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em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Plugs or containerized plants can offer several advantages over traditional bare-rooted runner plants for strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) production. Some of these benefits include easier planting, better establishment, fewer pests and diseases, and lower water use during plant establishment resulting in less leaching of applied fertilizers. Plugs also offer the potential for mechanical planting. In some areas of Europe and North America, plugs provide earlier production, greater productivity and larger fruit than runners. Research has also shown that the plants can be grown under short days and low temperatures to manipulate flower initiation and fruiting. Plugs are more expensive to buy compared with runner plants, and will only be adopted by industry if the extra costs are matched by convenience, resource conservation, increased fruiting and returns to producers. We investigated the productivity of 'Festival' and 'Sugarbaby' propagated as plugs (75 cm3 containers) and runners from Stanthorpe in southern Queensland (elevation of 872 m), and grown at Nambour on the Sunshine Coast (elevation 29 m). At planting, the plug plants weighed 0.8 ± 0.1 g DW compared with 53 ± 0.5 g DW for the runner plants. 'Sugarbaby' plugs were larger than 'Festival' plugs (33 ± 0.6 g versus 2.9 ± 0.6 g). The differences in growth at planting were maintained until the third week of July (day 94), with the plug plants weighing 17.8 ± 2.2 g, and the runner plants 21.4 ± 23 g. The proportion of plant dry matter allocated to the leaves increased over time from 59 to 70%, while the proportion allocated to the roots decreased from 21 to 10%. Harvest commenced after 60 days, with the plug plants yielding only 60% of the yields of the runner plants up until 8 August or day 109 (14.2 ± 1.4 g plant -1 week-1 versus 23.6 ± 1.9 g plant-1 week-1). 'Festival' (22.2 ± 2.0 g plant-1 week -1) had higher yields than 'Sugarbaby' (15.5 ± 1.5 g plant-1 week-1), even though plants of the latter were larger. Average fruit weight was 15.6 ± 0.3 g, with no effect of cultivar, plant type or harvest time. In other words, the differences in yield between the various treatments were due to differences in fruit set The lower yields of the plug plants probably reflect their small size at planting. Future research should determine whether plugs grown in larger cells (150 to 300 cm3 as in the USA and Europe) are more productive. Tips to be grown in larger containers should be harvested earlier than those for small cells to maximize root growth of the plug plant. This will probably extend the time required from harvest of the tips and potting them from the current four to five weeks, to eight to ten weeks.


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This paper reports an experiment undertaken to examine the impact of burning in spring together with reduced grazing pressure on the dynamics of H. contortus and Aristida spp. In H. contortus pasture in south-eastern Queensland. The overall results indicate that spring burning in combination with reduced grazing pressure had no marked effect on the density of either grass species. This was attributed to 2 factors. Firstly, extreme drought conditions restricted any increase in H. contortus seedling establishment despite the presence of an adequate soil seed bank prior to summer; and secondly, some differences occurred in the response to fire of the diverse taxonomic groupings in the species of Aristida spp. present at the study site. This study concluded that it is necessary to identify appropriate taxonomic units within the Aristida genus and that, where appropriate, burning in spring to manage pasture composition should be conducted under favorable rainfall conditions using seasonal forecasting indicators such as the Southern Oscillation Index


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Timely access to effective technical information is a key ingredient of profitable strawberry production. Through the Better Berries Program, a joint RD&E initiative of government and industry, a number of information products and services have been provided in recent years to Australia's subtropical strawberry industry, centred in southern Queensland. However, there is a lack of knowledge of how well these are meeting the information needs of growers, both in content and delivery. To better understand grower information use and needs, a stratified sample of 25 growers was interviewed on-farm during the 2004 season. Growers were asked about how they currently accessed information, what they thought of a range of information products and ideas on show, and what advice they would provide for information development in the future. Results indicated that information sought by growers and the style in which it is best presented, varied considerably with grower experience, but little with farm size. New growers had a wide range of needs while the needs of experienced growers were focused mainly on problem identification and new production development. Interestingly, the overwhelming majority across all sectors still preferred paper-based information products despite their extensive use of computers for business purposes. The findings were used to develop a strategy for an improved range of technical information products and services that are more accessible, easier to use, more timely, and more relevant to the needs of growers.


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A framework using assessments of soil condition, pasture composition and woodland density was applied to describe 14 grazing land types as being in A (100% of original carrying capacity), B (75%), C (45%) or D (20%) condition. We assessed the condition of 260 sites, principally along public and some station roads, to provide a benchmark for current land condition. Land types were also assigned relative grazing values between 10 (best) and 0, reflecting soil fertility and potential biomass production. The method identifies particular, 'at-risk' land types for priority investment of resources, while the rationale behind assessments might point to management interventions to improve the condition of those land types. Across all land types, 47% of sites were in A condition, 34% in B condition, 17% in C condition and only 2% in D condition. Seventy-five percent of land types with grazing values >5 were in A or B condition, compared with 88% for those with grazing values ?5. For Georgetown granites, only 27% of sites were in A or B condition, with values for other land types being: alluvials 59%, black soils 64% and red duplex soils 57%, suggesting that improving management of these land types is a priority issue. On land types with high grazing value, the major discounting factor was pasture composition (72% of sites discounted), while increasing woodland density was the main discount (73% of sites discounted) on low grazing value land types.


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The geometrid caterpillar Isturgia deerraria was imported from Kenya into quarantine facilities in Australia as a potential biological control agent for prickly acacia, Acacia nilotica subsp. indica (Benth.) Brenan (family Mimosaceae). The insect was then tested on 30 plant species presented to neonate larvae as a no-choice cut foliage test and 13 plant species presented as a no-choice potted plant test. In these tests the insect was able to complete its life cycle on 13 native Acacia spp. and also on Acacia farnesiana and the exotic ornamental Delonix regia (family Caesalpiniaceae). The tests supported field observations that the insect has a host range spanning many leguminous species and as such the insect could not be considered for release in Australia.


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A simulation model that combines biological, search and economic components is applied to the eradication of a Miconia calvescens infestation at El Arish in tropical Queensland, Australia. Information on the year M. calvescens was introduced to the site, the number of plants controlled and the timing of control, is used to show that currently there could be M. calvescens plants remaining undetected at the site, including some mature plants. Modelling results indicate that the eradication programme has had a significant impact on the population of M. calvescens, as shown by simulated results for uncontrolled and controlled populations. The model was also used to investigate the effect of changing search effort on the cost of and time to eradication. Control costs were found to be negligible over all levels of search effort tested. Importantly, results suggest eradication may be achieved within several decades, if resources are increased slightly from their current levels and if there is a long-term commitment to funding the eradication programme.


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This report summarises work conducted by the QDPI, in partnership with the South Burdekin Water Board (SBWB) and the Burdekin Shire Council (BSC) between 2001 and 2003. The broad aim of the research was to assess the potential of native fish as biocontrol agents for noxious weeds, as part of an integrated program for managing water quality in the Burdekin Irrigation Area. A series of trials were conducted at, or using water derived from, the Sandy Creek Diversion near Groper Creek (lower Burdekin delta). Trials demonstrated that aquatic weeds play a positive role in trapping transient nutrients, until such time that weed growth becomes self-shading and weed dieback occurs, which releases stored nutrients and adversely affects water quality. Transient nutrient levels (av. TN<0.5mg/L; av. TP<0.1mg/L) found in the irrigation channel during the course of this research were substantially lower than expected, especially considering the intensive agriculture and sewage effluent discharge upstream from the study site. This confirms the need to consider the control of weeds rather than complete weed extermination when formulating management plans. However, even when low nutrient levels are available, there is competitive exploitation of habitat variables in the irrigation area leading to succession and eventual domination by certain weed species. During these trials, we have seen filamentous algae, phytoplankton, hyacinth and curled pondweed each hold competitive advantage at certain points. However without intervention, floating weeds, especially hyacinth, ultimately predominate in the Burdekin delta due to their fast propagation rate and their ability to out-shade submerged plants. We have highlighted the complexity of interactions in these highly disturbed ecosystems in that even if the more prevalent noxious weeds are contained, other weed species will exploit the vacant niche. This complexity places stringent requirements on the type of native fish that can be used as biocontrol agents. Of the seven fish species identified with herbivorous trophic niches, most target plankton or algae and do not have the physical capacity to directly eat the larger macrophytes of the delta. We do find however that following mechanical weed harvesting, inoculative releases of fish can slow the rate of hyacinth recolonisation. This occurs by mechanisms in addition to direct weed consumption, such as disturbing growth surfaces by grazing on attached biofilms. Predation by birds and water rats presents another impediment to the efficacy of large-scale releases of fish. However, alternative uses of fish in water quality management in the Burdekin irrigation area are discussed.


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Converting from an existing irrigation system is often seen as high risk by the land owner. The significant financial investment and the long period over which the investment runs is also complicated by the uncertainty associated with long term input costs (such as energy), crop production, and the continually evolving natural resource management rules and policy. Irrigation plays a pivotal part in the Burdekin sugarcane farming system. At present the use of furrow irrigation is by far the most common form due to the ease of use, relatively low operating cost and well established infrastructure currently in place. The Mulgrave Area Farmer Integrated Action (MAFIA) grower group, located near Clare in the lower Burdekin region, identified the need to learn about sustainable farming systems with a focus on the environment, social and economic implications. In early 2007, Hesp Faming established a site to investigate the use of overhead irrigation as an alternative to furrow irrigation and its integration with new farming system practices, including Green Cane Trash Blanketing (GCTB). Although significant environmental and social benefits exist, the preliminary investment analysis indicates that the Overhead Low Pressure (OHLP) irrigation system is not adding financial value to the Hesp Farming business. A combination of high capital costs and other offsetting factors resulted in the benefits not being fully realised. A different outcome is achieved if Hesp Farming is able to realise value on the water saved, with both OHLP irrigation systems displaying a positive NPV. This case study provides a framework to further investigate the economics of OHLP irrigation in sugarcane and it is anticipated that with additional data a more definitive outcome will be developed in the future.


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Maintaining a high rate of water uptake is crucial for maximum longevity of cut stems. Physiological gel/tylosis formation decreases water transport efficiency in the xylem. The primary mechanism of action for post-harvest Cu2+ treatments in improving cut flower and foliage longevity has been elusive. The effect of Cu2+ on wound-induced xylem vessel occlusion was investigated for Acacia holosericea A. Cunn. ex G. Don. Experiments were conducted using a Cu2+ pulse (5 h, 2.2 mM) and a Cu2+ vase solution (0.5 mM) vs a deionized water (DIW) control. Development of xylem blockage in the stem-end region 10 mm proximal to the wounded stem surface was examined over 21 days by light and transmission electron microscopy. Xylem vessels of stems stood into DIW were occluded with gels secreted into vessel lumens via pits from surrounding axial parenchyma cells. Gel secretion was initiated within 1-2 days post-wounding and gels were detected in the xylem from day 3. In contrast, Cu2+ treatments disrupted the surrounding parenchyma cells, thereby inhibiting gel secretion and maintaining the vessel lumens devoid of occlusions. The Cu2+ treatments significantly improved water uptake by the cut stems as compared to the control. © 2013 Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society.