16 resultados para Respiration.

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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High-value fruit crops are exposed to a range of environmental conditions that can reduce fruit quality. Solar injury (SI) or sunburn is a common disorder in tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate climates and is related to: 1) high fruit surface temperature; 2) high visible light intensity; and, 3) ultraviolet radiation (UV). Positional changes in fruit that are caused by increased weight or abrupt changes that result from summer pruning, limb breakage, or other damage to the canopy can expose fruit to high solar radiation levels, increased fruit surface temperatures, and increased UV exposure that are higher than the conditions to which they are adapted. In our studies, we examined the effects of high fruit surface temperature, saturating photosynthetically-active radiation (PAR), and short-term UV exposure on chlorophyll fluorescence, respiration, and photosynthesis of fruit peel tissues from tropical and temperate fruit in a simulation of these acute environmental changes. All tropical fruits (citrus, macadamia, avocado, pineapple, and custard apple) and the apple cultivars 'Gala', 'Gold Rush', and 'Granny Smith' increased dark respiration (A0) when exposed to UV, suggesting that UV repair mechanisms were induced. The maximum quantum efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) and the quantum efficiency of photosystem II (ΦII) were unaffected, indicating no adverse effects on photosystem II (PSII). In contrast, 'Braeburn' apple had a reduced Fv/Fm with no increase in A0 on all sampling dates. There was a consistent pattern in all studies. When Fv/Fm was unaffected by UV treatment, A0 increased significantly. Conversely, when Fv/Fm was reduced by UV treatment, then A0 was unaffected. The pattern suggests that when UV repair mechanisms are effective, PSII is adequately protected, and that this protection occurs at the cost of higher respiration. However, when the UV repair mechanisms are ineffective, not only is PSII damaged, but there is additional short-term damage to the repair mechanisms, indicated by a lack of respiration to provide energy.


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I-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) has the potential in tomato to reduce ethylene-associated changes in texture. Tomato cv. 'Revolution' was harvested at the 'pink' maturity stage and whole fruit treated with 0, 0.1, 1.0 or 10.0 µL.L-' 1-MCP at 20 "C for 12 h. Slices of 7-mm thickness were cut using a commercial slicer, and the slices stored in vertical stacks in plastic containers at 5°C for 7 days. The application of 1-MCP reduced both ethylene production and respiration rate of slices and resulted in firmer pericarp firmness. Ethylene production was 24%, 40%, and 62% lower following 0.1, 1.0, 10.0 µL L-' 1-MCP, respectively, compared with controls. In addition, respiration rate was reduced 6%, 10% and 20% by those 1-MCP treatments. 1-MCP treatments produced 20%, 34%, and 24% higher pericarp firmness, respectively, than in fruit not treated with 1-MCP.


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Reproductive rate is a major contributing factor to the profitability of a sheep meat enterprise. Low reproduction rate is a feature of sheep husbandry in semi-arid Queensland. High ambient temperatures are implicated in poor fertility (Moule 1970) where variation in response can be due to breed and to animals within a breed (Hopkins and Stephenson 1978). Breeds recently imported from South Africa were selected in arid environments and may be better adapted to pastoral conditions of northern Australia than traditional breeds. Animal production for a consuming world : proceedings of 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies [AAAP] and 23rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production [ASAP] and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, [DRF]. 2-7 July 2000, Sydney, Australia. This study will investigate (a) the thermoregulatory ability of Damara, Dorper, Poll Dorset, Rambouillet, South African Meat Merino and Queensland medium wool Merino rams prior to joinings in the autumn and spring of 1999, 2000 and 2001 and (b) the association between thermoregulatory parameters (rectal temperature and respiration rate) and ewe fertility. Results for the initial autumn joining are reported in this paper.


