7 resultados para Planets and satellites: formation

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Postharvest treatments with nano-silver (NS) alleviate bacteria-related stem blockage of some cut flowers to extend their longevity. Gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus) is a commercially important cut flower species. For the first time, the effects of NS pulses on cut gladiolus ‘Eerde’ spikes were investigated towards reducing bacterial colonization of and biofilm formation on their stems. As compared with a deionized water (DIW) control, pulse treatments with NS at 10, 25 and 50 mg L−1 for 24 h significantly (P ≤ 0.05) prolonged the vase life of cut gladiolus spikes moved into vases containing DIW. The NS treatments enhanced floret ‘opening rate’ and ‘daily ornamental value’. Although there were no significant differences among NS treatments, a 25 mg L−1 NS pulse treatment tended to give the longest vase life and the best ‘display quality’. All NS pulse treatments significantly improved water uptake by and reduced water loss from flowering spikes, thereby delaying the loss of water balance and maintaining relative fresh weight. Fifty (50) mg L−1 NS pulse-treated cut gladiolus spikes tended to exhibit the most water uptake and highest water balance over the vase period. However, there was no significant difference between 25 and 50 mg L−1 NS pulse treatments. Observations of stem-end bacterial proliferation during the vase period on cut gladiolus spikes either with or without NS pulse treatments were performed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). As compared to the control treatment, they revealed that the 25 mg L−1 NS pulse treatment effectively inhibited bacterial colonization and biofilm formation on the stem-end cut surface and in the xylem vessels, respectively. In vitro culture of the bacterial microflora and analysis of biofilm architecture using CLSM revealed that NS treatment restricted bacterial biofilm formation. After static culture for 24 h at 35 °C with 25 mg L−1 NS in the medium, no biofilm form or structure was evident. Rather, only limited bacterial cell number and scanty extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) material were observed. In contrast, mature bacterial biofilm architecture comprised of abundant bacteria interwoven with EPS formed in the absence of NS.


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The chemical nature of the hydrolysis products from the glucosinolate-myrosinase system depends on the presence or absence of supplementary proteins, such as epithiospecifier proteins (ESPs). ESPs (non-catalytic cofactors of myrosinase) promote the formation of epithionitriles from terminal alkenyl glucosinolates and as recent evidence suggests, simple nitriles at the expense of isothiocyanates. The ratio of ESP activity to myrosinase activity is crucial in determining the proportion of these nitriles produced on hydrolysis. Sulphoraphane, a major isothiocyanate produced in broccoli seedlings, has been found to be a potent inducer of phase 2 detoxification enzymes. However, ESP may also support the formation of the non-inductive sulphoraphane nitrile. Our objective was to monitor changes in ESP activity during the development of broccoli seedlings and link these activity changes with myrosinase activity, the level of terminal alkenyl glucosinolates and sulphoraphane nitrile formed. Here, for the first time, we show ESP activity increases up to day 2 after germination before decreasing again to seed activity levels at day 5. These activity changes paralleled changes in myrosinase activity and terminal alkenyl glucosinolate content. There is a significant relationship between ESP activity and the formation of sulforaphane nitrile in broccoli seedlings. The significance of these findings for the health benefits conferred by eating broccoli seedlings is briefly discussed.


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The purpose of this report is to present the final results of all activities conducted under HAL Project VG05053 ‘Virus identification and development of long-term management strategies for the rhubarb industry’. The report provides a summary of project findings, a description of technology transfer activities, and recommendations arising from the outcomes of the project. The overall objective of this project was to devise a strategy for the control of rhubarb decline disease through 1) knowledge of the viruses present and their epidemiology, 2) production of virus-free planting material via tissue culture, and 3) formation of a national grower group to represent industry.


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Sagittal otoliths were used to age the samples of Tilapia mariae collected from a coastal river and an impoundment. Validation of sagittae checks was achieved using both quantitative marginal increment analysis and by tetracycline marking of the otoliths of fish kept in tanks and in a farm dam. The annulus pattern on the otoliths was generally clear and their formation appeared to be temperature related and largely completed in the Austral spring around September and October. Male T. mariae grow faster and larger than females and the maximum ages of fish from the coastal river and impoundment was 9+ and 4+ years, respectively. Past fish surveys and the absence of older age classes in the impoundment population would suggest that this population was only very recently established.


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Fruiting hybrids are reported for the first time between the genera Citrus L. and Citropsis (Engl.) Swing. & M.Kell. Conventional hybridization using the recently described species Citrus wakonai P.I.Forst. & M.W.Sm. and Citropsis gabunensis (Engl.) Swing. & M.Kell. resulted in high rates of fruit set and seed formation. Although seed were only half normal size, over 90% germinated without the need for embryo rescue techniques. Plant losses were high during the first few months but after six months, the 327 surviving hybrids were potted on. These grew vigorously on their own roots and 35 of them flowered within two years of sowing. Plants flowered continuously but all were pollen-sterile and ovaries abscised shortly after petal fall. However, at 25 months, two newly flowering hybrids began setting fruit. The development, identification, morphology, breeding efficiency, and future implications of this unique germplasm are described.


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Cascabela thevetia (L.) Lippold (Apocynaceae) is an invasive woody weed that has formed large infestations at several locations in northern Australia. Understanding the reproductive biology of C. thevetia is vital to its management. This paper reports results of a shade house experiment that determined the effects of light conditions (100% or 30% of natural light) and plant densities (one, two, four or eight plants per plot) on the growth, time to flowering and seed formation, and monthly pod production of two C. thevetia biotypes (peach and yellow). Shaded plants were significantly larger when they reached reproductive maturity than plants grown under natural light. However, plants grown under natural light flowered earlier (268 days compared with 369 days) and produced 488 more pods per pot (a 5-fold increase) over 3 years. The yellow biotype was slightly taller at reproductive maturity but significantly taller and with significantly greater aboveground biomass at the end of the study. Both biotypes flowered at a similar time under natural light and low plant densities but the yellow biotype was quicker to seed (478 versus 498 days), produced significantly more pods (364 versus 203 pods) and more shoot growth (577 g versus 550 g) than the peach biotype over 3 years. Higher densities of C. thevetia tended to significantly reduce the shoot and root growth by 981 g and 714 g per plant across all light conditions and biotypes over 3 years and increase the time taken to flower by 140 days and produce seeds by 184 days. For land managers trying to prevent establishment of C. thevetia or to control seedling regrowth once initial infestations have been treated, this study indicates that young plants have the potential to flower and produce seeds within 268 and 353 days, respectively. However, with plant growth and reproduction most likely to be slower under field conditions, annual surveillance and control activities should be sufficient to find and treat plants before they produce seeds and replenish soil seed banks. The most at-risk part of the landscape may be open areas that receive maximum sunlight, particularly within riparian habitats where plants would consistently have more favourable soil moisture conditions.


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Ruminant livestock are important sources of human food and global greenhouse gas emissions. Feed degradation and methane formation by ruminants rely on metabolic interactions between rumen microbes and affect ruminant productivity. Rumen and camelid foregut microbial community composition was determined in 742 samples from 32 animal species and 35 countries, to estimate if this was influenced by diet, host species, or geography. Similar bacteria and archaea dominated in nearly all samples, while protozoal communities were more variable. The dominant bacteria are poorly characterised, but the methanogenic archaea are better known and highly conserved across the world. This universality and limited diversity could make it possible to mitigate methane emissions by developing strategies that target the few dominant methanogens. Differences in microbial community compositions were predominantly attributable to diet, with the host being less influential. There were few strong co-occurrence patterns between microbes, suggesting that major metabolic interactions are non-selective rather than specific. © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited.