8 resultados para Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve (Hawaii)

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Six species of line-caught coral reef fish (Plectropomus spp., Lethrinus miniatus, Lethrinus laticaudis, Lutjanus sebae, Lutjanus malabaricus and Lutjanus erythropterus) were tagged by members of the Australian National Sportsfishing Association (ANSA) in Queensland between 1986 and 2003. Of the 14,757 fish tagged, 1607 were recaptured and we analysed these data to describe movement and determine factors likely to impact release survival. All species were classified as residents since over 80% of recaptures for each species occurred within 1 km of the release site. Few individuals (range 0.8-5%) were recaptured more than 20 km from their release point. L. sebae had a higher recapture rate (19.9%) than the other species studied (range 2.1-11.7%). Venting swimbladder gases, regardless of whether or not fish appeared to be suffering from barotrauma, significantly enhanced (P < 0.05) the survival of L. sebae and L. malabaricus but had no significant effect (P > 0.05) on L. erythropterus. The condition of fish on release, subjectively assessed by anglers, was only a significant effect on recapture rate for L. sebae where fish in "fair" condition had less than half the recapture rate of those assessed as in "excellent" or "good" condition. The recapture rate of L. sebae and L. laticaudis was significantly (P < 0.05) affected by depth with recapture rate declining in depths exceeding 30 m. Overall, the results showed that depth of capture, release condition and treatment for barotrauma influenced recapture rate for some species but these effects were not consistent across all species studied. Recommendations were made to the ANSA tagging clubs to record additional information such as injury, hooking location and hook type to enable a more comprehensive future assessment of the factors influencing release survival.


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We tested the effect of near-future CO2 levels (a parts per thousand 490, 570, 700, and 960 mu atm CO2) on the olfactory responses and activity levels of juvenile coral trout, Plectropomus leopardus, a piscivorous reef fish that is also one of the most important fisheries species on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Juvenile coral trout reared for 4 weeks at 570 mu atm CO2 exhibited similar sensory responses and behaviors to juveniles reared at 490 mu atm CO2 (control). In contrast, juveniles reared at 700 and 960 mu atm CO2 exhibited dramatically altered sensory function and behaviors. At these higher CO2 concentrations, juveniles became attracted to the odor of potential predators, as has been observed in other reef fishes. They were more active, spent less time in shelter, ventured further from shelter, and were bolder than fish reared at 490 or 570 mu atm CO2. These results demonstrate that behavioral impairment of coral trout is unlikely if pCO(2) remains below 600 mu atm; however, at higher levels, there are significant impacts on juvenile performance that are likely to affect survival and energy budgets, with consequences for predator-prey interactions and commercial fisheries.


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An economic survey of the commercial operators currently active in the Queensland Coral Reef Fin-Fish Fishery has been carried out, as part of a research project aimed at evaluating alternative management options for this fishery. This paper presents the background analysis used as a basis to develop the sampling design for this survey. The background analysis focuses on activity patterns of the fleet based on effort and catch information, as well as patterns of quota ownership. Based on this information, a fishing business profile describing the micro-economic structure of fishing operations is developed. This profile, in conjunction with the qualitative information gained in undertaking the economic surveys, allows preliminary understanding of the key drivers of profitability in the CRFFF, and possible impacts of external factors on fishing operations.


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A tethered remote instrument package (TRIP) has been developed for biological surveys over Queensland's continental shelf and slope. The present system, evolved from an earlier sled configuration, is suspended above the sea bed and towed at low speeds. Survey information is collected through video and film cameras while instrument and environmental variables are handled by a minicomputer. The operator was able to "fly" the instrument package above the substrate by using an altitude echosounder, forward-looking sonar and real-time television viewing. Unwanted movements of the viewing system were stabilized through a gyro-controlled camera-head panning system. the hydrodynamic drag of the umbilical presented a major control problem which could be overcome only by a reduction in towing speed. Despite the constraints of towing a device such as this through the coral reef environment, the package performed well during a recent biological survey where it was worked at 50% of its 350 m design depth.


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Including collaboration with industry members as an integral part of research activities is a relatively new approach to fisheries research. Earlier approaches to involving fishers in research usually involved compulsory accommodations of research, such as through compulsory observer programs, in which fishers were seen as subjects of rather than participants in research. This new approach brings with it significant potential benefits but also some unique issues both for the researchers and the participating industry members. In this paper we describe a research project involving the Queensland Coral Reef Finfish Fishery that originated from industry and community concerns about changes in marketing practices in an established commercial line fishery. A key aspect of this project was industry collaboration in all stages of the research, from formulation of objectives to assistance with interpretation of results. We discuss this research as a case study of some of the issues raised by collaboration between industry and research groups in fisheries research and the potential pitfalls and benefits of such collaborations for all parties. A dedicated liaison and extension strategy was a key element in the project to develop and maintain the relationships between fishers and researchers that were fundamental to the success of the collaboration. A major research benefit of the approach was the provision of information not available from other sources: 300 days of direct and unimpeded observation of commercial fishing by researchers; detailed catch and effort records from a further 126 fishing trips; and 53 interviews completed with fishers. Fishers also provided extensive operational information about the fishery as well as ongoing support for subsequent research projects. The time and resources required to complete the research in this consultative framework were greater than for more traditional, researcher-centric fisheries research, but the benefits gained far outweighed the costs.


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Three data sets were examined to define the level of interaction of reef associated sharks with the commercial Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery within the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Data were examined from fishery logbooks, an observer program within the fishery and a fishery-independent survey conducted as part of the Effects of Line Fishing (ELF) Experiment. The majority of the identified catch was comprised of grey reef (62-72%), whitetip reef (16-29%) and blacktip reef (6-13%) sharks. Logbook data revealed spatially and temporally variable landings of shark from the GBR. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) through time was stable for the period from 1989 to 2006 with no evidence of increase or decline. Data from observer and ELF data sets indicated no differences in CPUE among regions. The ELF data set demonstrated that CPUE was higher in Marine National Park zones (no fishing) when compared to General Use zones (open to fishing). The ongoing and consistent catches of reef sharks in the fishery and effectiveness of no-fishing zones suggest that management zones within the GBR Marine Park are effective at protecting a portion of the reef shark population from exploitation.


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Climate change is emerging as the single greatest threat to coral-reef ecosystems.The most immediate impacts will be a loss of diversity and changes to fish community composition and may lead to eventual declines in abundance and productivity of key fisheries species. A key component of this research is to assess effects of projected changes in environmental conditions (temperature and ocean acidity) due to climate change on reproduction, growth and development of coral trout (Plectropomus leopardis).Ultimately, this research will fill key knowledge gaps about climate change impacts on larger fishes, which are fundamental to optimizing resilience-based management, and in turn improve the adaptive capacity of industries and communities along the Great Barrier Reef.


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Targets for improvements in water quality entering the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) have been set through the Reef Water Quality Protection Plan (Reef Plan). To measure and report on progress towards the targets set a program has been established that combines monitoring and modelling at paddock through to catchment and reef scales; the Paddock to Reef Integrated Monitoring, Modelling and Reporting Program (Paddock to Reef Program). This program aims to provide evidence of links between land management activities, water quality and reef health. Five lines of evidence are used: the effectiveness of management practices to improve water quality; the prevalence of management practice adoption and change in catchment indicators; long-term monitoring of catchment water quality; paddock & catchment modelling to provide a relative assessment of progress towards meeting targets; and finally marine monitoring of GBR water quality and reef ecosystem health. This paper outlines the first four lines of evidence. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.