8 resultados para Systemic integrated analysis

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypiifolia L.) is an invasive weed that has the potential to greatly reduce biodiversity and pasture productivity in northern Australia’s rangelands. This paper reports an approach to develop best practice options for controlling medium to dense infestations of bellyache bush using combinations of control methods. The efficacy of five single treatments including foliar spraying, slashing, stick raking, burning and do nothing (control) were compared against 15 combinations of these treatments over 4 successive years. Treatments were evaluated using several attributes, including plant mortality, changes in population demographics, seedling recruitment, pasture yield and cost of treatment. Foliar spraying once each year for 4 years proved the most cost-effective control strategy, with no bellyache bush plants recorded at the end of the study. Single applications of slashing, stick raking and to a lesser extent burning, when followed up with foliar spraying also led to significantly reduced densities of bellyache bush and changed the population from a growing one to a declining one. Total experimental cost estimates over 4 successive years for treatments where burning, stick raking, foliar spraying, and slashing were followed with foliar spraying were AU$408, AU$584, AU$802 and AU$789 ha–1, respectively. Maximum pasture yield of 5.4 t ha–1 occurred with repeated foliar spraying. This study recommends that treatment combinations using either foliar spraying alone or as a follow up with slashing, stick raking or burning are best practice options following consideration of the level of control, changes in pasture yield and cost effectiveness.


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The Rhipicephalus micro plus genome is large and complex in structure, making it difficult to assemble a genome sequence and costly to resource the required bioinformatics. In light of this, a consortium of international collaborators was formed to pool resources to begin sequencing this genome. We have acquired and assembled genomic DNA into contigs that represent over 1.8 Gigabase pairs of DNA from gene-enriched regions of the R. micro plus genome. We also have several datasets containing transcript sequences from a number of gene expression experiments conducted by the consortium. A web-based resource was developed to enable the scientific community to access our datasets and conduct analysis through a web-based bioinformatics environment called YABI. The collective bioinformatics resource is termed CattleTickBase. Our consortium has acquired genomic and transcriptomic sequence data at approximately 0.9X coverage of the gene-coding regions of the R. microplus genome. The YABI tool will facilitate access and manipulation of cattle tick genome sequence data as the genome sequencing of R. microplus proceeds. During this process the CattleTickBase resource will continue to be updated. Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Australian Society for Parasitology Inc.


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This research aimed to develop and evaluate pre- and postharvest management strategies to reduce stem end rot (SER) incidence and extend saleable life of 'Carabao' mango fruits in Southern Philippines. Preharvest management focused on the development and improvement of fungicide spray program, while postharvest management aimed to develop alternative interventions aside from hot water treatment (HWT). Field evaluation of systemic fungicides, namely azoxystrobin ( Amistar 25SC), tebuconazole ( Folicur 25WP), carbendazim ( Goldazim 500SC), difenoconazole ( Score 250SC) and azoxystrobin+difenoconazole ( Amistar Top), reduced blossom blight severity and improved fruit setting and retention, resulting in higher fruit yield but failed to sufficiently suppress SER incidence. Based on these findings, an improved fungicide spray program was developed taking into account the infection process of SER pathogens and fungicide resistance. Timely application of protectant (mancozeb) and systemic fungicides (azoxystrobin, carbendazim and difenoconazole) during the most critical stages of mango flower and fruit development ensured higher harvestable fruit yield and minimally lowered SER incidence. Control of SER was also achieved by employing postharvest treatment such as HWT (52-55°C for 10 min), which significantly prolonged the saleable life of mango fruits. However, extended hot water treatment (EHWT; 46°C pulp temperature for 15 min), rapid heat treatment (RHT; 59°C for 30-60 sec), fungicide dip and promising biological control agents failed to satisfactorily reduce SER and prolong saleable life. In contrast, the integration of the improved spray program as preharvest management practice, and postharvest treatments such as HWT and fungicide dips (azoxystrobin, 150-175 ppm; carbendazim, 312.5 ppm; and tebuconazole, 125-156 ppm), significantly reduced disease and extended marketable life for utmost 8 days.


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The ubiquitous fungal pathogen Macrophomina phaseolina is best known as causing charcoal rot and premature death when host plants are subject to post-flowering stress. Overseas reports of M.phaseolina causing a rapid rot during the sprouting of Australian mungbean seed resulted in an investigation of the possible modes of infection of seed. Isolations from serial portions of 10 mungbean plants naturally infected with the pathogen revealed that on most plants there were discrete portions of infected tissue separated by apparently healthy tissue. The results from these studies, together with molecular analysis of isolates collected from infected tissue on two of the plants, suggested that aerial infection of aboveground parts by different isolates is common. Inoculations of roots and aboveground parts of mungbean plants at nine temperaturexsoil moisture incubation combinations and of detached green pods strongly supported the concept that seed infection results from infection of pods by microsclerotia, rather than from hyphae growing systemically through the plant after root or stem infection. This proposal is reinforced by anecdotal evidence that high levels of seed infection are common when rainfall occurs during pod fill, and by the isolation of M.phaseolina from soil peds collected on pods of mungbean plants in the field. However, other experiments showed that when inoculum was placed within 130mm of a green developing pod and a herbicide containing paraquat and diquat was sprayed on the inoculated plants, M.phaseolina was capable of some systemic growth from vegetative tissue into the pods and seeds.


