17 resultados para Pastoral Practice.

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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This paper outlines the expectations of a wide range of stakeholders for environmental assurance in the pastoral industries and agriculture generally. Stakeholders consulted were domestic consumers, rangeland graziers, members of environmental groups, companies within meat and wool supply chains, and agricultural industry, environmental and consumer groups. Most stakeholders were in favour of the application of environmental assurance to agriculture, although supply chains and consumers had less enthusiasm for this than environmental and consumer groups. General public good benefits were more important to environmental and consumer groups, while private benefits were more important to consumers and supply chains. The 'ideal' form of environmental assurance appears to be a management system that provides for continuous improvement in environmental, quality and food safety outcomes, combined with elements of ISO 14024 eco-labelling such as life-cycle assessment, environmental performance criteria, third-party certification, labelling and multi-stakeholder involvement. However, market failure prevents this from being implemented and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. In the short term, members of supply chains (the people that must implement and fund environmental assurance) want this to be kept simple and low cost, to be built into their existing industry standards and to add value to their businesses. As a starting point, several agricultural industry organisations favour the use of a basic management system, combining continuous improvement, risk assessment and industry best management practice programs, which can be built on over time to meet regulator, market and community expectations.


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Beef businesses in northern Australia are facing increased pressure to be productive and profitable with challenges such as climate variability and poor financial performance over the past decade. Declining terms of trade, limited recent gains in on-farm productivity, low profit margins under current management systems and current climatic conditions will leave little capacity for businesses to absorb climate change-induced losses. In order to generate a whole-of-business focus towards management change, the Climate Clever Beef project in the Maranoa-Balonne region of Queensland trialled the use of business analysis with beef producers to improve financial literacy, provide a greater understanding of current business performance and initiate changes to current management practices. Demonstration properties were engaged and a systematic approach was used to assess current business performance, evaluate impacts of management changes on the business and to trial practices and promote successful outcomes to the wider industry. Focus was concentrated on improving financial literacy skills, understanding the business’ key performance indicators and modifying practices to improve both business productivity and profitability. To best achieve the desired outcomes, several extension models were employed: the ‘group facilitation/empowerment model’, the ‘individual consultant/mentor model’ and the ‘technology development model’. Providing producers with a whole-of-business approach and using business analysis in conjunction with on-farm trials and various extension methods proved to be a successful way to encourage producers in the region to adopt new practices into their business, in the areas of greatest impact. The areas targeted for development within businesses generally led to improvements in animal performance and grazing land management further improving the prospects for climate resilience.


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This paper describes adoption rates of environmental assurance within meat and wool supply chains, and discusses this in terms of market interest and demand for certified 'environmentally friendly' products, based on phone surveys and personal interviews with pastoral producers, meat and wool processors, wholesalers and retailers, and domestic consumers. Members of meat and wool supply chains, particularly pastoral producers, are both aware of and interested in implementing various forms of environmental assurance, but significant costs combined with few private benefits have resulted in low adoption rates. The main reason for the lack of benefits is that the end user (the consumer) does not value environmental assurance and is not willing to pay for it. For this reason, global food and fibre supply chains, which compete to supply consumers with safe and quality food at the lowest price, resist public pressure to implement environmental assurance. This market failure is further exacerbated by highly variable environmental and social production standards required of primary producers in different countries, and the disparate levels of government support provided to them. Given that it is the Australian general public and not markets that demand environmental benefits from agriculture, the Australian government has a mandate to use public funds to counter this market failure. A national farm environmental policy should utilise a range of financial incentives to reward farmers for delivering general public good environmental outcomes, with these specified and verified through a national environmental assurance scheme.


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This paper outlines the customisation of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) for the pastoral industry of western Queensland, the recruitment and training of pastoral producers, and their development and implementation of EMS. EMS was simplified to a 7-step process and producers were recruited to trial this customised EMS. Producers from 40 properties received EMS training, either as groups or individually. Of these, 37 commenced Pastoral EMS development through a facilitated approach that allowed them to learn about EMS while developing an EMS for their property. EMS implementation has been more effective with producers who were trained in groups. At this stage, however, most producers do not see value in EMS as there are currently no strong drivers to warrant continued development and implementation. Key findings resulting from this work were that personal contact and assistance is vital to encourage producers to trial EMS, and that a staged approach to EMS implementation, commencing with a self-assessment, is recommended. EMS training is most successful in a group situation; however, an alternative method of delivery should be provided for those producers who, either by choice or isolation, have to work alone. A support network is also necessary to encourage and maintain progress with EMS development and implementation, particularly where no strong drivers exist.


