14 resultados para Three ducks on a wall

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Sorghum is a staple food for half a billion people and, through growth on marginal land with minimal inputs, is an important source of feed, forage and increasingly, biofuel feedstock. Here we present information about non-cellulosic cell wall polysaccharides in a diverse set of cultivated and wild Sorghum bicolor grains. Sorghum grain contains predominantly starch (64–76) but is relatively deficient in other polysaccharides present in wheat, oats and barley. Despite overall low quantities, sorghum germplasm exhibited a remarkable range in polysaccharide amount and structure. Total (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan ranged from 0.06 to 0.43 (w/w) whilst internal cellotriose:cellotetraose ratios ranged from 1.8 to 2.9:1. Arabinoxylan amounts fell between 1.5 and 3.6 (w/w) and the arabinose:xylose ratio, denoting arabinoxylan structure, ranged from 0.95 to 1.35. The distribution of these and other cell wall polysaccharides varied across grain tissues as assessed by electron microscopy. When ten genotypes were tested across five environmental sites, genotype (G) was the dominant source of variation for both (1,3;1,4)-β-glucan and arabinoxylan content (69–74), with environment (E) responsible for 5–14. There was a small G × E effect for both polysaccharides. This study defines the amount and spatial distribution of polysaccharides and reveals a significant genetic influence on cell wall composition in sorghum grain.


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Mounting levels of insecticide resistance within Australian Helicoverpa spp. populations have resulted in the adoption of non-chemical IPM control practices such as trap cropping with chickpea, Cicer arietinum (L.). However, a new leaf blight disease affecting chickpea in Australia has the potential to limit its use as a trap crop. Therefore this paper evaluates the potential of a variety of winter-active legume crops for use as an alternative spring trap crop to chickpea as part of an effort to improve the area-wide management strategy for Helicoverpa spp. in central Queensland’s cotton production region. The densities of Helicoverpa eggs and larvae were compared over three seasons on replicated plantings of chickpea, Cicer arietinum (L.), field pea Pisum sativum (L), vetch, Vicia sativa (L.) and faba bean, Vicia faba (L.). Of these treatments, field pea was found to harbour the highest densities of eggs. A partial life table study of the fate of eggs oviposited on field pea and chickpea suggested that large proportions of the eggs laid on field pea suffered mortality due to dislodgment from the plants after oviposition. Plantings of field pea as a replacement trap crop for chickpea under commercial conditions confirmed the high level of attractiveness of this crop to ovipositing moths. The use of field pea as a trap crop as part of an areawide management programme for Helicoverpa spp. is discussed.


