoid poorly drained paddocks and those with a history of lucerne, medics or chickpea Phytophthora root rot, PRR; do not grow Boundary if you even suspect a PRR risk Select best variety suited to soil type, farming system and disease risk Beware Ascochyta: follow recommendations for your variety and district Minimise risk of virus by retaining stubble, planting on time and at optimal rate, controlling weeds and ensuring adequate plant nutrition Test soil to determine risk of salinity and sodicity – do not plant chickpeas if ECe > 1.0-1.3 dS/m. Beware early desiccation of seed crops – know how to tell when 90-95% seeds are mature


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The inheritance of resistance to root-lesion nematode was investigated in five synthetic hexaploid wheat lines and two bread wheat lines using a half-diallel design of F1 and F2 crosses. The combining ability of resistance genes in the synthetic hexaploid wheat lines was compared with the performance of the bread wheat line 'GS50a', the source of resistance to Pratylenchus thornei used in Australian wheat breeding programmes. Replicated glasshouse trials identified P. thornei resistance as polygenic and additive in gene action. General combining ability (GCA) of the parents was more important than specific combining ability (SCA) effects in the inheritance of P. thornei resistance in both F1 and F2 populations. The synthetic hexaploid wheat line 'CPI133872' was identified as the best general combiner, however, all five synthetic hexaploid wheat lines possessed better GCA than 'GS50a'. The synthetic hexaploid wheat lines contain novel sources of P. thornei resistance that will provide alternative and more effective sources of resistance to be utilized in wheat breeding programmes


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Rhizoctonia solani AG-2-2 was isolated from wilting and dying plants of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium), which is currently being assessed in eastern and southern Australia for its potential as a pasture and forage legume. Infected plants in the field had extensive rotting of the taproot, lateral roots and crown. Koch's postulates were fulfilled using three inoculation methods. The disease may pose a considerable threat to the potential use of H. coronarium in the dryland, grazing farming systems of Australia, with resistance offering the most viable option for minimising its impact.


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Non-parametric difference tests such as triangle and duo-trio tests traditionally are used to establish differences or similarities between products. However they only supply the researcher with partial answers and often further testing is required to establish the nature, size and direction of differences. This paper looks at the advantages of the difference from control (DFC) test (also known as degree of difference test) and discusses appropriate applications of the test. The scope and principle of the test, panel composition and analysis of results are presented with the aid of suitable examples. Two of the major uses of the DFC test are in quality control and shelf-life testing. The role DFC takes in these areas and the use of other tests to complement the testing is discussed. Controls or standards are important in both these areas and the use of standard products, mental and written standards and blind controls are highlighted. The DFC test has applications in products where the duo-trio and triangle tests cannot be used because of the normal heterogeneity of the product. While the DFC test is a simple difference test it can be structured to give the researcher more valuable data and scope to make informed decisions about their product.


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The dwarf somaclonal variant is a major problem affecting micropropagation of the banana cultivar Williams (Musa spp. AAA; subgroup Cavendish). This problem arises from genetic changes that occur during the tissue culture process. Early identification of this problem is difficult and propagators must wait until plants are ex vitro in order to visualise the dwarfism phenotype. In this study, we have improved a SCAR-based molecular diagnostic technique, developed by Damasco et al. [Acta Hortic. 461 (1997) 157], for the early identification of dwarf off-types. We have included a positive internal control in a multiplex PCR and adapted the technique for use with small amounts of fresh in vitro leaf material as PCR template. The control product is a 500 bp fragment from 18S rRNA and is amplified in all tissues irrespective of phenotype. The use of small in vitro leaf material removing the need for genomic DNA extraction.


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Two human deaths caused by Australian bat lyssavirus (ABL) infection have been reported since 1996. Information was obtained from 205 persons (mostly adults from south Brisbane and the South Coast of Queensland), who reported potential ABL exposure to the Brisbane Southside Public Health Unit from November 1,1996, to January 31, 1999. Volunteer animal handlers accounted for 39% of potential exposures, their family members for 12%, professional animal handlers for 14%, community members who intentionally handled bats for 31%, and community members with contacts initiated by bats for 4%. The prevalence of Lyssavirus detected by fluorescent antibody test in 366 sick, injured, or orphaned bats from the area was 6%. Sequelae of exposure, including the requirement for expensive postexposure prophylaxis, may be reduced by educating bat handlers and the public of the risks involved in handling Australian bats.


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The aim of this study was to compare the use of indirect haemagglutination (IHA) and gel diffusion (GD) tests for serotyping Haemophilus parasuis by the Kielstein-Rapp-Gabrielson scheme. All 15 serovar reference strains, 72 Australian field isolates, nine Chinese field isolates, and seven isolates from seven experimentally infected pigs were evaluated with both tests. With the IHA test, 14 of the 15 reference strains were correctly serotyped – with serovar 10 failing to give a titre with serovar 10 antiserum. In the GD test, 13 reference strains were correctly serotyped – with antigen from serovars 7 and 8 failing to react with any antiserum. The IHA methodology serotyped a total of 45 of 81 field isolates while the GD methodology serotyped a total of 48 isolates. For 29 isolates, the GD and IHA methods gave discordant results. It was concluded that the IHA is a good additional test for the serotyping of H. parasuis by the KRG scheme if the GD methodology fails to provide a result or shows unusual cross-reactions.