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We discovered a significant bias for wild dog scent station spoor (scats and scratches) to be positioned on the north-easterly side of roads and intersections. Counts of this spoor, 50 metres in each direction of north-south and east-west intersections were made in state forests near Roma in southwest Queensland, Cecil Plains on the Darling Downs and Maryborough on the coast during mating season in April/May 2007. While 51% of 190 and 83% of 120 scent station spoor were located on the north-eastern sector of the intersections at Cecil Plains and Roma respectively, spoor were more evenly distributed across all four sectors at Maryborough (n=47).


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Release of virulent myxoma virus has been a key component of rabbit-control operations in Queensland, Australia, since the 1960s but its use rests on anecdotal reports. During a routine operation to release virulent myxoma virus we found no evidence to support the continued regular use of the technique in south-west Queensland. Radio-tagged rabbits inoculated with virulent myxoma virus contracted the disease but failed to pass enough virus to other rabbits to spread the disease. Rabbits with clinical signs of myxomatosis that were shot were infected with field strain derived from the original laboratory strain released in 1950 rather than the virulent strain that has been released annually. There was no change in rabbit survival or abundance caused by the release. Nevertheless, the release of virulent virus may be useful against isolated pockets of rabbits mainly because field strains are less likely to be present. Such pockets are more common now that rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus is established in Queensland.


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This article provides a summary of research undertaken during a seven-year study from 1995-2002 which focussed on prawn farm ecosystems, their ecological impacts, and cost-effective effluent treatment systems.


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Maximum adoption throughout the supply-chain of research findings that attained premium quality for live mud crabs.


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Despite recent flooding in eastern Australia, the availability/quality of irrigation water is a long-term issue for Australian vegetable growers. To survive, producers are told to implement new technologies. However, there is often little practical information investigating which improvements could make a real difference, and keep production profitable. In an Horticulture Australia Ltd three year project, scientists from the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (QLD), CSIRO, Department of Industry and Investment (NSW), and the National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture, evaluated practical irrigation improvements. We conducted experiments and case studies on farms in southern Queensland and Riverina vegetable districts, with over 100 extension events, including irrigation workshops, conferences, and field days.


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Demonstrating environmental performance and sustainability is a strategic priority for the Australian banana industry. Development, delivery and uptake of an EMS will allow the industry to demonstrate this. It will maintain community confidence in the Australian banana industry and its commitment to careful environmental management and the protection of key Australian icons like the Great Barrier Reef and the Wet Tropics and ensure the industry’s right to farm, now and in the future.


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This manual is a guide to establishing a set of operations to achieve high grade results in product quality and recovery, flexibility, innovation, cost, and competitiveness. The manual outlines: - economic and feasible technologies for increasing recovery and reducing avoidable loss during processing, from the log to the finished board, and - mechanisms that allow production value to be optimised in different sized mills. Part 2 includes sections 8 to 17: Air drying, pre-drying, reconditioning, controlled final drying, dry milling, storage, information assessment, drying quality assessment, moisture content monitoring, glossary. Part 1 Link: http://era.deedi.qld.gov.au/3138 Covers sections 1 to 7: Drying overview and strategy, coupe, log yard, green mill, green pack, bioprotection, rack timber.


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This manual is a guide to establishing a set of operations to achieve high grade results in product quality and recovery, flexibility, innovation, cost, and competitiveness. The manual outlines: - economic and feasible technologies for increasing recovery and reducing avoidable loss during processing, from the log to the finished board, and - mechanisms that allow production value to be optimised in different sized mills. Part 1 covers sections 1 to 7: Drying overview and strategy, coupe, log yard, green mill, green pack, bioprotection, rack timber. Part 2 Link: http://era.deedi.qld.gov.au/3137 Includes sections 8 to 17: Air drying, pre-drying, reconditioning, controlled final drying, dry milling, storage, information assessment, drying quality assessment, moisture content monitoring, glossary.


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In the Mackay Whitsunday region, the dominant grazing based operations are small intensive systems that heavily utilise soil, nutrient and chemical management practices. To improve water quality entering the Great Barrier Reef, graziers are being encouraged to adopt improved management practices. However, while there is good understanding of the management changes required to reach improved practice classification levels, there is poor understanding of the likely economic implications for a grazier seeking to move from a lower level classification to the higher level classifications. This paper provides analysis of the costs and benefits associated with adoption of intensive grazing best management practices to determine the effect on the profitability and economic sustainability of grazing enterprises, and the economic viability of capital investment to achieve best management. The results indicate that financial incentives are likely to be required to encourage smaller graziers to invest in changing their management practices, while larger graziers may only require incentives to balance the risk involved with the transition to better management practices.


