11 resultados para RNA metabolism

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Kangaroos ferment forage material in an enlarged forestomach analogous to the rumen, but in contrast to ruminants, they produce little or no methane. The objective of this study was to identify the dominant organisms and pathways involved in hydrogenotrophy in the kangaroo forestomach, with the broader aim of understanding how these processes are able to predominate over methanogenesis. Stable isotope analysis of fermentation end products and RNA stable isotope probing (RNA-SIP) were used to investigate the organisms and biochemical pathways involved in the metabolism of hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the kangaroo forestomach. Our results clearly demonstrate that the activity of bacterial reductive acetogens is a key factor in the reduced methane output of kangaroos. In in vitro fermentations, the microbial community of the kangaroo foregut produced very little methane, but produced a significantly greater proportion of acetate derived from carbon dioxide than the microbial community of the bovine rumen. A bacterial operational taxonomic unit closely related to the known reductive acetogen Blautia coccoides was found to be associated with carbon dioxide and hydrogen metabolism in the kangaroo foregut. Other bacterial taxa including members of the genera Prevotella, Oscillibacter and Streptococcus that have not previously been reported as containing hydrogenotrophic organisms were also significantly associated with metabolism of hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the kangaroo forestomach.The ISME Journal advance online publication, 13 March 2014; doi:10.1038/ismej.2014.25.


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We have characterised six Australian Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) strains belonging to different subgroups, determined by the sequence of their complete RNA 3 and by their host range and the symptoms they cause on species in the Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae and on sweet corn. These data allowed classification of strains into the known three CMV subgroups and identification of plant species able to differentiate the Australian strains by symptoms and host range. Western Australian strains 237 and Twa and Queensland strains 207 and 242 are closely related members of CMV subgroup IA, which cause similar severe symptoms on Nicotiana species. Strains 207 and 237 (subgroup IA) were the only strains tested which systemically infected sweet corn. Strain 243 caused the most severe symptoms of all strains on Nicotiana species, tomato and capsicum and appears to be the first confirmed subgroup IB strain reported in Australia. Based on pair-wise distance analysis and phylogeny of RNA 3, as well as mild disease symptoms on Nicotiana species, CMV 241 was assigned to subgroup II, as the previously described Q-CMV and LY-CMV.


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Degradation of RNA in diagnostic specimens can cause false-negative test results and potential misdiagnosis when tests rely on the detection of specific RNA sequence. Current molecular methods of checking RNA integrity tend to be host species or group specific, necessitating libraries of primers and reaction conditions. The objective here was to develop a universal (multi-species) quality assurance tool for determining the integrity of RNA in animal tissues submitted to a laboratory for analyses. Ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) transcribed from the mitochondrial 16S rDNA was used as template material for reverse transcription to cDNA and was amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). As mitochondrial DNA has a high level of conservation, the primers used were shown to reverse transcribe and amplify RNA from every animal species tested. Deliberate degradation of rRNA template through temperature abuse of samples resulted in no reverse transcription and amplification. Samples spiked with viruses showed that single-stranded viral RNA and rRNA in the same sample degraded at similar rates, hence reverse transcription and PCR amplification of 16S rRNA could be used as a test of sample integrity and suitability for analysis that required the sample's RNA, including viral RNA. This test will be an invaluable quality assurance tool for determination of RNA integrity from tissue samples, thus avoiding erroneous test results that might occur if degraded target RNA is used unknowingly as template material for reverse transcription and subsequent PCR amplification.


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Haemophilus parasuis is the causative agent of Glässer's disease. Up to now 15 serovars of H. parasuis have been identified, with significant differences existing in virulence between serovars. In this study, suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was used to identify the genetic difference between Nagasaki (H. parasuis serovar 5 reference strain, highly virulent) and SW114 (H. parasuis serovar 3 reference strain, non-virulent). A total of 191 clones were obtained from the SSH library. Using dot hybridization and PCR, 15 clones were identified containing fragments that were present in the Nagasaki genome while absent in the SW114 genome. Among these 15 fragments, three fragments (ssh1, ssh13, ssh15) encode cell surface-associated components; three fragments (ssh2, ssh5, ssh9) are associated with metabolism and stress response; one fragment (ssh8) is involved in assembly of fimbria and one fragment (ssh6) is a phage phi-105 ORF25-like protein. The remaining seven fragments are hypothetical proteins or unknown. Based on PCR analysis of the 15 serovar reference strains, eight fragments (ssh1, ssh2, ssh3, ssh6, ssh8, ssh10, ssh11 and ssh12) were found in three to five of most virulent serovars (1, 5, 10, 12, 13 and 14), zero to two in three moderately virulent serovars (2, 4 and 15), but absent in the low virulent serovar (8) and non-virulent serovars (3, 6, 7, 9 and 11). In vivo transcription fragments ssh1, ssh2, ssh8 and ssh12 were identified in total RNA samples extracted from experimental infected pig lung by RT-PCR. This study has provided some evidence of genetic differences between H. parasuis strains of different virulence.


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Knowledge of cattle tick (Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus; Acari: Ixodidae) molecular and cellular pathways has been hampered by the lack of an annotated genome. In addition, most of the tick expressed sequence tags (ESTs) available to date consist of similar to 50% unassigned sequences without predicted functions. The most common approach to address this has been the application of RNA interference (RNAi) methods to investigate genes and their pathways. This approach has been widely adopted in tick research despite minimal knowledge of the tick RNAi pathway and double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) uptake mechanisms. A strong knockdown phenotype of adult female ticks had previously been observed using a 594 bp dsRNA targeting the cattle tick homologue for the Drosophila Ubiquitin-63E gene leading to nil or deformed eggs. A NimbleGen cattle tick custom microarray based on the BmiGI.V2 database of R. microplus ESTs was used to evaluate the expression of mRNAs harvested from ticks treated with the tick Ubiquitin-63E 594 bp dsRNA compared with controls. A total of 144 ESTs including TC6372 (Ubiquitin-63E) were down-regulated with 136 ESTs up-regulated following treatment. The results obtained substantiated the knockdown phenotype with ESTs identified as being associated with ubiquitin proteolysis as well as oogenesis, embryogenesis, fatty acid synthesis and stress responses. A bioinformatics analysis was undertaken to predict off-target effects (OTE) resulting from the in silico dicing of the 594 bp Ubiquitin-63E dsRNA which identified 10 down-regulated ESTs (including TC6372) within the list of differentially expressed probes on the microarrays. Subsequent knockdown experiments utilising 196 and 109 bp dsRNAs, and a cocktail of short hairpin RNAs (shRNA) targeting Ubiquitin-63E, demonstrated similar phenotypes for the dsRNAs but nil effect following shRNA treatment. Quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR analysis confirmed differential expression of TC6372 and selected ESTs. Our study demonstrated the minimisation of predicted OTEs in the shorter dsRNA treatments (similar to 100-200 bp) and the usefulness of microarrays to study knockdown phenotypes.


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Veterinarians have few tools to predict the rate of disease progression in FIV-infected cats. In contrast, in HIV infection, plasma viral RNA load and acute phase protein concentrations are commonly used as predictors of disease progression. This study evaluated these predictors in cats naturally infected with FIV. In older cats (>5 years), log10 FIV RNA load was higher in the terminal stages of disease compared to the asymptomatic stage. There was a significant association between log10 FIV RNA load and both log10 serum amyloid A concentration and age in unwell FIV-infected cats. This study suggests that viral RNA load and serum amyloid A warrant further investigation as predictors of disease status and prognosis in FIV-infected cats.


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In male tephritid fruit flies of the genus Bactrocera, feeding on secondary plant compounds (sensu lato male lures = methyl eugenol, raspberry ketone and zingerone) increases male mating success. Ingested male lures alter the male pheromonal blend, normally making it more attractive to females and this is considered the primary mechanism for the enhanced mating success. However, the male lures raspberry ketone and zingerone are known, across a diverse range of other organisms, to be involved in increasing energy metabolism. If this also occurs in Bactrocera, then this may represent an additional benefit to males as courtship is metabolically expensive and lure feeding may increase a fly's short-term energy. We tested this hypothesis by performing comparative RNA-seq analysis between zingerone-fed and unfed males of Bactrocera tryoni. We also carried out behavioural assays with zingerone- and cuelure-fed males to test whether they became more active. RNA-seq analysis revealed, in zingerone-fed flies, up-regulation of 3183 genes with homologues transcripts to those known to regulate intermale aggression, pheromone synthesis, mating and accessory gland proteins, along with significant enrichment of several energy metabolic pathways and gene ontology terms. Behavioural assays show significant increases in locomotor activity, weight reduction and successful mating after mounting; all direct/indirect measures of increased activity. These results suggest that feeding on lures leads to complex physiological changes, which result in more competitive males. These results do not negate the pheromone effect, but do strongly suggest that the phytochemical-induced sexual selection is governed by both female preference and male competitive mechanisms.


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RNA silencing in plants and insects provides an antiviral defense and as a countermeasure most viruses encode RNA silencing suppressors (RSS). For the family Rhabdoviridae, no detailed functional RSS studies have been reported in plant hosts and insect vectors. In agroinfiltrated Nicotiana benthamiana leaves we show for the first time for a cytorhabdovirus, lettuce necrotic yellows virus (LNYV), that one of the nucleocapsid core proteins, phosphoprotein (P) has relatively weak local RSS activity and delays systemic silencing of a GFP reporter. Analysis of GFP small RNAs indicated that the P protein did not prevent siRNA accumulation. To explore RSS activity in insects, we used a Flock House virus replicon system in Drosophila S2 cells. In contrast to the plant host, LNYV P protein did not exhibit RSS activity in the insect cells. Taken together our results suggest that P protein may target plant-specific components of RNA silencing post siRNA biogenesis.


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The first complete genome sequence of capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV) from Australia was determined using a combination of Illumina HiSeq RNA and Sanger sequencing technologies. Australian CaCV had a tripartite genome structure like other CaCV isolates. The large (L) RNA was 8913 nucleotides (nt) in length and contained a single open reading frame (ORF) of 8634 nt encoding a predicted RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) in the viral-complementary (vc) sense. The medium (M) and small (S) RNA segments were 4846 and 3944 nt in length, respectively, each containing two non-overlapping ORFs in ambisense orientation, separated by intergenic regions (IGR). The M segment contained ORFs encoding the predicted non-structural movement protein (NSm; 927 nt) and precursor of glycoproteins (GP; 3366 nt) in the viral sense (v) and vc strand, respectively, separated by a 449-nt IGR. The S segment coded for the predicted nucleocapsid (N) protein (828 nt) and non-structural suppressor of silencing protein (NSs; 1320 nt) in the vc and v strand, respectively. The S RNA contained an IGR of 1663 nt, being the largest IGR of all CaCV isolates sequenced so far. Comparison of the Australian CaCV genome with complete CaCV genome sequences from other geographic regions showed highest sequence identity with a Taiwanese isolate. Genome sequence comparisons and phylogeny of all available CaCV isolates provided evidence for at least two highly diverged groups of CaCV isolates that may warrant re-classification of AIT-Thailand and CP-China isolates as unique tospoviruses, separate from CaCV.


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The effects of heat stress on dairy production can be separated into 2 distinct causes: those effects that are mediated by the reduced voluntary feed intake associated with heat stress, and the direct physiological and metabolic effects of heat stress. To distinguish between these, and identify their effect on milk protein and casein concentration, mid-lactation Holstein-Friesian cows (n = 24) were housed in temperature-controlled chambers and either subjected to heat stress HS; temperature-humidity index (THI) ~78 or kept in a THI < 70 environment and pair-fed with heat-stressed cows (TN-R) for 7 d. A control group of cows was kept in a THI < 70 environment with ad libitum feeding (TN-AL). A subsequent recovery period (7 d), with THI < 70 and ad libitum feeding followed. Intake accounted for only part of the effects of heat stress. Heat stress reduced the milk protein concentration, casein number, and casein concentration and increased the urea concentration in milk beyond the effects of restriction of intake. Under HS, the proportion in total casein of αS1-casein increased and the proportion of αS2-casein decreased. Because no effect of HS on milk fat or lactose concentration was found, these effects appeared to be the result of specific downregulation of mammary protein synthesis, and not a general reduction in mammary activity. No residual effects were found of HS or TN-R on milk production or composition after THI < 70 and ad libitum intake were restored. Heat-stressed cows had elevated blood concentrations of urea and Ca, compared with TN-R and TN-AL. Cows in TN-R had higher serum nonesterified fatty acid concentrations than cows in HS. It was proposed that HS and TN-R cows may mobilize different tissues as endogenous sources of energy.