18 resultados para Poetry and time

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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In the seasonally dry tropics of northern Australia, breeder cows may lose up to 30% liveweight during the dry season when pasture is of low nutritive value. This is a major cause of low reproductive rates and high mortality. Weaning early in the dry season is effective to reduce this liveweight loss of the breeder (Holroyd et al. 1988). An experiment examined the dry season liveweight loss of breeders for a range of weaning times and levels of nutrition. From April to October through the dry season, 209 Bos indicus x Shorthorn cross cows 4-6 years of age grazed speargrass pastures in north Queensland. The cows had been joined with bulls from late January until April. Twenty-nine breeders had not suckled a calf during the previous wet season (DRY cows). In addition 180 cows lactating in April were weaned in late April, mid July or early September. The cows were allocated by stratified randomisation based on lactational status, stage of pregnancy and body condition to 15 x 40 ha paddocks. Five paddocks with low fertility soils provided LOW nutrition, while 10 paddocks with medium fertility soils and no supplementation or with supplementation provided MEDIUM and HIGH nutrition, respectively. The supplement consisted of molasses containing 14% urea offered ad libitum. Liveweight was measured at intervals and conceptus-free liveweight (CF-LW) calculated. Data were analyses by AOV within groups of paddocks. Animal production for a consuming world : proceedings of 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies [AAAP] and 23rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production [ASAP] and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, [DRF]. 2-7 July 2000, Sydney, Australia.


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Telomere length has been purported as a biomarker for age and could offer a non-lethal method for determining the age of wild-caught individuals. Molluscs, including oysters and abalone, are the basis of important fisheries globally and have been problematic to accurately age. To determine whether telomere length could provide an alternative means of ageing molluscs, we evaluated the relationship between telomere length and age using the commercially important Sydney rock oyster (Saccostrea glomerata). Telomere lengths were estimated from tissues of known age individuals from different age classes, locations and at different sampling times. Telomere length tended to decrease with age only in young oysters less than 18 months old, but no decrease was observed in older oysters aged 2-4 years. Regional and temporal differences in telomere attrition rates were also observed. The relationship between telomere length and age was weak, however, with individuals of identical age varying significantly in their telomere length making it an imprecise age biomarker in oysters.


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Proper management of marine fisheries requires an understanding of the spatial and temporal dynamics of marine populations, which can be obtained from genetic data. While numerous fisheries species have been surveyed for spatial genetic patterns, temporally sampled genetic data is not available for many species. We present a phylogeographic survey of the king threadfin Polydactylus macrochir across its species range in northern Australia and at a temporal scale of 1 and 10 yr. Spatially, the overall AMOVA fixation index was Omega(st) = 0.306 (F-st' = 0.838), p < 0.0001 and isolation by distance was strong and significant (r(2) = 0.45, p < 0.001). Temporally, genetic patterns were stable at a time scale of 10 yr. However, this did not hold true for samples from the eastern Gulf of Carpentaria, where populations showed a greater degree of temporal instability and lacked spatial genetic structure. Temporal but not spatial genetic structure in the Gulf indicates demographic interdependence but also indicates that fishing pressure may be high in this area. Generally, genetic patterns were similar to another co-distributed threadfin species Eleutheronema tetradactylum, which is ecologically similar. However, the historical demography of both species, evaluated herein, differed, with populations of P. macrochir being much younger. The data are consistent with an acute population bottleneck at the last glacio-eustatic low in sea level and indicate that the king threadfin may be sensitive to habitat disturbances.


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Tropical Australian shark fisheries target two morphologically indistinguishable blacktip sharks, the Australian blacktip (Carcharhinus tilstoni) and the common blacktip (C. limbatus). Their relative contributions to northern and eastern Australian coastal fisheries are unclear because of species identification difficulties. The two species differ in their number of precaudal vertebrae, which is difficult and time consuming to obtain in the field. But, the two species can be distinguished genetically with diagnostic mutations in their mitochondrial DNA ND4 gene. A third closely related sister species, the graceful shark C. amblyrhynchoides, can also be distinguished by species-specific mutations in this gene. DNA sequencing is an effective diagnostic tool, but is relatively expensive and time consuming. In contrast, real-time high-resolution melt (HRM) PCR assays are rapid and relatively inexpensive. These assays amplify regions of DNA with species-specific genetic mutations that result in PCR products with unique melt profiles. A real-time HRM PCR species-diagnostic assay (RT-HRM-PCR) has been developed based on the mtDNA ND4 gene for rapid typing of C. tilstoni, C. limbatus and C. amblyrhynchoides. The assay was developed using ND4 sequences from 66 C. tilstoni, 33. C. limbatus and five C. amblyrhynchoides collected from Indonesia and Australian states and territories; Western Australia, the Northern Territory, Queensland and New South Wales. The assay was shown to be 100% accurate on 160 unknown blacktip shark tissue samples by full mtDNA ND4 sequencing.


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An urgent need exists for indicators of soil health and patch functionality in extensive rangelands that can be measured efficiently and at low cost. Soil mites are candidate indicators, but their identification and handling is so specialised and time-consuming that their inclusion in routine monitoring is unlikely. The aim of this study was to measure the relationship between patch type and mite assemblages using a conventional approach. An additional aim was to determine if a molecular approach traditionally used for soil microbes could be adapted for soil mites to overcome some of the bottlenecks associated with soil fauna diversity assessment. Soil mite species abundance and diversity were measured using conventional ecological methods in soil from patches with perennial grass and litter cover (PGL), and compared to soil from bare patches with annual grasses and/or litter cover (BAL). Soil mite assemblages were also assessed using a molecular method called terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis. The conventional data showed a relationship between patch type and mite assemblage. The Prostigmata and Oribatida were well represented in the PGL sites, particularly the Aphelacaridae (Oribatida). For T-RFLP analysis, the mite community was represented by a series of DNA fragment lengths that reflected mite sequence diversity. The T-RFLP data showed a distinct difference in the mite assemblage between the patch types. Where possible, T-RFLP peaks were matched to mite families using a reference 18S rDNA database, and the Aphelacaridae prevalent in the conventional samples at PGL sites were identified, as were prostigmatids and oribatids. We identified limits to the T-RFLP approach and this included an inability to distinguish some species whose DNA sequences were similar. Despite these limitations, the data still showed a clear difference between sites, and the molecular taxonomic inferences also compared well with the conventional ecological data. The results from this study indicated that the T-RFLP approach was effective in measuring mite assemblages in this system. The power of this technique lies in the fact that species diversity and abundance data can be obtained quickly because of the time taken to process hundreds of samples, from soil DNA extraction to data output on the gene analyser, can be as little as 4 days.


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An adaptive conjoint analysis was use to evaluate stakeholders' opinion of welfare indicators for ship-transported sheep and cattle, both onboard and in pre-export depots. In consultations with two nominees of each identified stakeholder group (government officials, animal welfare representatives, animal scientists, stockpersons, producers/pre-export depot operators, exporters/ship owners and veterinarians), 18 potential indicators were identified Three levels were assigned to each using industry statistics and expert opinion, representing those observed on the best and worst 5% of voyages and an intermediate value. A computer-based questionnaire was completed by 135 stakeholders (48% of those invited). All indicators were ranked by respondents in the assigned order, except fodder intake, in which case providing the amount necessary to maintain bodyweight was rated better than over or underfeeding, and time in the pre-export assembly depot, in which case 5 days was rated better than 0 or 10 days. The respective Importance Values (a relative rating given by the respondent) for each indicator were, in order of declining importance: mortality (8.6%), clinical disease incidence (8.2%), respiration rate (6.8%), space allowance (6.2%), ammonia levels (6.1%), weight change (6.0%), wet bulb temperature (6.0%), time in assembly depot (5.4%), percentage of animals in hospital pen (5.4%), fodder intake (5.2%), stress-related metabolites (5.0%), percentage of feeding trough utilised (5.0%), injuries (4.8%), percentage of animals able to access food troughs at any one time (4.8%), percentage of animals lying down (4.7%), cortisol concentration (4.5Y.), noise (3.9y.), and photoperiod (3.4%). The different stakeholder groups were relatively consistent in their ranking of the indicators, with all groups nominating the some top two and at least five of the top seven indicators. Some of the top indicators, in particular mortality, disease incidence and temperature, are already recorded in the Australian industry, but the study identified potential new welfare indicators for exported livestock, such as space allowance and ammonia concentration, which could be used to improve welfare standards if validated by scientific data. The top indicators would also be useful worldwide for countries engaging in long distance sea transport of livestock.