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Degradation of RNA in diagnostic specimens can cause false-negative test results and potential misdiagnosis when tests rely on the detection of specific RNA sequence. Current molecular methods of checking RNA integrity tend to be host species or group specific, necessitating libraries of primers and reaction conditions. The objective here was to develop a universal (multi-species) quality assurance tool for determining the integrity of RNA in animal tissues submitted to a laboratory for analyses. Ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) transcribed from the mitochondrial 16S rDNA was used as template material for reverse transcription to cDNA and was amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). As mitochondrial DNA has a high level of conservation, the primers used were shown to reverse transcribe and amplify RNA from every animal species tested. Deliberate degradation of rRNA template through temperature abuse of samples resulted in no reverse transcription and amplification. Samples spiked with viruses showed that single-stranded viral RNA and rRNA in the same sample degraded at similar rates, hence reverse transcription and PCR amplification of 16S rRNA could be used as a test of sample integrity and suitability for analysis that required the sample's RNA, including viral RNA. This test will be an invaluable quality assurance tool for determination of RNA integrity from tissue samples, thus avoiding erroneous test results that might occur if degraded target RNA is used unknowingly as template material for reverse transcription and subsequent PCR amplification.


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Strawberry runner production areas in Queensland are assessed for the presence of Pratylenchus vulnus (lesion nematode) and Meloidogyne hapla (root-knot nematode) as part of the approval process for sites used in runner production under the approved runner scheme. M. hapla is known to infest strawberry. The ability of three other Meloidogyne species occurring in Queensland to infest this host was investigated. The species M. arenaria, M. incognita and M. javanica, in addition to M. hapla, were able to reproduce on strawberry roots of the cultivar 'Joy', which sustained higher nematode reproduction rates than 'Jewel' and 'Sweet Charlie'. The ability of species other than M. hapla to infest strawberry needs to be recognised in site selection for runner production, and in screening cultivars for resistance to nematodes.


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Infectious coryza is an upper respiratory tract disease of chickens with the major impact occurring in multi-age flocks. We investigated the relationship between the level of antibodies, as detected by a haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) assay, in infectious coryza-vaccinated chickens and the protection against challenge in those chickens. In one experiment, chickens given a single dose of either of two infectious coryza vaccines lacked a detectable HI response to vaccination but showed significant levels of protection 11 weeks after vaccination. In contrast, in chickens given two doses of an infectious coryza vaccine and challenged 3 weeks after the second vaccine dose, there was a strong serological response with 36/40 birds having a HI titre of 1/20 or greater. In this trial there was an apparent relationship between titre and subsequent protection, with none of the 32 chickens with a titre of 1/40 or 1/80 showing any clinical signs and only one of the same group yielding the challenge organism on culture. In contrast, three of the four vaccinated chickens with a HI titre less than 1/5 developed the typical clinical signs of coryza and yielded the challenge organism on culture. Overall, our results suggest that HI titres cannot be regarded as a definitive predictor of vaccine efficacy. We suggest that the vaccination-challenge trial is the gold standard for the evaluation of the immune response to infectious coryza vaccines.


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In recent years, there have been significant developments in climate science relevant to agriculture and natural resource management. Assessing impacts of climate variability and use of seasonal climate forecasts have become increasingly important elements in the management "toolkit" for many Australian farmers. Consideration of climate change further increases the need for improved management strategies. While climate risk extension activities have kept pace with advances in climate science, a national review of the Vocational Education and Training system in Australia in relation to "weather and climate" showed that these topics were "poorly represented" at the management level in the Australian Qualifications Framework, and needed increased emphasis. Consequently, a new Unit of Competency concerning management of climatic risk was developed and accredited to address this deficiency. The objective of the unit was to build knowledge and skills for better management of climate variability via the elements of surveying climatic and enterprise data; analysing climatic risks and opportunities; and developing climatic risk management strategies. This paper describes establishment of a new unit for vocational education that is designed to harness recent developments in applied climate science for better management of Australia's highly variable climate. The main benefits of the new unit of competency, "Developing climatic risk management strategies,"were seen as improving decisions in climate and agriculture, and reducing climate risk exposure to enhance sustainable agriculture. The educational unit is now within the scope of agricultural colleges, universities, and registered training organisations as an accredited unit.


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Brassicaceae plants have the potential as part of an integrated approach to replace fumigant nematicides, providing the biofumigation response following their incorporation is not offset by reproduction of plant-parasitic nematodes on their roots. Forty-three Brassicaceae cultivars were screened in a pot trial for their ability to reduce reproduction of three root-knot nematode isolates from north Queensland, Australia: M. arenaria (NQ1), M. javanica (NQ2) and M. arenaria race 2 (NQ5/7). No cultivar was found to consistently reduce nematode reproduction relative to forage sorghum, the current industry standard, although a commercial fodder radish (Raphanus sativus) and a white mustard (Sinapis alba) line were consistently as resistant to the formation of galls as forage sorghum. A second pot trial screened five commercially available Brassicaceae cultivars, selected for their biofumigation potential, for resistance to two nematode species, M. javanica (NQ2) and M. arenaria (NQ5/7). The fodder radish cv. Weedcheck, was found to be as resistant as forage sorghum to nematode reproduction. A multivariate cluster analysis using the resistance measurements, gall index, nematode number per g of root and multiplication for two nematode species (NQ2 and NQ5/7) confirmed the similarity in resistance between the radish cultivar and forage sorghum. A field trial confirmed the resistance of the fodder radish cv. Weedcheck, with a similar reduction in the number of Meloidogyne spp. juveniles recovered from the roots 8 weeks after planting. The use of fodder radish cultivars as biofumigation crops to manage root-knot nematodes in tropical vegetable production systems deserves further investigation.