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Genetic and phenotypic parameters for respiration rate (RR) and rectal temperature (RT) are presented for weaner and hogget Merino rams, at Longreach and Julia Creek, Queensland. Heritability estimates for RT and RR at both sites and at both ages ranged from moderate to very high. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between these characters are also reported. AAABG 14th Conference; Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics. AAABG


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An adaptive conjoint analysis was use to evaluate stakeholders' opinion of welfare indicators for ship-transported sheep and cattle, both onboard and in pre-export depots. In consultations with two nominees of each identified stakeholder group (government officials, animal welfare representatives, animal scientists, stockpersons, producers/pre-export depot operators, exporters/ship owners and veterinarians), 18 potential indicators were identified Three levels were assigned to each using industry statistics and expert opinion, representing those observed on the best and worst 5% of voyages and an intermediate value. A computer-based questionnaire was completed by 135 stakeholders (48% of those invited). All indicators were ranked by respondents in the assigned order, except fodder intake, in which case providing the amount necessary to maintain bodyweight was rated better than over or underfeeding, and time in the pre-export assembly depot, in which case 5 days was rated better than 0 or 10 days. The respective Importance Values (a relative rating given by the respondent) for each indicator were, in order of declining importance: mortality (8.6%), clinical disease incidence (8.2%), respiration rate (6.8%), space allowance (6.2%), ammonia levels (6.1%), weight change (6.0%), wet bulb temperature (6.0%), time in assembly depot (5.4%), percentage of animals in hospital pen (5.4%), fodder intake (5.2%), stress-related metabolites (5.0%), percentage of feeding trough utilised (5.0%), injuries (4.8%), percentage of animals able to access food troughs at any one time (4.8%), percentage of animals lying down (4.7%), cortisol concentration (4.5Y.), noise (3.9y.), and photoperiod (3.4%). The different stakeholder groups were relatively consistent in their ranking of the indicators, with all groups nominating the some top two and at least five of the top seven indicators. Some of the top indicators, in particular mortality, disease incidence and temperature, are already recorded in the Australian industry, but the study identified potential new welfare indicators for exported livestock, such as space allowance and ammonia concentration, which could be used to improve welfare standards if validated by scientific data. The top indicators would also be useful worldwide for countries engaging in long distance sea transport of livestock.


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Exotic and invasive woody vines are major environmental weeds of riparian areas, rainforest communities and remnant natural vegetation in coastal eastern Australia, where they smother standing vegetation, including large trees, and cause canopy collapse. We investigated, through glasshouse resource manipulative experiments, the ecophysiological traits that might facilitate faster growth, better resource acquisition and/or utilization and thus dominance of four exotic and invasive vines of South East Queensland, Australia, compared with their native counterparts. Relative growth rate was not significantly different between the two groups but water use efficiency (WUE) was higher in the native species while the converse was observed for light use efficiency (quantum efficiency, AQE) and maximum photosynthesis on a mass basis (Amax mass). The invasive species, as a group, also exhibited higher respiration load, higher light compensation point and higher specific leaf area. There were stronger correlations of leaf traits and greater structural (but not physiological) plasticity in invasive species than in their native counterparts. The scaling coefficients of resource use efficiencies (WUE, AQE and respiration efficiency) as well as those of fitness (biomass accumulated) versus many of the performance traits examined did not differ between the two species-origin groups, but there were indications of significant shifts in elevation (intercept values) and shifts along common slopes in many of these relationships – signalling differences in carbon economy (revenue returned per unit energy invested) and/or resource usage. Using ordination and based on 14 ecophysiological attributes, a fair level of separation between the two groups was achieved (51.5% explanatory power), with AQE, light compensation point, respiration load, WUE, specific leaf area and leaf area ratio, in decreasing order, being the main drivers. This study suggests similarity in trait plasticity, especially for physiological traits, but there appear to be fundamental differences in carbon economy and resource conservation between native and invasive vine species.