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As failure to control Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) with phosphine is a common problem in the grain-growing regions of Brazil, a study was undertaken to investigate the frequency, distribution and strength of phosphine resistance in R. dominica in Brazil. Nineteen samples of R. dominica were collected between 1991 and 2003 from central storages where phosphine fumigation had failed to control this species. Insects were cultured without selection until testing in 2005. Each sample was tested for resistance to phosphine on the basis of the response of adults to discriminating concentrations of phosphine (20 and 48 h exposures) and full dose-response assays (48 h exposure). Responses of the Brazilian R. dominica samples were compared with reference susceptible, weak-resistance and strong-resistance strains from Australia in parallel assays. All Brazilian population samples showed resistance to phosphine: five were diagnosed with weak resistance and 14 with strong resistance. Five samples showed levels of resistance similar to the reference strong-resistance strain. A representative highly resistant sample was characterised by exposing mixed-age cultures to a range of constant concentrations of phosphine for various exposure periods. Time to population extinction (TPE) and time to 99.9% suppression of population (LT99.9) values of this sample were generally similar to those of the reference strong-resistance strain. For example, at 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mg L-1, LT99.9 values for BR33 and the reference strong-resistance strain were respectively 21, 6.4 and 3.7 days and 17, 6.2 and 3.8 days. With both strains, doubling phosphine concentrations to 2 mg L -1 resulted in increased LT99.9 and TPE. High level and frequency of resistance in all population samples, some of which had been cultured without selection for up to 12 years, suggest little or no fitness deficit associated with phosphine resistance. The present research indicates that widespread phosphine resistance may be developing in Brazil. Fumigation practices should be monitored and resistance management plans implemented to alleviate further resistance development.


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Commercial and recreational harvesting of pigs is often encouraged by pest managers because it is essentially a ‘free’ reduction in pest density. However, the reduction in numbers may provide minimal damage mitigation and may be inappropriately allocated in space and time. Additionally, more effective control (e.g. baiting) may not occur because of the incorrect perception that harvesting is effective or because pigs are valued for recreational use.


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Koster´s curse is a highly invasive, perennial shrub with potential to become a major weed in many parts of Queensland and elsewhere in Australia. Presently, there is one infestation discovered in Australia and the species is a Class 1 weed. It grows to 5 m and can produce over 500 berries annually which are dispersed by birds and water. This study quantified growth and the effects of damage on survival and time to reproduction under both field and shade house conditions in the Wet Tropics of north Queensland. Plants recovered to their original size and were capable of setting seed in as few as 86 days and 194 days after being cut back to 10 cm and 0 cm respectively.


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The genus Asparagus includes at least six invasive species in Australia. Asparagus aethiopicus and A. africanus are invasive in subtropical Australia, and a third species, A. virgatus is naturalized and demonstrates localized spread in south east Queensland. To better understand how the attributes of these species contribute to their invasiveness, we compared fruit and seed traits, germination, seedling emergence, seed survival, and time-to-maturity. We further investigated dispersal ecology of A. africanus, examining the diet of a local frugivore, the figbird (Sphecotheres viridis) and the effect of gut passage on seedling emergence. Overall, A. aethiopicus was superior in germination and emergence, with the highest mean germination (98.8%) and emergence (94.5%) under optimal conditions and higher emergence (mean of 73.3%) across all treatments. In contrast, A. africanus had the lowest germination under optimal conditions (71.7%) and low mean seedling emergence (49.5%), but had fruits with the highest relative yield (ratio of dry pulp to fruit fresh weight) that were favored by a local frugivore. Figbirds consumed large numbers of A. africanus fruits (~30% of all non-Ficus fruits), and seedling germination was not significantly affected by gut passage compared to unprocessed fruits. Asparagus virgatus germinated poorly under cool, light conditions (1.4%) despite a high optimum mean (95.0%) and had low mean performance across emergence treatments (36.3%). The species also had fruits with a low pulp return for frugivores. For all species, seed survival declined rapidly in the first 12 mo and fell to < 3.2% viability at 36 mo. On the basis of the traits considered, A. virgatus is unlikely to have the invasive potential of its congeners. Uniformly short seed survival times suggest that weed managers do not have to contend with a substantial persistent soil-stored seed bank, but frugivore-mediated dispersal beyond existing infestations will present a considerable management challenge.


