9 resultados para New oil regulatory mark

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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The fatty acid composition of ground nuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) commonly known as peanuts, is an important consideration when a new variety is being released. The composition impacts on nutrition and, importantly, self-life of peanut products. To select for suitable breeding material, it was necessary to develop a rapid, non-derstructive and cost-efficient method. Near infrared spectroscopy was chosen as that methodology. Calibrations were developed for two major fatty-acid components, oleic and linoleic acids and two minor components, palmitic and stearic acids, as well as total oil content. Partial least squares models indicated a high level of precision with a squared multiple correlation coefficient of greater than 0.90 for each constitutent. Standard errors for prediction for oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic acids and total oil content were 6.4%, 4.5%, 0.8%, 0.9% and 1.3% respectively. The results demonstrated that reasonable calibrations could be developed to predict oil composition and content of peanuts for a breeding programme.


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Twenty-six microsatellite loci have been isolated from a dugong (Dugong dugon). The average heterozygosity was 0.52 with two to 10 alleles per locus surveyed from 50 individuals. The markers are suitable for genetic mark-recapture (PID = 5 × 10-16) in dugongs and they could also be used to quantify physical tag loss, estimate relatedness, assign paternity, elucidate population structure and identify migrants.


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In 2001, an incursion of Mycosphaerella fijiensis, the causal agent of black Sigatoka, was detected in Australia's largest commercial banana growing region, the Tully Banana Production Area in North Queensland. An intensive surveillance and eradication campaign was undertaken which resulted in the reinstatement of the disease-free status for black Sigatoka in 2005. This was the first time black Sigatoka had ever been eradicated from commercial plantations. The success of the eradication campaign was testament to good working relationships between scientists, growers, crop monitors, quarantine regulatory bodies and industry. A key contributing factor to the success was the deployment of a PCR-based molecular diagnostic assay, developed by the Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Plant Protection (CRCTPP). This assay complemented morphological identification and allowed high throughput diagnosis of samples facilitating rapid decision-making during the eradication campaign. This paper describes the development and successful deployment of molecular diagnostics for black Sigatoka. Shortcomings in the gel-based assay are discussed and the advantages of highly specific real-time PCR assays, capable of differentiating between Mycosphaerella fijiensis, Mycosphaerella musicola and Mycosphaerella eumusae are outlined. Real-time assays may provide a powerful diagnostic tool for applications in surveillance, disease forecasting and resistance testing for Sigatoka leaf spot diseases.


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In 2002, AFL Queensland and the Brisbane Lions Football Club approached the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (Queensland) for advice on improving their Premier League sports fields. They were concerned about player safety and dissatisfaction with playing surfaces, particularly uneven turf cover and variable under-foot conditions. They wanted to get the best from new investments in ground maintenance equipment and irrigation infrastructure. Their sports fields were representative of community-standard, multi-use venues throughout Australia; generally ‘natural’ soil fields, with low maintenance budgets, managed by volunteers. Improvements such as reconstruction, drainage, or regular re-turfing are generally not affordable. Our project aimed to: (a) Review current world practice and performance benchmarks; (b) Demonstrate best-practice management for community-standard fields; (c) Adapt relevant methods for surface performance testing; (d) Assess current soils, and investigate useful amendments; (e) Improve irrigation system performance; and (e) Build industry capacity and encourage patterns for ongoing learning. Most global sports field research focuses on elite, sand-based fields. We adjusted elite standards for surface performance (hardness, traction, soil moisture, evenness, sward cover/height) and maintenance programs, to suit community-standard fields with lesser input resources. In regularly auditing ground conditions across 12 AFLQ fields in SE QLD, we discovered surface hardness (measured by Clegg Hammer) was the No. 1 factor affecting player safety and surface performance. Other important indices were turf coverage and surface compaction (measured by penetrometer). AFLQ now runs regularly audits affiliated fields, and closes grounds with hardness readings greater than 190 Gmax. Aerating every two months was the primary mechanical practice improving surface condition and reducing hardness levels to < 110 Gmax on the renovated project fields. With irrigation installation, these fields now record surface conditions comparable to elite fields. These improvements encouraged many other sporting organisations to seek advice / assistance from the project team. AFLQ have since substantially invested in an expanded ground improvement program, to cater for this substantially increased demand. In auditing irrigation systems across project fields, we identified low maintenance (with < 65% of sprinklers operating optimally) as a major problem. Retrofitting better nozzles and adjusting sprinklers improved irrigation distribution uniformity to 75-80%. Research showed that reducing irrigation frequency to weekly, and preparedness to withhold irrigation longer after rain, reduced irrigation requirement by 30-50%, compared to industry benchmarks of 5-6 ML/ha/annum. Project team consultation with regulatory authorities enhanced irrigation efficiency under imposed regional water restrictions. Laboratory studies showed incorporated biosolids / composts, or topdressed crumb rubber, improved compaction resistance of soils. Field evaluations confirmed compost incorporation significantly reduced surface hardness of high wear areas in dry conditions, whilst crumb rubber assisted turf persistence into early winter. Neither amendment was a panacea for poor agronomic practices. Under the auspices of the project Trade Mark Sureplay®, we published > 80 articles, and held > 100 extension activities involving > 2,000 participants. Sureplay® has developed a multi-level curator training structure and resource materials, subject to commercial implementation. The partnerships with industry bodies (particularly AFLQ), frequent extension activities, and engagement with government/regulatory sectors have been very successful, and are encouraged for any future work. Specific aspects of sports field management for further research include: (a) Understanding of factors affecting turf wear resistance and recovery, to improve turf persistence under wear; (b) Simple tests for pinpointing areas of fields with high hardness risk; and (c) Evaluation of new irrigation infrastructure, ‘water-saving’ devices, and irrigation protocols, in improving water use and turf cover outcomes.