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The effect of ergot (Claviceps africana) in naturally infected sorghum was assessed in feedlot rations. Thirty-two Hereford steers (Bos taurus) in individual pens with access to shade were adapted to feedlot conditions and then offered one of four rations containing 0, 4.4, 8.8 or 17.6 mg/kg of ergot alkaloids (84% dihydroergosine, 10% dihydroelymoclavine and 6% festuclavine), equivalent to ~0, 10, 20 or 40 g/kg ergot (sclerotia/sphacelia) in the rations. These rations were withdrawn at noon on the second day because of severe hyperthermia and almost complete feed refusal in ergot-fed steers. After recovery on ergot-free rations for 5 days, treatment groups were incrementally introduced, over a further 3–12 days, to rations containing 0, 1.1, 2.2 or 4.4 mg/kg of alkaloids (~0, 2.5, 5 or 10 g/kg ergot, respectively). Relative exposure to ergot was maintained, so that the zero- (control), low-, medium- and high-ergot groups remained so. Steers were individually fed ad libitum, and water was freely available. Steers in all ergot-fed groups had significantly elevated rectal temperatures at 0800–1000 hours, even when the temperature–humidity index was only moderate (~70), and displayed other signs of hyperthermia (increased respiration rate, mouth breathing, excessive salivation and urination), as the temperature–humidity index increased to 73–79 during the day. Plasma prolactin was significantly reduced in ergot-fed groups. Voluntary feed intakes (liveweight basis) of the ergot-fed groups were significantly reduced, averaging 94, 86 and 86%, respectively, of the feed intakes of the control group. Hair coats were rough. While the control steers grew from a mean initial liveweight of 275 kg to a suitable slaughter weight of 455 kg in 17 weeks (growth rate 1.45 kg/day), ergot-fed groups gained only 0.77–1.10 kg/day and took at least 5 weeks longer to reach the slaughter weight, despite removal of ergot at the same time as control steers were sent to slaughter. Sorghum ergot, even at low concentrations (1.1 mg alkaloids/kg feed) is severely detrimental to the performance of steers in the feedlot.


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As atmospheric levels of CO2 increase, reef-building corals are under greater stress from both increased sea surface temperatures and declining sea water pH. To date, most studies have focused on either coral bleaching due to warming oceans or declining calcification due to decreasing oceanic carbonate ion concentrations. Here, through the use of physiology measurements and cDNA microarrays, we show that changes in pH and ocean chemistry consistent with two scenarios put forward by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) drive major changes in gene expression, respiration, photosynthesis and symbiosis of the coral, Acropora millepora, before affects on biomineralisation are apparent at the phenotype level. Under high CO2 conditions corals at the phenotype level lost over half their Symbiodinium populations, and had a decrease in both photosynthesis and respiration. Changes in gene expression were consistent with metabolic suppression, an increase in oxidative stress, apoptosis and symbiont loss. Other expression patterns demonstrate upregulation of membrane transporters, as well as the regulation of genes involved in membrane cytoskeletal interactions and cytoskeletal remodeling. These widespread changes in gene expression emphasize the need to expand future studies of ocean acidification to include a wider spectrum of cellular processes, many of which may occur before impacts on calcification.


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Ptilotus nobilis (Lindl.) F. Muell. has potential in the floriculture industries as a cut flower crop. Ethylene production and respiration rates, fresh weight changes and volatile scent production from cut inflorescences of P. nobilis cultivars Passion (dark pink flowers) and Purity (white-green flowers) were measured during vase life. Inflorescence weight loss was significant (P<0.001) during vase life with wilting and colour loss being the primary reasons for loss of vase life. Inflorescences ready for the cut market stored and at 22 degrees C had vase lives of >12 d. Ethylene production by inflorescences was low to negligible. Treatment with silverthiosulphate (STS) and ethylene had no effects on vase life. Evidently, ethylene did not play a role in determining the postharvest longevity of cut P. nobilis flowers. Respiration rates of inflorescences were high at harvest (>700 mg CO2 kg(-1) FW h(-1)) and declined gradually there-after during vase life. Total volatile emissions followed a similar pattern. For Passion, respiration rates of immature florets were significantly greater (P=0.02) than florets from other developmental stages while the calyx produced the most CO2. For Purity, respiration rates of florets of different maturities did not differ and the reproductive tissue produced the most CO2. Only fully opened mature florets with their stigma and anthers revealed, emitted significant quantities of volatiles (P<0.001) and primarily from the calyx tissue for both cultivars. The individual volatiles differed somewhat for the two cultivars. However, both produced significant quantities of benzaldehyde, 3,5-dimethoxytoluene and benzyl alcohol. These. compounds have previously been associated with desirable floral scent. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Phosphine resistance alleles might be expected to negatively affect energy demanding activities such as walking and flying, because of the inverse relationship between phosphine resistance and respiration. We used an activity monitoring system to quantify walking of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) and a flight chamber to estimate their propensity for flight initiation. No significant difference in the duration of walking was observed between the strongly resistant, weakly resistant, and susceptible strains of R. dominica we tested, and females walked significantly more than males regardless of genotype. The walking activity monitor revealed no pattern of movement across the day and no particular time of peak activity despite reports of peak activity of R. dominica and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) under field conditions during dawn and dusk. Flight initiation was significantly higher for all strains at 28 degrees C and 55% relative humidity than at 25, 30, 32, and 35 degrees C in the first 24 h of placing beetles in the flight chamber. Food deprivation and genotype had no significant effect on flight initiation. Our results suggest that known resistance alleles in R. dominica do not affect insect mobility and should therefore not inhibit the dispersal of resistant insects in the field.


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Ptilotus nobilis (Lindl.) F. Muell. has potential in the floriculture industries as a cut flower crop. Ethylene production and respiration rates, fresh weight changes and volatile scent production from cut inflorescences of P. nobilis cultivars Passion (dark pink flowers) and Purity (white-green flowers) were measured during vase life. Inflorescence weight loss was significant (P < 0.001) during vase life with wilting and colour loss being the primary reasons for loss of vase life. Inflorescences ready for the cut market stored and at 22 °C had vase lives of >12 d. Ethylene production by inflorescences was low to negligible. Treatment with silverthiosulphate (STS) and ethylene had no effects on vase life. Evidently, ethylene did not play a role in determining the postharvest longevity of cut P. nobilis flowers. Respiration rates of inflorescences were high at harvest (>700 mg CO2 kg−1 FW h−1) and declined gradually thereafter during vase life. Total volatile emissions followed a similar pattern. For Passion, respiration rates of immature florets were significantly greater (P = 0.02) than florets from other developmental stages while the calyx produced the most CO2. For Purity, respiration rates of florets of different maturities did not differ and the reproductive tissue produced the most CO2. Only fully opened mature florets with their stigma and anthers revealed, emitted significant quantities of volatiles (P < 0.001) and primarily from the calyx tissue for both cultivars. The individual volatiles differed somewhat for the two cultivars. However, both produced significant quantities of benzaldehyde, 3,5-dimethoxytoluene and benzyl alcohol. These compounds have previously been associated with desirable floral scent.


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Ptilotus nobilis (Lindl.) F. Muell. has potential in the floriculture industries as a cut flower crop. Ethylene production and respiration rates, fresh weight changes and volatile scent production from cut inflorescences of P. nobilis cultivars Passion (dark pink flowers) and Purity (white-green flowers) were measured during vase life. Inflorescence weight loss was significant (P < 0.001) during vase life with wilting and colour loss being the primary reasons for loss of vase life. Inflorescences ready for the cut market stored and at 22 °C had vase lives of >12 d. Ethylene production by inflorescences was low to negligible. Treatment with silverthiosulphate (STS) and ethylene had no effects on vase life. Evidently, ethylene did not play a role in determining the postharvest longevity of cut P. nobilis flowers. Respiration rates of inflorescences were high at harvest (>700 mg CO2 kg−1 FW h−1) and declined gradually thereafter during vase life. Total volatile emissions followed a similar pattern. For Passion, respiration rates of immature florets were significantly greater (P = 0.02) than florets from other developmental stages while the calyx produced the most CO2. For Purity, respiration rates of florets of different maturities did not differ and the reproductive tissue produced the most CO2. Only fully opened mature florets with their stigma and anthers revealed, emitted significant quantities of volatiles (P < 0.001) and primarily from the calyx tissue for both cultivars. The individual volatiles differed somewhat for the two cultivars. However, both produced significant quantities of benzaldehyde, 3,5-dimethoxytoluene and benzyl alcohol. These compounds have previously been associated with desirable floral scent.


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Increasing organic carbon inputs to agricultural soils through the use of pastures or crop residues has been suggested as a means of restoring soil organic carbon lost via anthropogenic activities, such as land use change. However, the decomposition and retention of different plant residues in soil, and how these processes are affected by soil properties and nitrogen fertiliser application, is not fully understood. We evaluated the rate and extent of decomposition of 13C-pulse labelled plant material in response to nitrogen addition in four pasture soils of varying physico-chemical characteristics. Microbial respiration of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) residues was monitored over 365-days. A double exponential model fitted to the data suggested that microbial respiration occurred as an early rapid and a late slow stage. A weighted three-compartment mixing model estimated the decomposition of both soluble and insoluble plant 13C (mg C kg−1 soil). Total plant material decomposition followed the alkyl C: O-alkyl C ratio of plant material, as determined by solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Urea-N addition increased the decomposition of insoluble plant 13C in some soils (≤0.1% total nitrogen) but not others (0.3% total nitrogen). Principal components regression analysis indicated that 26% of the variability of plant material decomposition was explained by soil physico-chemical characteristics (P = 0.001), which was primarily described by the C:N ratio. We conclude that plant species with increasing alkyl C: O-alkyl C ratio are better retained as soil organic matter, and that the C:N stoichiometry of soils determines whether N addition leads to increases in soil organic carbon stocks.


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Ammonia volatilised and re-deposited to the landscape is an indirect N2O emission source. This study established a relationship between N2O emissions, low magnitude NH4 deposition (0–30  kg N ha − 1 ), and soil moisture content in two soils using in-vessel incubations. Emissions from the clay soil peaked ( < 0.002 g N [ g soil ] − 1 min − 1 ) from 85 to 93% WFPS (water filled pore space), increasing to a plateau as remaining mineral-N increased. Peak N2O emissions for the sandy soil were much lower ( < 5 × 10 − 5 μg N [ g soil ] − 1 min − 1 ) and occurred at about 60% WFPS, with an indistinct relationship with increasing resident mineral N due to the low rate of nitrification in that soil. Microbial community and respiration data indicated that the clay soil was dominated by denitrifiers and was more biologically active than the sandy soil. However, the clay soil also had substantial nitrifier communities even under peak emission conditions. A process-based mathematical denitrification model was well suited to the clay soil data where all mineral-N was assumed to be nitrified ( R 2 = 90 % ), providing a substrate for denitrification. This function was not well suited to the sandy soil where nitrification was much less complete. A prototype relationship representing mineral-N pool conversions (NO3− and NH4+) was proposed based on time, pool concentrations, moisture relationships, and soil rate constants (preliminary testing only). A threshold for mineral-N was observed: emission of N2O did not occur from the clay soil for mineral-N <70 mg ( kg of soil ) − 1 , suggesting that soil N availability controls indirect N2O emissions. This laboratory process investigation challenges the IPCC approach which predicts indirect emissions from atmospheric N deposition alone.


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The methods for estimating methane emissions from cattle as used in the Australian national inventory are based on older data that have now been superseded by a large amount of more recent data. Recent data suggested that the current inventory emissions estimates can be improved. To address this issue, a total of 1034 individual animal records of daily methane production (MP) was used to reassess the relationship between MP and each of dry matter intake (DMI) and gross energy intake (GEI). Data were restricted to trials conducted in the past 10 years using open-circuit respiration chambers, with cattle fed forage-based diets (forage >70%). Results from diets considered to inhibit methanogenesis were omitted from the dataset. Records were obtained from dairy cattle fed temperate forages (220 records), beef cattle fed temperate forages (680 records) and beef cattle fed tropical forages (133 records). Relationships were very similar for all three production categories and single relationships for MP on a DMI or GEI basis were proposed for national inventory purposes. These relationships were MP (g/day) = 20.7 (±0.28) × DMI (kg/day) (R2 = 0.92, P < 0.001) and MP (MJ/day) = 0.063 (±0.008) × GEI (MJ/day) (R2 = 0.93, P < 0.001). If the revised MP (g/day) approach is used to calculate Australia’s national inventory, it will reduce estimates of emissions of forage-fed cattle by 24%. Assuming a global warming potential of 25 for methane, this represents a 12.6 Mt CO2-e reduction in calculated annual emissions from Australian cattle.