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Better understanding of seed-bank dynamics of Echinochloa colona, Urochloa panicoides and Hibiscus trionum, major crop weeds in sub-tropical Australia, was needed to improve weed control. Emergence patterns and seed persistence were investigated, with viable seeds sown at different depths in large in-ground pots. Seedlings of all species emerged between October and March when mean soil temperatures were 21-23C. However, E. colona emerged as a series of flushes predominantly in the first year, with most seedlings emerging from 0-2 cm. Urochloa panicoides emerged mostly as a single large flush in the first two years, with most seedlings emerging from 5 cm. Hibiscus trionum emerged as a series of flushes over three seasons, initially with majority from 5 cm and then 0-2 cm in the later seasons. Longevity of the grass seed was short, with <5% remaining after burial at 0-2 cm for 24 months. In contrast, 38% of H. trionum seeds remained viable after the same period. Persistence of all species increased significantly with burial depth. These data highlight that management strategies need to be tailored for each species, particularly relating to the need for monitoring, application times for control tactics, impact of tillage, and time needed to reduce the seed-bank to low numbers.


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The plant phenotypic preference and performance of Aconophora compressa, a biocontrol agent for Lantana camara in Australia, were assessed. Overall, there were no significant trends of A. compressa favouring any one particular phenotype. However, there was a gradual decrease in performance through subsequent generations, with populations of A. compressa dying out on two phenotypes. Females did not show preference for any particular lantana phenotype, ovipositing similarly on all five phenotypes presented in choice trials and all 16 phenotypes in no-choice trials. Nymphs developed on all 16 phenotypes tested. Percent development and time to complete development were not significant in the first generation but were significant in the second generation. There was a general decrease in performance with generation. However, this was probably due to rising temperatures with season rather than an effect of phenotype. These results suggest that A. compressa should establish on all phenotypes within its geographic range.


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The productivity of a fisheries resource can be quantified from estimates of recruitment, individual growth and natural and fisheries-related mortality, assuming the spatial extent of the resource has been quantified and there is minimal immigration or emigration. The sustainability of a fisheries resource is facilitated by management controls such as minimum and maximum size limits and total allowable catch. Minimum size limits are often set to allow individuals the opportunity to reproduce at least once before the chance of capture. Total allowable catches are a proportion of the population biomass, which is estimated based on known reproduction, recruitment, mortality and growth rates. In some fisheries, however, management actions are put in place without quantification of the resource through the stock assessment process. This occurs because species-specific information, for example individual growth, may not be available. In these circumstances, management actions need to be precautionary to protect against future resource collapse, but this often means that the resource is lightly exploited. Consequently, the productivity of the resource is not fully realised. Australia’s most valuable fisheries are invertebrate fisheries (Australian Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry, 2008). For example, Australian fisheries (i.e. excluding aquaculture) production of crustaceans (largely prawns, rock lobster and crab) was 41,000 tonnes in 2006/7, worth $778 million. Production from mollusc (largely abalone, scallops, oysters and squid) fisheries was 39,000 tonnes, worth $502 million. Together, in 2006/7 crustacean and mollusc fisheries represented 58% of the total value of Australian wild fisheries production. Sustainable management of Australia’s invertebrate fisheries is frustrated by the lack of data on species-specific growth rates. This project investigated a new method to estimate age, and hence individual growth rates, in invertebrate fisheries species. The principle behind the new aging method was that telomeres (i.e. DNA end-caps of chromosomes) get shorter as an individual gets older. We studied commercial crustacean and molluscan species. A vertebrate fish species (silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus) was used as a control to standardise our work against the literature. We found a clear relationship between telomere length and shell size for temperate abalone (Haliotis rubra). Further research is recommended before the method can be implemented to assist management of wildharvested abalone populations. Age needs to be substituted for shell size in the relationship and it needs to be studied for abalone from several regions. This project showed that telomere length declined with increasing age in Sydney rock oysters (Saccostrea glomerata) and was affected by regional variation. A relationship was not apparent between telomere length and age (or size as a surrogate for age) for crustacean species (school prawns, Metapenaeus macleayi; eastern rock lobster, Sagmariasus verreauxi; southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii; and spanner crabs, Ranina ranina). For school prawns, there was no difference between telomere length in males and females. Further research is recommended, however, as telomeric DNA from crustaceans was difficult to analyse using the terminal restriction fragment (TRF) assay. Telomere lengths of spanner crabs and lobsters were at the upper limit of resolution of the assay used and results were affected by degradation and possible contamination of telomeric DNA. It is possible that telomere length is an indicator of remaining lifespan in molluscan and crustacean individuals, as suggested for some vertebrate species (e.g. Monaghan, 2010). Among abalone of similar shell size and among lobster pueruli, there was evidence of individuals having significantly longer or shorter telomeres than the group average. At a population level, this may be a surrogate for estimates of future natural mortality, which may have usefulness in the management of those populations. The method used to assay telomere length (terminal restriction fragment assay) performed adequately for most species, but it was too expensive and time-consuming to be considered a useful tool for gathering information for fisheries management. Research on alternative methods is strongly recommended.