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The primary aim of this study was to determine the relationship between telomere length and age in a range of marine invertebrates including abalone (Haliotis spp) oysters (Saccostrea glomerata), spiny lobsters (Sagmariasus verreauxi formerly Jasus verreauxi and Jasus edwardsii) and school prawns (Metapenaeus macleayi). Additionally, this relationship was studied in a vertebrate organism using the freshwater fish Silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus). Telomere length differences between tissues were also examined in some species such as Saccostrea glomerata, Sagmariasus verreauxi and Bidyanus bidyanus. In some cases cultured specimens of known age were used and this is quoted in the spreadsheets. For other wild-caught specimens where age was not known, size was used as a proxy for age. This may be a broad size class, or be determined by shell size or carapace length depending on the organism. Each spreadsheet contains raw data of telomere length estimates from Terminal Restriction Fragment Assays (TRF) for various individuals of each species including appropriate details such as age or size and tissue. Telomere length estimates are given in base pairs (bp). In most cases replicate experiments were conducted on groups of samples three times but on a small number of occasions only two replicate experiments were conducted. Further description of the samples can be found in final report of FRDC 2007/033. The arithmetic average for each individual (sample ID) across the two or three replicate experiments is also given. Bidyanus bidyanus (SilverPerch) Two sheets are contained within. a) Comparison of telomere length between different tissues (heart, liver and muscle) within the three year old age class - two replicate experiments were conducted. b) Comparison of telomere length between fish of different but known ages (0.25, 1, 2, and 3 years old) in each of three tissues, heart, liver and muscle – three replicate experiments were conducted per tissue. Haliotis spp (Abalone species) Three species were tested. H. asinina Telomere length was compared in two age classes-11 month and 18 month old abalone using muscle tissue from the foot. Within gel-variation was also estimated using a single sample run three times on one gel (replicate experiment). H. laevigata x H. rubra hybrids Telomere length was compared in three known age classes – two, three and four years old using muscle tissue from the foot. H. rubra Telomere length was compared in a range of different sized abalone using muscle tissue from the foot. Shell size is also given for each abalone Saccostrea glomerata Three sheets are contained within the file. a) Samples came from Moreton Bay Queensland in 2007. Telomere length was compared in two tissues (gill and mantle) of oysters in three age groups (1, 3 and 4 years) b) Samples came from Moreton Bay Queensland in 2009. Telomere length was compared in three age classes using DNA from gill tissue only c) Samples came from Wallis Lake, New South Wales. Telomere length was estimated from whole body minus the shell from 1 year old oysters, gill tissue of 3 age classes (1.5 years, 3 and 4 years), mantle tissue of two age classes (3 and 4 years). Sagmariasus verreauxi (formerly Jasus verreauxi) Telomere length was estimated from abdomen tissue of puerulus, gill and muscle tissue of 3 year old, large and very large size classes of lobsters. Jasus edwardsii Telomere length was measured in two size classes of lobsters- adults of varying sizes using muscle tissue and puerulus using tissues from the abdomen minus the exoskeleton. Metapenaeus macleayi Telomere length was measured in three size classes of school prawns adults. Muscle tissue was used, minus the exoskeleton.


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Three defects on barley grain can impact on the price paid to grain growers. Black point (BP), kernel staining (KS) and pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) can result in malting barley being downgraded to feed. Resistance to these defects is the best option, and in this project hundreds of breeding lines grown over three years were screened for these traits. A number of lines exhibited resistance to each defect but very few had resistance to all defects. The results from the screening program have been provided to the Australian barley breeders through the Barley Breeding Australia (BBA) program.


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Silverleaf whitefly (SLW), Bemisia tabaci biotype B, is a major horticultural pest that costs Queensland vegetable growers millions of dollars in lost production and control measures each year. In the Bowen and Burdekin districts of North Queensland, the major cultivated SLW host crops are tomatoes, melons, green beans, pumpkins, eggplants, and cucumbers, which cover a total production area of approximately 6500 ha. Eretmocerus hayati, an effective SLW parasitoid, was imported into Australia by CSIRO in 2002 and released from quarantine in 2004. In 2006, DAFF established a mass-rearing unit for E. hayati at Bowen Research Station to provide E. hayati for release on vegetable farms within its SLW integrated pest management research program. A total of 1.3 million E. hayati were released over three seasons on 34 vegetable farms in the Bowen and Burdekin districts (October 2006 to December 2008). Post-release samplings were conducted across the release area over this time period with parasitism levels recorded in tomatoes, melons, beans, eggplants, pumpkins, and various SLW weed hosts. Sample data show that E. hayati established at most release sites as well as some non-release sites, indicating natural spread. Overall results from these three years of evaluation clearly demonstrated that E hayati releases played a significant role in SLW control. In most crops sampled, E hayati exerted between 30 and 80% parasitism. Even in regularly sprayed crops, such as tomato and eggplant, E. hayati was able to achieve an overall average parasitism of 45%.


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The problem of cannibalism in communally reared crabs can be eliminated by separating the growing crabs into holding compartments. There is currently no information on optimal compartment size for growing crabs individually. 136 second instar crablets (Portunus sanguinolentus) (C2 ca. 7-10 mm carapace width (CW)) were grown for 90 days in 10 different-sized opaque and transparent walled acrylic compartments. The base area for each compartment ranged from small (32 mm × 32 mm) to large (176 mm × 176 mm). Effects of holding space and wall transparency on survival, CW, moult increment, intermoult period and average weekly gain (AWG) were examined. Most crabs reached instars C9-C10 (50-70 mm CW) by the end of experiment. The final survival rate in the smallest compartment was 25% mainly due to moult-related mortality predominantly occurring at the C9 instar. However, crabs in these smaller compartments had earlier produced significantly larger moult increments from instar to instar than those in the larger compartments (P < 0.05). Crabs in the smaller compartments (<65 mm × 65 mm) also showed significantly longer moult periods (P < 0.05). The net result was that AWG in CW was 5.22 mm week-1 for the largest compartment and 5.15 mm week-1 in smallest and did not differ significantly between compartment size groups (P = 0.916). Wall transparency had no impact on survival (P = 0.530) but a slight impact on AWG (P = 0.014). Survival rate was the best indicator of minimum acceptable compartment size (?43 mm × 43 mm) for C10 crablets because below this size death occurred before growth rate was significantly affected. For further growth, it would be necessary to transfer the crablets to larger compartments.


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Botryosphaeria rhodina (anamorph Lasiodiplodia theobromae) is a common endophyte and opportunistic pathogen on more than 500 tree species in the tropics and subtropics. During routine disease surveys of plantations in Australia and Venezuela several isolates differing from L. theobromae were identified and subsequently characterized based upon morphology and ITS and EF1-a nucleotide sequences. These isolates grouped into three strongly supported clades related to but different from the known taxa, B. rhodina and L. gonubiensis, These have been described here as three new species L. venezuelensis sp. nov., L. crassispora sp. nov. and L. rubropurpurea sp. nov. The three could be distinguished easily from each other and the two described species of Lasiodiplodia, thus confirming phylogenetic separations. Furthermore all five Lasiodiplodia spp. now recognized separated from Diplodia spp. and Dothiorella spp. with 100% bootstrap support.


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Three new species of Tilletia are reported from grasses in northern Australia, namely T. pseudoraphidis on Pseudoraphis spinescens, T. sehimicola on Sehima nervosum and T. majuscula on Yakirra majuscula.


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Fruit drop in lychee can cause major yield losses in Australia, the severity varying with cultivar and season. Research in China, South Africa and Israel has demonstrated the potential for synthetic auxins used as foliar sprays to reduce fruit drop in lychee. Trials were initiated in Australia to test the efficacy of the synthetic auxin, 3-5-6 Trichloro-2-phridyl-oxyacetic acid (3-5-6 TPA) at 50 ppm on the cultivars Tai So, Fay Zee Sui and Kwai Mai Pink. Results indicate that in most cases the TPA reduced natural fruit drop however the size of the fruit at the time of application affects the response and the ideal application time varies with cultivar; approximately 13 mm fruit length in 'Kwai Mai Pink', 20 mm in 'Fay Zee Sui' and 27 mm in 'Tai So'. If applied too early in 'Tai So', it caused an increase in fruit drop. The TPA was most effective when natural fruit drop was high, reducing fruit drop from 74.7 to 34.9% in 'Kwai Mai Pink' and least effective when natural fruit drop was low. An increase in the percentage of fruit with poorly developed (chicken tongue) seed and slightly larger fruit size was also observed in treated trees.


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Three species of Australian endemic catsharks (grey spotted catshark Asymbolus analis, orange spotted catshark A. rubiginosus and Australian sawtail shark Figaro boardmani) were collected from the trawl grounds of a highly seasonal commercial fishery off southern Queensland, Australia. Specimens were collected on the mid to outer continental shelf at depths between 78 and 168 m. This study provides the first information on the reproductive biology of these three poorly-known species. Mature female and male A. analis were observed from 455 mm total length (TL), mature female A. rubiginosus from 410 mm TL, mature male A. rubiginosus from 405 mm TL, mature female F. boardmani from 402 mm TL and mature male F. boardmani from 398 mm TL (although a lack of immature specimens precluded more accurate assessments of size at maturity). The reproductive mode of all species was confirmed as single oviparous (carrying only one egg case in each uterus at a time). Ovarian fecundity (the number of vitellogenic follicles) ranged from 7-20 in A. analis, 5-23 in A. rubiginosus and 9-13 in F. boardmani. Several indicators suggest that Asymbolus catsharks off southern Queensland are reproductively active year-round. The proportion of female A. rubiginosus carrying egg cases was highest in spring (60%), intermediate in autumn (50%) and lowest in winter (44%).


