em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are obligate, sedentary endoparasites that infect many plant species causing large economic losses worldwide. Available nematicides are being banned due to their toxicity or ozone-depleting properties and alternative control strategies are urgently required. We have produced transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants expressing different dsRNA hairpin structures targeting a root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) putative transcription factor, MjTis11. We provide evidence that MjTis11 was consistently silenced in nematodes feeding on the roots of transgenic plants. The observed silencing was specific for MjTis11, with other sequence-unrelated genes being unaffected in the nematodes. Those transgenic plants able to induce silencing of MjTis11, also showed the presence of small interfering RNAs. Even though down-regulation of MjTis11 did not result in a lethal phenotype, this study demonstrates the feasibility of silencing root-knot nematode genes by expressing dsRNA in the host plant. Host-delivered RNA interference-triggered (HD-RNAi) silencing of parasite genes provides a novel disease resistance strategy with wide biotechnological applications. The potential of HD-RNAi is not restricted to parasitic nematodes but could be adapted to control other plant-feeding pests.


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In a study towards elucidating the role of aromatases during puberty in female grey mullet, the cDNAs of the brain (muCyp19b) and ovarian (muCyp19a) aromatase were isolated by RT-PCR and their relative expression levels were determined by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. The muCyp19a ORF of 1515 bp encoded 505 predicted amino acid residues, while that of muCyp19b was 1485 bp and encoded 495 predicted amino acid residues. The expression level of muCyp19b significantly increased in the brain as puberty advanced; however, its expression level in the pituitary increased only slightly with pubertal development. In the ovary, the muCyp19a expression level markedly increased as puberty progressed. The promoter regions of the two genes were also isolated and their functionality evaluated in vitro using luciferase as the reporter gene. The muCyp19a promoter sequence (650 bp) contained a consensus TATA box and putative transcription factor binding sites, including two half EREs, an SF-1, an AhR/Arnt, a PR and two GATA-3s. The muCyp19b promoter sequence (2500 bp) showed consensus TATA and CCAAT boxes and putative transcription binding sites, namely: a PR, an ERE, a half ERE, a SP-1, two GATA-binding factor, one half GATA-1, two C/EBPs, a GRE, a NFkappaB, three STATs, a PPAR/RXR, an Ahr/Arnt and a CRE. Basal activity of serially deleted promoter constructs transiently transfected into COS-7, [alpha]T3 and TE671 cells demonstrated the enhancing and silencing roles of the putative transcription factor binding sites. Quinpirole, a dopamine agonist, significantly reduced the promoter activity of muCyp19b in TE671. The results suggest tissue-specific regulation of the muCyp19 genes and a putative alternative promoter for muCyp19b.


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In crustaceans, a range of physiological processes involved in ovarian maturation occurs in organs of the cephalothorax including the hepatopancrease, mandibular and Y-organ. Additionally, reproduction is regulated by neuropeptide hormones and other proteins released from secretory sites within the eyestalk. Reproductive dysfunction in captive-reared prawns, Penaeus monodon, is believed to be due to deficiencies in these factors. In this study, we investigated the expression of gene transcripts in the cephalothorax and eyestalk from wild-caught and captive-reared animals throughout ovarian maturation using custom oligonucleotide microarray screening. We have isolated numerous transcripts that appear to be differentially expressed throughout ovarian maturation and between wild-caught and captive-reared animals. In the cephalothorax, differentially expressed genes included the 1,3-beta-D-glucan-binding high-density lipoprotein, 2/3-oxoacyl-CoA thiolase and vitellogenin. In the eyestalk, these include gene transcripts that encode a protein that modulates G-protein coupled receptor activity and another that encodes an architectural transcription factor. Each may regulate the expression of reproductive neuropeptides, such as the crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone and molt-inhibiting hormone. We could not identify differentially expressed transcripts encoding known reproductive neuropeptides in the eyestalk of either wild-caught or captive-reared prawns at any ovarian maturation stage, however, this result may be attributed to low relative expression levels of these transcripts. In summary, this study provides a foundation for the study of target genes involved in regulating penaeid reproduction.


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A typical barley (Hordeum vulgare) floret consists of reproductive organs three stamens and a pistil, and non-reproductive organs-lodicules and two floral bracts, abaxial called 'lemma' and adaxial 'palea'. The floret is subtended by two additional bracts called outer or empty glumes. Together these organs form the basic structural unit of the grass inflorescence, a spikelet. There are commonly three spikelets at each rachis (floral stem of the barley spike) node, one central and two lateral spikelets. Rare naturally occurring or induced phenotypic variants that contain a third bract subtending the central spikelets have been described in barley. The gene responsible for this phenotype was called the THIRD OUTER GLUME1 (Trd1). The Trd1 mutants fail to suppress bract growth and as a result produce leaf-like structures that subtend each rachis node in the basal portion of the spike. Also, floral development at the collar is not always suppressed. In rice and maize, recessive mutations in NECK LEAF1 (Nl1) and TASSEL SHEATH1 (Tsh1) genes, respectively, have been shown to be responsible for orthologous phenotypes. Fine mapping of the trd1 phenotype in an F-3 recombinant population enabled us to position on the long arm of chromosome 1H to a 10 cM region. We anchored this to a conserved syntenic region on rice chromosome Os05 and selected a set of candidate genes for validation by resequencing PCR amplicons from a series of independent mutant alleles. This analysis revealed that a GATA transcription factor, recently proposed to be Trd1, contained mutations in 10 out of 14 independent trd1 mutant alleles that would generate non-functional TRD1 proteins. Together with genetic linkage data, we confirm the identity of Trd1 as the GATA transcription factor ortholog of rice Nl1 and maize Tsh1 genes.