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This study has examined the dynamics (in terms of levels and serovar diversity) of Salmonella in the "dual litter environment" that occurs within a single shed as a result of a management practice common in Australia. The study also looked at the physical parameters of the litter (pH, moisture content, water activity and litter temperature) as a means of understanding the Salmonella dynamics in these litter environments. The Australian practice results in the brooder end of the shed having new litter each cycle while the grow-out end has re-used litter (a "dual litter environment"). Two farms that adopted this partial litter re-use practice were studied over one full broiler cycle each. Litter was sampled weekly for the levels (and serovars) of Salmonella during a farming cycle. There was a trend for lower levels of Salmonella (and a lower Salmonella serovar) diversity in the re-used litter environment as compared with the new litter environment. Of the physical parameters examined, it would appear that the lower water activity associated with the re-used litter may contribute to the Salmonella dynamics in the dual environment.


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The availability and quality of irrigation water has become an issue limiting productivity in many Australian vegetable regions. Production is also under competitive pressure from supply chain forces. Producers look to new technologies, including changing irrigation infrastructure, exploring new water sources, and more complex irrigation management, to survive these stresses. Often there is little objective information investigating which improvements could improve outcomes for vegetable producers, and external communities (e.g. meeting NRM targets). This has led to investment in inappropriate technologies, and costly repetition of errors, as business independently discover the worth of technologies by personal experience. In our project, we investigated technology improvements for vegetable irrigation. Through engagement with industry and other researchers, we identified technologies most applicable to growers, particularly those that addressed priority issues. We developed analytical tools for ‘what if’ scenario testing of technologies. We conducted nine detailed experiments in the Lockyer Valley and Riverina vegetable growing districts, as well as case studies on grower properties in southern Queensland. We investigated root zone monitoring tools (FullStop™ wetting front detectors and Soil Solution Extraction Tubes - SSET), drip system layout, fertigation equipment, and altering planting arrangements. Our project team developed and validated models for broccoli, sweet corn, green beans and lettuce, and spreadsheets for evaluating economic risks associated with new technologies. We presented project outcomes at over 100 extension events, including irrigation showcases, conferences, field days, farm walks and workshops. The FullStops™ were excellent for monitoring root zone conditions (EC, nitrate levels), and managing irrigation with poor quality water. They were easier to interpret than the SSET. The SSET were simpler to install, but required wet soil to be reliable. SSET were an option for monitoring deeper soil zones, unsuitable for FullStop™ installations. Because these root zone tools require expertise, and are labour intensive, we recommend they be used to address specific problems, or as a periodic auditing strategy, not for routine monitoring. In our research, we routinely found high residual N in horticultural soils, with subsequently little crop yield response to additional nitrogen fertiliser. With improved irrigation efficiency (and less leaching), it may be timely to re-examine nitrogen budgets and recommendations for vegetable crops. Where the drip irrigation tube was located close to the crop row (i.e. within 5-8 cm), management of irrigation was easier. It improved nitrogen uptake, water use efficiency, and reduced the risk of poor crop performance through moisture stress, particularly in the early crop establishment phases. Close proximity of the drip tube to the crop row gives the producer more options for managing salty water, and more flexibility in taking risks with forecast rain. In many vegetable crops, proximate drip systems may not be cost-effective. The next best alternative is to push crop rows closer to the drip tube (leading to an asymmetric row structure). The vegetable crop models are good at predicting crop phenology (development stages, time to harvest), input use (water, fertiliser), environmental impacts (nutrient, salt movement) and total yields. The two immediate applications for the models are understanding/predicting/manipulating harvest dates and nitrogen movements in vegetable cropping systems. From the economic tools, the major influences on accumulated profit are price and yield. In doing ‘what if’ analyses, it is very important to be as accurate as possible in ascertaining what the assumed yield and price ranges are. In most vegetable production systems, lowering the required inputs (e.g. irrigation requirement, fertiliser requirement) is unlikely to have a major influence on accumulated profit. However, if a resource is constraining (e.g. available irrigation water), it is usually most profitable to maximise return per unit of that resource.