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Three common pests (eucalypt tortoise beetle Paropsis atomaria, leaf blister sawfly Phylacteophaga froggatti and eriophyid mites) of commercial spotted gum plantations were assessed for their crown damage levels on parent and hybrid Corymbia taxa ( Corymbia torelliana, C. citriodora subsp. variegata and their hybrid) at three common-garden field sites. Damage levels differed significantly between sites for all three herbivore species, and between taxa for eriophyid mites and P. atomaria. However, herbivore response to hybridisation only differed for P. atomaria between sites, even where damage levels did not. Hybrids exhibited three common patterns of susceptibility relative to parent taxa, being most commonly intermediate to their parents for crown damage (additive resistance pattern), or no difference between parents and hybrids, or with one incidence of dominance for susceptibility.


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Lemon myrtle, anise myrtle, and Tasmanian pepper leaf are commercial Australian native herbs with a high volatile or essential oil content. Packaging of the herbs in high- or low-density polyethylene (HDPE and LDPE) has proven to be ineffective in preventing a significant loss of volatile components on storage. This study investigates and compares the effectiveness of alternate high-barrier property packaging materials, namely, polyvinylidene chloride coated polyethylene terephthalate/casted polypropylene (PVDC coated PET/CPP) and polyethylene terephthalate/polyethylene terephthalate/aluminum foil/linear low-density polyethylene (PET/PET/Foil/LLDPE), in prevention of volatile compound loss from the three native herbs stored at ambient temperature for 6 months. Concentrations of major volatiles were monitored using gas chromatography?mass spectrometry (GC-MS) techniques. After 6 months of storage, the greatest loss of volatiles from lemon myrtle was observed in traditional LDPE packaging (87% loss) followed by storage in PVDC coated PET/CPP (58% loss) and PET/PET/Foil/LLDPE (loss of 23%). The volatile loss from anise myrtle and Tasmanian pepper leaf stored in PVDC coated PET/CPP and PET/PET/Foil/LLDPE packaging was <30%. This study clearly indicates the importance of selecting the correct packaging material to retain the quality of herbs with high volatile content.


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The relative efficacies of three chemically different nano-silver (NS) formulations were evaluated for their potential to extend the vase life of short-lived cut Acacia holosericea foliage. The novel proprietary formulations were neutral NS, acidic NS and ionic NS. They were characterised in terms of particle size, pH value, colour and odour. The NS treatments were applied as vase (lower concentrations) or pulse (higher concentrations) solutions. Among the treatments compared, neutral NS as a 4 mg L-1 vase solution or as a 40 mg L-1 24 h pulse treatment and acidic NS as a 0.5 mg L-1 vase solution or as a 5 mg L-1 24 h pulse treatment significantly (P <= 0.05) extended the vase life of A. holosericea. Vase life extensions over the deionised water (DI) controls were associated with better maintenance of relative fresh weight and vase water uptake, suppression of bacterial growth in the vase water and stem-end, and delaying stem blockage. In contrast, ionic-NS applied as a 0.5 or 1 mg L-1 vase solution treatment or as a 5 or 10 mg L-1 pulse treatment caused severe phytotoxicity to cut A. holosericea stems. The results suggest that NS treatments, especially neutral NS and acidic NS pulse treatments, could be a potential postharvest technology for commercial application to cut A. holosericea. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three new species of Tilletia are described from species of Eriachne (Poaceae) in the arid tropics of north-western Australia. In Western Australia, T. mactaggartii sp. nov. infects E. burkittii, and T. geeringii sp. nov. infects E. festucacea. Tilletia marjaniae sp. nov. infects E. pulchella subsp. dominii in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. These species are the first records of Tilletia on Eriachne. Phylogenetic relationships of these species were inferred from internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal RNA region and large subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences.