2 resultados para Selaginellaceae, embryology, embryo development

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Corymbia species from different sections hybridize readily, with some of increasing economic importance to plantation forestry. This study explores the locations of reproductive barriers between interspecific Corymbia hybrids and investigates the reproductive success of a wide taxonomic range of C. torelliana hybrid crosses. Pollen, pistil and embryo development were investigated for four C. torelliana crosses (C. torelliana, C. citriodora subsp. citriodora, C. tessellaris and C. intermedia) using fluorescent and standard microscopy to identify the locations of interspecific reproductive isolating barriers. Corymbia torelliana was also crossed with 16 taxa, representing six of the seven Corymbia sections, both Corymbia subgenera and one species each from the related genera, Angophora and Eucalyptus. All crosses were assessed for capsule and seed yields. Interspecific C. torelliana hybridization was controlled by pre-zygotic reproductive isolating barriers inhibiting pollen adhesion to the stigma, pollen germination, pollen tube growth in the style and pollen tube penetration of the micropyle. Corymbia torelliana (subgenus Blakella, sect. Torellianae) was successfully hybridized with Corymbia species from subgenus Blakella, particularly C. citriodora subsp. citriodora, C. citriodora subsp. variegata, C. henryi (sect. Maculatae) and C. tessellaris (sect. Abbreviatae), and subgenus Corymbia, particularly C. clarksoniana and C. erythrophloia (sect. Septentrionales). Attempted intergeneric hybrids between C. torelliana and either Angophora floribunda or Eucalyptus pellita were unsuccessful. Corymbia hybrids were formed between species from different sections and subgenera, but not with species from the related genera Angophora or Eucalyptus. Reproductive isolation between the interspecific Corymbia hybrid crosses was controlled by early- and late-acting pre-zygotic isolating barriers, with reproductive success generally decreasing with increasing taxonomic distance between parent species. These findings support the monophyly of Corymbia and the close relationships of infrageneric clades. The hybridizing propensity of Corymbia species provides opportunities for breeding but suggests risks of environmental gene flow. © The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com


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There are many reports of efficient embryo germination and the method has been optimized to suit subtropical low chill genotypes. However the subsequent growth, vigor, and ability of germinated embryos to develop and survive acclimatization is rarely reported. Many germinated embryos do not survive acclimatization, develop slowly, or fail to develop normally. Methods to improve plant development from in vitro embryo cultures are needed to improve the number of plants that survive to be useful in breeding programs. This paper describes an improved method of embryo rescue that significantly increases embryo shoot and root development that leads to increased plant survival. Four treatments: Woody Plant Media (WPM) solidified with agar, vermiculite with liquid WPM, vermiculite with WPM plus agar, and conventional stratification, were evaluated for embryo growth and subsequent plantlet development and survival for two low-chill peach and one low-chill nectarine cultivar. Highly significant improvements were found for shoot and root development of seedlings germinated in vermiculite based media compared to embryos germinated in conventional agar-based media. Vermiculite with WPM and agar improved plantlet growth subsequent to in vitro culture and significantly increased survival of germinated embryos resulting in more plants reaching the field.