4 resultados para Longitude.

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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The distribution and nutritional profiles of sub-tidal seagrasses from the Torres Strait were surveyed and mapped across an area of 31,000 km2. Benthic sediment composition, water depth, seagrass species type and nutrients were sampled at 168 points selected in a stratified representative pattern. Eleven species of seagrass were present at 56 (33.3%) of the sample points. Halophila spinulosa, Halophila ovalis, Cymodocea serrulata and Syringodium isoetifolium were the most common species and these were nutrient profiled. Sub-tidal seagrass distribution (and associated seagrass nutrient concentrations) was generally confined to northern-central and south-western regions of the survey area (<longitude 142.60), where mean water depth was relatively shallow (approximately 13 m below MSL) and where sediments were comprised primarily muddy sand to gravelly sand. Seagrass nitrogen and starch content, the most important nutrients for marine herbivores, were significantly correlated with species and with the plant component (above or below ground). For all seagrass species, the above-ground component (shoots and leaves) possessed greater nitrogen concentrations than the below-ground component (roots and rhizomes), which possessed greater starch concentrations. S. isoetifolium had the highest total nitrogen concentrations (1.40±0.05% DW). However, it also had higher fibre concentrations (38.2±0.68% DW) relative to the other four species. H. ovalis possessed the highest starch concentrations (2.76±0.12% DW) and highest digestibility (83.24±0.66% DW) as well as the lowest fibre (27.2±0.66% DW). The high relative abundance (found at 55% of the sites that had seagrass) and nutrient quality characteristics of H. ovalis make it an important source of energy to marine herbivores that forage sub-tidally in the Torres Strait. There were two regions in Torres Strait (north-central and south-western) where sub-tidal seagrass meadows were prevalent and of relatively higher nutritional value. This spatial and nutritional information can be used by local agencies to manage and to protect the ecological, economic and cultural values of the sub-tidal seagrass ecosystems and associated fisheries of the Torres Strait.


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The effects of fertilisers on 8 tropical turfgrasses growing in 100-L bags of sand were studied over winter in Murrumba Downs, just north of Brisbane in southern Queensland (latitude 27.4°S, longitude 153.1°E). The species used were: Axonopus compressus (broad-leaf carpetgrass), Cynodon dactylon (bermudagrass 'Winter Green') and C. dactylon x C. transvaalensis hybrid ('Tifgreen'), Digitaria didactyla (Queensland blue couch), Paspalum notatum (bahiagrass '38824'), Stenotaphrum secundatum (buffalograss 'Palmetto'), Eremochloa ophiuroides (centipedegrass 'Centec') and Zoysia japonica (zoysiagrass 'ZT-11'). Control plots were fertilised with complete fertilisers every month from May to September (72 kg N/ha, 31 kg P/ha, 84 kg K/ha, 48 kg S/ha, 30 kg Ca/ha and 7.2 kg Mg/ha), and unfertilised plots received no fertiliser. Carpetgrass and standard bermudagrass were the most sensitive species to nutrient supply, with lower shoot dry weights in the unfertilised plots (shoots mowed to thatch level) compared with the fertilised plots in June. There were lower shoot dry weights in the unfertilised plots in July for all species, except for buffalograss, centipedegrass and zoysiagrass, and lower shoot dry weights in the unfertilised plots in August for all species, except for centipedegrass. At the end of the experiment in September, unfertilised plots were 11% of the shoot dry weights of fertilised plots, with all species affected. Mean shoot nitrogen concentrations fell from 3.2 to 1.7% in the unfertilised plots from May to August, below the sufficiency range for turfgrasses (2.8-3.5%). There were also declines in P (0.45-0.36%), K (2.4-1.5%), S (0.35-0.25%), Mg (0.24-0.18%) and B (9-6 mg/kg), which were all in the sufficiency range. The shoots in the control plots took up the following levels (kg/ha.month) of nutrients: N, 10.0-27.0; P, 1.6-4.0; K, 8.2-19.8; S, 1.0-4.2; Ca, 1.1-3.3; and Mg, 0.8-2.2, compared with applications (kg/ha.month) of: N, 72; P, 31; K, 84; S, 48; Ca, 30; and Mg, 7.2, indicating a recovery of 14-38% for N, 5-13% for P, 10-24% for K, 2-9% for S, 4-11% for Ca and 11-30% for Mg. These results suggest that buffalograss, centipedegrass and zoysiagrass are less sensitive to low nutrient supply than carpetgrass, bermudagrass, blue couch and bahiagrass. Data on nutrient uptake showed that the less sensitive species required only half or less of the nitrogen required to maintain the growth of the other grasses, indicating potential savings for turf managers in fertiliser costs and the environment in terms of nutrients entering waterways.


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Raw data from SeaScan™ transects off Wide Bay (south Queensland) taken in August 2007 as part of a study of ecological factors influencing the distribution of spanner crabs (Ranina ranina). The dataset (comma-delimited ascii file) comprises the following fields: 1. record number 2. date-time (GMT) 3. date-time (AEST) 4. latitude (signed decimal degrees) 5. longitude (decimal degrees) 6. speed over ground (knots) 7. depth (m) 8. seabed roughness (v) 9. hardness (v) Indices of roughness and hardness (from the first and second echoes respectively) were obtained using a SeaScan™ 100 system (un-referenced) on board the Research Vessel Tom Marshall, with the ship’s Furuno FCV 1100 echo sounder and 1 kW, 50 kHz transducer. Generally vessel speed was kept below about 14 kt (typically ~12 kt), and the echo-sounder range set to 80 m. The data were filtered to remove errors due to data drop-out, straying beyond system depth limits (min. 10 m), or transducer interference.


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Only three of the 11 species in the genus Zoysia Willd. have thus far contributed to commercially available turfgrass varieties. One of the neglected taxa is Z. macrantha Desv., an Australian native species further divided into two subspecies. The coarser Z. macrantha subsp. macrantha occurs on sand dunes, headlands and tidal areas along eastern and southeastern coasts from about 23 to 38°S latitude. The shorter, denser-growing Z. macrantha subsp. walshii M.E. Nightingale is found on the southern mainland (South Australia and Victoria from longitude 137° to 148°E and at latitudes higher than 36°S), adjacent offshore islands, and northern, eastern and central Tasmania to 43°S growing on the edges of coastal, sub-coastal and even inland salt lakes, in riverine environments, and from moist grassy depressions (both coastal and inland) to rocky headlands. The latter subspecies has the more discontinuous and specialised distribution, largely determined by the need for an appropriate level of peat, clay or silt in the soil to maintain adequate moisture during the dry summers in southern Australia while at the same time avoiding anything more than temporary waterlogging. It grows on low fertility soils ranging from strongly acid to neutral or mildly alkaline, and is often very closely grazed by marsupials. Both subspecies are salt and drought tolerant, but not notably shade tolerant. Their potential to add greater drought tolerance in particular to the Asian Zoysia material in current use through future breeding programs is discussed.