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The objective of this study was to investigate patterns of soil water extraction and drought resistance among genotypes of bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) a perennial C-4 grass. Four wild Australian ecotypes (1-1, 25a1, 40-1, and 81-1) and four cultivars (CT2, Grand Prix, Legend, and Wintergreen) were examined in field experiments with rainfall excluded to monitor soil water extraction at 30-190 cm depths. In the study we defined drought resistance as the ability to maintain green canopy cover under drought. The most drought resistant genotypes (40-1 and 25a1) maintained more green cover (55-85% vs 5-10%) during water deficit and extracted more soil water (120-160 mm vs 77-107 mm) than drought sensitive genotypes, especially at depths from 50 to 110 cm, though all genotypes extracted water to 190 cm. The maintenance of green cover and higher soil water extraction were associated with higher stomatal conductance, photosynthetic rate and relative water content. For all genotypes, the pattern of water use as a percentage of total water use was similar across depth and time We propose the observed genetic variation was related to different root characteristics (root length density, hydraulic conductivity, root activity) although shoot sensitivity to drying soil cannot be ruled out.


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The adoption of dry direct seeding of rice in many Asian countries has resulted in increased interest among weed scientists to improve weed management strategies, because of the large and complex weed flora associated with dry-seeded rice (DSR). Tillage and cover cropping practices can be integrated into weed management strategies as these have been known to affect weed emergence for several ecological reasons. A study was conducted in the summer seasons of 2012 and 2013 at the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India, to evaluate the effects of tillage, cover cropping, and herbicides on weed growth and grain yield of DSR. Most of the weed species (Echinochloa crus-galli, Echinochloa colona, Eleusine indica, and Euphorbia hirta) under study tended to populate the cover crop (CC) treatment more than the no-cover crop (no-CC) treatment. Zero tillage (ZT) resulted in higher weed densities of most of the weed species studied. The interaction effects of these treatments suggest that lesser herbicide efficacy in ZT and CC plots led to higher weed pressure and weed biomass. Grain yield was significantly higher in the conventional tillage system (2.40–3.32 t ha−1), because of lesser weed pressure, than in ZT (2.08–2.73 t ha−1). Almost all weed species increased in number and biomass production in the second year (2013) compared with the preceding year. Herbicide application (pendimethalin followed by bispyribac-sodium) alone, though significantly increased DSR grain yield over that of the unsprayed check, resulted in lesser grain yield compared with the weed-free check (5.07–5.12 t ha−1) by 14% and 27% in 2012 and 2013, respectively. This was mainly due to the buildup of biomass by weeds that escaped from herbicide application. The study reveals that conservation practices such as ZT can form an important component of integrated weed management in DSR, provided that herbicide efficacy be improved by adjusting rate and time of herbicide application in such systems.