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This study aimed to assess the effect of tea tree oil based formulations against two major ectoparasitic diseases in the sheep industry, flystrike and louse infestation, and to provide data to assist the assessment of the commercial feasibility of development of tea tree oil based ectoparasiticides. The results demonstrate insecticidal effects against both sheep lice and blowflies and repellent effects against adult flies and maggots. Dipping sheep in a Tea Tree Oil based formulation appeared to completely eradicate lice and suggests its potential use in sheep dipping formulations. Repellent and insecticidal effects against sheep blowflies, together with previously reported anti-microbial and wound healing properties, suggest significant benefits from the inclusion of tea tree oil in flystrike and wound treatment formulations. These effects occurred at concentrations of Tea Tree Oil that suggest the commercial viability of development of Tea Tree Oil based formulations for sheep parasite control and wound treatment and a potential new market for Tea Tree Oil.


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To collate support and extension materials to ensure the recipients of Australian cattle have, at least, a minimum understanding of animal husbandry. As the number of destination markets increases, the need will also increase to produce similar material relevant and locally sensitive for these new markets.


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Mikania micrantha, Kunth. H.B.K (Asteraceae) or mile-a-minute is a weed of Neotropical origin in 17 Pacific Island countries. It is becoming increasingly regarded as an invasive weed in Papua New Guinea and is now the focus of an Australian Government-funded biological control program. As part of the program, growth rates, distribution and physical and socia-economic impacts were studied to obtain baseline data and to assist with the field release of biological control agents. Through public awareness campaigns and dedicated surveys, mikania has been reported in most lowland provinces. It is particularly widespread in East New Britain and West New Britain Province. In field trials, mikania grew more than 1 metre per month in open sunny areas but slightly slower when growing under cocoa. The weed invades a wide range of land types, impacting on plantations and food gardens, smothering pawpaw, young cocoa, banana, taro, young oil palms and ornamental plants. In socia-economic surveys, mikania was found to have severe impacts on crop production and income generated through reduced yields and high weeding costs. These studies suggest that there would be substantial benefits to the community if biological control of mikania is successful.


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Mikania micrantha or mile-a-minute is regarded as a major invasive weed in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and is now the target of a biological control program. As part of the program, distribution and physical and socioeconomic impacts of M. micrantha were studied to obtain baseline data and to assist with field release of biological control agents. Through public awareness campaigns and dedicated surveys, M. micrantha has been reported in all 15 lowland provinces. It is particularly widespread in East New Britain, as well as in West New Britain and New Ireland. A CLIMEX model suggests that M. micrantha has the potential to continue to spread throughout all lowland areas in PNG. The weed was found in a wide range of land uses, impacting on plantations and food gardens and smothering papaya, young cocoa, banana, taro, young oil palms, and ornamental plants. In socioeconomic surveys, M. micrantha was found to have severe impacts on crop production and income generated through reduced yields and high weeding costs, particularly in subsistence mixed cropping systems. About 89% of all respondents had M. micrantha on their land, and 71% of respondents had to weed monthly. Approximately 96% of respondents in subsistence mixed cropping systems used only physical means of control compared with 68% of respondents in other farming systems. About 45% of all respondents estimated that M. micrantha causes yield losses in excess of 30%. These studies suggest that there would be substantial benefits to landholders if biological control of M. micrantha were to be successful.


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Graminicolous Downy Mildew (GDM) diseases caused by the genera Peronosclerospora (13 spp.) and Sclerophthora (6 spp. and 1 variety) are poorly studied but destructive diseases of major crops such as corn, sorghum, sugarcane and other graminoids. Eight of the 13 described Peronosclerospora spp. are able to infect corn. In particular, P. philippinensis (= P. sacchari), P. maydis, P. heteropogonis, and S. rayssiae var. zeae cause major losses in corn yields in tropical Asia. In 2012 a new species, P. australiensis, was described based on isolates previously identified as P. maydis in Australia; this species is now a pathogen of major concern. Despite the strong impact of GDM diseases, there are presently no reliable molecular methods available for their detection. GDM pathogens are among the most difficult Oomycetes to identify using molecular tools, as their taxonomy is very challenging, and little genetic sequence data are available for development of molecular tools to detect GDM pathogens to species level. For example, from over 15 genes used in identification, diagnostics or phylogeny of Phytophthora, only ITS1 and cox2 show promise for use with GDM pathogens. Multiplex/multigene conventional and qPCR assays are currently under evaluation for the detection of economically important GDM spp. Scientists from the USA, Germany, Canada, Australia, and the Philippines are collaborating on the development and testing of diagnostic tools for these pathogens of concern.