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Grain protein composition determines quality traits, such as value for food, feedstock, and biomaterials uses. The major storage proteins in sorghum are the prolamins, known as kafirins. Located primarily on the periphery of the protein bodies surrounding starch, cysteine-rich beta- and gamma-kafirins may limit enzymatic access to internally positioned alpha-kafirins and starch. An integrated approach was used to characterize sorghum with allelic variation at the kafirin loci to determine the effects of this genetic diversity on protein expression. Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography and lab-on-a-chip analysis showed reductions in alcohol-soluble protein in beta-kafirin null lines. Gel-based separation and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry identified a range of redox active proteins affecting storage protein biochemistry. Thioredoxin, involved in the processing of proteins at germination, has reported impacts on grain digestibility and was differentially expressed across genotypes. Thus, redox states of endosperm proteins, of which kafirins are a subset, could affect quality traits in addition to the expression of proteins.


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Summary We have determined the full-length 14,491-nucleotide genome sequence of a new plant rhabdovirus, alfalfa dwarf virus (ADV). Seven open reading frames (ORFs) were identified in the antigenomic orientation of the negative-sense, single-stranded viral RNA, in the order 3′-N-P-P3-M-G-P6-L-5′. The ORFs are separated by conserved intergenic regions and the genome coding region is flanked by complementary 3′ leader and 5′ trailer sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleoprotein amino acid sequence indicated that this alfalfa-infecting rhabdovirus is related to viruses in the genus Cytorhabdovirus. When transiently expressed as GFP fusions in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves, most ADV proteins accumulated in the cell periphery, but unexpectedly P protein was localized exclusively in the nucleus. ADV P protein was shown to have a homotypic, and heterotypic nuclear interactions with N, P3 and M proteins by bimolecular fluorescence complementation. ADV appears unique in that it combines properties of both cytoplasmic and nuclear plant rhabdoviruses.


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Cyperus iria is a weed of rice with widespread occurrence throughout the world. Because of concerns about excessive and injudicious use of herbicides, cultural weed management approaches that are safe and economical are needed. Developing such approaches will require a better understanding of weed biology and ecology, as well as of weed response to increases in crop density and nutrition. Knowledge of the effects of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on crop-weed competitive interactions could also help in the development of integrated weed management strategies. The present study was conducted in a screenhouse to determine the effects of rice planting density (0, 5, 10, and 20 plants pot−1) and N rate (0, 50, 100, and 150 kg ha−1) on the growth of C. iria. Tiller number per plant decreased by 73–88%, leaf number by 85–94%, leaf area by 85–98%, leaf biomass by 92–99%, and inflorescence biomass by 96–99% when weed plants were grown at 20 rice plants pot−1 (i.e., 400 plants m−2) compared with weed plants grown alone. All of these parameters increased when N rates were increased. On average, weed biomass increased by 118–389% and rice biomass by 121–275% with application of 50–150 kg N ha−1, compared to control. Addition of N favored weed biomass production relative to rice biomass. Increased N rates reduced the root-to-shoot weight ratio of C. iria. Rice interference reduced weed growth and biomass and completely suppressed C. iria when no N was applied at high planting densities (i.e., 20 plants pot−1). The weed showed phenotypic plasticity in response to N application, and the addition of N increased the competitive ability of the weed over rice at densities of 5 and 10 rice plants pot−1 compared with 20 plants pot−1. The results of the present study suggest that high rice density (i.e., 400 plants m−2) can help suppress C. iria growth even at high N rates (150 kg ha−1).


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The financial health of beef cattle enterprises in northern Australia has declined markedly over the last decade due to an escalation in production and marketing costs and a real decline in beef prices. Historically, gains in animal productivity have offset the effect of declining terms of trade on farm incomes. This raises the question of whether future productivity improvements can remain a key path for lifting enterprise profitability sufficient to ensure that the industry remains economically viable over the longer term. The key objective of this study was to assess the production and financial implications for north Australian beef enterprises of a range of technology interventions (development scenarios), including genetic gain in cattle, nutrient supplementation, and alteration of the feed base through introduced pastures and forage crops, across a variety of natural environments. To achieve this objective a beef systems model was developed that is capable of simulating livestock production at the enterprise level, including reproduction, growth and mortality, based on energy and protein supply from natural C4 pastures that are subject to high inter-annual climate variability. Comparisons between simulation outputs and enterprise performance data in three case study regions suggested that the simulation model (the Northern Australia Beef Systems Analyser) can adequately represent the performance beef cattle enterprises in northern Australia. Testing of a range of development scenarios suggested that the application of individual technologies can substantially lift productivity and profitability, especially where the entire feedbase was altered through legume augmentation. The simultaneous implementation of multiple technologies that provide benefits to different aspects of animal productivity resulted in the greatest increases in cattle productivity and enterprise profitability, with projected weaning rates increasing by 25%, liveweight gain by 40% and net profit by 150% above current baseline levels, although gains of this magnitude might not necessarily be realised in practice. While there were slight increases in total methane output from these development scenarios, the methane emissions per kg of beef produced were reduced by 20% in scenarios with higher productivity gain. Combinations of technologies or innovative practices applied in a systematic and integrated fashion thus offer scope for providing the productivity and profitability gains necessary to maintain viable beef enterprises in northern Australia into the future.